Mr Alex.rMc Deauth bs tatken one of <ünr oldest 1 Jn e n Toronto, in the rall....Mr. Armçstrnoxwas home from Mont- ~I ~rCurbtn, ~ cur-,vasemarkarie-whren- carring ecood eain as fgcrýs only; ý5. TLo~hTkklztjto Sertb fi ransoti, Bates & Co., Toronto. I ' town , \'eas a kindiX Ubi istan Jaduy . iai IitS eenaitsa~ aoUtP.~lV -Monkey Brand Soap, will dlean a bouise a~ devoted mothr.-Sentinet 8tair. Bahucai. ;o,,t i'ae itnmroined-i Ê 1Au m a ',7,7ne