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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1902, p. 3

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Ujust Lý.ear L L'-,atLucn icf DR.L.LLTT 7 &,",(ce e:6ierece.(ili'rhSt.-oppoSite Tîiuity DENTHITItY. GO CBONNYCASTLE, L Il 9, DD S , ronor Gi cduatefi, ientistiy cf TreoUîe~t Oricr. : Over Centr ai 'iilhery. Eiîtrauice, 1h5ETHEL 310RU[Sg, A ItTISIT lrtt', ienltPITN fil 011. W ate[ lo a( ha Oth: 9 fugfi cm t, re. ILN o0pe11 e. i g ig t 118uai priCte-.%, . D.J.-OC-3MITCHiELL, Ir MBEOFCOL.ElGÉOF PEIYSICIANSî A. B. MOLAUG HLIN, erriFter Solicitor and conveyanicer. Ofl7ie iiGaiey ~loc, St g tieet, Iiowmsu-.iil MCieY to JMail nt reasýonabie rates. 48-lyr, RIE T OUNG, V. s. O FFCE N lf~1?EySBLOCK, OPPOSq 0 le To,,iill Etp1'itrance, mwht.rc liewili bct üui (1 1 rôla 8 a.n1-1.'to 9 pin. Nigit (,ais ai resjdenec, dtîetliy opp0itc Dri luedi. 1 MARIIIAGE LICENýSE3,-M. A S -11IPS ON &-BL1,AIR . P. . SMEONQ.C., CHAýýS. P. 1BL AIR Ucrfetis Soictus Noaulsetc , Morris ficck up eefiaEh g tree, liwanvilie ~c1tiuiu oxIle uuaro ani.Private mu~~~ luy Iateiatoesttsie S I.F. IIUNTEJI, ART I'ISTE iU, SOLICITOR,NOTARY >Publiec Conve arucer. Money, Private anld Comaluyi lis to leintiat lowes t curreat irates OFFCE: Kilug St., opst Dr. }Iariide;u's Dental Boom, 10 nnii. hut on goot mort- 9i19e iccillitY et mdra rates oi futerie3t, A. EAuiCLAuCHILNSoiicitor,Bowmauviie Ont, J>ENTISTS. Will be at Black, tock on the first Monday of eaclh month, at Oronio 2nui Mtondaf all da y, and at Newcastle lst Wedniesday from 2 p M. OICE-Teinpe i ance St., Bowman- villerear of Higg!nnbotham's drag stor, 0. HARNDEN, L.D.8. Gradllate o! the Roý aiCollege of Dential SrenOntario. OFFICEOpposte T.Bingham's office. VI'.A lA 7EDlAI1R, klwayys Up-to-date This is my motte :-Eaeh 3 ear as the newimprovementsare placed on the market, 1 almass make it a special l3ow'suANVîLLIin Market Square. L.A ex ,IjOuol and Poreot uarp fn ione asg5îttp~g.Cn y y~~yg Y wiek suînry owotteis 1: Trn ~ ýsthamrptein, NX ieaetut inTII the 'niin weethe gront Lymn,_! ehe-, lu ltftet of ent y Saat Bcseuseti t ie, at eeayc tefanîr- w are hin. An ie rýccnsccate Ou, Ow Pusnal i,,,,cs to he wn y filI maser v1sîitdng !bis lirether- the nekoti bita tet ï v c cý'- V c c reacaho', pre(I e tiii î theý, ther la e vlla e c A otlitrofliers, antiesister'se)cf ~e s~eimai Wllini bufr, i on esI ICtioe eittg ainicably sett i5CiOIOi5don r - a bre Atriieii5sg th fiet nntna11y e#. t' ntla rastC o te okingdmnary Sreti cario'tte, aveu u ge iM, bniPl "The fi dOb Alat- ý,esribu( liI\" I,ý- ilesmenti." I-llî Ue2 littie tealn7osi there levoeýr neoulti come a eyda grat theaize ttatlifor h ditibi tirewor, Iertrca ant fr te rnanont u INTERNAT'IONAiL STIUGLE. poîei ncnsnuliiippear on eay ofhuinm.But there Ho pirtucri tîntItoyavnt jn inote itan1 ce-lieton-e at Jlcast 2,0000rend- as anmc wli as a Wilse iV,9y future. Hoaraet aer-y Furepean ee. Ho it-tle rea7izei ee _ot out tbe metierun holiday n lleurupn OnOor ile, tier sti o dyblc bs(e)aîIlhp. o le l' Y ste glenify the pasî 0f theoba.iattenigbt bafoue tI'le(n-eaized îîowr Qed iutcoe 15 hc totako a natioînal 'ino geotbIl"'t pon n s- i s'n blis pou ind ia p. Ho 0c fnîhtons te liurpese o! reu il 'LgelIlansniaoshp wnim "o- coalti ot forcesoclias ifutunrow-I,,rd- t0 ge aieati antid aInî hotî i no canthe nîs et Ilte tw iite fowcsr ayal y'h 'ni ie, ef ulLi victories ltat ainst fonls.'usniitrieli tpu ai csa towctwheittt wvon it n-dec te fuldhl the missions Il 'taiugh o tu Pn 1,;Oilay-o-oc uIn-l eutfîa n ie ant i ay insir ris li lttr ien c bacast a dîgul. At ii nt" fw v n'y fhelp itise tinlys of wny hoienniet tatl Vite full s-nsceptinoi-ast amuries wro uîotdacro;nittnnilose Il t1itiet- h cf Our future inifluec at oc n pne'o alictiiIb-emnaailntin eth sric cedct h lcsc haediseusse-S thnafroi a w-on- nivorntibc givein te lte ;tr)ops te Wl-destaaipo2iî. ILe anut attlne inýrie, nuet a r«ifle woenitlashlutt a lus ecîîuîtoa odelianeassoctivnoulti lc uilo-lei tta GNPA INFORMTtATION. 1 llllfs CocetIenJo lnt bel on eti Caiiono neca"(li epta, bo he tn Enai fNan iglaitdin lit bis dla y, ý1 ý Pluiîci pui oeu-y soldier' Ti-Bse!KI, owlcdge Wbich You toi d lis tiuilcy rttai interna- hneait neurtfibc thte sign oci lie cross, Shouldi Know. houI o ue wm l, Îl-01a1eau aEurope-nThelinopcltie tii-a n by titat imaagina- The lncoale oetttino Pe hast yean ity Ilie suilaten taend ti ahomine a tive w-iter tnay lie aceptti ýa sina1-actedthte respectable total cf Itter wvc irend sonîinn- ttlulont oxcetla 1wn ý S,850,000. titis. '"!arar rt11)'-I w -" yOn facts. uec tiseiiixs Inatiay as Ji Gerimalis sîioti 368 tons of eig- nigit do as - I-eoi y cr nli ntn ia iuuo iv ihonda aettes lad tyoar, agatacc L38 tons ini yeu nioraltiantuîy ft-itiel o nnotg Iari gan i 1891. taenit aretiIa Ianei Sen nrit-r -Crbistc e1e, ah' so Abount fecty-oune in enrry thousni t acatici tonehuos yeu thle tfîitfsiîmiii aclýi tino ciiblernicf theos-es eaon !tiithe Britieli nrmy are six fooet au CotJF'is pvlcaeces andt !evsnnlte fili enl.of the comnmuntseldier in ligitt ant i cicr. tna tci eienmcu.iptiois et1d rinats aan LI 1ballet linat pe,-iennt- Ian Cairc tte i ;IPition cf hltunt and Id l h\cs ati boi silal ci twilti nid a a nann but a nation. pepOlle 1to epaiulatuo, ite ao t tiiEuuseeuaiaa chunet tnps- i e shih pilna signa etf tttilercal Oeey twnotty rosideants., te in il is foeiseti tu-na arroC pnc(panot-- -o1 tntnho eaîuy las'atitieti ne territry S ias. b he litean o f a_supncnue court cf silice !i71, but lier Populin las j 'ntpiati uîî-Iy tin o st impO,_Iý,uit tnOrutinl anhltration. Tiesga tiosi 16,000,000( silie tin. of -,Il futueauisesis othe spro-eal naîllceea tîat çniar, bllody, tcai t tltsabonnI Ilrece condts for a nnilg Of 1litegospel unî i il shah 1>ýici, deneonuacal mac, sial lie ne ielsao Vogo tîoîincoeenni etolte Preacined i laIail ttc DidOj'or nanit- - longea- ; 1maI nar 5hall fon-oner bhoasAtlantic cablo te t'fiessîbor. nou nnuc lin , lnt-.' eIABible ieati as tnothe iriuieo f lent so- Scitool ciniltdient laVictoria, Aras- tics nit hat tuI ic înieiii-itlial Idieu 5, niue ibodiec are tms rita,are enurit inlaStreent cars le devlu'stnng roneirs il ati foaacholîclfroce eotschge. J IL OlEGU AUiLX F'iDTE OL. u osi f pestage stannipe us h as tre 'l'iisefirs tis th eaýe- t BttUited Kiungtiotin amouats tb 14-1 aits tistuaise rt, aipslu ecrra Bot ortu sIio ulexotinisue nilliens peintis slefling yoarly7. bilule'illiheiglîttnakitig ilnuthean-oas 1CI-it'tte stsertig)OI. gospl 0f Jsus Eery inabitaînt cf tineUnited hhnoîgi Vie uidehruasî upn lre opsChrst s t prn-etitt apeole na -tbiagtloim nay bli id figinnaively cf thie moi,'runîins lis-fibeen set attîo ho tauo Ici GOti awuiy c p-c-te inelti cay ovon- 180 )acres abroati. n- snt aelose caiinpr-. it does peiy das s i la I,,fiys cf ati- heiteeouptith rl fr mot sate Ibat the, ailietnial daly noxsit. limn a peouple are pour, seeoîpucflt nifc Jalali ceme ns nben flic f ian l te w,-enk auandhcli-s-, ithein n treuhleti aycar seul i nake a coiutn 1,000 te'iaig hoot l ou inor atibsetiniaud uIocngpopl aet ireugit andtianmile andtia thicti bars' cf elfew gelti eresViethen- tr'iinforinliban Iýy anti fort- ieir baîthn. Tt-us o tt ht tei(- ie ,cleto f Ru-siaun railwaeys are i lie nncst gon-y*cftineLord cinni lecove Iie xlae s io tolons ng them fonadera igorous la the sonid. T!,irty t er- ,,tiins the w-sLers un er tinescea, trtuh a e ary jeuurnoy cf a sosi every millionapr,, îgr a- -as tienoÔictidtiiagraiuîaiiy cî-oops up fortvy o-r- lanncp Vnt ulhtn nlde-elucu ilîctior bsn-t. tise boacIn. But lino Bible dues nae, tl eCetlicutfrtta fIllgec's strcagth cCeotsIlt - . il, lierot i-dsffncot foenJlena ea tehn that Mieona tie gospel cf Jeas jl"te praynatimvrei oti, but ns. L o thedlona alin; but aean ar Chriant 11 libe proclain n ila vecy l(ýeiifrapolet ctu - oddwnalo:1u iere r tona PIage anti ity cf on cy na- fUod iilefor a eope ericetceie ýla re quin-edtoli heltiatg hil, sh l liepreetn'în,il Ce ui rs etiesad eoiiitn nI Biih no-a ed 1-1iteavy on-- lina arontain log btut anti in the fluonce eoines, they liane an espeei.ll Wlsob s h h'p's es-li: w-len il shah lie pro- - grince gin cn totethcni. Ili le itnificit txl1ph.B-asl pi te etainlati untier Ibhecitatioons-e eryite hoc truc te Ced ihea tine niginty pay 15)per cent. ou i thir 'i-efile, s-tit legisinti e l'ail atndily lte camp f re eslae ea ulitiatI ctrcporations a bc,1Ile fire cf evory Ieatinen tribe; wniut it anollet fenecy barben- toe hep cut ceFntc. lt eo ha onk ehî-lllieprctnnitilaiah in soît 0hofort agin foe anti m h L 'ratie lte ioldstis noregula-iy sung te as for n îv1i1rese3 anto aili naions, lînen etftine tacîory anaîtthe ivîistle cf tine sshlteencuniinte." 'tniuthe il-steam car-gine nitn he fheaisonu eeuvaglnt te exe-tiomi, anti lenialila shll c foodd ithý i,, nd he lwof heno eaanat bas the mSliglutust tculit Icutill dy snai li fiatiti iltainiier andth ie tasp cf Ibhecane arecia.hesaiaeîo's ehmnli ighlt, eon nas, a farkenri hall is ]all thiag anertnimaiss-aiitnioit ho pleasuxe iuîs-lnutty iluannuiatedt ,,w1 lii tlte t bie cf s a iennoal linancs-al sc- E m ua ec atn le Marly difulercnt electrie ligitte-flashnec.i Oftulficapol E t(iagtioi - ain nthe a itedf eut at thue toueli cf a siaglie hbt- u prny to n eifictpu fonrualpele , OKigon-mn oa n hl ton. Thon the milleanriai day citait 1Codi, givelis luis tay otîr dti nlv--ues nan avragb noui loch orvmil lie full of brililicy, as tiseblunck-broaiwnheno tine gmantxles are fllnitle a;abu lil-nemi nes ofrniiiiht as hanedint ofwhot' irdcor lons a day fer Loandon iole ncs ofmiinîgut ws eiagettae e w-iet nnt0cen and thc bannît Fishenmnen axo net-y ftee froint con- - the lilgitnes.s oeti iin wlion Godi inuits are a-c einulÇ iit stlit goit unpjun mn ,00daisc n paho at lte nie niang cf citation anti the sevn nyears cf pionty mailinrnicîn. en 108,0arc faIbs dl- the fouir simple w ortie, "Let tlinon-o le rcintet out cf the publlie mnthe tts5a'-eminrons ltno rate atnieng drap- t ligit," andti îere sas ligitt. Tlitotact linat liiere ovea- cuiddcoe se na i esis 201 Per 1,000, antiarnonng tailleniiday shall corne ias suit-yeoaas of abject antisunie et ns s-nt. pitr 6 e-100 isl as the tenîgues cf firel-eap- I celcetedti iis Vast, "Teieullul t Tir e maltsteri ialey ma ed eut cf aima itavens wlnen the Hcly lte ieri," for Iso neasons-ftue, IeIufate rl iuulit Enîgnt. Spirit itoven-r oser tihitsie lnhbcusuit in otiehe ly tlno a tr ains n Eeter naît prnying, rtcnting, nexultant Pentee- -u lîito h' is discipleýs exactly ofo aiB aaintn xIees costal mioreitniOe. en tie fc !to wali.t1a e'eîî s5. idao h ýolI-jeTl--au sa Hon lte filan-ent îeiius teinoini- nn,ep clf cenr tuture aiarueIan the'icur lnationis are abie te mom iteby evagl1i7,ijion cf l-ite hî'eilunnus- 11cc'l e ie ati-ysale a side inn uuirc e lt chcigof puieres,. ACîicJt;nteia eRu-aa-oaotJnail frin t lte gospel seat ntay lia lusrleby mur'e 1-ighnt te close itsdes nnti toL ýýonn, btl lnyrem tie ee nan~ ~~th lctntl lItiite, e! George Ilin-e for itsehf anti lttaomtcfleTis sapcutaaginet tire n White-fic-iti. One tiny ite roat ovan- people eo ief etsfo ui a n ft Ilussian tisoitnge arc gehit stpper irmntiahlina lie tînan ana lndun Tiluiai hane tit>hg, l u~bttisî 1 eonicuîcar, 101 tg u a5 hengînlock anti lis-lte tocn s F !bis osa krIl ýI 1eHI] f AI- hoane anditlet his neiginuors lie iiuml i at ayefaesl e-an niginîy, calot eutini lîtenmegation, toredti licolO 'biecti0u aIllow i'si5$,10Wtf ieCvttnetbfc 'QLtor-d, remotho:reany Ptosbytoni- neigbibore te naltroat them osa linyar1 onntcient.0 " n i navn?" "No," ainnabaek ctlie.As Cala sas bislimothner'sti-aisl îiliemititsy prcirIat te ansser. -0(, ,Lot-O, as-o tere heepet-, s s ev ery Christtan nation a dalnje1-funi(u1w u'faîiyOri a Eplsceeanlnus i incavou nmorally respoans ible fer lIno oticca- boire . "No" agaun caînte thne answor, -0O tien ofe!1, lnaeilrc iWs Kmsigou Lord, are ttoero anuy MýethedIsîs ii FVRV TIER NATION. L1z)in ntie la iIil psteri; itean-oun"'No," '"Who tisoni, 'aki-o Bttn scn osansn e anntntigtl n o!fn oe time enIzensuagof th sgespo.lseet y t nie scon-utsoli we f1rsltel catbul'ilu bowaent was. t thno nalien Ihero rire sîhls tny ft is s inloli Iues have u-pesntntivee upon ltaI tri- uîntment taltes eout lteé smanuîng and jLULIt I' ( n l -i - tt al bunni. Tbrn ,itemu taternationnal allays the inflammation lua asurpriningly naesannon e racernse cx- 15e,p tiittcuiûie arise tncc om Annlis W hshort lime. Then fe,'buras.caltis w-ile lhey are aL, tebet ini ena lie 'P"rceruly wCS tine liAAla- Macd e su ci Chesninlnicoa or thunt asteaisitthe atnrge citien. fi bannadams wcnt ai-i l tîcti euptien cf the stn r hse it ___t mot af£îlfsaseticraincrejtô seanbld a 171 ceîpsetetthohacornet bj idipesalelascre LdyHpetelun l do ott o0 le ofhomusadof homes; 60 cenis a box, liense, andiooc ie lis ai fuverepesotatveswlnth sce uc -a al icaenor Edmrraron, Bates & CeO, s ita Engiisb'Oeiety . he driv7esr niîcihytt>Uitt htsC-stToronwt. -tutooorfurln-nniwotenalic cu ettîcibefero - ltaiufll nebc'tet ;1pasimlleu clhecr u ur 'hisanti ta ila 1900;oanti1as1Vite sacof daims tigoiime tIhe ChinnaoGot càIlt[lelt oII S at it Le bnsoneolliefie ati neives anti uIl nrs1 on-gel theirt-rtouble, ant ione' 'li11 Hoc reocicIng ah the final evertbrerw f Nap-"oleon. But tne laurels fo t-gnlty con Ibis occasiin ret nth1ý a arrington gentlemanýihe caesdOfv. anenoti taof h Itorlticelbu ý1ulatîi 1oto lise i- mnnnaios 1braia1g hie on [ onwe dewia. Titis ho laCtua, ly( 1iti,? uti it appeairs th14,ieuse SF15an o(Ad -ne, Lmosutly moiatiolni hu hait ID J T tJElEB 'ï N~ PEA 0 w,,r TERMfINATED AYIVl OCNE FENT'lIuJS- IASM.I 3Sorne Strange Ways in Which Pe: pie HaveClerti the End o!War. One nust Leekbenck te the days 0z thet, rpa waa-s ian wlçich 1Cr Itain evek pltt elz ulcu t fhiusîý 11) for Peace - whein it 'wa duiclanerl-,t its iniginest pitcn.()n ilstanceo0f extratordsinary eruthi as"' for penuse was rultur the conclu siin of the troaty of Ryswick xshid brouughi. to aun eni the waa- betwc Faranuce, Spain,IRtollandi anti Fat lnd, qifter a canipcîtgn gloriolls t( eur- arns unde- Willhjncof- Oranget Thnis Peaco was a deathblow te th, StuaIrt cause in Eng)ntîd. TIhe vh tory cf William - the om-is reo 'the IBritish throne, te ns oni a larg( proportion cf the populatiotn wer- t iolently opposed - cansed i undreti of J11acobites te givo up titeir sup. port cf the Stuarts, anti own allegi- ance te Williamn. The peaco, how- cver, proveti too miueli for co eau-lt est Jacobite, who celel'rated it b' thronxing himself into the Tianeý rather than briag himself te rcog- nize that the uisurper lhat triuinnph- cd, says Pearson's Weekly. The Pence cf Ryswick alsc brought uq, fotr the flrst time, the street nows placar-d.- When the news inas anaounccd, placards bearing it werý ail ever tiho town, a ctustoîn whiel lias since, assnied such enormnous di- mieasions. BEJOICEIIS WRECK A C0usCI-. The biggest blaze cf ail li the il- inuminations whieh took place or this occasion was shiown by a linteli mnan, nannely, the Ainbassador , of the States General of Hollanti, wbc iunformcd his Govecinintt that lie 'aoulti celebrate ponce la a manaca ho utting the coun try hc represented, so ordored 140 ban reoiscI nteh te b intetibeore bis lucuso inPal! 1Mall , 'hiwlien ligitoti np matie titat tborougbifarc aund I iecadilly ai bright as noonday. At the Pence cf 1801, a-ter Nel- sons sVieton-y at Copnluaen, the peace eclibrations w ero natrked by an- instructive cnpiocf brick- bauts againat a noblennan 'abeli refus- ed to light up bis bouse. lThis was Lord Canîelfcrd, who gave instruc- tions that no ligLitswerc te ho shlown at bis residetîco la Bond uta-etL. On u.assiîig there, the crowd stan-ted booting anti thrcwing stones, on bearing whiclî bis lord- ,ship arnîcti hiniseîf with a blutigeen, ,anti strolloti cut te m-eet theo crowd. Thcy greeteti him xsith brickbats, brut liesucecedet inlalayinginuany of hie, assailants low, ant inlathe end achievecd a mocral vietcn-y against theaui. i lcwever, te s3top iurther troulble, hoc censonteti te ,how a n- die er two in the windonv, andl the crowvd passoti on te soc thenotuher il- lumninationus. Sonne Norweichn enthusiastq, ai ter the Peace of 1814, at the concluicn of the war with Napeleen, prex'icus te hie retirement te El lia, thought an apprepriato way te celcinrate tutrice wnouuld lie te wi-ck n coach ladea wita paessenge-e. Tley Lontuseti it uith Plage, tiretipef ,annd other pleasattries. Coatrary seto bir 'cx- poctations, how esor, sthe înredfate result mas for the heon -s te take, frigînt andt boit heatilong- donuaa steep bill into the xnarket place, viitn terrible resu Its toe oneryone, tene o! whom eseapoti nitheutl inn-ry CH-EHED I)CONQUmROIIS. Theo Pence of 18141-mas ceoebnntoti with terrifie elfeet by the Govern- ament, nehoe dciieti at the saine tinîne co celebrate-tîte anniitersary of the accession te tine Britishn thnrone of the Heuseocf Brun-wick. St. Jamnes', the Green, anti 1Hyde Parks vnoce tînroneil open te tule public, atnd all London tcîraeod ut toenOijey a gigaritic fete, at nibicla the' Prin. loegent aiid the Royal Fannily neere irosent. The cvening rejeieiiîgs morej uîarked by balfoon ascents, andt an cuizig tisplay of fireneoiks antd iluinai:onis costitig enormeus nut.A Clîliieso bridge w-as tinron cretiii, oru>iatnniîtal water in St. Jae'Pais, o the top of wlnich, iii ho couVrei, mas a lefty pagetia, ihiw-a sehai lianlyilluilint-1 cfi at dock tuaI it caghtire anti tas comiîîetoly tetoei A gergecus -structurecalle(1thein Templeocf Con-coci, mas ec'octe i le he park. ft bac, itt first the op-1 uoaînnco of a lertress. froan wliil ockets nanti sliahs wet-c projectes. At a givea momentt, hoe ever,., it was euiddiy traiefortooti ansdhost untc a hilaze of ligin't, reprcsentin.g Boa-ver Block, l3owmauville. De DAI.S Webeg- tg ci yoir at'îint) a inew a i i fa 1 i )t m article lu BarÙlay' 8Patent Attachflellt f FOR THE CURE OF K'Balking and Kickin7g 1Horses. ue with any harness, vliceor ipeiet Tathe purii o trol any ver ukhn emn iiite a horse. È anvbec-for kmcd .Apply te ROBERT HOOEY, BLACKSTOCK. 3-1 yr I guaran'tee my Lateat Methot I lrez tment te be a permanent and positive cur u Variccele and Stricture, without cutting, SîrýetcbiEC or tees of timne. 1n Vericoccie ft abmonbt ie baggiug, or wormiy- condition, equalizes circulation, e;to.spalu~is in the groins, Paiso ail drains, thereby gvn the Can thoir'kroper auntovtlze u at n e- stores lest Powere; in Strice i t Pabsorbe tke Stricture tissue, s;tops eatigse-nsatioh, nervouaneca. weglkness, backaofche, etc., whiie In ait prostai trcubter, 1 l: the fro81- ment car excellence. Se PLtiivc am I that My treatment 'wili cure youi, yen can PAY WHEN CURED YVou nothing unîi yen are convineed tlust a thorouli and copenre bas been estabfisbed. ThNý. shoulul cenvunce yoii thet -I have ,Confidence in mXýy 1Letost Mto Trocetment, otherylse 1 could neot malte you thi:, proposition. XVates ukcýne dîfference who flac iaileO. to cure yen, el or Write me.r Each Trime You Gall YOU See Me Personal1ly, p,Or each urne- yeu writ e' t receives my personal attention. The nutuber of yevssIF anm etablished in Detrofi, andth te curts t eceempiished after gis-en np by othcr 4c hr as pieceti me as te forerst specialilt of the country. OON8ULTrATIOti Oeil or proviouely centempîntet tieslrcying iV aiid building a nos cccon. Iiesev- or, honi-as i tfirett aiton quilo on ousiy, cspecialiy by a poeihVicaý, riv- ah w-ho, detox-tiaignet to e lo ut- donc. burat tiosn a whole tonîcnoant. Unfotunaally, n big bouse net cen- lemplatetdinlatte scbenuc caugitt fice also, sad ,titocrowd ti inking it wmas ahi part cftho shtownfit uethiauteho Pl-Ttit cul, anuit sinnthe eîvtnca hiniseli atteipl odofie o', ho marcs cetrannoias a mai Orumkai. Tlino ast gros-t pence celimralien ha lui ccnnty nas iVer I1 Clana Wnr in 1816, uit e cItiiironîn-iý oionnof maiet cthuenaffaire cf th,,t j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i knth pincpnovnbhngae mantohr cnvrLipayi yd Pak, oangn o h a osti, 'ang emery etho1,r park t'aking part lu the orgie. The dtisplany cest £10,000, anîdmsthe> mest magnificouil(-ver sean ianttis country. 110W TIIEY DO IN CH-INA. Ia Chirna liquide are soit by w-uigit ai-id graian by mîeasuro. John .linys cr,,,n o, tho n,1W-111 r JUt rt n It bll U, L-mo1-,- foo. A Chinan ne-tocpute is awer - nesy tlite piiioer t9 nne 'oulteitiec'f his itop, bulilt paýinl an xpertI-bid ?" [Bolocti-co (shL-. geeis, oui bis voctlical sgaoadom!ciet itai etl kt Ie po'ctet So(-nne îreaesutiag renrkle reqent neo yen caugil in.' "le ma ly athtit, sbi)as "-One serdhall, jus abule-"w f hnh i3 "Achidut s oothiimutnul l, lctolti npe',for te was m 'get-. chebe.' vey ingle c ieLias tlnig bis bald ud ., . te be bargahunet for, anti il is. usuni for lte ustonter te Vaho bis osa nies-sure anti seales sill i hm. A strnnana as dlficulty in carryiag oa hie itack Iso pounfs' wcrth 6t lte copper cash nebichit te bomr- mon eurreney, eo it sneessany to take a servanît te cnary cnes'ý purse.î Týhe sy cee oi silvor te th(,o only other foxai 0of lnoney betisth oppein ta di. A s i l e gi s a b oujî t C7 o., a mate n bargnin il le . olconeltere b as been ii paiti. AllboucIglis e laci faila is nto iislacenemtIons, yot, te dlo mina juice, nýwe.on oce titis cofi i ans ton paii by y- ou Ihe goînarnuly stckte bis lngie\en if lime esuthte binaluba. Angeliiana-' Tht sots n levely eni- gagoenît rinig yu gave me lnst aigbt, ýdonc :; but what doc tese initiale 'E.C.' imeanon lte insitie ?' Etisin-' Why--t-hnt is-ton't you tacs ? Thný' s tbc nasway o# stmin igiteueni Carats." This would be every housLlikeeper a cleaner,. brighter worid, If It v~~p& our pleasures; iv o - your efforts; ui~-fo your 3are;s; Add- to your Iîfe Mad ~tlyby EEN. K. FAIR13ANK COMPANY, We have, sold piles of 1Hoots the last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, arnd very cheap-flrst-elass goeds at very snialI Drices. .Oi carry a gooci at-ortment o! Ladies' Oxferd,colored and black at 81-00-.iMen's Cal! and Cordovan Jlms, sewed and rivitted, !rom $1.40 te $2.50, wurth $:).OC)te $3.50. Children's Butten and Blms 25c, 50a, 75e, wort], 50e, 75c, and $L00O. Misses', Pys' and Youths' te eorrespond iu priceb. We will tellivyen-),whait the stock is inu.oaci and every pair. The S'èasonw-e do tha.t fis because we know. Latest Spring styles now in trock in every line. ýThe publie is invited te inspect our stock; no trouble te show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Sateheýls; Shawl Straps, fancy and plain - ,Dre*31ng, the very bes ý tha;t eau b bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will muin the boots it is app'l. ed te. Repairiug- done lu ail its branches lu flrst-class style. Fine work made te, order, sure fit or ne sale, Thankiug my castomers for paat avers and hoplng for a- coatinuanee o! the tame.

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