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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1902, p. 4

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Buy the -Genuine * Binder Twine ITIS THE1 o Longest, Strorýgest,' Evenest, consequently the Cheapeste In every way it le the best on the market. Cail and see our samples. & RIwE & e.a Phone 66. One door west of PostOffice, Bowmanvllle. if a Man's In Love, That's hie business. IF A GIRL'S IN LOVE, That's her business. IF THEY GET MARRIED, That's our business. Becanse we know they are sure te ~want Lutlirell's JetseyCreamBread, .Alex. Luttreli1. BOWMANVILLI. 9-sw SULVIER SESSION I FR01 JULY 7th NEXT. Wili be held lut connection wth the regular worit of eactu departunent cf the CEM Dull COLLIGE... SpZeelal c 1re.inAccýountingi Short. bad y !writing, Penmanship, etc. *for a fulor partial course ai' .y 1 ie. *Circulars froee Address PRINCIPAL. 4b sugead Gerrard SeTorontto, .,,,the estperienceccf ail who havE bought Wall Paper from me. Pat- terne and prices are right. 1 havE special sample bocks from the lead- ing factories for yen te, select fron if yen want something very extra and exclusive. Ourtain Polos, complete, 25c Window Shades, from 40e: iDon't drive nails in your, walls, pu.t up meulding.- I have a large assortment te suit ail shades of paper. Pieture' framing is a epecialty. j4 finue assortment cof Pictuire Croquet Sets and Express Wagons. A lineo f Coronation Stationcry jusi reeeived in].boxes, vcry prctty, froml2Coe nu BOWMANVILLE. BraLd of Cucumber and Olive Soap., 3 large 8 1-2 oz. cakes for loc. A whole window full of Soap at MODER1V[ID' Drug Store. 1 The canadian Statesnian, BOWMANVILfLE. JULY 9, 1902 Frequn showers the p ast three weëeks av dueimoasura hie damage to crops. Thousands of acr es of hay, eut early, have been render ed alrnost valueless for fodder, barley and fal wheat hiave been leveled to t ho groutid neyer to rise ap'ain. corn and o ther hoe crops have suffered badly, as f armers have been unanle to get on the ]and tu do the hoeing and cuitivating. Favor- able weather for the next f ew weeks will iniproxe conditions groatl y, but up to this writingl the situation is discour- aging in the extrema. Floods have done tremendous damage inu New York State where bridges, houses and other buildings have been carried a-way be- sides incalculable danage to crops. GOLDEN WeDDING. An event th* can happen but once in a life time is certairily worthy of more than passing mention. Hence the golden wedding of, two worthy citizens, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manning, deserves spacei commensurate wjth the years of theirj happy wedded life. Whatever their thoughts of the arrivai of the fiftieth mile stone rmay havebeen, their many friends- at Jea;t considered it a welcome oppor- tunity to express a love genuine" and deep. The elemant cf surprise is potent aise in such aff airs and was complete in its awakening effects. A corrimittee had been busy finding the -goid in various sized nuggets in unexpected places with-j out periious Klondike experiences. The1 fifty dollar mark was soon and easiiy ap- proached, and with gold and a rocking chair and baskets of good things for a meal for every'body, a large company maî-ched fromn the Disciple church to the home cf the unsuspccting "victims" a littie before six o'clock on Sat urday even- ing; and when ilirce or four heurs later the diîpersing began it was wiffi the feel- ging that the plan had bien executed in te most satisfactory manner. Mr. James Gilfillan, B. A , presided during the formai cermonies, opening with a fcw happily chosenan e ing words. Rev. B. H. Hayden made the presentatien address, and Mrs. George Buatchart delivered the purse of goid. A very interesting address was given by Mr. George McGill, Manager -of the Ont- ario Banik, who had known the parties for thirty ycars. Mr. Wm. Law who had known themn for about fifty yeans said a few words also. Mrs. S J. Henry spokeapporeciative words after whichMrs. Manning dceply movcd ail heants by her theughtful and clearly spoken words cf nesponse. Prayerwa offercd by Rev. Hayden and al -joinied ,in singing. "Blest be the tic- that hiinds." Relatives amd friends froin Toronto present were:, Mr and Mns. James Brown, Mn. John Cud- more, ýMrs. W. H. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. E.,Ashinede and Ni r. and'Mrs John Orr. RE-UNIO N 0F COUSINS. i Dccc rate for the 12th StMake Batu, day a gala day. Sos and shops epen July l2th. Mrs.M. Cryaerman is viiting friends eut cf tewn. Mr. Frank Lyle, Standard Bank, 1Montreal, is home. Miss Mabel Borland ie guet of 11ev. J. W. Cocley, Milton. Miss Eva Crydermax> i s visiting friends in Rochester, N. Y. Miss Edna Pringle, Cobourg,,,io guet of Miss Norma Ccuch. A special lot cf Bargains for the l2th at The Mason Cc's. Sec adv. St Paul 'e Sabbath Sehool picnicked at Port Bcwmauville yesterdav. Miss Minnie MePherson, Toronto, les guest of her aunt Mrs. John N. Lawrie. Messrs, Ed. Pattinson and Frank Burden wereat Scugog Lake fishlng four days last week and caught 22 lunge and 9 bass. Mr. and Mrs M. A. James returned from New York City on Saturday even- ing after a pleasant 10) days' euting in> Uncie Sam's domni.. Ilev.arud Mrs.ilrycelnues and daught- er Ro6sie formerly cf Bohcai geon, are visiting their uncle and aunts Mr. M. Bave noeoqual as a prompt and Positive cure for sick eadache, bilios- nse, constipation, pain in the miufe, and Pille. Try bhem, Miss Alice Ives and Mr. Theodore Ives, Toronto Junction, formerly cf Ibhis town, have, been suceessful in their exams ix> Harmony at-Toronto College cf Musie, the latter havinz alec Paseed In intermediate piano. Band, phonograph, and otherwise choice musical prograni, ping pong and nefreshinents will picase and negae the patrons of the social and ganden panty on Mr. E. C. Southe'v's lovely g rounds tomorrow (Thursday) evening. Snakes, centipedes and other poison- eus thinge may assail yen in.Nour walks through field and foreet, Be ýsure te have a bottie cf Penny Davis' Pain- kilier in the house and yen run ne risk. Directions on the ivrapper Mies Edith Freeland bas passed successfully the intermediate exame. in pano at the Toronto CenserQatony cf Musie. Miss Freeland has been a very earncst and industricus student and her success refleets eredît on herseif and hier teacher, Mies Luttreil. TYRONE. Mr. Fred N Farrell is renevating hie storehouse. . .. Congratulations te Misses Lindsay and Sauners on passing se well Entrance examn.,. .Rev. J. F. Mears, Myrtie, willoccupy Tyrone pulpit Sun- day morning and will aise preacli at the re-opening services in Salemn churchiati 2.3o and 7 -p._m. Everybody be sure tei hean him. ... The many friends cf Master j Howard Saunders who Ieft for Winni- peg neccntly, are pleased te knew heclbas secured lucl,,rative ,,fltt,,,in, the,.i The First cf July was a glorieus day "Prairie City". ...Miss A. Coakwell lias for the re-unien cf cousins who met by been engaged te teacli the junior depart- invitation te celebrate the 25th anuiver- ment in the Public School for anether sary cf Mr. and Mrs W. WV, Allin's wed- teri ...- Mrs. S Bingliai spent Domin, ding day, Atten dinner was served Mn, ion Day with lier son Mr Russell Bing- ý. j . Hambly, Toronto, called the coin- ham, Toronto .... Dominion Day visitors: pany teondet and asked Mr. and Mrs Mr. Orton Bond, Grand Rapids, Midi,, Allin te come forward and la a few well at home; Miss Emnilie Coucli, teachen, chesen wonds pnesented themn with a with friends; Mrs. G. A. and Master beautiful silver tea service, silver *bnead Arthur Watts, Malien, at Mn. jas Bing- -plate, cake basket, piekie cruet, 3 berry ham's: Miss Blair, Taunton, at Mn Wm. spoons, pie kuife, meat ferk and souvenir McLaughlin's; Mns A. Wyborn and spoon on behaîf cf the fiends The dauzhter Della at fars. Walter's; Rev. gîfts wcre quite unexpected but îlot un- H B. Kenney, Millbrook, guet cf Rev. appneciated. Mn. and Mns. AI;in thank- J. G Brown; Mns. J, Mitchell, Ennîskil- cd the fiends for this mark cf cousiniy len, with fiends affection and heped tliey miglit be spaned, te meet again an uubrcken circle Mrs ENFIE LD. J. L.Rowe, Orono, made a few remarks. Years ago when lier motier rescued William Allun frein, a wateny grave, Recent visitons. Miss S. Powell, Toron- she little theuglit sic was saving lin te te, at Mn. B. Powell's; Mn, L. Ormiston, be hier nepiew-in-law. Aften seme othen Manilla, at Mn. Wm. Onmiston's; Mn. remanke the cempany sang "'He's a jolly and Ars. G. Heatiie, Bnock, witi rela- good fellcw', gave thrce cheers and a tives; Mns. Ponteous, Detroit, at Mn Jno. tigen and tien dispcrsed toecnjoy tie day H. Hephunn's; Mn. A Dyen, Gait, at Mn. *After walking and diving anound tic old R. H. Campbell's.. .. Messrs. J. Dyen. B. town leoking up old faces and places, Powell, L Wotten, C. Powell and Fred they were ready for tea which was set on Reynolds, Mn' and Mns Aveny, Mn. and the lawn and which aIl enjoyed, especial- Aine, A: Orniston and Mrs. Gy. Ormiston 'y tie nice ici creain se lîndly donated inspected tic Model fanin, Guelph... bMn and Mns W. H. Wood. Thus Division had annual strawbenry festival nded laatdy hs rsn Wednesday nigit and intends picnicking wene. Mn. Sam. Wood, Mn and Mns W. at Osiawa-on-tie-lake juiy îti. ÇBet- H. Wood, Master T. H. and Miss Mary ten come te Niagana July 21) .... Misses Wood, base âne; Mn. and Mns ý m. Beatnice Stanks, EUla and ary Scott and Allin, Stouffvilie; Mn. Richard and Miss Mn Oliver MeCullodli tied the Entrance Editli Aulx>, Betheeda; Miss Annie Allun, exan. ... McLaughlin carniages are still Mrs. R. Strowgen, Mn and Mrs.. W. J. in> demand, Messns. A. Ormiston, Wes- Hambly, Mn. and Ars Frank Smith and ley Knapp, Wm, Knapp, and G. Coch- Gadys, Mns J. Lamb, Mn A Lamb an>d rane having purdhased recentiy... .The M'aster David, Miss Ella Hambiy, Mns officens of Soens cf Temperance this quar- H. and Mn. C Dunsford; Mnr. and Mrs. ter are: W P-F. Campbell; W A-Miss Young, Me. and Mns. Tamblyn and Geo, Fanny Reynoids; R S-Ellis Pascoe; A R Mns Loui. Bounsail and Harold, Mn. and S-Miss Lucy Campbell; F S-Leslie Mns j H Ancien, Tononto; Mn. and Pascoe; Treas-Miss L. Watson; Ciap- Mns. J. L Rowe and Edra, Toronte; Mr, Mrs. J. E. Dyer; Con-Lewis Wetten; A and Miss Rogers, Taunton; Miss Bird, Cen-Miss Edna Panr; O S5-Daniel Wfot- Hamilton; MiÎss Ovrrland, Enlin; Mr. and tex>: I 8-M-iss Effie Knalpp; P W P- W Mn-. Pîrydern, O.hawa; Mr and Ars. F. Sinti; Organist-.Miss Jenniie Astn., lleal aâd H1arold, Mr. and Ars W, M. The axînual Powerll picnic was held at ti kn1efss Misset, Susie n-d Nl2ggit, Ailin, farnm0cf Mn. Wm Wotten on July xci aiIl Miss jtenig; ,B0wnanVîie, baving 1 jolly good tiMe,ý BOWMIANILLE MARKETS. W NE-o eea CorrOetced bY J - 3 Mý3ItrY oaoh Tuesday A. S. Tiliey, Clnrch Si., Bowmnanviile, 27-1w' FLO1R,#1Olocts ......... si1S8) te $2 fAERCN NTIU VýRÀT Flbsh ...oc"0 070 HEAMR NISIUE 0F WHET, ail buh.....CII 0 O70 'Ls PHRENOLOGY, Incorporaited 15e5,-opeuts et SPrlln g....... 0ÙO 0 u0lit ext session. September 3rd, 1902. For par- ti lie d F&ir.......O 0 i O 75 ticui ars appyta the Seerotsry, M. H. PEpucy, te Go ose ..... 0 0 0 5 Pae of MFowler & Wells Co., 24 E ast 22)nd Si., BARLEBY, VIbush, No. 1 ... o00 0 45 New York City, N. Y. fi Il2 ... 040 m 0 43 le il 3 S... O 25 (O 31 EN ACRES FOR SALE.-Being et et Two rewed 0 4o t0 0A Tnortu casi corner of lot 18, con 7, Darling- 0 ÂTS, 40 ton. On PremiÊee aresa good framge hanse and YE, ilbaru, bard and sofi water, alse good orchard. RYE '...... O0 0 1O 55 wiltue soid on easy terme, ÂpPlY ta ELiÂs B UCKWHEAT Il ......O( i0tgO 55 GREEZwAY, Lot Io, con 9, Darlbugton, ifsydon PEBAS, Biackeye, V' bush. . O 0 0 iO-00P.O0. 28-6w > mu Canadian Beauties O 70 Il O 80 t' Mummney " O0 0"il 0O FARM FOR SALE.-Being lot 10, là Sinal " O 60 i O65-2 con 9, Darlingtout, except thirteen acres. il Biue 0"O il0 O65 On ibejremises are goofi buildings, gco4 oretu BUTTR, esttabe, I 1b,_ ooil 16ard anelbest of water. The iuf lai lu thte best BUTTR, bet tbleiP' b O O '~ o 1 f cultivatiaut. Wili ha sold on very easy terns., Keins, e doz............O0 O0 tg O 13 If not soid by &ug 16th, wlll les rcnted. Appiy Por,&'OES, P bush------O 8 ..0 0 lo 50 ta ELIÂS GREEN'ýWÂY, On the premises, Haydon RAYT, &ton----------00o i 9 ()0 28-6w' -si =- oe s 'JOus MRLYA.IL. Soie Local Agent ALLAN LINE LuV RuPOOL ANfl LoNDONDESRRY ]ROYAL MAmT FraunFram Mlotreal Quebec ,Pretorian ....Jute,.21, 3 s.m. jiue 1, 3 p.m. Numidian .1' 28, 7 a pm. yl,8p.m. loniaut...jly 8, 'N .m. Jnly 5,3 p. m. RATES 0F PASSAGE First Cabin, $65 sud upwsards; Second Cabîn, $3750 to $42.50; London $150 extra* Tbit-dClass, $25 sud $26; Li'venpool, ierry, BelÏaht, Glasgaw aud Locdon, NEPW YORK rO GLA$OOW l AX> LomnOsuNDtax. Cathlagînian ................June 25 Joiglan...... ...............July 9 First Cabini, $45 and pwands; Second Cabîn, $3250; Third Claos, $26;. S. S. Sardinian froun Montreal te Glasgow direct on, Jue 25tb, ni daylight, carriinscced Cbinpassengens ou; $35.00 Bùtînsail> s marbie Works,,,. Good Work, Best Materials, Artistie Desig ns, Prices lleasouiable, Es, R. BOUNSALL, 15 BOWMANVIL1LE, ONT. Just the day to have aphoto'taken. J uL y 1:2 Yen are coming te town that day end wbat is more you will ho in x00od Spwrte FREELAND HAS SOIE SPECIAL LINES FOR- THE 12thi. IJUGGJES FOR SALE-Finie second L.hand top Buggies-newly palnted-some neariynew. Aso 2 roadcoarts. J.Pxtcy. QERVANT WANTED-Good gen- Jeral servant. Mghest wages to compet- ont girl. Apply ta MRS. G. W. MOLÂuOHQINý, Oshawa. 28-8w ,JII-OUS'E FOR SALE-Good large -1-1 brick residence on Ohureh St , spacions rooms. Terras eaay. For particnlars app1yto MR$. J. B. TAYLOR, Church St., Bowmanvpe T-TEFERSTRAYED.-«Y e a r ln g &- eier, part Jersey, came on prQmises about June 25.Owner Cao have gaine by prov- ing property, paylng expensea and taking animal away. S. H. REYNOLDS, Lock Box 1, B ownanville. MISS BERTHA L. TAMBLYN Pail ol f Pro f. A.S.Vogt, Toronto Conservatory oif Music, will receive papilsin Piano an& Theorof Music, at floncesilue St., Bow mna ville QTRAYED,-From lot 16, con 3, KJDarlington, balf jersey heifer , and seven month oid pig, ring in right ear. Any pers on gliginformation as to their wlsereabouts wllI b u.Ii1.itably rewarded. JtoBv.1 WONAaÂOT 1~'ANi OR S LETheestate 'cf F2 the late JimesyerTre, con 1sîst Ilm of 10 acrs cflot 3, Cali 8, Da-ligion ;go frarne bulilngs, water sud large archard. Pioutgbing possession afier harvest sud full pos- session lis Nov. For futher ipply ta, N.ByaER, Port Perry, MR$. JAmias fXElus Or R. FALLIS. 152 Sprucc Street. Toronto, f I-t UTOOL WANTED.-"'Tîere leno Ia great cri' sud little wooi", as the Deii ssid when he ciipt the SOW. Wcli, it is truc for as the market stands there la uta profit ta eit'ha hnyar or seller. What I waut ta telit my i d finds is thit ram still ta bc found ai he .aid rellable stand-the Hampton Wooiien Mill$ wbere I sm prepsrcd elther ta bny thein wool or exebange for home-made goods. Rail csrding and spiuoiug attended ta. Haping te sec my aid fnuends once more. D. TAYLOR, Hampton. F IRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE- .Cmposed of 100 acres, bcbng weét baîf of lot 9, con. 2, Clarke, adjainiug the village f Newtonvîlle. Ou the premises are crocted s good brick dwelling, franc oarn-7oxsis feet- wih hsy fork, stoute foundation with stabiing forS 6borses, 20 cattle sud pauliry; aise impie- ment shed andd aira w baru. A f ne orchardin full beaning. Good weil ai dwellhng sud barn, sud large cstern with pump. A neyer failing creek crosses the farun, The farun is lu st good state of cultlvation well fcumced, 80 acres clear- cd, balance lut maple, beech and a lîtile )nied tituber. This farte affers splendidt inducemnent ta prties in wani 0f afirsi cissa place. Withiiut 40 roda af se hool, churehes and post office; on - veulent ta raiiway station autd withîn 2asy1 reacb cf Port Hope mnarket. Ressens for siellng lîl-healttu. For terma sud further particuuiars appl ta 'W.* Rucg, Wuer, Clarke P. O. 27-3w' J. S. Runidle & 5011>8 S TOCR LE. ai .gle, ufem.50 rature. In î hs pcue yuhvo Through Tiecketa le Souh AfrIes. Bi>-I hs pcue e ae I Wc have in stock a choie lot Il' andever Infrmaton lf Sereen Deors in walnut and cil aFi- tekasadcvr1noraiu been wanting9 to have framed and sec grain finish; aise windew- semodns, M. A. JAMES, what a nice job we can do for yen. hay and Manure fork handle oslie- ,AlliuLuneAget.BC RWMAutVille. handies, reot seuffiers, summerj ~ENERAL STORR FOIR SALE-At ,,, m..,m.' mm . dusters, weol and, plieli lap ruige o.Unticeumidw'. y fbetwtsaenoilsowmauou killa and Oeihrwa encrsi^T-e, (cifi rcnls ILur LDDiAND% et ndelec la store, gOoed booma d I arnà with eyary con- iJ S. Runie & Soni's Ïkeoâ o accoont ot f Aid aga. C . . L xa 'ý, Jr Countice ~ ~ ~ îm oQse. Bewmanville, aopst . Tds bs MISS EDITH FREELANDP Io prepared ta give muaie leseons at ber home on Beeju venue. Bowm.znville. 87-f For a m4omfent., If yen are building or repairing w tan perhaps help yen to solve some of th Ifiuties incident te the nder- taking. For instance: CnsoEŽNS-We have Battloes Thorold for concrete walls, cattle stables and cellar floors; English Portland for pave. ments and.cisterns. BrILL STIF-Pin e a n d emocek Jois t, Scantling and Boards. rimna-Pine a n d Cedar Square Timber and Sîcepers. FLOOP.ING--HOd and White Pine and White Maple.,, CHILING and WqOTîNQ-Painted and Grained, Beaded and V-Joint. SIDNU-BeVeled, Coye, Shiplapped and Clapboarding, Sau«*GLS-AIl grades, Native-, Pino and Cedar and B. C. Red Cedar. Dos-Gilmcurs'patent Iumber,hard. wcod, and pine Doors-ail grades and prices. SASH, BLINDS and Mour»iNaS-il- mour's and Rathbun's Manufacture, SaIt, Plaster, w yoea and Beet Ces Screaned Ceai-liard and Soft. Inspecçtion Invited.'i Prcs Reasenablo. MOCLELLÂS & Ce 27-6m Bwavle j Tea A Coffleei 11The very beet Chase and Sanborn Coffece, for somethîng geed it 4can't be beat, We ha~ve a lew specials for this week-Pure Maple Syrutp, Canned PinDeapp-le, Corn) Peas and Tomatoes, the qery best. Have yen tried Our Special Baking Powder, it can't be beat 150 per poud Wool Wanted. TELEPHONE 57 NIAGARA FALL S EXCURSION, -MONDAY JULY 21- We en eyed orfirst ride on the Steamer ArÎgyleothe otier day and af ter a look ever the staunch and well managed steamer were net snrprised at tic popniaity of tic boat. We ticu gît ne other boat could win the confidence of the people of tiese North shore porte like thc Garden City. but sic isx't in il witi the Argyle. Besides being a more spccdy boat. making muci better time,, bic is lu cvcry way a more attractive a nd cenvenient pleasure steamer. Tie appointmente are ail that eau be deeircd snd tic main saloon isa reai parler, furnishcd with sofas, tete-tetes, and other easy chaire. Stateroons arc availabie for tiose desinxng tien and meals are served at a reasonable rate. Se muci plcascd wcre we witi the Argyle that we exgaged lier for Monday July 21 for our annual excursion te Niagara Falîs. We have neyer failed tu get a splendid company on our excursions and this has ever been pepular with tie people cf this district. We try te make cur excursions real pleasure outings and somte icw the people appreciate our efforts. Ceme wlti ns on Jniy 21 and we'Ii give yen a good tino , weathor permitting., LOCAL AND OTHERWISE, I 4 The -Weather ManT11 N ~Us Through tePprs that the, Torrid ays Are Here to Stay ~ We htnlosty WeCarry the Th'ne 0 f Goods to Keop People cool Through the Sticky Days., SSaffffer Goods For Ladies, Silfm oer Uoods for the Gollts. Men's Sum mer Shirts. L ad ies' Wh ite Dress Skirts. pIn l~eithrthe sf cambrie without the olarnign Made out of fine P. K. duck and white muslin. Some wlhcoartahe,$.0dnt 5C Sh ave ernbroidery trimmnings, some bave lace trimmings, others wt olratce,$.0dw e5e 8have 15 rows of eordiu)g. Prices $1.00, $1.35, $1.75 up te COOL SIRTS 50c, 75e and $1.00. Men's, Sumhmer Suits and Coats. Ladies' Parasols, Men's Fiannel Suite in brown, green, grey, black and bine grounds with ehalk line stripes running through. Prices $6.00, We have no old stock handies to show and the goods lh $7.50 and $10.00, all Our Parasols are warranted flot to trn green, PricesSum er oas Elegant Handles on Eveory Parasol. Linen Coate with fine stripe 8 1.00 ", Lustre Coats, pure wool, black âand grey 1.25 Ladi s ummr>ores.Blue Solid Worsted Coats, M. B. and D. B. 3.00 WeLaeiheFms ummer Corsets. yteCop StoneGrey, Imported, Fine Worsted Coats 4.00 to ppe. The Ventila tor sells for 50e; the Tulip celleý for Finest of Sum mer Underwear. 75c. Double thread, Balbrigga~n Underwear, 4Ù4, and 50e a garment. Single thiread, Balbriggan Underwear, 25e Ladies' GIoves, Mercerized SilkUnderwear, -500 Fineet of Cashmere-Underwear, - $1.00 'd Silk Taffeta Gloves in eream, white, blaek, o greys and Black Cashmere Jioge. extra value, 25d per pair. kV'\tansat 2e an 35eand puesl nsa~2c3c4e&d50e. Black Cotton Hose,'guaranteeI stainiee, .2 pair for 25t.'~ Ladies' Cottonl Rose, lac pair 11j to 40c - Ladies' V-ests, 6ýc 11 to 50e - Men's StïawRats, 250 up to $2.OU. John McMurtry', Kinig Quality Pihoes. LeadinQ- Clothiers. Mn'hest P,'îniA fr r d 4b -àïz - m -YI.LLubil Jniiuu lui N-o vacations; Studente may register ri pl 1 u , zi

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