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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1902, p. 5

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Opportunfity. We arc showing Soaps frorn 20e a dozen [worth 5e oaci] 10 50c a cake [regular 75e] and if yoii value a genu- lac rnoney saving opportunity you should call while choice ie good, We neyer lied suci a' range of prices betore and never got such a snap ln bny. Our opportunity opportunity. Don't put il. off. firet âime you are Up better euhl, corne on it will pay you. le your Call the town or purpose, Stot't & Jury, flruggists and Opticians. Fnitting fpoa is orne ladies will spend $10 t o $2?0 in a nie bonnett and will pur- chase an eleganti dres alil for the pumpose of being ,neatly a.nd be- coningly dressed and wilî then fiolthe whiole c'ffect by wcarin g Spcetacles that are flot at all suitc& toetheir features, The Spectacles we seli make a plain facçe pretty and a pretty face prettier. Wïi e the sarne care in fitting theý fbuùe tfat we do in fitting the Whýi-en WBE fit Spectacles you look tirongli the proper part of the lens; the tramnes are neither too high fior too Jow. When you see a pair that are haif an inch too wide you can rest ïtssumed that we did not sell thcm.1 The Spectacles we seli fit prop-i erly; they look wcll, feel well and I make you sec well; if pot you get youir moncy back. STOTT& JURY Tic Druggists. t BOWMANVILLE, Backachè. the Msdman__ have trouble wîth their- b&ck and kid- z8eys. Run- nlngnasewing machine, plying the, needie lu the neyer ceasing utiteh, fititch, etitoh, pressing seams-e onstant bsnding over-soon telle on the baek, ruakes it ache and pain. 0 No wonder thees vomnen often find their health fait. Th.e kidusys et out of order, the pain, and the who1l cjrctent Cets 'full of poisons which the sick klidneys us unUable b oeiminate. NKo dreesmaker should allow ber hezlth to slip away, and backaehe 4nd ki4ney troubles- keep ber in znisery, when sncb case, cornfort, tr.edom front pain aud invigoration-ý ,of the systern can be obtaiued by uanug Dr. Pitehem's Backache Kid- mey Tabletz. £OTRD SPLENDIOLY. min pý Schwartz, 42 Wetem Street, o nt u., tato.hSbex pel.nce viti p, pitohor'sackacbo Kiduey Tablets au o:rj i -s uffered from beekache and dm etruble for soma years, wvieli1 u mta sy work. The trouble ai et wu 'Ate Te, c50 i ZOO a bttie ihrsBaekah e cuey Teblets Pft 00i0,, & abox, et aII drue»«b MW) T»im D&ZÂ ? s*wtu Qc,Tomtiomý %kt~ I BOWMANV1LII, JULY 9, 1902, GRAND fRUNK RAILWAY. BOWIIAIqVîlLIS STATIOS GOINqG REBT. iI0Wsr C7ress...._9 U %.m. I Express....5L5 a. m, Expreu-.,.. 07i oa . 5 rassnge... 8 5 p.. Psseger... i 42 pm Local 7 883 *Fxpi."s ., _2 pm Ex-,Prssdoem not go west Monday mornlng. STOTT &JRaY. Town Agents Miss Norma Couch visited in Port Hope Iast week. Opening for a smart boy to learn rprinting at this office. MilIer's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. If vou want to buy a first class farm read advt. in another columu. An addition will be built to Albert College, Belleville, costing $5,000. Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Dale visited bis mother at Brooklin, Dominion Day. Mrs. A- S. Anderson, Toronto, is 'Visiting her daughter Mrs. J, H. Jury. Miss Young and Miss Hughes have been spending a few days at Graven. hurst. Mrs. A. Mitchell, Master Gordon and Miss Hlelen Mitchell have been visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. T. A Kirkconnell, Port Hope, is presiding at the Departmental exams. at the Hligk School. Miss E. A, Allrn, B. A., Glencoe, the newly appoinîted High School teacher was in town recently. Mr. H. J.-Serîpture, Brigkton, bas a peach tree in his garden with over a thousand peaches on it.ý Niagara Falls is the favorite excursion centre - engage your best girl for Monday July 21, M. A. James' excur- sion. Corne and enjoy a p.Jeasant evening with the Williîlg Workers of St. John's Church at the gardon party at Mr. E.C. Sourhey's JuIv 10. Mrs. G. C. Haines recently visited ber daughters, Mrs. F. C. Snow, Detroit Mici., and Mrs. G. D Parent, "Re1ed meer" Walkerville, Ont. 1Miller's Worm PeNvders correct ail suchý troubles as lack of nppetite, bilions- ness, drowsiness, sallow cýomple-xion, ete. ; n'tee to take. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. There was a fine audieneand espic- ially fine singing by Mrs. F. A. Philp, Colborne, ,at the Disciple churcli last Sunday evening. More like it promised for next Sunday evening. Ho for Niageta Falls! ý Metcaît St. Methodist Sundey Sehool and Wbitby Tabernacle -will run an excursion to Niagara Falls per Str. '<Arigvle"Oon Weduesday July 30thb, from Bowmau- ville, and Oshava, and Whitby. Par- ticulare in at ail poît offices. 20-tf What m akes the happy relation be- tween man and woman, ie an eternally lnteresting question, aud a clever di- cussion of whv marriages fait, presented by Riford Pyke in his. article The Woman'sSide," le in tlioc July Coswo- politan. "An Experiment in Domeeftie Finance" te anetker entirely novel article. Rov. D. O Crossley, Bowmanville Methodists' new pastor, preacied twice Sunday to large conzregations. Hisi morning sermon from the words 'Take courage, etc ," was very suitable as an introductory discourso. His sermon to the young people in the evening on Heavenly Visions was a splendid ad- dress, containlng muci wholesome advîce and encouragement to everyone present. The people were delighted. We believe a very happy and succcsî- fui relationship has commenced between pastor and people. Tie choir rendered capital music. A BURtDEN TO SELFv AND OTHIERS .- -Take care of your healti; you have no rigit to neglect itand thus become, a burden to yourself and perhaps to rthers" When the liver gets sluggîsb, the kidneys inactive, and the bowéls constipated, Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Puis will îromptly set your filtering and excretory systemn in perfect order, ana insure good digestion and good Lealth. There is no medicine s0 5 enerally used, and none so, successful. ~ne pili a dose, 25 cents a box, Qn'Monday evening June 80tb at i the Methodist Epworth League a e unique, programn to develop the social qualities of the Young peo ple was en- Io, ed b Y the members, Mr. F. 1R. Foley,< president, presented the retiring lonoray President, Rev. W. J. Jolliffe t with a silk umbrella gold-mounted, bearing tie initiais ";k. J. J. 1902, as a good will token- from the Young people. Hev. Mr. Jolliffe, thanked the emesfor their kind remembrance for hot weather are tlhe roper caper. Mecurtry kçeps them in 'all heights and selle thcm 2 for 25c. He also sellea ,well summer suspendurs in the tubular zcphyr goods at 25e pr. E 'Couci, Joinston & Crydemman have never shokwn as fine a stock of Drees Goods, Drese Mueîine, Cbambrays and PminIs as they do tbis seeson. McMurhmy has tic biggest and swshl- etl range of men'e fiannel suile in town, Fres $6 00 ho $10 00. you can gel a olt of cool conf ort oit of tisse ofuxhs. Ile elso keeps a big rangs ofpesparate summer coats manging lu pricefreim $10 QGup to $150. W ho wouhd ro jithout a summer eoet? A new big lot of those- swell carnet lengthe just in et the West End Houe. Tapestry and Bmussels campet ends every one of them li to 2 yds in lengli, Prices 60c, 75e and 50c per eud. Children Cry for GASTORIAa ýl- 1Grand excursion to Nia gara Fall July 21 by str. "'Argyle." Mies Camerou, Hamilton, is visitini hem cousin, Mies Edili Freeland. Y-Z (wiss bheach) hasaua advantage ovE other eoap powders inasmuci as il alzo Act as a dimlnectaat. Mise Edibi byle, Peterbomo, is visil ing hem cousin Miss Margaret Allun. Miller'e Compound Imon Pille, onhy,2 cents for 50 doses. Sold by Stott Jury, druggisis. Mme, A. McWoed and son, Chicago 111 , are-vieibiug hem cousin, Mr. A. C Allin and otier relatives icre. Mr. Thos. McKeown, Toronto, 1 visibing relatives bers gucet ofi grandfatlîer Mm. Thos. Creeper. Messrs. C. A. Joineton and F. W~ Couch were at Scugog last week on.à fishing trip. Th2y brougit home si: fine Lunge. Mise M. E. Hligiet, M. A., wbo hai been studying lu Gemmany and Italy has returned and le visiting hem mohei ai Cobourg. Do not suifer from siek headache i moment longer. ht is not necessary Cenler's Little Liver Pille will cure you Dose, one 11111e pl. Small price. Smai] dose. Smal pili. Mme, C. M. Cawker, Mr. Weslej Cawkem, Mr. W. H. and Miss GcrtrudE Ca wkem and Mrs, F. A. Haddy attend- cd tic funeral of thc late Mme. John Cawker, Oshawa. ou Tiursday, Allihe meceni examinations of the Toronto Consemvatomv of Music, Mies Victoria Tamblyn, a pupîl of Miss Berthe b. Temblyn, passed with bonori the Primary Piano Fxamination. boss of Appetihe and Generat Debiliiî are quickly overeome by thc use of a few bottles of 'Tic D.'& b." Ernulsion of Cod biver Oih. Manufaetured by the Davis & Lawrence Co., btd. Mme. Chas. Smith of Jimes, Ohio, writes: I hav~e used evcmy remedy for eick beadacie I could heer of for lt pasI Afteen yeare. but Carters bittle biver >?ihls did me mors good tien ail thc mccl. Iu tie Review of Reviews for July lie issues of t'lie great coal strike are presented fro..a varions pointe of view; thc editor, lu "The Progress of tie World," reviews tic position of tie meilmoade and lie operators:- an illus- lraited account of the methods of anthra - cite rning is coutributed by Mme, R. D. Rions, of Wilkes Barre. Tic Ladies' Aid held uder annual strabenrry sonial lu tic Meliodisi lîurecq Friday nigit. Tic tables wee pretlily dccorated wilh fie wers andf a number of young people attentively serveS tie visitors. ïbascîous straw- berries and cream. brelad and butter and cake were served afler which tie com pauy enjoyed a social time togetber. A progran a ws given consisting of piano solo, by Miss Tilhey, vocal silos by Miss Ethel Trcbihcock, Mi. Norman Jolliffe and Mies Nellie Saundeme, readings, Miss McWain and Mr. T. A. I&irkconnell. (Port Hope). vocal duel, Mrs. C. A. Cawkcm anS Mies Ethel T. King, Mr. F, C. Pethick lavored tie compan.y witb a number of choie seheetions on tic Pionogmapi. Mm. P. C Tmcbilcock occupicd tic chair P ud during lie programn introduced thi new pastor 11ev. D. O. Crossley anS wife- who were given a Chaxtauqua sainte. 11ev. Mr. Crosshev mcplied in a felicitous anS suitable manner. Tic severe thunder storm interfered some- what witi lie progrmn. P.rocceds abouît $35~. A, RiIT TO JUDGI-Persons who have ueed Dm. Chase'e Gintmeni have tic best rigit to judge of ils mente anS Ühemc le no preparation on tie market to-day whichislebacked biy suci ia mass of unsoliclted testiniony. Lt cures sezerna, salI rheuim and piles so prompt- ly and lhoroughly liaI people feel it a pheiasure to mecomrnd il to otier suf- ferers. Sec testimonials lu tic ncws- papere. Make a date with youm beet girl t0 go to Niagara Falls ou tic favorite steamer ýrgyle July 21st, M. A, James' excurs- Yeu eau procure pure parie green at !dcDcrmid'e Dmug Store. Tic new Louisine Silks lu ahi colore at Couci, Johuston & Crydemman's. 10,000 doz. good fresi eggs wanted, lli pay you 13e. Cawkcr & Tait. Remcmrcer thc Garden Party at Mr. E. C. Southey's, Thursdey July 1Oti.. Our offer of one ohd and one actuel new subecriber for $1.50 stihi ýholds good. Ladies' New Spring Coats sslling- off Lt haîf-price ah Couci, Joinston & Cryderman 's. Good goode, fatir prices and evemy- hing as represented ut Cawker & Teit's grocery store. Keep your' blood cool, gel a 15e bothe of citrate of magnesia at Me- lu Nices home for sale in Darlington Ses advt. tg Mrs. B. Brittain, Straifordj, le vieilin hem ister Mies MeClellan. srMm. Elias Greenaway is adverliein ,t bis fine farm for sale. Ses advt. -Mme. Wm. Clemenea, Elmvale,i t- visitîng hem sister Mrs. John Beacock, Monkey Brand Scap in a cleaner a;, ,?. poIisher comnbined, but won'twasi clouh, & Mm. Hubert Reid, Oampbellford,1 spending vacation at hie fathem's Dr.]L H.R eid. Mrs. J. B. Martyn attended tic wed ding of bem niece, Miss Lillie Martyn i is Reacli, Wcdneeday. ie Mr. and Mme. Frank Camemon aw familyv, Toronto, have bean guests j. the Misses Loseombe. a Mrs. (11ev.) R. P. Bowles and soi x Wilfmed, Winnipeg. have been visitinb hem brother Dr. J. C. Devitt. Ls, Mental and physical vigor follow thg , use of Miller's Compound Iron Pills ýr Sold by Stott & Jury, duggisie. Miss L. Clemence Shaws, has bec a visiting Mrs. T. Â. Clemence, Pori rHope, and Mms. T. E. Sîceman, Wcl L.comae. Mr. R. M. Saxby, manager Tht Electric Light Co , has been on a busi yness trip 10 Cleveiand, Chicago, Toledc a and Ohio. [- Congratulations 10 Major H. J. Suel- a grove, Governor of tic Oounlies Gao] Cobourg, on eeiving tic degre o Ph. B., from the Illinois Wcsfeya. aUniversity. 9 If tiecheild le restiess at nigit, has 8 coaled tongue, sallow complexion, a dose of Millcr'e Worm Powdems le what is equired; pleasani, harmless. Sold yby Stoît & Jury, druggists., 'Mme. 'Chrisse" Oke Moore, Ebenezer, was in town Friday. Sic was 93 vears old on Sunday and is remarkably smart for a wonian otf hem advanced age. Sie is a native of Bradworthy. Devon, Eng- l and. B Pyny-Balsam cures -ail cougis. It soothes, il heals, it cures quickly and certainly. Pyny-Balsam sella more widely evlry year. Manufactured by *the proprictors of Perry Davis' Pain- Killer. Mr@. Richard Piilp, Miss Maud Wil. hinson and Masters Ilorace and New- man Eckard.t, Torontq, are. guesîs at Dr. A. S- Tilley's. Mr, John MoCrea and Master Clifford Mulligaia,Otmece, Miss"Sybil L Jewcll, Cambomne, w-re recent guests o f Mme. 1M. A. Jewells Seugog St. Make a note cf it, whven You ami leaving~ home to buv "Is'e D. & L.1' Menthol Plaster. Il is'guaranteed 1< cure the worst case of backaehe, hcad- ache, stitches. Avoid e'verything said, to be just as good. Geltich gentîne made by Dayis & Lawrence Co., bLtd. A very suceessful piano recital was iriven by a smal num.boe oC Miss Luttrell's pupils at lhem home, Temper- ance st reet, Tiursdliy evening. Vocal solos weme contrlbuied bv Miss A. Thompson, Orono, and Miss Nellie Saunders, town. whici added grcatly 10 tic pleasure of tic evening. À number of fiends were preseni. Tbers are four pamticularly notable îllustrated articles îin Tic Outlook's Magazine Number for July. One 0f tiese le an apprecïation or eb.aracteriza- tion of tic newly eowned King of Englaind , under lis title "Hie Britan- nme Majesty," Tic Outlook Company, 1287 Fourti ave., New York. Tic Bowmanville football team added anotier victory 10 their unbroken list by defeating tic Cobourg tcam ai Cobourg, on Saturday June 28, tic score being 1toi . Tic gamte was a good and fast exhibition of baîl thc visitors womkinsg- hard 10 gain their victomv, Tic combination of tic Bow- manville team le hard to; beat, Tic Bowmanvillc team lined up as follows: F. Downey. goal; N Heallie, and F. Keksae backs; A. Baker, A. Morris and G. Potter, half-baeks; W. Clarke, B Clarke, W. Inch, Dr. Deviti and C. Slemon, forwards. Mnnth Afler Monti a eold sticks, and seeme to tsar boles lu youm liroat. Are you aware that aven a stubborn and long neglected cold is cured with Allen's bung Balsam? Cougi and worry no longer. Gnod covered buggy for $85. Applyv 10 M. A. James. STATESMAN 10 new subseribers bal- ance of 1902 for 80c. Mi A. James in Govemament issuer of Marriage Licences foi- Durham Countr. Ladies, if yon would sec sometbing real fine vieil Gawkem & Tait's China Farlor. Couci, Joinston & Cryderman arc doing abig- business lu Cai-pets, Cur- tains and Linoleums Ho 1 for Niagara Falls-M. A. James intends 10 run two excursions by steam- M, TAXE FRIENDS ON EXCURSION. ig -people living beck frona Lake Ontari have not tie seme opporlunity for tel gxg edvanlage of excursions te Niagar Pelle liai we have ahong bic froni is Tic Pelle is tic most popular place iý Canada 10 visit and everybody wants t cses them. Some pophe go year afte year. Give your back country frieud au invitation te corne to your home ani ljoin you on our excursion by the spîen did steamer Argyle ou Monday Juhy 21 It will be e great e-union 0f aIl frieud d- -a deligilful day's outing, weathe in pemmitting, Bring your baskets wel flled-eailiug ou thc lake -lyes a kes: id aPPetite; iring your teapots, pleutý ofof bot watem will be fumnished. Yoi bake lunch before leaving .tie boni baskets, wrape, etc. wîll be safe on 1hq nboat, go perfecthy free banded ho sei 9 tie woudemful sigits, tien you will b( 1eedy for a heamty tee when you returi L8 te tic Argyle. The sai homeward ii . lie evening le lie grealet peasure, Write 10 your friends to-day 10 moe n y ou on tuis excursion, 1- Mies Etbci Tr ebihcock is borne foi vacation. Mr. Scott le visitiug friends ei Seaforti. 0 Mr. A. B. Couch, Toronto, le' horn< for holideye. 1Mm. and Mme. J. T. Trewiu visited frienas lu Guelph recently. Miss Lizzie Devideon, Newmarket, h: guet of Misbena Masoit. Mr. John Alfin epent Dominion Day with Mrs. C. Lyls. Peberboro, t Miss Grae Bray, Toronto, is vieit- 1;ing hem aunt Mrs. M. A. James, Mise Kate Curbis, Port Hope, bat been enjoviug a pleasant vieit bere. Mm. and Mms. T. A. Brown and tamily, Ottawa, are guests 0f Mm. S F. Hill. Mm. C. C. Temblyn, Standard Bank, Coîbomne, le spcndlng vacation et home, *Oshawa Oddfellows decorated thc graves of ticir doeecd bretirsu Sun- 7 Mr.R.H. McClung, Ganenoque, spent - &ominion Day wîth bis mother, Mme. W. MClIung. Mir. and Mrs. T. J. Sheridan and Mis Rhea, Oshawa, epent Suudey et Mm. R. Tre.uoutb's. Mme. (Dr.)J. Taylor, Tara, le visitîng hiem ier, Mme. J. M. Brimacombe, ".Greencourt." Dr, James Bray and family, 28 Germard ri., Toronto, visited relatives bers Satumduy., Miss Helen M. Preutice of the 1l.pst Office staff, basi been spendiag a few days lu Tor-onto. Yms. W. A. Hanes and son, Toronto, speut Domknion Day w ith hiem father, Mr. John Babcoek. Mn. Robt. Joinston and deugiter Winnifmcd, Lindsay, have issu' guests of Dr. J. ýM. Brimacombe. Idev. and Mm@. W. bimbert. Green- bank, were guestp of bier sister Mme. John Osborn'e, bakeside, hast weck, Mme. D. H. Contes anS Master byn, Brantford, are spending vacation Iiti hiem f atier Mm S. Cole, Maple Grove. Miss Me Laughlin sang et a,,stmew- berry festival in Newcastle Dominion JYay. Mises I:mnblyn accompanied hem. Dtiring Jithy euS Auguet, Dr. Rteid wîll be etIie office' deily froni 10 to 11 e .m. Sundays excepteS. 28-4w* Wel weather prevented Oshawa andS Bowmanville base bahliste plaing an exhibition gamte hceehast Salumday. A dose of Miller's Worm Powders occasionahly will iteep the ciildren ieallhy, iSold iy Stott & Jury, drug- gists. Mesers. A. b. Venstone, Brantfurd, and b. N. Vaustone, Toronto, were here lest week visiting their brother Mr., J. C. Vanstone. Mme,. F. A Philp, Master Cameron anS Mliss Editi Philip. Coiborue, have been enjoying e visit with bier unele Mr. C b. Munson. Mr. anS Mies Roberts Cobourg,,Mî-s. Stoît and' Mme. Fred Rosevear Port Hope,' visited tic Misses Clemeeis, Centre St., recently. About 75 rooters went to P eterboro Dominion Day to sec Bowrnanvilie defeat thie base ballist3 0f tiat town anS they diS iy a score of 12 10 6. Tic gamûe was exeiting fmom start te finish. Peter Duncan, Cobourg, umpired vemy satiefectorly. Whîo killed the dog? Mr. H. Kennedy Gray, Toronto, was presented with e vtrj' handsome travel. ling- case by tic staff of tic Grant Hamilton Oit Compauv, ou the occasion of bis leaving ticir Toronto office 10 ocenpv a similar position for lie 'coin- panv et thuir Montreal brauci. 8HAW'S SC HOOL. Promotion Report for June: Jr. !V to Sm. IV-Norman Trewiu, Jean Gal- braith, Gertie Moses; Sr. III to Jr. IV -Lucy Gabraith, Arthur Allin, Wm. Allin; Jr. III tb Sm. 1I-George Allin, Kathleen Trewin. Otto Bragg, Ezzie Knîght; Sm. Il to Jr. III-Gladys Gal- braith, Bertia Allin; Jr. II b Sm. II- Edna Riekard, Mary Galbraith, Ethel, Allin; Sm. Pt. Il to Jr. Il-Robert Trewin:- Jr. Pt. II to Sr., Pt. 1I-Ioy Allin, Pcrcv Manning- Pt 1-Velma jewell, Herbert Jeweii, 'rank Trewin. A. L, ARmouR, teacier. SeRd Yollr OrdOrs -FOR SAILS, TENTS, AWNINGSt and all kinda of Waterproof Goods direct to manufacturera, ýJ. J. Turer & Sonls, Peterboro, Out~ Telphoes Qand 125, 26-ti BIG 20 Cheap Books for stimmer reading by the best authors at 10e eaeh. * lammoeks andl Croquet for- the lawn at redueed prices. For the ladies we have a fine assortment of Stamped Linens, Sofa Cushions, etc, also Silks and Braids, lWC 'T. ALLEN, BIG 20, E3owmanvilHe. Childiren Ory for CASTORIA it. in tg Is id 1- r 'y n ,e dl 11...Cawker & Tait... BOWMAN VILLE. pav spot cash, tierefome enables us to seli iiem at' pice "ake foi iferior 1ods * .SUGAR CUI4ED MEATS. *are bigi and will be higi in price during lhe su r month'î. We ask vou to tmy our flams wbich are cured sp4y for our O rd.W a ievnSoe'1ueml and eut up well. lu place f thc hîgier pmiced hame, CROCKERY AND) GL1ASSWARE. O Our reduehion sale ini tus depamîmeut has been well attended and scores of customers bave expressed tiemeselves as plea and pmofited bv-puirchases made; and to make room for ieavy purciases of import China wc will continue as fer'as possible every bergain * previously edvemtieed. 43 O 97 P11CE DINNER SET FOR $5-50. 1 doz. Dinrier Plates, 1 doz. Soup Plates, 1 doz. Tea Plates, 1 doz. Cups and Saucere. 1 doz Fruit Nappis 1 doz Butter Nappies, Platters, 2 coyered Disies, Sugar Bow,TaPoSoBoh Ceam Jug. Tic regular selling price of tiese sets is 87.50, but 10 clear out we will selI tic balance aitue above prices.j *Highest Price Paid for ahi Farm Produ ce. *CFýAWKE«.R, & TAIT . Notices of Birthg,Marriages and Deaths 50 cent@; insertion free wnoen mar- - iageiences are obtained or funeral notices printed at;t b la office. BORN SELBY-In Newcastle, Jue 29th, to Mr. and Mrs.N. Selby, of a son. FAitRBAiiRn-Ât montreal on Jue Both to Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Fairbairu, a daughter. MARRIED. TvERS-MÂTTiLEWS,-In Buffalo, N. Y., Jans 25th, h y Rev. C. Coman. Mr. John A. Tyers and Miss Eva A., only daughter of Mr. Thoe. Matthews, Buffalo, N. Y. BRowN-Bmutv,-In Bowmanville, Jue 25th, by Rev. W. Jolliffe. Mr. Chas. Blrown and Miss Rosie E. Berry, both of Bowmanville. DIEU PATTON-In Clarke,June 28th,Johu iJ.Patton, Aged47 years. CAwxR-IO Oshawa, July 1st, Maria A. Langrill, beloved wife of JohnCawker, aged 60 yecars. FÂRtEWELL-In Sault Ste. Marie, July 2nd. Dr. Geo. M. Farewell, ln his 65th year. loterred al Oshawa. WicIIETT-At Isolation Hospital, June 28th, Percy Lloyd, dearly beloved and only son of A R. and Augusta Wickett of 99 Church St, Toron- to, aged 8 yoasuand 4 months. Devj>iy regret- GISnsoN-Th Hamptn July 2bd, William R-., only sol i ftbh laiel. Gitisoni, aged 25 ' ear. HOW'S TRIS? We olkr One ilundred Dollars Reward for auy case of Catarrh thai cannot be cureS liv Hall'e Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe hlm perfectly. honorable ln aIl business transactions, and inancially able t0 carry out any obligations made by their firm. W"Sr& TRUAX, WholeS&leflDuglsts, Toledo,O. WÂLDIIÇG, KINNÂN & MÂRVIN, WoeSSDu glets. Toledo, O. iiall'a Catarah Cure ls taken internally, act- mga directly upon the blooda~nd oon uf c of the syntena. Pricle. perctj ýr hoe SI uil1. Drg ia. esumo - frft, Hall'o aully Fille are thf it.ý INIfWXT I E e M - 21t d.Ed lana-Fac rs Godwot 0 t 5-ar;yu chic or2- d Imotd S i n rgni -lin,2t 12 yid edswort 20cto 0c, or.1cyd 10 2 oze6 ydeslac i and Fay Dre 5ood Ms Ela50cnd tFont yard o ehoice4 for25e yi e- du- e 10Wnd . M orl y. du- GretoseginHoueworrh 5e p ir, 2 pair 85e.od Eex Do dozen anard ankSo t Fot ShirtsL T-j"r, 'T-t7--.,r,ý ý- . 1 ý- ý ', ý ý -výl - ah, AiNk Mhý IMRý Âmb. Lb, ý =

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