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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1902, p. 8

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11 + PETERBORO +CALL SAMPLES* +GET AT + * H .Dustan + 5 BWANILTELEPHONE. * SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES. Xla the Chicago and North Western ]Railway to Denver, Coloradoe Springs, Pueblo, Sait Lake, Hot Springs and Deadwood, South Dakota during Juno, Juiy and August. A splendid oppor tunity is effered for an enjoyable vaca- tion trip. Sevral fine trains via tnc 'North-Western Lino. Fuil information andl iilustrated pamphlets cau be ob- tained fiom B. H. Benntt,' General Agont,-2 King Street East, .Torono, 24-4w. ORZONO. Mr. Joe lckaby la home frein Brook-' ln,....Mr. Thos. Vinson wus home Dominion Day... Mns. Kivoli visitet han sIster, Mys. Brigifrwell, Newton- vle,,Mr. anti Mra. A.S. Teurjo, Osh awu, were home Dominion Day . ... Mn. anti Mns. David Leble vilteti roluiles lu Tyroue ...... Mr. anti Mra. Fraffl' JIJNE wE9DDING. TvmtS-MAxTnxEWS. The marriage o! Miss Eva Matthews, vonly daitgiter o! Mn. Thos. Matbhe'ws o! Grant street, Buffalo, N. Y., antiMn. John A. Tycra was soleinnizod atuthie berne o! the brities faiber lu the pres- once c f 70 guosîs 'Wcdnestiuy ovoning, Juno 25tb, ut 8 o'eiock. Rev. C.Coman efficiateti. The bridai procession enter- ed the tirawing-room ta bhe wodting murch f nom Lobengrnu, heaieti by Miss Etla Swegles, the maiti o! houer,' anti Miss Hattie Swegles, the bridesmaiti. Noxi came bbe bride, upen the arn o! hon fathen. who gave hen lu murniage. Thy were mot lu tbe tirawing reoin byV theogrom, who wasabalv suppented by IMn. Fred Mtthows, a brother te tie bride, anti Mn. Bertran Somun. Tic biri woet whh iffe on pplique t bik riwoed a hunifonapplueandt ribbon, anti carnieti a siower bounquet of bride roses. The muids woro Swiss, tnimmoti with lace anti insertion, anti LampIon, Hamilton, are vieitinz'ai Mn . After the comony the gess assenbl Chas Back's ..... Miss Alice Hamm, cd lu the tiniug-room, wbere a dainty Gravonhunsit Sauitarlum, ia home .. ppoi' was senvet. The brida receiveti Mr. nd rs.E. . Dncateranda veny bantisome collection cf useful Mr. ntiMrs.E. . Dncason ntipresonîs. Tic happy couple left anidt family, Bewmauvilto, waro lu town ne- shriwons o! ride for Niagara Pulls. Mn. cetly ..... ,Miss Gertie Jebusten, Pont anti Mrs. Tyera wilh iveata No. 420 Hoape, vîsiiet bier- uncie, Mn. Wes. Grant street upon theinrtur.- Ogd n .... Mis MinieCallondar is Buffale Exyprss. The bride is a niece Ogde ,,,,Mîs Minseoe Mrs. John Brock, Bowmauville, anti visiting hien uncle, Prot. D.>er, Albert la well knewu boere, Hon many fionda Collego, Belleville... Mn, anti Mrs. extenti ceugnatulatieus. Jeffery, Port Perry,visitedti r daughh _______ r, n. J. E. Richards... Mosas Edimonti Cebiedick anti HowardWaîsb BOWMANVILLE TO NEW YORK. matie a special trip te Oshawa lasit waok * ...Miss Ethel Hall, teacher Bowman. ville Public Sehool, viiet relatives The besi -route te New York anti anti fiends haro recently ... . -Ceuncillon Philudolpbia le via Grand Trnk anti Geo. Cooper anti wife visihoti ion siston, Lohigh Valley Route o! lie «,Black Mnrs. Tho@. Hanceck, noar Peterboro.. Diamnouti Expreis." PFait trains aund .. Major 3,.aeNuehtan anti sou Fred, o! lezani service. Pullmans Trnoto t Cebourg, spent lsu .ulv with Mr Ilerh. New York. Passengers landed in New W. Rieuwick .... Mra Davidi Noble ha York up town near ail final elusa Hotels gaturned frein visitissg Oshawa fInonda on dowu hown near aIl European Steain- ..Mr. anti Mrs. Daniel hlalli vsitoti ship docks, saving passougens for theirtiaughter, Mrs J. 17. Alorrison, Eurgpe a lon,- anti exponsive transfer. Carthage. . .. Mn. Thos Somerville anti Be sure vour tickets reati aventhie bride visitet ieh~r sister. Mrs. Tbomnas Loigi Výalley. Solti ut tawu anti Vinsen, Suutay week ..iss Elma station ticket offices.15t Tounje, lbas retùrneti bofrom Albert______ Clleke. Belleville. ... Mnr Jolii.NMeRas-, Shrkvilie, bas recover' i mcmor bis ne- cout severe ihînoas. ... bina. 'lies. Heu- dense», Kirb.y,'isvisiting bier daughter. Mns. T. E. ScottIBoissevaiu. bMan.;. Mn. anti Mrs W. FPFPelding, Toronto, are visilhug bis tincle,,* Mn T. ýW. J ack son.... ,Mr. anti Mns Bert Aistmus anti I famiIy anti Nr anti Mra. Mat. Watts,,iI a Bc(wmanviihe, visiteti Inonda bre.. n a Mn. W. S. Poney, repreýseuting Benýj POISON Allen & Ca , wholetale jewelleýrs, Chicago, Ill., was lu towu recenty... Messrns T. W Jackson anti Westev bot throngi the compauy's agent, f, jas, Deý-marn, Bowmau 'ie.. .. MisW e o Can.eion, Port Elgin. ltî visiting ho siste NMirs Wm Cooper ... ,MissAIc H-u-hson has beea, ehectorionan "Ic'2 thle ltflodisl ceurch.. . . Dr. J. HAino u !S prae i ing ah Peinolia, Ont,,.. ' "S i Iloqer andi Ianily loIr las.'it week:l Pontuuumsene. .Mr.Riclb, Hc',Àn L a o driver on, lie T. W. jako stage rote..,,Mr. »WihMntnbs ITSopesant toýtake that chlldfren punehsetihie iinpsn Fsm e! < fomr Il; but it. ,ieatih te Worms of ait for 1 da.DR. LOW'S WORM SYBUJP. acrs or 5,00. - . rie. 25e, Al deaiers., 1 j ubt ïwudiu 3m BOWMANVILLE, JULY 9,1901 MAPLE GIROVE. Before LGoing Shopping, Put our name on your list for TOILET SOÀýFPS, FERFUME, BRUSH-ES. COMBS, BPýTH GQODS, ETC. Wo have some surprises in high quality and low priçes and you 8hould not miss thom., Just now the beautifal Perfume PINIK PEE)NY Is a great attraction. Cail and get a spray at H GINBQ-i %THu aA M'àS DRTJG STORE. PHONE 92. Headquarters for Drugs, Bowinanvill1W One 15 Cent Package Twenty-Five Meals. Makes The use of bee! lu the bot woathor ia yen y frequontiy tbe cause cff indigestion anti serious stomach tierangemeuts. The uise of hoavy anti nich moats ai the mornuig meahl i respousibie for thon- santis of cases o! dyspepsia A dish o! Malt Breakfast Foot will suppiy more nutrition, eungy anud strength for the day's work than a pounti o! beefsteak can afforti. I t koeps the stomachinl perfect condition, vneveut8 constipation, anti keeps the bloond at normal temperature. If yenL wouiti have a dlean brain and »full physical vigen. use Malt Brenkfast Foti .verY morning. 15 cents a pack- age. Ail Grocers. The foliowing are the new officers o! Sohina Division : W. P.,. - Miss Nora Werry ; W. A.,- H. Tiuk- B. S ,-E. Wernýy; A.R S .-Miss E. 'I'ayloÏ; F. S.,-A. L, Pascoe; Treas.,-Jno. Van Noat ; Chap ,-Wmn. Lennox; Con.,- R. Scott; A. Con.,-MiEs Atdile Pasce; O. Sent ,-A. Stainton; 1 Sent.,-Miss Aima Trahi; P. W. P.,-L. T. Pascoe; Organisi,-Miffl Maggio Pascoe; Supt. ef Loyal Crusatiers.-Miss Mabel Pasce Jein M. A James' excursion te Niag- axa Falls juiy 21. Mn. Win. Ashton la able te be arounti again, .... Miss Launa Hogarth la im- p1roving nic,3ly ton. . .. Messns Sulas anti Paul Williams visitedti heir fathor at Pont Penny who recently hati a stroke ....- Several frein bore have been flshing at Lake Scugog anti report geoti catich- as .... Mn., Siephen Hogarth celobrateti biîs 801h birthday last woek. IHo 1 very smnart having waiked te Bownxanville recontly-.. .. Rev J. J. Rue, Oshawa, proached t tEltiadlhat Sunday, Dr. Mason, Toronto. ut the Ativent church .... Friday night Mn 'A L Pasce hati a valuable voung herse killeti by iight- niing'.. . .Recent ,visitons: Mr. -Go. H. Hlogarth, B. A., Principal' o! Whitby Coil. lus. anti son Clare; Mn. anti Mrs. T. E. Washington, Tenante; Mns. E G. Paseoe anti Miss Eva ut Huytiou; Ntro. A. J Reynoldis. Scarbore J 'uc; Mise Estelle Reynolds at home; Mrs. Iluiffan (Miss Mantha Elfora) e! Lanz- don, Dakota . ... Mn. T. Baker bas a hay teddon-just tho thing for this sou- sou .... Miss Ethel VanNest bas hati cbicken pex. NEWCASTLE. Remember M. A. James' excursion te Niagara Fails July 21. Misses J essie anti Annie McNacbtan, Moutre3ai, are guesis o! thein aunt Mns. Arnet.... -Mns. Petie anti Mrs. Gray, Woodtiock, are visiting . their sior Mns, S. W. Meure.... .Work ou Mr. W. F. Jackson's now bhun is pregressiug uicely..... Mossns Hughi Davitisen, .. W. Bnadhey aud Boni McIutiosh wout ont on a flshiug expeditien te Haydou recently. ..,.Mn. Clinton Barfett, anti his father o! Port Horpe have been euhl- ing on oid fnionts. .. .Mr. T. H.Everson la movinz hisiarge pluiforra scales froin the <Elevaten te the cattie peus, nean the depot, making it more convenieni for shippens o! grain sud stock.... Mrs M. E. Barron, (ueo Minnie Eilbeck) Chicago,iII., is visitiug lber grantifather, Mn. Jas. Eilbock .... MissSeott,Lindsuay, anti Miss RowlantiDeserouto, touchers, are spontiiug vacation bore ...The follewing are the newly electoti efficens of Durham led g e, A F. & A. M., lu atalleti by W. H. Walkoy, Poterboro: I. P. M., Alex Mabeoot; W. M., J. K.î Allen; S.W., Dr.Farncomb; J.W., Gee. J oli; Chap . S. B. Scobel; Treas.. S. Fligg ; Sec., E. Simmons; Tyler, Jes. Coulson ...Mr. Gee. eluger anti two chiltiren, spout Dominion Day with honr sisten, Mns. John MeKee, Cobourg. a sufforer From îBackache Mn. W. Gilroy, general merchaut, Blen. heim, Ont., Étates :- 1 arn rather enthusi- asÉcein the pralse of Dr. Cbase's Kidney- Liver Pills, and believe 1 have gooti neason to be. For several years 1 waa a great suiferer frein kmdney diseese, an'd bad paini in my back almeat constanîly. 1 irieti a great many r'ènedies, but dîd net auccee i lu obtaining more tban sligbt temporury relief, "A ftiend cf mine advised me te îry Dr. Chase's Kilney-Liver Pilla, and 1 titi se, wltix great saýtisfaction. I bati fot, taken hait a box before I begante feel better, anti ucw realize that I have eritirely recovered. 1 often wondernonw why people go aflen new-fangled remedies when thia trietiandi proven medicine la se easily obtaineti, and se certain te cure," Dr. Chase's Kidney-L iver Pilîs have an enor- mous sale because they radicafly cure sert- eus anti chronic disease, eue pill a dose, 25 cents a box. Ail dealers, or Edmauson, Bates & Co., Toronto. M%-dabyLivrPU Midsumrner promotion examinations. Namos in erder of menit. Son. III te Jr. IV-Mabel Cex, Pearl Snowdon, Shirlie Snowdon, Manneli Bellamy, Giadys Snowdon, Myrtle blc Reynolds, Edna Adams. Jr. HM to Sr. III-Haroid Power. Elva Snowdon. Son. Il to Jr. 111 -Ethel Adams,*Rhea Jeifery. Jr. Il te Son LI-Arthur Charies. Frank Hamil- ton. Son.- Pt. Il te Jr. 11-Mabel Depow. BzRTA L. H.&Ncoex, teachor. The Use of Beef ini Summer Does Not Favor Digestion or Good Health. malt Breakfast Food Is More Nutritious and Appetizing and is an Aid to Digestive Vigor 1. I i A LIFE IN PERIL. Story of a Girl -Newspaper Saved by ai Arti,-le. THE MASON Gco. BOWMANVI LLE TWELPTH OP JUILY. The membens ef Bowmanvllle Locige ère buey coospleting arrangements for the oelebration, Saturtiay July I2th - AI both Clarke and Oartwrlght Districts are joficg togethen, If the weather faà fine, w. shah sae one of the.langeai tanats ai people liai has beau bero for rnany yesrs. The vinsting Lodges wIli be met on the Market Square ais they corene lring the forenoon, a[ter whioh &n adjouruneont wll be made for Lunch. At 1.30 p. m., a grand proces- dlou wli be !onied, and afler pansdlug the prnciplal utreets, wIll repair tu the Drill Shed where a publIa meetilng wll bc held, Au Atidresof of Welcone wll be ilven by hie Worishlp, Mayor Mîtchell aud speeches by the fohiowlng gentlemen: Revu. R. M. Phalen and J. R. Batlsr,Blecksteok; Rai'. J. J. Rae, Ouhawa; Rai'. J. H. Turubuhl, Bow- manville; Meapro. H. F. Hunter sud R. R. Loscombe, Bowmanvilie. The speaklug wlll be Interapenet with music by the varions Bande, whlch wll be preseut. Aftteh speaklug a Foot Bai Match on lhe Drill Shedi Groaut betweeu tbe Bowoeanvllle teain anti ene 0. Tornnto'a champ!oai leains. She Suffel4ed f rom Headaches, Dizzi- nesa and Niglit Sweats-IIer Friend5 Feared She Was going into Consumption, From L'Avenir, St. Jerome, Que. Among the thousands of young girls who blkss Dr. »~ illiamns Pink PUIS for safoiy carrying- thein through that most perilious poriod of thoir iivei whon tbey stop from girlhuod into the broader reaim of womanbood, there is noue more enthusiastie than Mliss Gabrio1ie Thomas, a yeung lady known te most of the residonts of St. Jerome, Que., and greatly estoomod by al ber acquaintances. Tro a repor- ter of L'Avenir du Nord, Miss Thomas said : "Fromn the timo 1 was fourteen until I was eightoon years cf age Mny health was vory bad, I was very weak; had no appetite and could do no work. At night 1 perspired greatly aud frequeutly sloipt but littie. I suf. f ored from, headaches, dizziness anti could scarcely miove'about without be- coming breathiess, andi I fiuaily reach- od a, stage when my fiende feaneti I was going into consumptien. 1 wau undor the care of doctors, but Choir treatment did not help me. 1 thon trieti several ativertiseti medicines, but witli the samo pon resuite andi I hac corne te think, I couiti net got botter. One da-Y I read in a newspaper the statement of a young girl whose symp- toms woro ahnost identical with my owu, who was curoti by the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pius. I thon decidoti te try this med-iCine anti bave reason te blesa the day -1 did se. I bati oniy usoti the pills a few weoks when 1 ho- ga C te gt'bottier, ant ini a couple cf menths every symptorn of my trouble had tiisappoarod andi I was as strong and healthy as auy girl of my age. I1 have sinco aiways enjoyeti the best of! health and 1 shall ho glati indeoti if my experience proves belpful te some othor suffering girl." Tho bappiness of health for beth mon anti women ies lu the timeiy use cf Dr. Williams' Pink Pis, which act as a nervo tonie anti supply new blooti to enfeebleti systeins. They have cureti many theusauds of cases o! aniemnia. "decline, " consumaption, pains in the back, neuralgia deprossion cf spirits. heant palpitation, indigestion, nheumatism, sciatica, St. Vitus dance anti partial paralysis. Dut substitates sheuid ho avoided if yeu value your health; sise that the full naine "Dr. Williams' Pink PiUIS for Pale Peoplo,, is en oveny box. Solti by all dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2 50 by addressiug The Dr. Williams' Medicine o C Bnockviile, Ont. ____ _ DAUINGTON. 40 pensons from bore Cook in, 4he ex- cursion te Guelph .. .. Mrs. Arthuir Mos. songer and son Bort, Hamilton, visited rinonds boreý..Miss Win nie Power was inTononto -recently... .Miss, Svtiil Jewoil, who has beeu attontiing Tonon- te Normal School, recently calledl on friends bre..,, Miss C, Goodo bas been ~witing for the firat examinîation in trheor3 anti Senior Rudiments of Music of the Coilege Toronto..Miss Edra, Truil wroto at the ongtrance oxams.... 40 cans of milk are shipped frein DarI- iuigten station to Toronto tiaiy, with an inerease on NMeuday ...Italian laborers workiug for the G. T. R are liying in a houseon e~ b Haruden Farin .... Sorr.v te hear of the death of Mrs. J ne. M. Squires. near Coutice.,.. miss Irono and Mn. Claro Langruaiti attend- od Albert Collego clcsing, Belleville, being guests of Dr. Dye r, the- Principal ...A vory enjoyable concert wasg gven at the Cbistian Endeavor Scciety by the Social committoo Fnitiay eveniug. Last Fritiay ovoning tkqe election of officers was holti and the folewing were eiected ;-Pres., Mrs. T. Power; lst Vice do., Miss Winnie Power; 2uti Vice do. J. Elmer; Roc. Sec , Edith Jennings; Cor. Sec., Maggie Oke, Treas., Ironie Langmaid; Organist, Alma JenuýinUg8; Con. of Prayer meeting Coin , ELnest W. Foiey; Con, cf Lookout Cern. Wm. Jeunngs; -Cou. o! Social Cern. Mauti Witheridge; Con of Flower Cern., Mrs. Oke and Miss M>, E. Vancamp; Con. of Sunshine Coin., Sybil Truil. After a few brio! remarks bv the rotiriug Prosident, à*. R. W. Langmaid, Mrs. Power teck charge of the Endea ver,.. »Many o! the People arounti are kocp- ing the 21st O! JUly free, se they eau onjoy the popular trip te NIagara being arutiby our esteometi editor. Remembor the date, anti enjey the out- ing . ... The heavy centinuoius thunder sbowers are tioing much diamage. ospociaiiy te the cern. BABY'S OWN TABLETS A Positive Cure For Rot Weatber Ailments. In the bot weather the little eues suifer froin bowel troubles, are uer- voqus, weak, .sieoploss aud irritable. Ladies' Blouses Having sold out lu many iineï, we had te buy more and by tht time you read this we will have receivet f nom the best factory im, Canada a splendid assonimont of the latesi up-to-date goods,. Jewellry Special pnicos in Weabches, Ciecks and Jowoliry for ahoe12 th. Dry Goods Orange Ribbeu and Banting fer decoration on the l2th. ;Vllte and Coloreti Musiin, special pricee 7c, 100,1 150, 20c, 25e. Ready-to-.wear Shirts Iu Muslin, Duck, Pique and 'Sateen, special prices oni thoe goods this week,$1.O0, $1,25, $1,50, $2.00. Corsets We are having groaît u.- <with cur new Sumimer Corsets; tàf are cool, strong andi correct ia lshape; pnice only 50c, tores vour head- quarters for the i 2th of 'JuIy. THEASONCo -The local Ooznmttee ana auxieus thet on business men aud citImsegenenahly will &I joln lu sud deconate wih b lagei aud Banting, sn au te make thae twn look as gay saspossIble. TIse.whl hoample so3emmodatien for ail, andi lu addition te the two hetll, muashe wlil b. furniched by Mr. Lutitreil, Mri. Bloomer Mes, Reye, anti the. 3%lvatton Army. Tho folhowlng willt b. the reoute e!ftthe procearclen freinthe : Market Square North t) Wellington, Wellington te Elgin, Elin ute Concession. Concession bc Scagog. Seuaag ta King, King ta, George, George %) Dril1 Shedi. HAMPTON. Mr. S. W, Rmisl visitiugis fatbtr sud oth r relatives lu the village, af et an ab- Bentecai v. Yeaats. Rra, L. Elli. wusfiummoned ta Exeter last wek, ber daugbter, Mre. T. Cann, being seri.usly ill. G'oo m waa ceut aven the village durng the eaunirpua! flsat week, wben it becama kaown uhat;Mr, WX. Gibson wse again se- 2inusi 1, beyeud recuvery, Far saveraI ye0%r lieh kas beau Buiferng frein diabetta. Death reliavet i hm o! bis suif eriug Watinea- day eveaiug, The funaral Saturday sitar. nom was' langly attended; the chureb being ccmfotably fihiati durnur the. service, which was conducted by the. peet3r, aseiotati by Rev. W. R. Roaeh, The mexubeme o! the Sý 0. E.B. S. and th. Sunday obool. cf wbich the daceaseti was a meinhar altendeti lu a body, as a taken o! respect t) oneO whose balght gnal disposition madle hisu a gaeas favorite with ail who kuew hlm. The bear. eau w.r hrem..rensberao! the S. O. E sud tbm.. frein tb. S. S. As tb. large cencourbe o! friands stq ed araund the. grave, many au eoe was wet, as tb. grave wa% slowly fiiled coverlng froin sigbt onea wbe place. will net son eaub.fitid in th. ynang peopla'. social gashasingo. A'mong tha floral tributes wera a crase frein Mme, .Elliott, jr.; pliow frein Buuday sehoci; wreaths, frein Epaorîh League; Miss M. Puseoe, bouquets e! whita roses, issn Scott aud tb. bearars. The. S. S. Annivaeamy services tbls vear woe a oplendid sueceses Suudsy Juna 29.h Raey, J, H. Turubull, M. A., preauched Iw vear' lnira.ling sud instructive sermons frein (hrisl'a dealiuge wi4h th. Phanîsaes. Theb cburch wau crowded toe suSinait Ga, paeitT at the evening services, luaddition teo speciai music by th.e cbol,a double imale quartette â»ang ut eaah service, Mn@. G. Archer, Cebaurgalso assiati aut the svening services. Dominion day a splendid Bunda>' school cantatta, *'Sunehina anti Flowemsg,' vas gîven. The edriug oi th. music. anti ase1h ltbear>' part a! lh. pragnaum beiug a credit ti Mn. A. B. Cryderman anti Misses la Euhs anti Ilva Clatworthy, undar whose di- rection lthe umgrain was prepareti. Mr,. R. Ceuklu gavea acoupla o! seeclfons, ao patbetc, I, the ther humrerus. which wera greatlY appracisteti. At th. conclusion of tha prograin, tes was sarved t uhaebedthelb iawn bsving beau fresi seede t Iis eprlng, The waitars wama fraaly complimntad ou lh. beautiful and bountiful repaiS. The Iwe tables berved by mal. wasîers seeme t t hava a great attraction for tb. ladies. The concert aI night was arlenditil>'randerati, anti a cradilte Ibtosa takiug paî t. By me- qaIthe ina:. quate-tle repeated themr Sun-. dýay moming se action, sud Mrs. G. Archer, eplandidly gustained iber reput tion as a soloi8l. Mr. J. IL. Couklij reedereti au lu. teresting prugraxu o! pathetic aud bumorous iselectionq, includiug the reutiening e! the dramna-'David Garrick,' Total prûcýed8 amount te 8175. Mn. Cameron Truli, represanthuDg the Canuda Farinera' Sîgu Company,is cau- viasCiîg the township o! Darlington. Thîs le a very neat aud long-needecl tiovice, whlch consiesao! a palubeti aigu, with the Fariner'. namne, Lot, Concez- sien, antinaine o! Township, wlîlch le pîsceti ou each Iarmer's gaie. As the Leit lenoly900.., eyery fariner lu the TO"Vnehip shoulti secure eue. It att.e gneutly to e eapenn of thingesud w;li b.e agreat convenleniea to travellars vtho may l.a trangyeate.tho slly PAMPHLETS FOR TOURISTS, Grand Trunk Issnoâ New Sunier Reseri Publications. Two uew publications have just bealu issueti by the publicity tiepartruent ol the Grand Trunk Railwav Systeni. Oue e! theoi ladescriptive o! t he chanm1 ing summer resorts on the osai coast ol LaeHuron, inciuding SouthumpDton, P lont Elgin, Kincardine, Goine d Sarnia. Ontario andtihie boachos, koal are reacheti thnough Port Hiuron, Mich The pubhicptien la onhancet hy direl reproductions lu bail-toue f!onmphoto gnaphs ant islaprintod lu the Luxotyp4 precess. lu addition te a description o that part oe!tho countrv, thora la inior matien for the lover o! roti anti gun lisi o! botels, wiih accommodation amn rates, anti a great deai cf ocher taisý thut is o! interest te those w'ho aire look ing for a summer pîsygreunti. The other new pnbfication wnlten hi a story-iike forin moat intoneostiug, an, tioaliug wibh that vasi wilderuesp enm bracing the region aroundtihue Frenc River.- The descriptive mutter takE the tonnit ven the nonthornu tiyisiêý o! the Grand Truuk- te Nortà Bay an frein thene &cross Lake Nipissing t Chandiere, Pulls ou the Freuehi Riyes which la as fanas navig.ation by steam-E eau ho oujoyet. 'The rosi o! tlb journey la matie hy canoas, savoni portages beiug nocessary;, but il seouery lase grand anti se mnagnificei that auyouo Is well -rëpaid fer a visit i thus cburmiug locality. Tbe buniing anti fiahing lu this cor parativoiy virgîn district is unexcehll -black bues, makinongeand ri ckor beiug tie incat numorous e! th( uni tnihe found haro, anti big fellevrs of il makinengo specios ruuniug frein 2o 30 pounts une a fnequut catch. TI ebarins of Ibis wonderful ceuntry t yend Lake Nipiasing- are u(al al conf' edt tecsummen la heautit lu Augusi and September, anti il gorgeons lu Octoben anti Novemben. Duringthie final twe weeka lu Novei ber the tieer-huntiug la gooti, and tiuek bunting season a full bug la tainuble ah any ime. The waters the streains trihutary toe bcre River are liherally ulive wiuh garney f o! alvarieties antisizes. fiis intore igbookiet juai issueti by the Gra Trnk includea ail information as; bow-te roach the localitv, anti cil par tieulars looketi fer b.y tit sportsm on toni. -Copies, sent f roc on appli tien te G. T. Bell, Genieral Passenîe anti Tieiîet Agent, Meuntreal. A momeniai w1ndow bas beme er lu Mewmarket Methodist chunch iu meuîery o!thie late Re0v. (io. M( loch. Gessuine Casturla always bears the SP et Chas. e1. Fjetclser. When Baby was Fick, we, gave ec a Wiien she was a Chiiid, she cied ýfer C, Whecn ehe becamneMis hcunbCe Whenshehd Chiidenshegvia Bargains for 12t11 of JlIyo For nexi week, inciuding Saiurday, July 12, we have an excep- tionally goti lot of bargains. 11,ad the whole lisi cure! uIiy and w* beel sure yen will bo Denefitteti. Boots a.nd Shoes Groceries Men's Spli Bals, regular gooti Best 10e Salmon lu iown, 3 for 25e value ah $1.25, for $1.00. Otit loi Kipporeti Horng, reg, 13c, fer 10e Misses Dongola Oxfords, Il. to 2, Bay Sida ant i ba Biscuits for 10c reg. 81.25 anti $1.00, for 75c. 16 Besi Bulk Picicles, reg. 15ocqi., 10Q paire Ladies' Dengola Boots, sizes 3, Sardines, very choice branti, aiý5, 3ý anti 4, were $2,50 anti $3.00, for TOP Prices fer Butter anti EggB. $1.25. Otit lot Ladies' Oxfords, Le sTe adBet reg. $1,25 and-..$1.40, for $1.00 ais is adBis Meu's Ruuniug Shoes 550; Boys', 1 Wo hava just reeiveti some te 5, 45e; Boys', il te 1 40c. Ex-tra new things lu abeve linos liat will value anti large choie 1o! Trunks, piease you ln boili stylo anti prie, Telescopes, Valises, etc. Sec them. Gents' Furnishings Men's English Flannelette-top Shirts. reg. 5Oc, fer 40e; Meu's Strong Hickory Shirt-ings, wonk shirts, reg. 50c, for 40c. Heavy Blue anti Brown Cotten Sox, ribbod tops, 10e per pair or 3 pair for 25c. Men's Stripoti Shirts anti Drawers, surninr weight, reg, 25c, for 20o Boys' Regatia Shirts, 12Î. te 14, worth 75c, now for 50c. A grand assoniment ef! fowing-end Ties, al new. Olothin]g Snaps We have seme great bargatus ln our spociai loi, Meu's Tweed and Worsted Suits, wene $7.50, $SM5 and $9.00, now for $4.98., Our Blue and Black Worsted Suits are the best procurable at $10,00. We are seiuing a very geeti Blue Worsted Suit ai $5.00. Beys' Suits $1 up, Moen's Suits $3 up. Buy here from the best anti largesi stock et Clothiug in Bowmanville, Make our big st 1Domninion Day was an ideal' day for a holiday. Many o! our citizons wvent te the lake others te Petorboro, Port Hope, Hampton or Haydon anti tbrogby onjoyet theinsoives. The "Argyle"nmde two trips te the city, anti aubrenjoyeti the ssii ou iho take, $50.00 Round Trip te California, Chicago & North-Western R'y frein Chicago. Aug'ust 2 te 10. The new Oveniant Lfimitoti. the luxunieus every day train, louves Chicago 8 00 P. M. OnIy thretiays en route. Unrivaleti seniery. Variable routes. New Draw- ing Rom Sleepinz Cura anti Compant- ment Cars,, Observation Cars (witb toiephoe). Ait meua lunDiniug Car8, Buffet Library Cars (with barber). Electnie iighted threughout. Two other fast trains 10.00 A. M. anti 11.30 P. M. daiiy. The besi o! everything. Daiiy anti persoually conducteti tounisi car excursions te Califonnia, Oregon anti Washington. Apply te your neanest icket agoni or utitiess B. H. Boenett, 2 East King St, Toronto, Ont, 27-6w. WAIT FOR IT. Waih for the Aunuai Excursicu iô NiaguaaPulls per Steamer Argyle ou Wetinesday July 3ODth unden bbe joint auspices o! the Suntiuy Sehools o! Mei-, @&I! Mothotiist cburch Oshawu anti the Methodist Tabernacle Whutbv. The. Bout wiIi louve Bowinvillh&ai 6 30,1 Oshawa 7.80, Whîtby 8 o'clock arriving ut Queenston ut Il 30. Retnrumng Eloctnie Cars louve the Pulls about 5 o'ciock. Bout louves Queenstou ut 6 e'ciock. Fane, Adulta $1.10, Chiltinon 12 yours anti under 60c; To Qtuoonstou Atulti, 80c., Chltiren 40e Four Sea Shore Exoursions. Via Lebigh Valley Rabîroadti t Atlantic City', Cape May, Sou Islandti City anti Oceun City, on July 18 1h, Aug=et 5th, anti 201h anti Sept. liti. Tikt9niy $10, The round trip !rom Suspension Bridge, tickets goti for 15 days. gooti fer stop oven ut Philadelphia. Dont fail te go on eue o! tho above Excursions. Fer tickets anti auy furtiier information apply ut Station ticket office, Suspension Bridge on te ROBERT S. Lnwis Cunatian Passenger Agent. 28-2w 813 Yon- e St, Toronto. COURTIVE. Mrs. S. S. Brooks was iu Tenanite re- ceutiy. . ,-Mr. Iimmel took bu over -2,3oo lbs milk and matie 24 large cheese of oyer 85 lbs each iMouday week... M. jas. Hancock has been spraying a piece of mustanti with gooti results .... The apple cnop is estimatedti te unusuaîty large through this section this season. The excursions te Niagara Falls con- ducteti by M A. Jamies have always been vcry successfui. Arrange te go on Mon- day July 21.

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