U4~ Vvihouta doubt this is the rnost notoîl of al Vorksh ire famillies In CanadaL. A large percontage of the 0f al Wonderfxîl ctbubOns, the elec- bionors brought fo the Oaik Lodge trie magnetie gun iaî enteti hy a JI4erd has bheen won by Cinderellas. Christiania lirofessor is the sotTe are 'prolific. producing very ] erarkable. The professo- cal- eotrifty pigs of strictiy bacon culates that the perfoî aiaoro, of lliq ha-vin, great legti f -0 the hourd l.-F r istanc. , i-b -l . .i n.. .... taken regularly wvi1I keep the stomach in good condition, the blood pure, andthe com- Most s Iure toL 1101r-4Ippn sta.y41.111411is ancthe .Aratv Nursing îepartoîent. As t one - - i it --v l .li ""-ls d- --,ivani s gan amaomeat, as t Ivealt out to the a practica.[ step this new 1 par ngs, a. fîct thut cdovitle' s tacouiiltec- i I mioitheai- Li, hor iivooths ue w asd clock-worlk attach!UFIat of the infer- îis hear-tily apf.roNed. to a (crtain e:xtLrït for the coior tieliieti educational advanutages. and nal machine. scheie of flho table dcecorations. iwas not able to coammence 5I steni- 1 A. iery intresting -iege dimicr was ilaIic stuidy uratil she, was sixt½ dghit l'aTo rOx- to YOU Plat Dr. 1- Theclel~st oe aquate tofoi 0.1bs i'tmetiacî.tq fi clii a year la-t Jonie, x\-en the 'cars ohd. 1 Th clcl l c't uarer o fur.and absolute curo'for ea'li siir\iv cis ofthtle L-Lio0w garrison, "Now! sai Coore Hadng.nd evr ori tgincludi ng, for the first lim-e ilu the I 0 "No, srshie replieit,fixatghtily, - - - - - - - - - - - -~. - - - -. --~ VI 14141 114. LIC U1i1l..1~ 41,14141 if 1.11(11 cOrfl4-1- I 'fonia's i11 tOc 1i,,iIv tri-f.. 40,41 ,i,1~ ~ 1-i ,1-iî b.,,. i - , 4....4-. 4. ...-4 S- -~-ts--~ _________ ..~.&5 4.111...... ~ 4.41 ll. fi.. 1i..--~44 t' ____ _______ - t- , - . . , ., .~. - __ rof the-liftlé black case intlic _corjïýý.,;_jý,lMG lalï 'n and a-sk yourneýzj__ , ladics n hi',