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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1902, p. 4

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* Buy the Genuine Plymfouthli old-ffidal B5inder T wine ITIS THE LongstStrorgest, Evenest, * consequently the Cheapest, * In every way it is the best on the market. Cali and see Our $amples. Ï]Phone 66. One door -west of Post Office, Bowmanville. J, S.Runde & Sns s The Canadian Statesnian, J. S Tnd & oisBOWMANVILLE. JULY 16, 1902 We have in stock a choice lot aif Sereen Doors in walnut and ail .grain finishi; also wiudaw sereens, hay and Mantire fork handies, hoe nand1es, root seufflers, summer IHE GLORIOVO TWELFTH. dusters, wool and plush lap rigs, lly nets and- olis of varions kinds at Few counties in this Province turned J. S. Rundie & Son's out amore respectableîlooking Orange ,Ca'rriage, Elaruem3 and Twina E np)r eOcSsion than paradel the streets of tutu opisiI T Pol'sBwtta'îll, twmns l aon saturday, and iew iumopp)itý . ri'stOwn inCanada marked appreciatiau ____________________________Da the Orange celebration with more cemosnation and in a mare becoming manuer than was mnifested by aur citizens in honor ai the caming hors ai nTTUiETiI CflCdITfN *the loyal Orangemen af the districts of SIVI RI SESSION~j~ Clarke and Cartwright. We 'are par- M~JJIAIJ~JJA .' 4ticnlanly pleased aven the goad-will and FRMJUY7th NEXT. friendly cardiality shawn by aur people ~~~~ RO JLIirrespective ai race, c*eed an religious VWill ba bld iu conuaction with the belîi, because whsîî a clebration ai I&utr wortr of eacl department of the any kind takes -place iu ibis tawu, fon *the credit of the community and the ..iIIIRALB1IINf~ CLI.GF.. goad -ieliowship that exists among us TORONTO. as Canadians, we wish to ses it a suç- Speelal courses lu Accounttng, Short. cess and as fan as is possible everybody biaud, Typewriting, Peunanship,, etc. : satistled. Althnugh in Bowmauvillei * Na vacitions. Students may regîster *Oanes isultrgumicly *for a full or partial course at auy fimie. thîs beîng pre-emîuently an Englîshi O irculars fiee. Addrass town, set when the local brethrenj fl. ýSf - * succceded lu getting the members ofi 14.SI~W :tbe rder ta honor this staid aid tawnj PRINCIPAL.* with their first celebration in the reign *Yonge andfi errard Sts,, Toronto. ofai ood King Edwand VII it wasa their approval by makinoe their homes% and places of buisiness look as invitiug andattaciveas écmet acommun- ity ofai O;univensal adherents af il The nuinimiîty of action was verï appart5nt on Saturdav morning wbe'nt ti idetin an hour or two King Street was( Is-the expenience ai ail who have streamers hearing friendly and frater- nalgretigswers in evidence rui bought Wall Paper from 'ime. Pat- end su ed ai the business portion ai torns and prices are iglit. . have the towu. Pnîvate nesidences in al special sample books irom the lead- parts ai the corporation wene ikewiss ing factaries for yau ta select f rom decorated with flags Nature lias dons a ver.y great deal for this tawu ando if you want samething very extra with the added beauty which artis-tic and exclusive. liands gave it,we cau assure Dur distant Curtin Plescompete,25e eadere who were not pivileged ta join Curtan Poes, omplee, 20lunthe West Durhamu celebration af ther Winow hads, rom40eglanions Twelfth that Bowmanville did î Wîndw Shdesfrom40otruly look veny gay and beautiful. Don't drive nails in your walls, Wanderiul as was tho transformation put up moulding. I have a large oai the town for the Orange deinonstra- assotmen ta uitail hade aition the transformation af the charaeter assormentto sit ai sbaes o ýai the celebration was equally strikîug.t p:i per. lu the former day s many people seemed1 Pictureframing is a specialty. ta thrôw ail restraint and respectabilityN fineta the winds at vu Orange W alk and goa À in assortment ai Pictures. lu for a jamboree. Mlap pily that ires. Croquet Sets and Express Wagons. .and-easv style af celerating the A line ai Coronation Statianery just memorible BattI aifte Boyne, so fan receivod in2 boxes, very pretty, as West Durham is cuncenned at least, is delegated ta the past century and au framl2Oe up. eutirely new ordon of things and a K programn more beftting a commemora. 9v%,M 13 E W A% u yytian ai the eveut oai "glanions, pions ands ft immortal memory" has been inaugur- t PE TRE IL OC dt eOrngcts.rnofths adi ytheOrng rehruaths BOWMANVII4E. Branid of Cucumber and Olive Soap. 8 large 8 1-2 oz. cakes for loc. A whoie window full of Soap at KMuDER i1'1 IVD'S We have attonded Orange W'alks from aur eanly boyhoad days, and we can truthfuliy say that nover befone have we seen a Twelith of Jul-roe- bration carnied oui irom stan ta finish witb, btter teste and- more becoiing ceremo-y. We dld not ses a neally druuk man in -towu durng the whale day, non did we even seu or hear a! a fight,' se gatd natured and respectable was everybody. The procession that formed ou the Market Square, whis net as large eud imposing, made so by caprisaned hanses and Knighi ike heads ai the bigher offices af the Orden, be- decked lu brilliantly colored robes, as we have beheld witui admiring aws as a countrv youth, still the higher officiais were there attirod as gentlemen and the rauk and file wero a well dressed and iu ovsny way respectableclass ai citizens. The natly and trim appear- ance ai the thnss splendid brasa bauds gave lustre taetseotherwiso creditabie procession. The handsome bannons, faunting tbo the breezes their rich folds, beautiful paintings and inscriptions af past bloody viciantes were an inspiing sight accompanied by the martial airs that rolled forth frotu the brass in- struments as the processiunmarched down King Street on route ta tbe drill shed where the speaking toak place. It was also a pretly sight ta behold the br(thren on the Exhibition Grounds drawn up lu parallol columîts almoist the lengtit of the field with the bnili sun shining a warm weicome tea ai s they marched over the velvet like greensward. What da you. think af Mn. Slupart's theories about neceni weather, sun spots, effect ai light ou temperature, etc., as e xplained on au inside page? Ladies wiil find "About the o ue" columu exceedîugly interesting this week. Our Notes and Commeuts this week deal with swimmiug, drowniug acci- dents, etc. Young men and boys should read them, It mav save a 111e. Dont you think youug Dr. Talmage is preaching sermons almosi if nat quite as gaad as those ai his nespectod fathier? Read Mev. Frank Talmage's sermon ln this paper an Melp the Suffering. We are publishing a great quantity Olt valuable readiug for farmers aud stacicmen an aur inside pages., The ong article on Yorkshire Pigs' sale by the Live Stock Commissioner should doeply intorest every farmer, A fine excursion is assnred for Mon- Iay nexitat Niagara Falls if we may nudge fram the number of good -people Who have expresued intention ta go. Note hour of leaving port. Come and bring your frieuxds. 01 the 813 Canadian, statesman wha took part in the delibenations ai 1865, which resulted on t first of July, 1867 in te Union af Upper Canada,' Lo 'wer Canada, Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick, under the titis of The Dominion of Canada, only 7 are now ale, name- ly Sir Oliver Mowat, aged 82 - Mon. AlWm I5sfen,.all avAn -mt Os-,, ýt d is t Io i -N to 1an audience about equally comnosed c >both sexes, the standing, portion c which became at times nather restlee fnom excitement and heat. Bnigadie John Hughes very fittingly an. nevenentlv asked ail ta stand a'nd joi in the Doxology as a devational opes ing to a capital pnogram. The immens concounse of people rose and sang li. spirit of reverend devotion "Praise Go& (rom Whom ail blessin's flow". Mi Anson Taylor, Connty Masier, made modest chairman, and refused to tak. the time oi the meeting for auy length: oration. It is no flattery to say that more clever, appropniate and lova address of welcome we have neye listened to thau was delivsred by Mi John B. Mitchell, Mayor af Bowmanvi,l to the visitons. We confems that bi knowledge of the pnincip)es af th Orange Order and the laws by whîc] the membens are governed put i insignificence our own undenstandini atd Mayor Mitchell must have foit en coura,-ed by the hearty outbunsts o applause from the Orangemen whicl punctured frequently hvs admirabit addres8. Bv request Brigadier Johi Hughes of Newtonvills neplied to th4 Address of Welcome in a very excellen impromptu speech in which, he referret to the cardinal principles af love for thi brotherhood and loyalty to King an( country. Re expressed great satis faction with the neception accorded thi iodges by the citizens and the handsomtg manner in which thev had deconatec the town ln honon af the Orang( Association. IVe do not wish ta make invidiont distinction in our reference ta tht speeches made by Res-s. R. M. Phalen J. J.ý Ras and J. RÉ. Butler and Lawyei H. F. I{unter, for they were ail timelý .and excellent speeches for an occasor >-0f the kind, but we wene immense'N pesdwith the high stand t.aken by RvR.M. Phalen along the hunes ol purity in elections iu this countrv and honestyand purity inq bublie life.- WE agres most heartily with every state- ment the Iceverend gentloeuen made in this caunection. They wene 1"red hot words "as Rev. Mn. Rae said, but they had the right ring and we wish 1,he ministers &Il aven this grand -Dominion would utter irom their pulpits more rcd hot words af the sîsme chanacter. There is great "'need for a change" in this respect and we, know of no better methad ta brin g about an agitation for purity in public life than for the better class of people in both political parties, headed by the ministers, to unite in a demand for cleaner elections and the abolition of iwhat is known in both pal- itical parties as "the machine. " Cana- da is cunsed almost as badlv as the lUnited States with jobbeny aud corrup. tion in political, circles, and eur tons are asked ta take part ini election cam. paigns lu doings and practioes that their fathers would scarn ta caunten- ance, much mars ta take part in, years ago before machine politics became dis- graceful featune ofi aur histarv. Mad we knawn Mn. Phalen was going to make such a courageous attack an the Dolitical Corruption of the times we should have reported lis speech pretty fully out we hope those who did not hear his speech will read a letter that appeared iu the Dai!y Globe on July 5 and very iikelv in the Weekly Globe of Jul3 91h i rom'the pen ai Rev, Dr. Spen- cer af Brautfard an "Election Reflect- on$". Mn. M. F. Hunter, barnister, was the only lay brother who attempted an ail- dress and he certainly put in a straug plea for the ex Steuce and perpetuity ai the Orange Orden. Big address was truly a masterpiece of information, dealing with the causes uecessitating the formation ai the Order aven a cent- ury ago. fallowiug the attempt ta evade the Declanatian af Rig-hts of William's re ieu taud again bning the Stuants ta thethrue;it organîzation in Canada ln 1830 ard its histary ta the present lime. ils poiuted out the aims af the tohtyadits uuderlying pninciples, aeveopig te praprietv of the celebra- lion, the policy of sucb an organization among Protestants and the necessity for its continued prasperity. Unfantuuately the Orange order with ts idea af extendcd iberties ta ail ,egiaus and classes, its histany and its higb ideils are toa infrequently elabon- aied upofl aiter the mauner ai ýMn. Elunter's nemanks. As the preseut gen- eration kuow sa very littie3 about the cause for the onigin and contiuued exis- tence of the society, such a history can- not but be the basis upon whicth a con- version af Protestants ta Orangeism can ho made. We muet heartily cou- g-atulate ail concerned on the splendid success ai the Orange celebration on Saturday ln West Durham. King Qýuality Boots, BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Correeted by J.MolWurtry each Ttesday FLOu, f100 ft 80 to $2 2o WBiIIT, Fali, bush ..0o) Il O 70 Spring......... ûo o 70 't Red Fide .......00(o e0" 7,5 Goose ....0 00 et0 65 BARLBY, e' bush, No. 1 ... O 0 " O i 45 i fi2 ... 0 4o043.0 il '; 3 ...0 25"if081 etTwo rowed O 40 il O 50 O&Ts, white te ....O..00 O040 RYE, il.............000"()055 BUCKWIIRAT Il....O.. 00 0O55 PisAs, Blackeye, P bush.. O 00 O0 0 ilCanadian Beauties O 70 l' O 80 il Mumrney Il 0 00"et0 00 le Smaill i' O60 'e 0 65 il Blue il 0 00"il0 65 BUTTER, best table, P IIb. 0 0 i' O 16 FI:;s? edoz .............O0 18"et0 14 POrA'roBS, VI bush .......0" O 050 Hîv, &*ton ............ 800"te9 00. "Great cry and Il Great appearance and littie service 1 Beware of f aIse "window shoes" 1 Look for the symo otrepnsilityth Makersip4e and pegont soleof "The Slater Shoe» NIL - -. . . JORN EELLY&R. Sole Local Agent CHURCU UNION IN CANADA. Principal Caven, of Toronto, regard- ed by manv as a conservative Church- man and theolozian, makes a strong, sane and convincing plea for Christian union, in an article iu The Westminster for July. He discusAes the radical qu estion of the minimum of creed and the libertr of constitution necessary for effective union. Hfis argument carnies bim a long way ini the direction of the position that our present denomination- alismn is flot only a and a weak- ness, but a crime. The article should be read by leaders in ail Churches. AFTER PORT HOPE HOTELMEN. PO.R opp,July; 9th .-Inspector E.A. Powers, in order to carry out wbat Mnr. Whitney. the leader of the Ontario Opposition, said he would do if he tihould succeed in defeatlng the Ross Governmont, viz., see that t he Licensej Law was strictly enforced without fear1 or favor, made chatges to-day against the proprietors ot the Royal Hote, Britishllotel, Ontanlo House, Mldland Rouge. Chueen'e P0tq3l and Hntel St. llighest Price for Pro duce. TT-IOUSE FOR SALE-Good large AI., brick residence on Ctinreh St , spaclona rooms. Terras easy. For particulars applyV to Mas. J. B3. TAYLOR, Cburcb St., Bowmanvilie, e I f. F ARM TO REý,T-Being 100 aeres o2 f lot 26, cou 4, Darllngtoni, on which are good 'buildings. Pîowing possession aiter harvest. Full po3session next spriug. Apply to JES. ÂRNOTT ou premises or Solina, P. ,. 29-Sw* DASS BOOK LOST-Op Jane 8tb, J.. between Mr. F. Grlffin's, lot 26. con 9, Darlingtin and Harmoy, a pass book belong ing to W. T. Stevens.T he tnder will please léave it at J. Glbert's, Bowmnanville, or Osh awa Post Office, W. T. STikVV.R, Harrmony.ý m EN ACRES FOR SALE.-Being .Lnorth east corner of lot 18, con 7, Darling- ton. On premises are t, god 1rame bouse and barn, bard$ and sof t water, also good orcbard. wUi be sold on easy terms. Apply to ERuAs GREERwAy, Lot 10, con 9, Darlington, Haydon P. 0. 2-w U'ARM FOR SALE.-Being lot 10, .12 on 0, flarlington, except thîrteeu acres. On the emses are good buildings, good orcb ard an)Flpesýnof water. The land la in tbe best of cultivation. WilI be soki on very easy terms. If not sold by Ang lStb, will be reuted. Apply to Etuas GUxEiiwÂ, on tbe premises, lIaydon P. O. 28-6w* Cedar For b8aIe.1 BY TENDER-Part of Lot No. 13 in conces- sion 5 of the Townsbip of Cartwrigbixconsisting of 20 acres more or less, sud containlng a quan- tity of valuable cedar and otber timber. The above property will be sold kv tender, the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Information May be bad from Mr. William Barton or James Parr, Esq., at Blackstock P. O., near tbe premises. Tenders opened, Jnly 2tis. (Signed) Da. A. J. CAMPBELL, Gravenhurit, Ont. July 8tb, 190U 29-2w .UONUM ENTS.. Good Work, l3est MateriaIs, Artistie Designs, Prices Reasonable,I E. R. BOUNSALL, is BOWMANVIL1LE, ONT. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES. Nila the Chicago and North Western Railway ta Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Sait Lake, Mot Sprnugs and i)eadwood, South Dakota during June, July and Augusi. A splendid oppar- tunily is offeroci for au enjayable vaca- tion trip. Several fine trains via the -North- Western Lino, Full information and îllustrated pamphlets can ho oh- iained from B. M. Bennuett, General Agoni, 2 King Street East, Toronto, à5-4w. B UGGIES FOR SALE-Fine secod haud top Ruggies-uewly poine-oine ueurfly new. Als 2 roadicaris. J. PERCT, S ERVANTr WANTED-Goad gen- eral servant. Highast wsges to compet- eut girl. Apply te Mffa, G. W. McLAISiiLLN, Oshawa.268 T M AMERICAN INSTITUTE 0F HPHRENOLOGY, Incorporatefi 1866, ope ns is uext session, September 3rd, 1902. For par- tlculars appy toetha Secretary, M. H. PIERCT, care o!f 'owler & Wells Go., 24 East 22 nd St.. Na1ýw York City, N. Y. MISS BERTHTA L TAMBLYN Pupîl of Prof. A.S.Vogt, Toronto Conservatory of Muslo, will recelve puplis la Piano aud Theory of Music, ai Concession St., Bow ma ville FARLU FOR SALE,-The estats ai Fthe tata James Iiyers, Turons, consistlng of 100 acres of lti8, con 8, arlington.; good frame buildings, watar and large orchard, Plouglîlng possession afler harvest and full pos- session lis Nov. For furtbar apply ta N.BYERS, Port Perry, Mas. JMABFs BYERs Or R. FALLIS, 152-Spruce Street, Toronto. 26-tf WOOL WANTED.-"'There la naw W a great cry and ltile wool" as the Dael saad wbhe aclipi tha Sow. Welt, itis trua for as the market stands thare lo no profit taeifhler bayer or seller. Wbat I want te tell my aid friands is that I arn still to be found at the old reliabla stand-tha Hampton Wooflen Mills *wbere 1 am prapared aithar te buy tbeir woot or exchauge for home-mafia gooda. Roll carding and spining attended ta. IIoping te ses my oid frteuds once more. D. T4YLoa, Hampton. 17-3m., IRTCLASS FARIN FOR SALE- F Compoaed 0f, 100 acres, baing west bal! of lot 9, cou. 2, Clarke, adioihing the village af Nawtanville. On the pramîsas are erectad a gond brick dwelllng, framne barn-70xM6 feet- wilth hay fork, atone faundaion with stabting for 6 barges, 20 camte and poultry; also imple- ment sbed sud straw barn. A fine orchardîin full bearing. Good well ai dwellng sud barn, sud large clieru witb pump. A neyer failing creek crosses the farm. The farm la lu a goid state Of cuttivation watt fe need, 80 acres ctear- ed, balance lu maple, beach sud a titile mixed timbar. This farm offers splendid indacemant ta parties ln want of a first dlais place, Wltbtn 40 roda of achool, cherches sud post office; cou- veulent ta railway station aud wittbn easy raacb of Part Hope market. Reasions for selling 1l1-healttb For terma aand furtbar particulars apply ta Wie. Rîcu, owuer, Ctarke P. O. 27 3w» , the Central Ba rber Shop for a Leading Clothiers. MISS EDITH FREELAND In raepared to gîva music lassons at har bomne on eeptb Avenu e. Bowmasnvlllcî. 57-tf 10111 Attention ée For a NIoffet, If you are building or repaîring we can perhaps help you to solve soma of the dincles incident to the under- taking. For instance : CimEseTrs-We have Battil's Thorold for concrete walls, cattie stables and ceilar floors; English Portland for pave- ments a ndcisterna. BiLL SuFF-Pi n e an d Hemipck Joises, Scautling and Boards. r'IMBER-Pine a n d Cedar Square Timber and Sîceper. FLooRN<c--Bed and White Plue and White Maple. CRILING and WÂusmo-Painted and Grained, Beaded and V-Joint. Srnuýi--Bevelod, Goye, Shiplapped and Clapboarding. SrnNzGLs-Ail grades, Native2 Pine and Cedar and B. 0. Red Cedar. Doons-Gîlmouriepatent lumber,hard. wood and pine Doors-all grades and prices. SAsu, BLim3s and MouuuiNQs-làiI. mour~s and Rathbun's Manufacture. Sait, Plascer, W ooui and Best Clea Screaned Coal-Ilard and Soft. Inspection Invited. IPrîc'es Reasonable, MCLELLAN & CO Z7-6m Bowmanvïîùo, Tea 'N Coffee 'The very best Chase> and Sanborn Ooffee, for something good it ean't be beat. We have a few Specials for titis week-Pure Maple Syrup, Canned Pineapple, Corn, Peàs and Tomatoes, the very best. Have you tried our Special iBaking Powder, it can't be beat 150 per Pound. Wool Wanted. TELEPRONE 57 E ES ED OUE. (Drop Sale.) .WS N OS IJust Cut in Hi....n 9 %We Have To- Do I-t. You ail know what a prolonged cold spring and early summer we have had, hence we have yards of the choicest Dress Muslins lef t over and to get thern out of the store quickly we have to put th.e knif e in good andi deep. Hinest Colored Dress Muslins at Haif Price. 3 5 0cand 40e Colorert Muslins; take your pick; per-yard 20C 50c and 40e Colored Muslins; take your pick; per yard20 (Corne eariy and get choicest patterns.) I Underpriced Embroi deri es. 15e and 12ýc inbroideries; choice of any piece in stock; per yard 9C S10e Embroideî jes, ehoiee of any piece in1 stock; per yard 6 7c Embroideries, choice of any piece in stock; per yard 4 $1 Ladi*es'bStraw Sailors, 48c. $1019c and 75c, Ladieî Straw Sailors, good assortment lef t 48C We want to work our Mus lins down to the -lowest'point, also the Embroideries, and not to carry over one single Straw Sailor. Corne early and get the choicest goods and save money, John McMurtry, BOWMANVILLE.

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