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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1902, p. 6

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Standard Rer-nedy Usod in Thousands of HomeshI Canada for nearly Sixty Vears and lias never yet fUe togive aifcon CURES Dlarrhoea, Dysentery, Choiera, Choiera do-rbus, Choiera Infan- tuCramps, Colle, Sea Sickness and ail Sunimer Co-rplaint[s. Its prompt use wii prevent a g'reat deal of neesysifr Ing and often "aeI»feý. The T. Pi ii>ra C. ileTrml.Ontario. Prepared from the fiîuest selectefi Cocoa and distinguish.ed er w'lire for delicacy of fiavior. superior qtiality and bighlyr nu- tnýtive properties. Sold iîî quarter- potînd tins, iabelled JAS. EPPSS & Co., Liinîted, Homoeopatlîic ChIemists, London, Englana. F3REAK AST- SUPPER. WE WANT MIEN, EVERY WEEK DAY, 1000 M]@ut W uNTED to leave their menasure for l'ail aînd Winter Stîits te be made up in very iatest sts le anti fit guaraiiteeri. We make men's and boys suits equal tQ any and prices lower than nianv. Brin Z us -iour wsviîkled clothes te be presseti and matie ike a new suit. Wekep sm so clth- prices right Jîii'. ALN the fasiîionable tailor, ntal-j' Vopposite SrATESSIîAN office, Boiv manville. 45-tf 'b e (Gref at Eng.ihRrmcdij ilo. anti rk'omîiended by ar a "ng.-ist(. in Canada. Oui y re!u eue ediinediseoverei. 2mïirced te cure a11 il-ms 'l exuel Wcak"nesg, acl-I7Pcts tif abrse or ress, Mental Tory, Eceerve ica t T bar- o pIunior S ,tautq. -illdc- Pla wtfcr. aplets free to en ddress. The W oodCmpazy,leWindsor, Ï> -Alds t'iospodiae e stici ila 3win "nil hyJlgg!iiibotha a & Son, Stott & Jnîyrn- W IfPemId, Drnggists. u Are naI-kart anti Neïva Tonic, Blood and Tissue Builder and Constitution Renewer for al itroubleti with is'eak heart or uci-ves. As a food ffer tie blooethle bain andtheti, they caýnnot bu excelleti. If You are troubied w ,ithluNervousuess, Sîcepleseness, Nervomus Prostration, Pal- pitation cf the Heart, Shortuess ot Bretii, Week or Fainting Spelîs, AnSinia, or n-ny ter ot Debilitye, take IIFURT ANÎD RREPL~ Their curative power is. qui ckly mn-ni- festeti. Tiey puri-bypnuid nrtai the blooti, irighten the bran- andi steady anti strenghten tihs nerves troi te first few doses. Puice 5oc. per lbox or 3 bo'-es for s.s at ail dealers or Thse T. MiîhssrmmCo., LImitod, IV 0OTE S A AD COïTfMJEZVTS.ý5 Tbis is a grent age iinieore setises tliatî ee. Ih is attLage ln wbich ne otie cicr knoirs fer any lcagth et tinte juast uvere lie is at. It is ne lenger prudent te say anytbing la, impossible, and day by day chuîish- cd illusionsoet reaf antiquity arc uninercifuilly .kîueckud .on tie h iad andîth îeir fall-ucy denîunstrnted. We' iveru v, onduîing I-st wcuk wliy theru,, uvre se nanuy drewcing tLitie ci ery c.r. Netbirg seenis fo ho a n One droit ing accident fol- Ion s aneil e'- tigbout the sara, ýon witit soincthincs, liait a dozun orý moeon faxvorable days until ie g rsl ecord, is sucb fliat onu' Ui bt I pardoncd for thitikiii puoie uego out on tfl i iýI wuldit cease playiiig pîactical eu iicanes, rticicing bonis or tand- ing titite w al k frein onue part teu eigbf-s'car-old chilti aile hoth acre in the usater. In the irst place, lot one pensen in naluuntreti kuiws uxactl su hure te latd i a.kneckout îuoaw, anti in flic secendi pince, liefl pensons hicg in a yiuidicg suli stance wbicb ofîcra praciicaliy tio resisaatce as hackicig for a blous, ine itan, cxcii fhogb a frained i rcuti- tic figlter, rouitdlivur a bleu in fine iuafci brard c'nongb te pruduce ulnconsciooaness. ifthtutu tictinini' mntgînas Yot, youctcatinin-ke hira lut go by prinaig ini bard uitlu thclvianuits butin ithe hollu-st wherc e thfe car iciuinstu at. Pres-1 sure îhci-e urfîl u SdureaC-1piai tint ti vrtuiiivilIl ici olonltantiiy break the gcip ont yeur b-annI1 or lug te piut lis bandt up te the source oet tic pain. Asitel r faliacy is that tirets miug peopîle fureur up ficir luanda juat a s'bey sftrt to siuii. fin-t ftilaoee v,1,Ihbeiy a guet auviuu'oiîcr ati perirntui ant iafl net ho dccc, by St uuaî usho is tii-en uimg, buccnusc ie la utot -n geot suimnici. 'le f lîow utp etur linsonet et the n ater ypu auit treati ataes'. atmot'her as if thep aune oti a steani "A pecaýilarinusg ;r hout t teurmecI pu-pelici. Onueuroulti af leasfthiirPeuple t ,at lNY t aeîu cna ient people uulîcîcantot, suint aafiefroý1ace up n];ncl'ie. dntfaedoi s, j a hidielahdue7te thîr i.,tercncc liticu -suticdiukeep eut oet anytfinig ctron n tif fie bots -Again, mnore lt-agilefinn cislicnd ftrry t' r-mca surins, ath tse tusthu, uua cIsc excucise fte neafuaf pîccautietis ing a tnili nhtautniifor- wn-Iem in anuiter ci-att. -But theiexu I . .oke wutu f-cluaulîle 1a maneiropels blituscîf Ma1ilt ticsole' et don't de titis. lî,stend yecîng la-dies ifs fout uindtuciushdaufbbs are invifedt tegeouitus fheni in ontici cg- fn-cii nution huas ilna 'a te cîmplicaeiltatturs in tieci cnt and n 'tîiuîlut ai- ,t oud hequetaiosu c-uru aig of a u ii-iahp asîidcrio tic shýightlte'adi Cuhîi hxiigesaîI hu est pesib3i iti' tofnyicna nuti. n'nitunti pick cut th01 îtic.îa!Àojlltv ofet erp utîu in the n ierh'the E\tuîyhecly shouti leartu ion- te iai li ailcilie hînudica bilunseîf." s-wilî nd itthi i- ricnsu lîrcck f oui irst neniuunks abouti fie dia- ec musi taPe at-oîg excptionte pelling et cienltillusIns.hmuOtOparagnaPlit in uîlucb fuie Nurtfr arc tue susuýal pet 'uoSe nli-ttua heficsatenicuit ftuf JohntiL. saaiiugania ,sf1tcr il]tic 1 Bal- Sliuti leinlit paînicaf taascetîti thuereSunbasseteutle eunue 10mut Punt k ocît an 8 Icat' oit bey mîuîuîbn e flc aui~eas oluias avuile beth ureru e ic he aft' .tfis 'lit liri atti ruf uidul n-c qtitc truie fluat lU la pu'actfcnlly !M_ ceptediut of cui-cgiis la iat uiusib'e o teclliucc a îuoîrstrrigbt inn-ny ipeoplearcex ýerroîue h,g m- 'ptuonuthue ioiulter itifluauy foîrc toc whifi' siiiniiig ant iranc thouuued li[ic fý,rcn'ena assignuti, btt ose a-ta couîsequeîce. As a at-fer et tact caui h"c rn-l iliewaser anud f lure s eîly ce ern et rauu rucghut doidn uifl isufhrîieut vn thai is fatal te fie sadnatner, auî vit c thrut is flue cranîp in flic steuuaci ouit t tu average peuson f cîporaîily a'hich fa altoat nanate n-s hc's Onttoetbusinîess. (l'e fn-re if fiat tic tueihs. Cratîîp la tie sfeiiacistle' urnîec cf itie article ini cuesa tin la icanit ot acitity oetflho" sula ever cigit, 3 ars, antuif Lu urlul taPe brougitt h y a jiatl afinaur affect a n-il 'ticnicles, rn eirs the persoîl t atriii te Tot-onto n-e a-il pioiuîre a po,ernleas anti cci.a s the swin'îr, neilati n'iît' us 11gl'e him aiîicih te go iourn. Cnanîp la fie au e enonsft-nfionoftuttc knock-otut bleui ieg ils palnul, but nef dýngcruu-s. l i vfu iee iie Vîheti a sswirrtnr lo a inhckcdhy scofîharge local cinîtuls hbcîill mi" fgîo îigit f0 i'he btofem ithout ait cfhoit, lînt If la Piebahilynef au tint iii al a 111 strutggic a ioluîîily tutti ail out. casas persens sax et troua tîosrîing 'fiec cînnps asf but a aient tfinieli-se ast aversion ttir tielieusun -h imur uili sitand fie huiet pan. 'The punrincipa cauises efthte m--stcu-ious tirestntngs atfnihofti fo rip are icaî't t-en-su anti apeplexy. Peisýots siih huart trouble, capeially un- i ular atlfttions, ai-e lin-alo te Sud- detu deaih un neceiuing aîuy surftiof1 suueci, espccfuluy sucb as onue e cciius by piusuging coldt aft. e lectet their nescîte, bucîfif is cie- dýoulifethy so in many if not fie iaa- ofit e cases. Stîch cases bn-uc, cýeaiutnter otîr obseruvatiomu, and n-e baie huben nt a iosa te accouiut for1 if. utuls if nîay he tuetu tean op- pnco-si te suit-e of cx elasý,ting obliga-- tion. Tburc lasueo succi way et lus- icg ac fiiitd than bY lîcttinîtu hlm "One xciv generaliy acknewnnanti utîclci-oo unuci eobligation. tnfanatcraftidSource of tangei teoi____ ____ sswilunniers ilsteun-bit utfn-osing tic boicîy o cool tii betore uutriîgý Seinte ide,%oethIe ilt uberta efthfle fie us cteri ahichinost swnnuuera i con-i tainems' s-1triku in tic United ilîink ma just urbat fbu1 shouitce Snt'sapteg(tut1renfietl lThe cciM iuutu isa ty eti sietîldtnti -Yb laidfontefl nosve enerm theticatafr, ecii n uremu htiing figtres: incitithiiperspîirationunxesa the, Losfo umine uvorkuca la bodiy is iii a gueus, and if if fa rot wangca---------s ,s, aren-dp itun-aglen peu siocîltitaPeBos teo upeunfors lu a short bnlk ak s ui or nti te get in hrice et coal "B iur- thlu condition. On thue ethes' liud, ,nnu"------------------..10,408,000 yen itinit nefr 1'ti uiatcr LBoss to entIroyes, ethu j iot u c-len-uti orsille îita troîu i thuaýr. miî---- 1,206,000 u'-usiý tfon or extreînc t, ,- 1igîc. The Baste tiiu meitn in rcaisuuu flicbody slîoti h ima al ýglow cmal negiens------------..3,200,000 ma becatîse (lue coouisîg oiï wasfeaSflue Los te b'7:i:ics inca -1-i'gy antitiieno-etsthe n wh-o aic'cen- i elta ... 2,000,000 naturei lins pixiet yeci th ite Plithstn.ud tic ahocnof thfle suttien Te1nl---------------.1,99.... fn, oelttu.,ncooltoffcirsotthier- W hile tfli ndirect bs fe consumun- sioii, nîtitint; accocînîsfor fie ladesat e lchansi neri i et icuigoiiunftion usich saimran s ti-flage section oftuhe Country de- sumietinea ceipiaiîu et atter thic1penLton - the ansîfbîciîe Matîes leave fie wrufeu'.,lu is hacdiy muces- foi' ifs fuel usas teo grîaf te be es- atry te rcinarhk tint a swini shouiti neser bu takuti rîghî fatcm a buarty tiniictd. That fie cîicf enton tol, inienior fi-t tcebuti' ahoutit te-the slnike uvasi n clash etof uoa ccf'u giodntibtg al-rheirîg lu îecn'en dieretfclissest fteix-ne the mitr.tinrlers f hensei us 'nuita feeling ""A a cmy s-unîaî'Icnle uîisug n-liut. nescuca fretin-accitentan-I tie-is and oeu us lîch la conmpletely nLfit ariance with pepuitar titeeura, is fiat fie ucacucti dpensiotu imvariinlydt tis flue iitlu suie bas savx ciiifs lite,. 'lie satiememuts iii nîe's anti lux e sonies about the resuacccelome fcliîug naunsi- icig semse et gratitude anuit icbly ne- wan-dîg flue usu re cpmtty, huit ahsoicutely uireag. I1ihavec ran-mu fli attemnfion et tex ecal pntiuineuui psyciolegisf s i ibisirait un, ant 'i tlucy uxplamu if by sayn-yi-Chat ite pursou avabose lie aras cadangerd la s0 liliet itsîllu ieior oeutfle imci j tien't tint ho or she tislikca eu env feafcînc connectet uitl itl, inluncling flic lite san-er. lise test uap f0 ncnaIke a ncscuîc la te swini onî 3 on îm olr,*hoding fie o icu prson un ihis back anti aiti bis lientlahuout fie nîltihe t pet' ocîr-. Iis glu es- yl ouai-utifee nt eu n-ct u by ~ ~ i gnhig er ls. Exucryb(edy inalirait the fn-ucw ti)fa uerimîg heouc g ing don-n torx n. int sapeistCition is a sep-a t i n-s fiai about t-he ofnîcs pond n-ýhidi every tucfghhuaod heats nti l îuLa about as lfflcfuîîdtifon ,jllfitct corne n-pni, or he mycnea nre-uthan ùuuc i fnies. ît nut de teuýit aeneLtlinginust:bu tiene te lcee'î dp ftle irîturea t oflic i-houera in fie union, is fume epicnion express- cd by a wull infenuîuud waicet' lu the Yale Iteviesu, Dr'. Roerts, et Scranî- tont, l'a. The tact tfln-thflic tri!e ssas calud by a saahin-jority oethflicmine a rer,anuititflut atu adudîna e stinnttoftgruevacus, la uneuigi te coîtna f heo neveutent as a needis t-uent .te extrtêune rnesus; buttflic nnîninii xsichthe sfs-lIke lias icun coîttuctui, ndthite hart- iipi in-hasalrady usorketi ai fie e'pne t a ! hîootl101y ictuoceat classes, niuat aro'use fhe indigntiýUo 0f cx Ilnstnibertnfytcndiucsa handcd toguiet' fi fau-clin heî'e in Anî"ricn- ilna inuniu-ri ctnder fi te Itc 1 oflei t ndepnc- cirenii1776, anti tii', nu ee t flic csnucuoius iIIutisfnaudcx ciopiemt anti sIenden ccoaonxcn- nac iný our ccuuturynicrîua oquarter' of national Literary Nq'tes. 1 The iiost scasoniable et manY ex- -cellent short steries ini tic July ) vCclurees (amen(..g îîich is an Emrny )Lou story ant cfenltdstory by -Nornman minai, is Mr Stuîu- art Cttri's 'IiteMaildQuai- trrs." iei.eiufclig ictiîuebas ci ur hert draî I' n ,e teercsc aide u<Ofth csuuiinr .acnun-tie si de et tic-theluabati îîlu, jinains bchin- un--t lin tihciy îb i ie' oarc rotf gaidens anti rcstatna ndaelectric fans, bu't iil a nouite iniesteti subuub, sheuonu ýis hei alune to bn-file îuith i e otbs nuithe îed nuits ; fer in tii', case hoth cook anîd s lconti girl sunaise te haie leti. Tie teniaukabluliat tf it is t'ont tic atery auetîihaie bren irittua 1bya 'eai, anthfe îî ole ilaa spitiL of >, ivu, nti etsatire. Theo kechis anoiber ot Mis. Lut- titug's "LileStoes et Mairied! Sife, wbtciiare 'ouiiing te bu meî flic i,,, t.-i ulcoine oftttee arieus 'itci trÈtl', Lction seuicarnîig i iIcluie'a. Ina Cettain Aspets etAunerica. M1. 1). Sidgaiýck,î, PjiJuly Atlin tic, points oui ýtic inuŽqcualitiesi tbnt ftrial dielMopunetît, ant(i 1i'lads for Pi bciphii i !ou aît Ctîîîenuî-lation by unettus ut wWîch tc etfcu aticorrect tiiu. W -.1 - llei erîson in a île- ligiful îînpcr on Sailing continues the fînuaitin s eiuLeiffiiinig suries eof outluuu- pucrs, f0 Le feilfovedIhii Auigusti):y,,The illset , hy Vurr Z. lle,l -Ami îLe ýlitet mytett i et~ ~~~~~~~i tu1umbra-1,.al i i 'lr fa. ci5,iîgreor. tiîti-c 'u 's Brieux, Gi-l SiiiLue'a lix dp esaa On lueauiu ]Bulatbrougiî tieir ln-tshaedflcregula reiuîcis ot Books Olti n-ud Niew, etc. In tic- tieut lic l-iarowis a ion lutu hginis bri P ilntanaOuîr L-td- of.tbu Beerbii', . E. )ing, Geor ge S. Was-, Balla L. Sharp anîîd otbcrs turnishi. traiig stounes, anti sketchea Ean-d N. Pfoerey, Ilztilýdcg-ciduMationc iriiinW. Ciloutd, auttdJn IL M. orse ceoi- tributepensa thte l-tei 'y Con- tribututs' ClubI rounds ont an enfer- faiîuicgandi ti airiafeilid-uniner number oe t ticAtlantic. Aiîîs'cu's for Jt is Wcil stor'et wtith ilio'tratd, articles ati tonies. "Tc r'ent Laic," b Richardi 1Liitic'iu, is ýcu)nîprelîeî i n iuewj a ntipicturesqfu 1 e ifit ituutncit. A tribution if;"iei nti Fatigtue," y G. StaclyHallIýI, Presitient et Clark University. "rîu oe f the mlt- lioîîntiru,"nîuî a ocatf articles ila kegrin uvt 1 Allen anogrce, subli the ii i iaiu-.i'TeiigtAgainatý Srn-ulpox, by Cartes 1'letrîteri S-cott, la a a, i writîi iîforTnattîc article.-- in.Ferlrsec c, by W. E- Draper, is short ant irnety. "The 11e-uni et Sicep, kNeith lIe'ce, la iîîte-ýircig ca d 1n g, anti '.Aiig. Mins u, Cepper lKing," hy Roer5t I-Iinluui-eis ca grahie un Portrait trotît uýic hant et ene titat knowi-a ls subject thoreîgity. "Top-ira of flic iheatre,' as usual, basý ti[e double atfracioen et fut anti picfuîrý. he cticîn et Ainslee's, for Juty la notable. "Tic eStrategy of Ccci. Mincrva 5mitl,' hi J. C. Iin- coli, l aun amusig story ofthfli Fourti in a tai couiit-y. "Tic Camaeaii Sibyl," hy Margarita Spuldiîîg Curry, is a pîutty senti- miental steuy cf Wellcaieî lite. 'Tic Cuttiug Ottou the 'Hleas uiy ItionrP' " by ei-nan nictdetails, a stirriig .sena tdventuîrc."The Es- cape," hy MayLelsuy Chaumpion, is full ot charni ; anti "The Ciuunuy Swccp)," livZoe Anderson bonis, alite witu tuc. (Street & Smilth, puiblialuers, Newv Yor-k.) W batt rn-kes ihehn-ppy î'elationî be- f saen itan anti uveman, is an etern- n-lly intcîestiug question, nttia clever discussion of vhîy unucriagus faiil, piesjusuet blatfoi'd îyte in bis, artIicle -'!l lie Weniaii's ýSidoe," la cýer- tain te-o receise tueucry wutc Con- siic-aio ubtlî bas Leý_enu niien, to 1t1hat autbor's preL.uieois _t ticles on the discussion etf un -ul'els'U'. uai. alinuat eîaly di itetinlaintecest hetxeeu umenî aîîti vn en.""An EX- peuiment in Donricsîic Finance" is anether cntme-clniou ci article w iich 55411 npp 'aite suoitieît, bile tomne twenîty fpages dt'es otedti thflc 'Cap- tainis etfludtu- " xii ,rucriuc itie OIL As' FÀUEL'. forý fleIse etou tîLSfultroguc fis systeui. Tiý,ýcocnipauîyint'iiat esfabih cxn >-ueti-clIa o f careful art, give a cicarur idea 0 l juat viat tint disaster ncans tbauî anytiing bifierf o preseuif d. The ilustrafeti prose articles, in Sct'fbner's ton July repiesunt the hesi îvork oif scîch arfisfs as W'ill Il.Lest', Wlter Appif on Clatit, A. 13. Froat,, andtiotie- 'uruong tic younguu' mcn. "he Matiiqe Poitîpei" ta an îarticle, iîereiat tic mat possuible moment, ii idly descrihing file an- pallhîg, disaste1r at St, Pier-re. Its acutioi', 1r lin bb Cburch, sais c'uciîthintg, ani picturecantiti etly ttie tenu-iblu e ýsolation but semee pn-fiefic instances tof fauîîily lite, n hidi flic ruiîîs iciealed. "Liia Jeantnette Duncan, n yeung (anIla- din.i, urlaef'etua tuaisagoimatie a sutidea î'eputation as Ithe unitr ofta brill7i-rf hîeek eotf ulmarciei nu Lofficiai la th - a nd is, neu 21:Mr'S. Liu-idCuea Li-,t incr suieac- ceunpanicd n-d aîdLady (Cu]zn îu fiel faîus tp tireuigb uia fie exin e Kiliîg'a fanions -sung, "1\lnianv. Mi. Cotes gives a 1brillîaîî de7scr-iptýi on et titrip, su; Itl i t'S uany stiange Oî"ent il pageanfts in enor oethefi e ry.I Of flic inn-ny picfuicscluu 0anou bri gîrwbicli ututi te bricg t. fuis eto fielliden :Bay Coniç,ny froua suri lies ant inla"The ýAb:iiFur B'gd"Arthur- Femuiig ciioniclea lis ,,d,-nt tius on fie rnahrjour- ney îîîcefrein Lape rAIlîfbise t l -irfiaf iin etclot sabj-cis, and ilutai fî'afcs uis, ossn article. If la auldom fin-t a magaOnztine lias fa-o sucu facinating surin-la as flicse hy RFNb- ard 1Ma,i ug liulind F. 1Itopin son n -tOl"Civer Ilor" icacirs i. frgr.. t sulccess ini ait acdtiis grearitlitppinas. uiishort tictioua tier'L a lnoua a' .îy et uic ii flie nin;taica hy Jouhn Fox. jî., eu- tifleti "Tic Arîîy tof tihCe lba, wituî uury nitusicg i]lcscrntioîis hy E. m. Asîtle. Tiere la îtto a ]augi- able ecnisudu iin Neiv Fit-anti !sfiaiig-1 villageu enfitucri - le 'Tching' et tic VXcscTer" y Ceurge S-. Buisson. MNai guertucTracy teila the loic steî-y et ac Yalu atilete n ho sueîîte aris lin 19)00 anti lnr eonueoftfie EFr positioti guat-ts. RECIPF FOR SIJCCESS. Mure ila a reclpe inbiclithe great L'ird IRusscll lut eluint i ui tor the guidnce of bis son, a y enluge- mciii bertif tic :Bar: Beugin eacb d-y's a'ou-k sstb a nei. tif svhat la to bc dune, tin or- dci' et urgetucy. DOone tiuug Ouiy rit a fitie. In any husinuess interviews noe"in peur diary or in youi cafîlus fuie subsanrce etfîrbnt ta -eplace-feu' corroboratîionî iin aîy future diffi- cuify. Arraluîge any case, whef ici for brnef c'r toc pour ouîn judguîint, un thc cil-ceroet fuite. Be scîuîpî'icusly exact tlown fo fie sîmnllust itein un uuoîey mutf rs, etc., iii your acco'aat t ofticî. De careful to eeuP pour papers in neat anti e'lv iy o lhcre is lie ni cd te confu a lgno-, acute a cliceit, but tuevur bu alovu askîng for ativice fri-n those coin- pctcnt te giue itiliiany'oet douît, ant i ic-cr taffect totu'îcleu s,,tnd uîlieti iou doe net iuadcstuuîd tiureugbly - (tftfothe lotteun tif eny attau untruafeti te ytiîevea flic siuupicsi -nditidoe -cripicce tif utork n-s if yeu swure a ti'cccesîîîasîturuuing otut a beafsauîîýtpleet li auanctcure by sulicic e is aes te ibe itigeti. fio nef he coteunt iîubuing en expert nînste-oet ton anti dutail, lut stîiue te bu a awyer. cure. KAWARTIIA LAKES. lemultbft lanti delightf ni pleasure- trips on tic back ls-.santi rit-crs Coheconk te Lakefleid 70 miles ef as pic- luresque scenery and' poptular sitmmer resorts as exist in tlîis Province ef laItes, Excellent steamboat service ths'oug-hont. 11) conneutien wifhî(G. T, R'Y. tsaimsu during tih ean ,June Ist teo ct, Tht Sti'. Eslu'ion leases Lindsay for ýBobcavgeoîî da1ý atIil a m. anti 5:45 o m -except that turing Juiy anti August bts'îii time is 6:300, anti on Salurtias thce îWucing boat auvaitsthe Kawàrtha train ieaving Toronto at 5 p.m.r For rates for Excursion partice Felders, etc., apîuluvte Tic Trent Valie Navigation Ce., Liii Bîubeageon. Angehlisia-"Tint t wis a loi uly eii- gn,-cientt ring 3 tttîgai-erue lastC sîlgi ýt,tiens' : buit uvmafdo bseh Ms' In WiU positively cue ep-seeted cCI j LIS. COLS. c P -;1vP. A 25c. noule for a Simple COUd A SO eratle Io, a Ieayceld. A ÏI.0G Botle'foar sOe-se eL;Cgl. !Solh1tý Il ru J ti Primotns DiÊ,esionCirei l - Il puudIor îne r~inxa1I1 ON TE BOTTLE OP, Aperfectllcmedy for cons tipa- fion, Sonsurnncirroa TEac 5umuuIh SigInature cf i HI NEW "Dle Ç,aIrtsoUrie n ii-izoottle~ es . h T F PAGE METAL GTSfr om~ to Uie wooden cnes. Liglit. mmd e -rngeough to.step '1" ý;cie ltheout causirlfthem to1s-9. T r et in jitlnehswiuhfJ thet b:~ Leur-l n Ne1bŽ, alis d1lStapies. The Par-, W;ri Fonce CeO..Ll'ited WVa1kerviJýe, qnî. yon Ssi' wththo gytreatnien-aurc-r and poatib-wich cly s So y brat ik od, htaedsiawileer fi-a. Thount, p,,erntslcteobee ar iiicthed byour e i'ehd rainu soriaeso es r e Ne smonse th oy eyewredan cneot, witrl the . A. C. ritent-mYorry aed ot hav oeinn ra'e ge se3th mton Elet t ine o a l t ideakot es Janti neicnhappy d r Iiie o tet I ace pe f e t n the 0pants e wceu as b ai r o 0't1e, eatter seas len y r tietr l oszrnptoct L~~~ 1Tlents ~ q~~fiC1 FEaTailaiyrer staore, l netrshtecdfi U5.Li.IJK> J1±u.iUuo. îerssrZpoxsiti e hulee't ti iA~tanIotSrinsaal h tin i bs axiler, nd llr pt. viosltred 1h, ou ea jofenhoe pacin h orhee i. YongStcMrnos D'oe ernina e iceivyea athe prze oi hicli A ~~~o ep, itceatice otheme disAse aveenig reinînti tîa, Md Fier hasgroliin ull aairn1a arrianmhd threnîa ontraryT therevsseonsstenlteeun lîtili ld spurtced alus de-e. Fbutisht- oHA th UxrNSitCCS t Shic sOiC e iyte tetheisnex thnBay efwas' 'et ne S HAV o iiE derf0biigabu loîeintobis otount n £-a i-:ht lue ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u nitaine tcipoctioi tlei A Yeoungi5 uote -a young Scotchii- to rean ting tha oi; u oth, uceompaoiea iie -n a bicdcleate se Aentl in loe niégtie duugher 0f that b cnitos 1e rpe imot ancl tcproposton m er nt butý l ýi1 (i ion î i ý Lc fulfilleave tteeefieat aofemplishcd, lsverai orband soulvdecsut isOadnganteeheci issut 4tntou's. Unre ei natulybu toIlite TtSTM II uCE h e retrib is take0fhli Gng A1 sortfneaoayugLno wu i lti o a in ducurtorng abt' oiiei rrrt i h il0 theurt hucoune is ixaien fîicb l i schlo e , carrýiel-d etats vil peakto er gai. Ntbig dn-e- îoud ave ake. gltclcdice d, bon yevr, bu adepti aohrjctdbsatetoso fi rud na)our i od r t erabler. tbaeigt;aie w ud ol m ry te na ýieiupbs eite le hi wouotoohec e ehr if il irste dorînunts dofle a helifdleT hoe teneyaspe sig, anti' asnicd otiier ireans te iei ,ad etr l t irte bC is irad ntt ad l u 1i Barn aseruan Layiadbei t ~erîneti bs way bit liet- fîbis hado1i eubAircncp ouhe i the capucity0f a hîuler peA mine, tire aslgoiter hnd ne mi-ïo 'ort i îbrea t-cas lb" diuharget lusporfaîtorinue t ai lthe i bi lies tatbfuniy.bisnti fara, r wre_î-et-chi eless, dPctiga nutd infoise long sue bi-dad aro Lald etbut, eiy e ucn te Fn sa d't ier. Exjîn a tiions folint- lînd ih;desp i î- len t 1: vuia Ille- ed, wecbrest tu" lithi ruwadmg jetad be ad on ethe iounds0 couse reiny bv terbtoîx a ef I1 bias reuusdiviheut sicc esa. fl Of alirsut ado D ient. ) uat wo as lfhona srteevinga Leîpdo- Oi, nd 0ffbesîotdulotîttakr 'ott rnîins a n ait pasedblmtoieiitue bie bi felieithe lot et a ler was thrut wbthbor awavnal ruun laic woinleed hf ayeas agehîy1Mcs fietbrdot n ouhonri bu itcuirot bouerriyte Sanancise. is bs lme.é téJoiecfobis îstonisbi Fotra Jhep eatedl1,-rjectd y poemetawnt fie s to itunr eii i a xdy sQ 1f his c -ic il e .eiday, bu ras thiel, g idual lisquustioi,ý litti ug te put n,, eIidt i 'ieti of tre fnitv wo'l lots i- 'hy, sutheld1mtttI olaeisetyctr rsb en? icel-îi g o zruî iti ul wt- aiiita e b"', l elziitor as7. a rf1 yarrv hîîl. 'mlcQuaýry ceuilrageously --#-

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