Atiehine Ilnridiniglitstilh anti CU)Int; bler ace lad ne fea)r in h, Ine longing ýte gras-p ab i fe as- h sli-lpd amay frein ber. She mas- 42 years -of age, andi s-le bat kueir vert lutile lalplnes5. Non badt tn litthe dotne anituiere noar tIh' neal- Izatien of nonr cilîtisI tireais-. On tle aluele, imIta sl-le lueirtînt her tite iras nearit up, s-le foît glati. 'TIc onlit regrct mas tînt s-be ceulti de ne more for otetios, anti thai A4îme low irmght uis-s ber as a fient -cuill tlhey ffuati eue in ber place. The end iras-ývom-y near, irbein ane'- manIable thing lappenotd. A sloir, fumbl 'iug footstep ascendiug the stains mas follometi bithîe appean- auce of n s-manger ini tle toonway irbe, ilan bau-s-e tene, anti gland- ing utthîe iens-e lu charge, sait: -1Iwmut Mrs. Eti',îrdtiai'dui-g-" R-is- laidiras- long anti as whiite as- snom; se mas is-beart.1ilRs- cies weîe big and holbeir andtiieit lad, a ar islnes-s ahich matie île nurse sli-lel bncI mIca ibeit fixet 1er witli a stare. I m ant MLrs. Edmant Harding," saidthie uuluoa'n, for thle second urne; but wituîout mev- ing a stop formant frein tle doon, wîlci a staribeti nii servant lbat tbrowuî open for buîn. "bbcý is bcre,"- respondodtihte nurse., lTe oit man turieti te tle loti, anud his voico began to thuavcr ns- le spolo - "Mms-. Edmnt," lie s-id, anti ils liaiut shi-eelas ho laid ih ou île counterpane, "it's- me--tle tan itou savet froîn a lot ofnis-ont! Ie, Charles Brown, tuai s-more he'd corne bacl te pt-ove lie mas- grateful. Oh, tou poor tbiag!" be adtet mil a loir sob, as- iglt un-givea limtot uunstaati htlim t tis- mas- a lylng mmnu, "ihave I cotne 'lest tee haieý fon yoe te Imueirme? le be glati I've Iepi mny mord? CaiiV'"t itu speal te nie? Cau'titou gio m jus-t n hook out o f iboso 0î'0s-tînt -neitzr tid aay wiem - let bsr -n? fh cy I f n robe'anti noceieti a kick, whrupoa lie îlei ny out o m trîmie? "'Bocause I can't,' 1 ns'uçereti, fa cuiet ilîs teoili in the lgo h But net a word came; not even a _andti ten I putileti eut tie few shii- I ickr gg y etatprof lion glininter of recognition litteti acres-s more years I'd squîared' up ovry sîcmniatien, andtheîte brmon. of the as- that stib, datin face. ilien the ter paytuug pi-y ticket fret Doyen semb'ed eus-tom-ms-. îvllte-hiired tan s-nul dowa on lus 'Tint won'i take nue te Cauada'I e-,,ieo h adiewo a knu-e by the bei. said, 'noî' teanuyîviere else thnt 1 be w-li efinegdesng of w e s 'She's- deat, or nexi tllng te tt,'- laow of. Botter lot rme drown rmy- ast ogebitii soshi-g ef nt le moane, "autdiI'mn tee lato! It's- self, ma'nm-ticre's ne coin wanted ]ose bli~eg etaes ou haut, dheitia- just my wreidheti led. Anti Ive in tue mexi worid, T'm tbinling, uediateîy picleti uji-an atone anti cote se far anti I luce ,she'd ho surpposing tliere is ac next menti.' peae ehr ta h nlil glad, anti new aotling natters." - '0i,I' I can'î let îou ble a cew- ruropntliate le hi i ter Ho ttore openaa packet hi, lintdar- anti!' s-id tue lady,anitis-e lindly! "- ailn," thr oleti ter huis-baud, ridin Is- lant anti a uitile buctile Tiero was'i any qm'tiug texîs, or "o' lmwhn h o.Iru ofrie noesti ot po he it ni nie! Tlrow it ai mc!" bncI note fe eutu~io th prechîing ni lue, on tclliicg nie I Wns- Site dit, andthîe dog fell. couneterpnîue. - Iiras se phensotite a mnis-omble siue~r. I ex peci sI-e Sunli is the value of presence of, hrlng ilen bnci," niumere thte lncw i wasn't the nglit morent for mmid. mnai, "te show bier I lepi my word! antlicg oh that sort. 'I lire jus-i- Anîd new I don't cane fer ntlihg- a short rnihwav distance fmon icro Witli wliih remark le quety e -hall boi,' slie s-id, 'andt bouirI nly (ongugiug sovant)-"Biiv faiitet, ihlw-bre lie kneli on mille is oniy a utile homne, I have n didyen lente brouir las-t place?" the dloor. spare roon w litre T shI-ml be pions-et Srvat-"I coud't Pot uîp witl the 'lI,'brolirs-0fîledyng onanfor you te s-ioep ion a night or tire mmv one of the youug mistreses woe ilokîuîg auxiously uat liumi i ue we arrange thini ,s. fsed te eopy mie, ien." Ladiy - whcnle orenovovrmicouscieusiîess. But "-an un idli, bot iu three taya "BVlini udo ou mea?"Servant - lu ot tie outlfig, anusiroretiIcd mtil yueoiliîînyte "Why, I lad n private solduer fo' notlîîng tIi-at the1 asicti, antduli go aîray toa ta. big couuntry wlere n suelbenrt, anti wlit nmust site de a duzed lolk ulpon is- fane gnilîomed unen 111e pou ai-o unnîrd, anti arelbut go auti get a hofficer fer lors." île hi-nuitnotes- togellier anti ropi-nsure te gct Oui- BIh oumgo'? W-l ou eti thour a lu s -.ut po-cktu -'-en, yoir guei rnIci you eaun -ly mie [A anel ehrries thc loati of two miii a g] i-ne aithe, ilfeil sfort Of ladk.' I" e xemutdIlc ndo 40 mlles a day for1 the mm'euna h nueluseme unrexenît - "'BIh 1 go? Vos, thnt 1 iih!' n fornlgt on ontd tI a lonti of1 trouble lad probably befrlu-iîied.iuu said 1; anti1. fuit eiuig lumîpcelno400 piountis. Tby are fit te irorl lie iront awy. in my tlîmont thnt ciiokoti bnck alh Irific vcors- olt. Uc w os s-olenm aibhefuimea, ialki lng Lohildth te tournons. leu Le fumaly tilsappeareti anti the uitile TR7OSIE, SLIPPERV P OLISUIED FLO incidtictias- soon forgeitemî by the îcry fei whie lad kueirmu anytbiîg (A WrninZ te Amateurs-.) about ih. iia one of these 10w; île îvly pl! andtibecauaee o tbat c liiotli- 1 ,~ ieg te de miih tue prcseat stoi-y. (I n A weel or tire later 1 tool the train fi-oui Londion te Liv~erpooul, - and'i ou iooîicg round ilie cempat- ment ai ni-x iow, iravelens-, I nec- otinizedth îe olt tan iitl wbute lIac anti board, wbo spolo of biais-tif as "'Chariles- Brown-" iren Mrs-. Ei-, warti Harding was- dyiiig. 4j Iblis- oyes wcre fixeti upon th i - -n doîr by ihicihlie hîntitalon is-scat, hut I ami certain tinat hle s îir rtit- iugý-uuihes-sl, indeet, le hadt soute mtental vision of bis oîmu past or hIs- future. Aten a ivhlle we tiro lis-thîe car- 7 niage to 0unaeives, encept for one el--t .'b deri' ladyî wloss-cnîi-a'iyfor s-el'p-- .-"' I illu1l h~ii i ing s-euntly tiî-ough a railway jour- -~1 ney mas-uotliuig les-s ilanatouati- iug. I tool a vacaint place me-mer 'o te hlm, anditfer the sale of gettlng lie ocenvesathea, as-led wîcre lic iras- bounti fer. "Ilocîd for IHalifax,-" ns-weredth le elti ana, quictîy, anti thon iti(eti, " for Canada, you 1 noi." "A fine ceuuîtry, anti fullb of pesi sibilities,"I sit. -1 have s-ome- timutes 'ibought I slomîdlti 11ete (,mi- grato. Choliy Dmîplnte-Alw, 'if I dan gem a pretiy pitueof lhem- noir I shall m al I de net tilulh1o ias iistoing; le lad fixet his- oyes- agnin upon itie heipeti nny but desrring men ait-,i'1,, f , s'uered re.. Aiter an iute-vaql I matie anotuter attempt, nsl\icg, if le Itatilever beolet cros-seti thme Atlari- tic. I 1" ss//l "VIles-fuivo iears ago," le sait. - / '- te flui the ohly true frielt I1cleer- posisesso.But 1 camne tee laie." Anothien slcunce, andth lon ns if uî'ovod y sorne strong anti irresisti- île iimule, îe strange oltimine mie nue acquninteàti lii is ie stonry. Told brimly, hir as- tiis-:IlIe lad boca a siunîl farter, liiie bis murber beforehimî, in eue of île s-îutleru domriies et EmgianuitiFor yarS- l ironit fairlit w>l;lie îînie l ld Iiuflo chltiren,and iras- ceuteutiw itl lis lot. Sudtiouiy, 'anti' iomu noe x- p -inable cause, a ri-in Ohf nisiît-e stmutfour C(are' Iiown. Cir s ibk-tp.î lili faiictiu e eî 1it, lis- mifc ond "-lVîi-1111 I oacI uer by iicius ferer, anti rmuuîî.%V» aore- Tîron hIemaîîyanot,er uluappyo cr r uleilledti- cusiaiîuo Pa uere nRc odr-ýi- teacup rice in 1 Pt milk until quite tender. FIai or w ith a few drops of aliuiond oxtract. Add powdered sugar to taste, une turn into a bor- der mold. A plain rouind mold, with a marmalade pot set ini the center, makes an excellent substitute for a border meold. Wbpa the rice is cold, tomr it out carefully, fill the cavity with su eetened raspherri-es, heap whipped creain omer aill, andi serve. Cherry Pr-eserveca-Take ripe cher- ries, remove pits and fer evcry pounri 0f cherries add 1I lb granulat- ed siigar. Wash ,cherrit s thoreughly niter tliey have been seeded, and drain threugh a celauder. Cooki tili qu te thick. They are net se streug by washing tJem, nnd are simipiy de- licleus. Grahanm G,'s-Take 1,' cups gra- hainfleuLr, 1 CL;p)swe'et mull, i toa- speeon sait, 1 toaspcon baking pew- der. B"at briskly and drop into het iren gein pans anti bake in a quic even. CANN111G FRUIT. Now about that caaning: Wash the jars, rubbers, and tops, partly f111 the jars witli water, adjusit rub- bers andi screw on tops, then iert on a dry table. If any water eezes )RS. ,te a- , 1 IDO'T TWANT 1IEN TIIEREi CANADIANS WARNED AWAY SOME INTEItESTING STORIES FROM SOUTI- AFRICA. ABOUT '£IIEM. twith his life was ail that reaiained the tlinnks that my lieart was ful toe o dne. of. "And it was she-the lady who "s0 s'he took mne te hier home and A ~ 4 didn't live to sue I'd kopt my word made me fee as welceine as theugh, A îP;ý UUL t1, h e -that saveti ne," ho said. ."I liat I had bema 0CIoe0f lier own frîends, asked eue andi anether te give me a and ia a week's time I was gene-, helpiug lbaad te get eut of the ceun- with a right geed will, tee, te suc- try te semnewhere that weuld open a ceed and imake semething botter of YU iw freÂu hace but it was ne use. One rp life." -.ý -a p1arson lie was, tee, who hati -And citi you succeeti?" I saiti. mar!o iet me and my peer Annie and "Yes. V've nethiag te complain bapt izod 1ourchle-ad lie nover of," ansivereti the olti man, "except A Fruit ll.Mk a ricli biscuitý helpeti auy bu iosrvnbmon; an- that sho did't livo teuliear al 1 dougli, and roll it eut on the meold other ha( ' 1tee o n clai-li-e was lad donc., But I had paid bier back ing board about as thicli as pie the nobleiman of uhorh I rontod My befere the yoar was eut; and in twe crust. Spread witli hot butter, thon fart. It was the saine ail round, more years I'd squared yp evorv use strawberries, raspherrios or any No one ready te, start a man afresh, tetIdlf eit î.Aatd tlîo, kiati of fruit for the filliug, aad and t4at was liew I made up my when monoy kept on ceming la, 1 sweeten it well.1. he it up the saine mind tlict, us tIc, e seîîîd ne way wrete to ber that 1 was geing te as a 3olly cake, anti cutla stripS or t e lix e, the best way eut of my dif- give myself a trip acress the big pieces about 5 ladies long. Fincli fi cuities was te ddi. Se I cleared herring pend, te show ber I'd neot the ends toethor te kecep the fruit eut of the old homne, selllng iny een uite unworthy of ber kiadîîess, fret ceoking eut,.l'ut the pioces in Stock, and ail that was left me, -and andt t ask lier if there was nny oth- a eli buttered pan, and bake thor- thon, witli a fow clothes tene up ia or feliews as uni ortunrato as I lad oughly, turning theni se they wil a bundie, and a mattor of twoaty beon wlio ceuIlieboset geing b y a browan delicately on both sirles. shillings la my àpocket. I made for îfxv of my banli noes. But I was Whlin Sandwiches are te boe pro- thoson Itwasoul awal ola te ltopareti for a large cempauy tliey few miles te wiere the beats stant- ";And new what are yen goiug te le ms omaea0ubn 0 ed t0 cross the cliannel, anad Inieant do>" heurs bof ore neeieti. At sudh timos tu take my passage at night and 1'T't just geing back agilen," an- vve lied that; by xtnînging napkilus eut just pitch myseif everboard wlien I swerod tlie manl. ' Tiere's nethiig of bot water, thon wrapping tem got hlaf way." ils e n do. 've beec t*uin areuud the sandwiches and placing "And this lady-liew diti she help oe oeo r.Ewr lrigstheintwbere thoy wili keep cool, whea you?- 1 asked. ~letters-sho 1use t teWrite te nie atdhewilbfon sfrn "I'm ceing te it,"- nnswerodteevenwad th.Ad1 hn as if just irmade. old tan. "As I've beguin, you shalleîery awant h on. adIsC t hn Irish Brad-Take 2 ceps barloy, I hcar my story te the enti., A darlicudsel e e n h ee cup graiani, 1 cup fleur, 1-toaspeon nigltit hwas, thougli net stermry. I have b"re"-lie teuched the broast sait, 3aspee.lktns ,least powder. Mi There didn't seei te be many pas- .poclit ofwhll, ndd nanlk te n1ako fardn batto sengers and ilie few thero w-e.-e lad pocoet <halbis cea an W a e tau t ae ail gene below, or al. least I thougli ae hhg t il s ht Whippet Creani Cake-W-ýhip 1 cup se.'Nw' yurchnc. oi'tboare dewn en their ledk,sanme as I Sweet creaur thîl firm. bite this a ceward!" said I te myseif, andwsue -i ledele ld blreak 2 eggs, andi wbip,,agaîtn. Now I get away te the stora of the boat, te nie aboard that cianol Steatl add -1 cup sugar, 1-1- ceps fleur, and w bre there was no ene te ol and or." fi fny uth- Cale teaspeenis baking powder. Bent 1 ivas Bon n igrdu iyo jusi geteg to tale the leap . weIi and bale la tnreo laî ors. F111- when I f ot a bîand en may art andBrwndIlgetiaayote ing :te 1 cup vory ricli cream add ýL la Liv erpool, andtinîally saw him on cep sugar and, 2 teaspeens vacrilla. saw the figure of a wontan rising 119 board the ship bouat for Hlalifax. iptlvcyti.Srodbtwn fi-oui ecerner wbere I hadn'i kaewn -'Td 111e a few flowers Put on lier Wtl iel ver aad on top e e la a threws uyoy..grave," were bis last words te mue. cool place. 'Don't ho desperate,' sho Said ina'«Ifyen slouliehoer there, AMoiitiFgngBatie ht a quiet, kIat dsert of wny. 'At any -p e oltitmdsoîg t fA fosi egg lioliad teswitt rate, tell me just wliat the tr'ouble hp o olrtiidsen uo rs g ihad1p we is. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t l'lbepyu îira. i 11ete show lier just a iittle inil nd tsweeten te tasto witl i olher "At f'Irst I weeld 1 a't-bu se o f ixhat I fee1 enly somehow ,'1 sugar or hoeîy. Use any dosirod "At persuadi1g me, nti nit mot be-fancyt shle lnow s ah about ih. flavor, and whip wh thîe ogg beat- foui myseli iolllng lier evrything " I believe she dees," was mny au- or. Tbis sheeld be tak-on quito colt, as though I'd kuown lier al My ie. s Wer ns we ciaspet bantis but uîot chillet. This uili ho feund -'Ia your place, I wouid net test sirengtlieniug, and is alse quite give la witliout another tny,' sho KNEW UIER ABîLITIES. said wlien 1't made an dean breasi A sax age dog was sn-iffizag'about a Corn bente, 3 t-abiespn on crent of everythuuîg, 1'anti I beli8evelspoosthaim foraue and1 tir' 1uotlieng like markot place ia seai cli f' someîhiig 1-3 stnali cep fleur, 1 tenspoon sait. fora nw lfe her's othng it eaOt.Ile camne tbeclosete aFry on a hot rriddle well hotteret. Tenînto Ctsup-TaIc i bu toma- this- uoîoiy mt auy rameire look tot toea, eut tiet la s-mal l penes, hoi l te enrix' abolition of martial law, until s-oit, thon ri-ehelithîreugh a huit tiere are i-tny goot neaonsn mire store and att 2 qts lits-t eier whîithîe permit systet iu cenuectien vincgar, 1 qi Sali, -4 lb irlole cieves, witbu steatslip pasisengenss- aioult i wrlolo peppe-r andt 5 iatis of gar-not ess-ofo edl em xd 1 h lie. Mix together anti boil untifiro- itrîlef oiathse un île doua- titcet t 00 ba te qmnniî Bimitry andti iore tesiing te ceim u- coiti, strimnitirouga aa colander anti1 C is- ece >ss-ary thtî n thing lu the ictie, sealiuig thte corks. It wiîî chape of a leatiiong nuis-b shîoult oc- Iocp tire or iire îeans- ns fi-es-I as- dur, as- sud- meelti onlit ectaîl mis-- irbea fins-t nmade. ery ant i îuter the raptd rccoî eny of Tomate Butter-Scaît, pi-eu andthte coutry froni thte effects of tle slice funmn, ripe, reti tomnate s. Mea- irn.The resiuntlng of île golti in- sure îîen in 9lu a rt paili place iustny wmli îî eh able t-o go alenti tiiet la a preserîiug lot tue, anti by leaPs anti hounis-, but stiil the cool,. slomrly 30 mnutes-. Thon te surcit maytot a rctuîrn te pres-perity oîery 4 qis tomratees att 2 qts milul e îy regulatiîg thlencti-y et graîlateti sugnu-, 2 teaspeens uew-corners for sone ie he tume te greenti cinnamen, i teaspoon groumît'Oco., ginger and 2 large lemons. P'eel île letons, anti reniove the-,iwhite s-lin. RDE COULD WATT. Suice, anti nerneve ail the sects. Boil Iu manit Scetisl famnillestheîle 1 ail toetiou- nuthen 30 minutes,. tan-senrnuit is- gomiething of an lu- stirrnug anti sîimnîing wien ne-tes- stitution. Ho entons- the service oh sary. Fuît in, stail jars or moita, a paiîicIlian familv imbu a boy, anti Itep lun atry, cool place. utiieres faibbfully imi- tus place for Gscailped Tei-a<toos-Tri the bot- -n long îîumben ef îenrs-. andtioniy ro-, tomn of n baklig tbs-, la ice a layer -iil of dry. brenta rcrdd-crtili-0i sgî lion tlîe ilîîirnîtics of age ar'e r cackr cumb, te'upon hic. Ia tii-e ho becenies i-- former preferable. Senson miilisait, tIe n iperious la toue, anti diniis peppet- aundibits of huer, andt udtlns lis niglits ittue thiugs tint were n<a r e l peirp oito at fins-t graniti te hua as, favons. If sensenetiuitl sait, peppor andt any objectionu us uu-gedti te is do- lihtle sugar. use more cremaisandii ants euuiya-ei-hlmsi touuutoes, entll thc tus-bis fululliai- mahi as litof udcpcudostucc.n i-g -m layon of crocibs on top. Atti A lady tells ami mvmsing aient il- ecougli beiiing mater te mois-ton the ms-maire of this. IIeu coachman- crumba. Coven, andi bale 40 cita- acut licsine h itb oies-. Renîoîe the doîei', hale e ut-h h utii s-nvde uso merinly lu ion top is telicntely bhoi-i'i, ani s-rive lftherv'-uiegaveMier greatin tr- fretsane dtsh ni- coeetin. fahieramît aoyac eruthîeat toc- Tomnate Fritters- fi-ne plut finehy bleanmis- yncryng oir1t cr u- cbppd nttiaietrpe tormetoos, struethoas. At lelîgilithe natter1 Scup sireet unil, 2 oggs, 1, teas-poon hecarîîe umbearable, antis-be deter- bakiug poir-, s-amie amount of s-ait minedti t sec w lai cuieci dîismissal andt fleur as- fou-panulis-. lient ah mwoult have upon tbhe mutinons s-en- ýtog-ether tlieromîgily. IFrop a spoeu- vant. Cluilng lit into lier prO- fui on n lot, mohi-buttencd grittile. s-once, s-le sait miii -as- ted as- Fny brown, toi-a anti bromu oo tierpe-yassbecut o in: site. Serve bot mith-s-Inut. perity lahci -tntluicommand:îuuer --Joui-. Yen nies-t lolkeut feranu- USFUL RINTS. oier situation. Von mil 1lenve myf senvide ni île enti of île mentI." Trî' ptttiug an utile sait in the lie oit servant looet aiber la mater ha whiuhî iL.itiug is-îmsiet amusemnt for a n minute, andti lea I-emember te wns- h îe ounds- anti the' claracterisiic "leyalty" camne cheanuîle fingei- nails beo em cool te the s-elfa ce. iuig. '-Na, ne, nuit1lady," lie suit. "I ï SwOeePthos-nonwreoca-iuli.drv ynte île lji-k te be bnp- île dus-i ant i llut lmc gucr en hilset1 I rove you te yeur tan-r prýevent the irce ýýpasý-age_ ci air. na'-ge, antid'VIl stay te du-ie itou If potatees ar-e uenuy reumove tbemtot youn feneral!" ioatrirr s-,ttle wO ul-iluhcuwithaa iong-hîanutlet s-imei-insteut of n fork.. Fous- froshlu i'-omn île gai-tiolucool ha hlhîe tunie chîcitw tiultineet if liepi a tay longer, an-d are tu-ice as smeet. 1If the stoue isgm-e-us-y pot an utile s-oapsutis lunuitl île hiadking.- The gromnuop daugîter s-iouit net s-pend ail suuîctor aitlte benci, wbiicloi-e moton sîeItens oîer the stoue ni homne anudihane tirne for It is boiter te lenue a f-uv unikJles- in s-orne of your dlotîmes hy Poti mon- lcg tbcni lu lot mendier, than îte put ti1i îIjinîii bouirfelCo-un tilî m'rcd RanIestoi li, fui'unibIl1 phî ur Mrs. Wnnterlixmwe-"I shouiti hIe te lnow, Mr. W., irly yen anc 2 cnes-s whlen I as-b questions? Sotirel you dont thila I haveie d curiosm- t?" -Mnr. Wantei-InDowe (snvagehy) -"1dle cuiesity! Grcat Scot, ne! Veurs- is- île mos-t pornicieus-litac- thve, iidcawake, s-ieeples-, energetic curloslty h w-as ever my faite te oun- ceenlter."- 70,00 eclnea lncits go te n s-ingle pomti 0 f trict ecbanl wmrit's, crop of ohlcii ie 300 to 500 tons-. '2c,2 tas' -, ai exi lu size coins Bermes-e be -i reebiug 117 tns.Big Peil w .eighs 1i1 ious. eut they are net air tiglit; try new rubbers until tbey are. Tien put the tops in celd wnter, b-ring te the beiling point and keep there tilt use t. Fruits may ho canneti witl or wiil- eut sugar, and porhnpsare easier te 0keep witheut it. Fruits lightly coed retain more of their sliape and Ilaver. Wiene siugar js used nt the ime ef canuieg' and the fruit is cooked. ho- foreo putting ta the jars, use, a perce- laia-liacd kettle, and ai tor the jars ai-e wasled keep them in a warma place. When the fruit la ready 1pleuge a, jar lu scaldiug ixater and twirl it around ; scald the rubber, aise, ai-id atjusi. Set the jar on a Ldamnp towel foldeti ou a plate ; fIui te overflowing witl the boillng Lfruit, wipe witli a dlean, damp cloili, scnow ou a top talion front bîiling waýter, anti wlen cool iightcn ih if ueces-sary. The idea is te liave ovrytling îîet ealy dlean but s-e hot that if auy genms whidh. cause terîîîontntten are deoaiing lunttoe air anti aliglit on jar or fr~uit hefone it is seabodti tey wiil ho kled by the lient. Fruit retains its shape botter if cooliet in the jars. Te de ibis pro- paie jar-s aud tops ns above. Alter scaldiug the jar fill te the top with the fruit, which, if any of the s-mail fruits, lias been carefully looleti ever anti iashoti. Tle sugar mnay ho sprinkied ta threugh it. if it 15 a fruit that taes muni juice, or dis- soixed'in a littHo water and peuroti towu threugh it. Scaidth e rubbers aud atijusi, stand the jars iu a wash hoiler on a perforatoti wooleu racki, put the lita on loosoly, pour cool water te tîvo-thirds cover the jars.' Covor the boler andi bring te hel-1 iug point. Bell thie stnali fruits teîî minutes ai tor thcy begin te bell. Use oe jar te fill the others. Lift eut the fastemi the tops, wipe eff anti stand in a cool Place ; tigliten tops wlien celt iIf uecessary. Large fruits as penches anti pears, altor paring, are packet lu j .ars whicli are filleti with a syrup anti water nd cooleti as aboie for tifteemi mnutes. The usual ailownce of segar for sw oct fruits is a qluarter of a pound te a Poundi cf fruit. For cauning raspherries allow half a pounti 0f sugar anti a pint of cor- raîut juice te a quart of be rnes. Put a layer of hernies anti a layer of sugar in a percelain-linoti kettie anti1 pour oer the curraut juice. Dring1 slowly te a houl, skiai anti soal as, above in jars. For plunîs of any sont efiiow hall a pouati of sugai te oaci peouti. Wash the plunis, pice the sîlus, anti Pot iin altornate layers wlmli 'the sorgar lunilie preacý,rvlng ikcttle. Lot ilîcai stand au heur or twe tlus ho- fore coelkîng, tien bning sloxxly te a heul, akini anti dan wbea soit. Cher ries are the oastes-t te keep of ail fruits, andthe amnoujît of sugar ,neeteti depoutis outhe sw'cotness or acîity of theni. Tbey may ho cook- ed inl either of the aboî-e ways, eilier in tiche tie first, or in jars. These gcenl noies ap.ply te ail fruits. TOIXATOFS. s-s- lad hi ieu'ibly eale, nti, id s-putc a gooti part cf ee aii .'bçcn îhe truU!bi' Very Few Opeiimugs for Newcomiens in the C enqu6eet Country. Mn, J. G-. Jardine, who lbas ben sent te Seutl Africa as commerjcial agent for Canada, wnites as fol- leurs fret Durban, Natal: Kintly tlnti space for the enclos-et pana- graph fi et the Natal Morcuny' ,f te-day, ."warnlng lntenduîîg scettle-s of unduly ruslîuag te Seuil Afni- c'a. Permit me aine toe enphasize for the information of Canadians desing te coeeree t meprove tib condition, tîmat living exponses are mono than double wbat they are la Canada. A four-roometi bouse ta J3ohannesburg, Cape Town, Dur- ban anti Pretoria i-cuis frem $30 te, $40 a menth, exclusive ot taxes. Single mou, for a beti anti board (two on tiroee ta oaci neet), pay $6 te 57 weekly, anti onjey few 0f the conifents andi convonieànces of muaay of our Canadian boarding-ieuses cianglng $15 on $16 mnonthly. Young fellows domiag te Seuil Afnica ne- qutre at lbasi $600 te cever travel- ing expenses (second-clans), and a Inargtn oer tibmliving ext enses for a few wels ai ion tleir arrivai. It is true thai doerIs. necianics, -etc., necelve bigger wnges ta South Afnica than ia Canada, but tbe pur- clasing pe of a, dollar ta Ou- tarie is at leasi equai te 10 s-bil- lings or $2.50 bore. The Ilitlner relugees, aîd Ben pris-onena (nany of iviont are-s-alesauen'anti artisans) ,wlll siortly retura te ijîcir hoies, wien the s-nppiy of suci wihll ho equni te île demnd. We must net lorget alse tînt about 92 per cent. of nearly cverythlag useti is iniport- oti freti abreadt. Hence very few sîtilleti nechanics are requirei. The white population being entier 700,- 000 in the wlole of Soutli Afrîea, and the binels numbering even twe millions, exlsing on nuenlios on lu- dian cern, ant i aîf-nalcet, are of ne use te us conureially as con- sumers of 0cr Oxponts. H-lnce Il imagine it wili neoti soCaje tume, anti a vas-t expenditurp for nailxvay§, Ir- rigation, hoetibtiuliig, etc., te place Southu Africa withia mensura- ble distance of Czinlata's enviable pýosition ni pres-ont. AFRAID 0F A RIJSII. The following is île oxtraci fretu île Natal Mei-cury, wiicli Mn. Jar- dine encloses: "ht is te be hopeti thnt steps will ho talon te prevent any ndue rush te Southi Ainica,1 now that ponce lins beca tecinret, but fret the cablo messages it5 w-uld appear tint sudh a rush tsi immninent. ht will tale s-ore time yot befone the country is ready te absionb a lest of uîew cotons, . nd ta any case it is ouly fain anti just thai île eld nesitents wli eds-ire te cotie back shoulti be given pýermis-9 sion te do se befoî-e the gaies are1 tiirown open te ail wio bave theE aiconît of tiîeir passage meuey. Ini Anecdotes Which Shiow the King's Character - Prince 0f Wales ai Sea. King Edwanti is La veriy quil walke-, anti bis paces-mîne týaxes île power of lis- aitttiýAnts. One tiumb cenupanion, iowever, nov-ý er fails te ieep ai bis sitie, anti that is P'eter, a Frondch bulltiog, widh for many yeans las been everywiere witl i bi. Duî-ing one cuf bis voy- ages wiib bis royal mastter prier Pet- er suffenoti se ted fret s'easdelinoss tînt lie straineti tie miuscleqos fthe bacl of is oyes, ani in donsoquence heenme blint. hI s test touchtng te sec reer blinti Peter following the King about the greunds ai Said- rnugham ns onernlngly as ihough lhe comultisec. Ring Eldward,,wbiie staying ns a guest ai a certain country mansion a fow montbs age, enierodtihte vil- lage school oime îmorning quite un- expectedly, anti in lis usual, plens-ant way ns-led the dhildren a few ques- tiens. 'Now, my yeung fnienis-,' s-nid Ring Etiwart, dlieerfnlly, 'I taresny some of yen ca.n tell me île namue of a few of our gi-octest lings andi qooeaai, oh?' Wlth eue accord tley crieti eut - 'Ring Alfreti aîd Queen Victoria, s-r.' Just tiien a tiny slip of a boy, to whom île scioolmaster batil wisper- ed somaething, steoti up anti raiseti bIs- baud. 'Do yeu laew nther, my bey?' as-led the Ring. 'Vos, Veur Majesiyr-Xing Etiward VII, Uts Majesty lauglei, anti agana asled: 'What great, aci lias Ring Edwaud VU doue, prayý,?' The boy lowened bis leati, anti staamencti eut: 'I tioa't knew, Yeîîr Aajesty!' 'Don't becdistresseti, my, lad,' s-aid île King, sntiling; 'I dotieat uîw eitlior.' As a mitishipmanî, Prnlîce' George, now 1-i7nc o f ialos,-, as, as uioU h1gb spirits anti nsfend of a Pnao-- ticcd joIe as beys tesuit are. Wall- ing ilirougi a Portsmouthi sireet witli somne brother mitidies, bie no- tîceti a grecer strokIng Lis long be-art ln a very compiacont nnePr. Tle boys ioüs1diîced, butoedt ii s-hep, anti Prince George as-ed the grocer te serve hm wîtl twe peunts of ineacle jute bis extentiet cap. Tie grocer titi as, reqeestei, suspeting n joIe, but net a per- soual oune. The Prince inumetintely slippoti a sovercuga in the mnn'q baud, anti alaprodth te cap of -syrup, on lis bond, anti while the sticly compoundi travelet dowa tie long beard the boys scamnpcod. off. Tio grocer qeiclly get ever lus conster- nation, anti, botmîg a sensible aman, entonet mie the jolie, put ep 'Pur- veor te IRoyalty,' a.beve île s-hep door, anti considers tînt lis matie lias henceforti talon a tun for île botter, Ring Etiward won the roputation fon being quite a madlluist net long ugo, ulon taking an automobile ride ucar Wiesbaden. Thie notor ranut of water andtihle boler was illeti frein a wnysitie spring. By- . tidby the nueter would net work, and Lis crnpanioc, wmb wns an ex- pert, coulti fli ne nones-en for ius falure. 'I wouder,' le sîoggested, n tentative fas-lion, 'if tînt, water ne toek la las anything te do with it? Yeu n nw îleso German wa- ters generally lave semne sont ef ulucral prepertios la the.t he ueiiing mnay cause crystnilization, and s-e choke the pis-ton.' The pis, ton reti ias intnuediaùely ins-pecteml, ant, sure eneugli, it waqs s- crusted bhat for aill rivingpu rposes, h ai.ght ns wcll lave been beaviiy ceeti wtl rust. Sandpaper wa 1js-et, s-ore unadmlterateti watemi outanti the jeuruey wns con, Qýeen Alexandra, wlen Princessof Wnles, anti ion thrceJ.iaughters, the laiter. being quite chtîtlreni, were staying ut a quiet watLerlnig place. Oa roturning froina short a3ntil t princessbl jus-t steppei as-bore, andi lie litile princesses wene prepnring eo fellow. One of îhe hittle girls was ou île pînuil, anti ai olt s-aller Istinctively s-ait: 'Take cane, lit-' le lady.' Tle chllt drew herself np nuiglîlily, antis-aid: 'I'm neot a lit, le indv-'m a princes-s.' Tie Pria. ess of Wales, overimearing the luiad .y injuacien ndtithec nns;wor, s-aid, uilth great sweetuess: 'Te11 theà ced olt s-allen yeu are net a litdeG mty yet, but yen hope te ho oae lay', Little Prince Etiwand 0f Yorkigi 9 1 RING ED WARD AND FAXILY