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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1902, p. 5

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LOST Gold Bracelet. The finder will please leave it at Stott & Jury 's Drug Store. Suit- Abicreward given. Bath Is a pleasure when have a. youi Good Sponges, Good Soap, Fragrant- Toilet Water, A Good Bath Brush. We have made special provisions for supplyinz'al thsgoods and à~ on cannot fnd such value in any other store in the country. Soap, worth 5e a cake, 3 cakes for 5c. Soap, regular '7ic each, for 50e- a cake. Songes, - 5e to $1,50. STOýTT& JURY' Tho Druggists, BOWMÀŽNVILLB Drug Specials TiltiS Woek at Stoit & i Ury' S. 4 cakes Good Toilet Soap for ie. Oood Sponge, worth 25e eaeh. 15e. 2 boxes best Liver Pilla 25e. 2 Nail Bruahes 5cS. Large bottie Flousehold Amn- monia for - 10. Z3 eý.ke gond Tollet Soap for 5e. Box Foot Elm, worth its weight lu gold, for - 25C. Box Borax, powdered and re- fined, for loc0. 'Tooth Brushes, frorn 5e to 40c. flair Bruahea, reg. 25e lino, for 15c. ffairiBrushes, worth $1 to $1.25, for 89c. TRY THE NEW PERMUIE LORNA. SAMPLE FREE. Sûtott" & Jury,, The Druggists a.nd Opticians. BowmANvfljLF. Drossmakes Backache. the ndous frequently Imvi trouble wîtk their back aad kld- ,noya. Run- nizlgauwlug umhine, plY18g the. needie ÜL the. nover O.asing $titéh, stitel, attl, pressing sems--.oastant b.nding over-u-oon tells on the back, zuakes It ach.anud pain. 0Novouder these womn often ftind their health fail. The kidueys get ont of order, the baek pains, and the whole systezu get fil ! oisnswhieh the sik No drteaker should alow er hea2th to slip away, and backace and kidney troubles keep lier in umey, when suoli ease, comfort, *".dom from pain and invigoration of the. systeni eau be obtained by uaing Dr. Piteher's Backache Mid- liSy Tablets. ACTES PESDY BOWMANVILLE1, JULY 23, 1902, GRAND VRIJNK RAILWAY. BOwm.A2<vaiLLSTÂTiom. 00156 EAST. 00150 WEHI. ET lrea ....9 32 a. m. Express.5 15 a. m, Epreua 1057lo 1Loc.l. 750 . Panger. 563pan. 1ssn ri42 p.. an, *Express ...10 25 p.m. Express does not go west Motiday morning. STOTT & Junv. Town Agents Misa Ethel Potter, Toronto, ie home for hoiidays. Opening for a amant boy to, lean printing ut thia office. Misa Emma Kirby, flespeler, la vieit- ing Misa May Hooper. Mn. Gen. E. Bail, Toronto, rscently visited fnieuds in town. Miller'a Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Misses Lillie and Jennie MeLsan are visiting fionda lu Norwood aud Have- lock. Miller's Worm Powders cure fils lu culdren. Soid by Stott & Jury, dmug- gista. 11ev. J. G Lewis, pastor ni Newton- ville Methodist churci, lias typhoid foyer,. Miss Anals and Gertie Pattersdn, Aivinston, ar~e gucats ut Mn. T. Cý Jewell'a. Mn, D.B.Simpson attended the Grandi Lodgs A. F. ana A. M., at Windsor lat week. Mrs. Ben. Hoslcy, Canttn. N.- Y,, la visiting lier fathen, Mr. Jas.Alexauder, Churcb St. Mn, M'array, Kingston, visitcd has sister, Mrs. (1ev.) J Hi. Turubuli ut St Faui's, Manse. Miss Coma Manning, Exeter, lm visi- ing bem cousin Mrs. F. W. Couck and other relatives blie. Miss Jese Keachie aud Mamter Ray- moud, Toronto, are gusts of their uncIo Mn. Tins. Tod. Mid-sùsmmer bargaina in Clothing, fiats. Dry Gooda, Boots etc. 8e0 The Mason Co'a new adv't. Mms. William A. White, New York City, is visitîng ber parents, Mn. aud Mrs. M. A James, Lorus Villa. *Misses Gertrude PFoute uud ]Pearl Peance, Necastle, a pcnt Suuday vith tisin gnundmother Mna, H. Pearce. Mn. Orlon J. Jolliffe. M..A&, Claseical Master, Onliegiate Instltute, Ottaw.a, lm vubitlng is lather, 11ev. Wm. Jýollifi. Mrs. W. fi. Buubury and lier slalom Miss Biroud f nom fiaydon are visiting thain aunt Mrs, Broad ut Little Bnitalu. Mn. L. W. Stevenson, laie beudmuat- er of Perth fligli Sehool, bas besu ap- Rointed ho tMe vaeailey lu Oshawa flîgl zibol, Mn. W. W. Tanîblyn, M. A., and! Dr. W. T. F. Tamblyn, London, atteuded1 the' fuerai of the late J. fi.Gtreenwood,' Whitby, on Thureday. Mn. Robent Boilli, M. P., ship)ped, a haudsome saddie horse by bouton Sut-i urduy nighht t Hon. Chus. Fitspatrick, ut iylens du Loup, Que. Gen. fH. Philiipse the Chicago Corn1 King, looka for whetst roaching Il a bushel belons mauy months, Whati wouldu't dollar wheuh inean to the Can-t adian Northwest? Jas. W. McNaugliton nif eterboro,, died very suddenly ut fHenry Gohecn's gahe, Hope, while rsturuing home from a throse weeks treatmei* by a uoted Christian scisutiat in Port Hope. 3 Ho for NiagaaPulls!I Metealt St. Methodist Sunday Sehool and Whitby Tabernacle will run an excursion te Nia-eara Pulls per Stn. "Angyie" on Weýnesday July Bt, frnm Bnwman- ville. and Oshawa and Whitby. Pur- tieulara lu ut aIl post offices. 26-tf We hiave neceived by mail [rom Mn.t W. T. R. Preston a largo piotognaph r ni the Canadian Comonution arci enet- ed in London Engiaud. It la a very fine aiffair and a enedit ho the Dominion, and was admired by people frnm al parts ni the world. Eveny boy iu Bowmaiivilie old enougi to womk wouid be botter now thut sehool is over, to seurs a job, and,if nothing more, sumu bis clotios for noxt wiuter. The boy who acquirea habits ni iudustry'lu sariy 111e may be depend- ed upon to make a good citizen aud bc able to puddle his on canne. TEE SExîs ON F IRnx-So dreadfnl are r the sensations o f burniug, itehing E eczema that victime freçîuently dosenibe thein suffeninga bv sayig that the skmn is ail on fine. The stingiug, biting fines ni eczema are quenched by the use ni Dr. Chase's Olulment. The first few ap-, plications muy cause a littie uneusinessa bu' cure is sure to mosult sud tie skiu isC heaied without sean or blemiali. Ou July 12th many people visited Bowmanviiis wbo- are not ni ton sesu 9 lie. Soins nf thein visltsd the fine stores for which is town la uoted and i expressed satisfaction witi their pur- 1 ehases. Bownîunviile la known fan and wids as a cheup town in wlieh t10 bay. 1 Misa M. E. Highet, M. A., Ph. D.,has been rscently açpointed Profeasor nfi the Genman Langugo sud Literature lu the Emmura Coliege, N. Y. This la one oflie leading institutions ionthe higher educution oi womein i n the 0 UJnited States, witi collegze courses t leadiug ho the degrees ni Bachlor ni Arts and Master of Arts- and wo cou f( gratulate Dr. Higiet an ber appointi 1meut to en important a position, CdIldren Cry for CASTOR lA. Prints as they do this seuson. A big saving of money in Men's fine colored cambrie Ptiff bosom shirts ut Wecst End flouse this weck Chioieoi auy shirt in store for 69c. and the best of ail every shirt is a W G. and IR. nake. Sizes 14 to 17, Children Ory for CASToR flA Geaume Castorla always bears the sIgnature Pl et Chi. iH. Fletcher. P. J. L. Wheu Baby was oick, we gave ber casterij. 01 When .11e was a Child, 511e eried for Casteria.- Wheu se became Mis$, she clung to Castoria. Whenshe had Children,sisegavethïm cambria. Mr. Fred C. Kydd recently visitai frieuds in Guelphi. Mrs. G. C., Bonnycastie la visitini reratives at Campbellford. Cobourg Methodist Su.nday Sehoo picuic at Oshawa Thursday. Master Charles Bounsail la visitinc, relatives in Indianapolis, Iud. Mr. Frank Muywood, Calgary, N.W T. was recent gueet of his cousin, Mrs F. J. Manning. Mrs. Geo. Ed. Kennedy and son London, are guesta of lier mother, Mrs D. C. McDowell. Mrs. F. Brimacombe and four ehid ren, Rochester, N. Y., are among visit, ors to this towu. Mrs. -A. bMcMillau lias our sincer( thanks for a iovely bouquet of flowern for our office desk. Miikr's Worm Powders cure ail ail ments of childreu like magie. Sold b3 Stott & Jury, druggists. Mrs. W. A Needs, wivhle standing on a chair lunlier bouse July 12th, fell and broke the boue isulher 1sf t eibow. Bowmauvilie base bail tsam play a loague game in Port Hope next Satur- day and Oshawa play at Cobourz. In waahing wooilons and Itannels, the zoft soap made froin Lcver's Dry Soap < a powder), will be Iouud very matisfactory. Bowmnanville Intermediate base bail] team weut to Whitby Friday and won from the local teain by a score of 10 to 2 Mrs. T. F. James and Master Frank and Mqiss Elva, are risiting lier unele, Mr. Win. Nelson, Peterboro couuty, and other relatives. Thut tired, lauguid feeing, and in- disposition to effort of any sort wiii be rapidly removed by the use of Miller's Compound Iron Pilla. Sold by Stott & Jury, drbLrgis ta. It liaî been oftleiaiiy announced that the coronation of King Edward VII and Quesu Alexandra will take place' on Satarday Auguat 9tli. 1Are you not well? Are v~on pale, weakl[y, depressed lu spirits. meiancholy tired, nervous irritable? Try Miller's Compound Iron Pilla. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Many admirera of the beautiful visit. cd the home of Mrs. J. K. Galbraith, "Victoria Cottage,'" Wednesday niglit to see the flower on the niiglit looining cerne of caei which opened in aillita beaut.v that eveaing. Staîf Capt. and Mrs. 'Casa, Toronto, wiH couduct the meetings lu the Salvation Army }lurracks on Saturday and Sunday, July 2E6th a ,nd 2fçth. 9peciai subjectsalal day qn Suuday. Corne and heur and receive a bleslng. The Immense Pinei5 of Canada furniali the baîs for that peerles@ougisand cold reniedy, Pyny Balsamu. ithcures quickly and eertainly. 0f ail druggisto, 25c. Mude by proprietors of Ferry ,Davis' Pain-Kilier. Mr. Murvin Burk liud fiteen ieud of cattie killed and two budly injared. on tbe Grand Trunk Raiiway Wednesday ni' bt at a point where thieuew traek la being laid. We understand Mr.Burk'ti- loss ham been mude good. -rhe Ludi'es' Champion Base Bail Club thut drew possibly t4ie largeat crowd that ever witnesBed a base bull match liere wiil play our home teani again ounI'hursday Julv Si ut 3 p. m. Admission 25c. Dont- misa semiug the Bostpn Bloomers. Misa Galbraith's plapils have been very sucessful at tlie Examination of the Toronto College of M.usic. Misa C. Goode and Miss E. B. Bragg passed weil in the firat examination of Tlieory and senior Rudiments, Miss Goode tak. ing second clam 1%nors This la very eucouruging for the pupils and speaka weli for miss Galbraith as a teacher. Pr. Wm. Allison Caun, D. D, S., Chicago, Ill, lias been uppointed Ohunical Asiatant lu the Sehool of Dentistry. University of Illinois. We are uiwaya pleassd to heur of the auccesa of our Cunadian bass and this la only another instance of the abiiity aud talents of a Bowmunviiie boy being recognized by our American cousina wbo know a clever man when they see hlm. We congratulute Dr. Canu ou this preferment on real menit. You cun procure pure paria green ut rdcDenmid's Drug Store. The new Louisilse-Siiks lu ail colora at Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman 's. 10,000 doz. good freali eggs wunted WiiI pay you 13c. Cuwker & Tait, Our offer of one old aud one actuai new aubacriber for $1.50 stili holds good. Ladies,1 i( you would se something real fine visit Cuwker & Tait'a China I'arior. A an)eciai Brand of Cucumber and Olive 011 Soap 8 for toc ut MeDermid's Drug Store. Ladies' New Sprinz Coats selling off at hlf-price at Coucli, Jolinston& )ryderman'8, Good gooA.f iprcsadvry d Miss Maisie Redher ia visiting friends in 'Ihorald. ýg Good covered buggy for $35. Appiy to M. A. James. Dl Mâs Aima Waiker. Port Hope, in visiting Miss Winnie Joues. 9 Mr. W. A. Hanes, Toronto, has been visiting at Mr. John Babeock's. r. Misses Loufe and Florence Williams 8, are visiting friandsin Cannington. Mrs. Frank Scott, Brookiu, las been 1,visitiig lher sister Mrs, Lewis Lyle. B. The Salvation Army heid auntinjoy- able picnic at the Thursday after- 1noon. * Mrs. McKeuzie and Miss fiattie Anderson, Toronto, are guesta of Mrs. -aJ. H. fIL Jury. 7;Now is the time to get yoursolf a nice> summer hat, the prices are down at M. lMayer's, corne and seo for yoursslf. YBaby'. colt! maylbe cureG !n a nlght byusjng fapo-Cresolene. which has been extensively na Mu*t fer tw.aty-four yeaza. Ail druagista. d Mr. Philip T. Smith of Victoria, Chili, South America, formerly of Hiampton, awas in town last week calling on old friends. If> ou want a bargain in summer hats, cali at M .Mayer's Riat Store where ayou find a large assortment in ail prices of hats. Having a large stockof summer hats on band and ln order to reduce them' I have decided to ssii them off ut cofit price, give us a cai. M. Mayer, Hattoer. Mr. W. N. Tilley, barrister, Mr. H. R. Tilley and Mr. C. S.ý Blackwell, To ranto, passed through yesterday te Bobcaygeon, where they wilI spend a week flshing.-Lindgay Post. Rev. W. R. Roach and daugiiter Miss 3Mary F. Roaci, fHampton, eailed from Montreal Saturday by the "'Tunisian" of the Allan Lins for a visit with rela. 1tives iu the Old Land. They were 1booked to London, Eng., and raturn tby the coasipany'â agent, M. A. James. Dr. Edgar W. Allia, Bowmanville, and Dr. R. F. Blake of Belfast, Ont , 7 sf t Wedusesday for Montreai where ithey saiied bythe splendid zxew twin serew steamer "Lake Manitoba" of th&~ Eider, Demster Conpauy's Lins for ublin to visit frieuds and pursue their studios in medicine. They were bnoked by M.A. Jamers, steamship agent. Mauy friands in this county will r@Zret to bear of the death of Miss Myrtal Hendron, daugbter of Mr. Abel fiendren, whà died -etlher kome iu Ligkefield on Weduepday of lung trouble Missellendreu'a sweet voice has bean board severai times in the Mlethodist ch'jrch of this town. the echoes of which will long be a dellght- fui nmemory in thie minds of those wko were privileged to hear ber. Bowmanville apain to the front. A~t the recent Graduatiug Examninati-ons of The Lady Stanley Institute for Trained Nurses, Ottawa, Ont. Miss Beseie Winnifred. eldest daughtar o4, Mr. fiobt Adair of this towu. took firn place, with US8 marks otof 1000. Iu the written examinations she was &irat in ail but one-,and second in it. lu the or -al examinatious she took 100% in ail but one and 98% in tha t. This will rGmind you that the pain of strains, bruises and sprains, common incidents of active ou4-dooW~ife, is drawn fromn aching bodies by Perry Davis'- Pain-killer, as a magnet draws bits of iron fromn sand. Durham, Oid Boys in Toronto are prt»aring t o give a1 their friends fronil this county a graknd neception on August 4th on the beauý-tifu grounds of Dr. John Hoskin, K. 0_ Conimittees have been appoîuted to secure artists to furisush appropriate music for the day on. the zrounds, arranZe for street car accommodation fron rairoads or boats, and to secure from a competeutt eatt5rer agreement to suppiy a good sub3tantial meal about noon for ail who give us fair notice of their intention of being present with, us. free of charge Dont delay hauding- in your name to your township clerk or to Al. A. James, erery or Jas. Gaie. To INCRIvsÂszYOUR WÉîGrr.-If yon are thin, weak and emaciated and want iz to increase your flesh and weigh you È should try Dr Chase's Nerve Food. t You can feel it doing you good froni day to day, as it strikes at the root of trouble and creates new rich blood. You can prove that it builds up new tissue and adds flash if you weizb t yoursel f each, week while using it. We are aiways pleased to note the ~ success of West Durham Boys wbo are looming up in ai parts of the world.n The Marshalttown,Ia., Herald'coutains the foilowing which expiains itself: Mr Jonathan A, Awde. who bas been con- r nected with fioyt's1 meat market, at 128 East Main street, for severai years, last week purchased the entire business and wiii hereafter co)nduct one of the I best markets in the city. fie is an c excellent judge of meatê, a skîllful cut- ter, and a geniai business nman, and the reputation of this market for -uale«tyAdprmp-sr-cewi --ve b1 Mr. Perey flook, Toronto, has bee vlsiting frisuda boe. Miss McDiarmid, Deseronto, le gusi of Miss Ethel Y. King. Dr. G. Hi. Edick, Detroit, Midi, visitlng bis iamily boe. 1Special train to sither Port flops Cobourg next Saturday. Mr. Chas. fi, Chicago, 111,. las bee viaiting is futher Mn. S. F. Aî11. M. A. James' next excursion t Niagara Falls Wednesday Aug. 20. M, A. James la Goverument issut of Marriage Licenses for Durli Countv. Mrs. J. J. Phiip and son, Clarenci Winieg, Ma n., are visiting lier sist( Mns. it.ifBelIman. Mr. Wmn. Foley is ou a business tri to the Canadian Steel and Wlne Cou pany, fHamilton. Boys, work reai hard for a month t attenid M. A. James' next excursion t Niagara Pulls on August 20. Miller's Worm Powders are a wondez fui medicine for ailmenta of chidrsni Sold by S'tott & Jury. druggists. During Juiy and Auguat, Dr. Heui wili be ut bis office daiiy from 10 to 1 a.m. Sunduys excepted. 28-4wý .Arrangements are being made for i special train to Toronto Qn civie hol day for Durham Oid Boys' pienie. So mauv people missed our exeursioi to Niagara Pulls tliat we shaîl rmi anothen Aug. 20 by Argyle.- Maaei date witli your beat girl for that d'ay. Befors ieuving Canton Mrs. (Itev.) fi A. Curta (nes MMlas Gertrude Hlawkins' was presented witli a silver pudding diali and silven server by tlisebcuret and a silver cake plate and sugar spoos by lier Sunday achool ela s. " 'A Grave-yard Cougl"i" lathe ery ni tontured lungs for mnercv. Give theni merey in the forte of Allen 's Lung Bal. aam, whicli is used with gond eflect everi in consumptions early stoges. Ne ver xrieclSt a eonugh, During the violent storm on July IStl the barn of Mr. R. L.,fioldswortli & Sous, Hamilton township, was struck ancd thougli a largfe qiMntity ni stock wus in the stables, noue were burt a74d very littile damage was donc to tiE buildings. "The D. & L.," Emulsion of Côo4-Livez OU- taken ln cases of geueral debiliry and bass of appetite, is sure to give the beat resuits. It reotores health and 1renews vitaliçy. Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., manufacturer. W~ s are highly plea-sed to announce thus leek tise suecess nf one of Weim Durhum's clever girls- Miss Edua Juanita Fielding, seconsd daughber ni Mr. Rok. Fielding nf this bown, whbo heads the liat of suceessful, studeets ut Toronto 1*rmal Scliool winn'ing the gold modal lu a vcry large clago. This certaiuiy le a ver great lipnor to Mism Fielding. Miss Susie M. Belîman, Miss Liliu G. Gaînsby o f Oione aud M~ss Sybil L. Jewelwere'also mueues- f ul lu passing the exams. and we extend heoemtiest oongrutulitions to ail. The m,'uy West Durham friends nf Mrs.T.J. Muson, Torerito, will be pleals ed to leuru 4se la rooveriug nicely froni a serinus sungicul operation pcrlormed iu Dr. eTemple's fiospftal a month ugo. In this counection we muy mention bliat Mrs. Muson took a, course lat winter lu the Toronto Bible Training Schoo 1 embraeing siglit subjects and ut the eloskig examinatlon made an average nf 76 pr cent, For a stitdent of ber yeairg 2t8ia is a reniarEable record aud places Mns, Mason ou the' honor ist. West Durham girls are clever înyway. Ou Tuesday aiteruon lust the Juvenile brandi of Osbuwa Court, paid a fraterîsal visit to the braneh 0f tuis ;own and held a pienie on the drill shed grounds. A base bill match was ar- anged between teunis irom the two courts which resulted lu layon ni Bow nanville, score 29-,9. Af ter refreali- nonts ni sandwiches, cake. eoffee and lemouade the boys enjoved races, jumping, etc., the winners *being pro- sented with a suitabîs prize. "Bir. Soutiweli uceompanied the visîtors and leserves credit for the wuy ho worked oe give the boys a gond time and they a11 behaved theniselves like littie gentlemen. Smart Weed and Beliadonna, cous- 1used witli the other ingredients used lu lie beat porous plusters, muke Carter's S.W. & B. Buekuclie Plasters the best l the mark et. Price 25 cents. Ail who uttended the Epworth Lougue meeting Mondu-Y evening lu ths Lecture Room nf the Method fat churcli enjoyed a reltreut. Mr. O. J. Jolliffe, M. A, lussical Master Ottuwa Coliegiate fstitute, gave un illustruted lecture on Westminster Abbey, the moat interest. In, historie building lu Eugiund. fie lad bis audience .tirougli the nave, boistena, the chapela, etc., with graphie 'ord pictures of the differont points of iterest, referring lie and there to se illustrious dead whose asies are ...Cawker & Tait.. .BOWMAN VILLE.' e G G o G G G o G G G G G G G G G G o G G a' j NowlItls i S21 to 6 yd. Ends Plain and Faney Dress 'EGoods, wvorth 50e to 75e ya,:rd; your choice for' 25o ycl. SImported Swiss and Organdie Musllns, 2 to E 12 yaid ends, Worth 20e to 30c, for 15o yd. r 600 yards Print, heavy ana fast colois, reg. t: 10e and I2îc, for 7c yd. B Baailnce of our Ladies' Print Wrappers, 74e eaeh, E15 pieces Colored Satin Ribbons, Worth 121 cyd, for -5ceyd. S10 dozen Ladies' Black Ribbed CaB4hmere E iose, worth 25c pair, 2 pair 35c. t5 dozem, Men's Hard and Sof t Front Shirts, worth-$1.00 to $1.50, for 79e Lu1 dozen Mlen's lleavy Knit Cotton Soeks, Ail 4 pair 25c. t: Bar2'ains lûve1 E the House. bE ~,W. Maso>n! M- Great Bargain House for General Dry Goods. SNext Door to Standard Bank. BOWMANVILLE . R.MON"KUMENTSU' BûaLtlail's hlarbie Works ..... Good Work, Best Materials, Artistie Desig ns, Prices Reasonable, E. r. BOUNSALL, 15 BOWMANVILTLE, ONT. Sond YOIIV Ordors SAILS, TENTS, AWNINGS, and ail kinds of Waterproof Goods direct to manufacturers, JJ. Turner & Sons, George Street, Peherboro, Ont.1 Telephones 180 ail& 195. 2- BIG 20 BOOKSTOREO Cheap Books for summer reading by the best authors at 10e each. llammocks and Croquet for the lawn at reduced prices. For the' ladies we have a fine assortment of Stamped Linens, Sofa Ctishions, ete., aiso Silks and Braids. W. Ta ALLEN, BIG 20, Bowmanville GROCERIES. We alwaYs iead in. higli-clusa Groceries and: thoe volume 'ni business combined with the fuet that for eVenvthing we buy we puy spot cash, thenofore enubles us to ssii them ut pnices usksd fer inferior gonds. SUGAR CURED MEAT$. are high und will be hig i in pries durlng the sumamen We ask you to try aur klams which are cured specialy for our trade. Wse au give you Smoked Shouiders, augar .cured, mild and eut up well, in plice nf the hîglien priced huain. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, Our reductionsuie lu this departmsut lias been wv sil attended and scores of customera have;expressed themsives as pleasscl and profited bv purehusses made; and to mulke room for boas-y purchases ni import China we wili. continue as far as possible sveny bargain pnevîously adventised. 97 PII2CE- DINNER SET FOR $,5.5o. 1 doz. Dinner Plates, 1 doz. Soup Plates, 1 doz. Tea Plates, 1 doz. Cupa and Saucera, 1 doz. Fruit Nuppies, 1 doz Butter Nappies, 2 Flattera, 2 eoyened Dîsies, Sugan Bowl, Tea Pot, Slop Bowl, Cream Jug. The reguiar seliing prie of these sets la 87.50, but to dlean out ws will sell the balance ut tise aboya pnices. Ilglisat Prise Paf d for ail Farm Produ ce. C fAW iKAIKER& TAIT.- PEAIDoN-DîcKo-on July 15511. at St.Glie, >resbyterian Chureb. Toonto, by Rev ilfred ;andi' r, B.A., Miss Margaret DÏckgon and Mr. PA. Peardon. both ,of Toronto. HARK-RICE-At Oshawa. JuIY i5th, by Rey. J. R.4e, William Alexander Rare and Ethel ý,el-ler daugbter cf Mr. Geo. Rice, ail of hawa. QaimPUWnun....jn Whlîbv, July 15511, John amâer Greenwood, baàrigier, aged 73 y ears. ý A' R e e i I i o

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