i àK."ake s hort roads. 11OT WBEATTIER DiSIES., Balueti Csfard.-Three dupa of rlh nd Ightload. nilk, fouir eggs lgbtly heateis, 2- ctup augar (scant), hem grains sait; strain in a Putioreti Paking disb, aprinkie miii uuutîuieg. Place dish ila pan ofh îot mater antihalte ln sl81-ow oenu u.uil fimuui, wbiiu muay hi ood or eeryting e.adlly dotoîlaluiet iIiîtnoduciag a uodforeveythngkaihe t hrougb eus-fard; if kuife thatrus'n wees. cornes out cleau costard is auffciont- Aat unson wlees. iy haketi. While halulng eane mut ho takeîu tii-sf ater smrrolînting ES)îd Everywhere. b akiug dislî focs net Poil, other- ~~xmise costal-f iilI w PcvWe nsat ~4obyIMERALremiember thînt eggs tiuîd înilk in combinatiorin nuu0 Pc cooktt1 ut a loir temperatorc. Tlîis înay Pc umade LAKE ONTARTO NAVIGATION CO. la infidvidual mioldF. LIXITED, îced Rsisan Tea. -Pour sufficient LEboling waf cm oxer six les ci fable- spoons Lnglbsi breakfast toa n a Str.tea pot; lot if infuse> for a monuent or two, then draw off (fîei-e shouiti FROM hociv tem onougia to gonucu ously cox- nognanilleto 0r0R0ý r tea); tf, this adf a îoay of, Ja- BowlIanill to oroto, nusica rom anti thrce pinta oh Poil- iilg mater; infuse for five minutes Service into effect Friday, May 23î,1902, anti sr ve lu giasses baif fulof after which date everv Tueatiay ciadket ic1e. A filin alice of limon ant i Fritiay. andmuapreservetu straw-berry iladeit- Leare NEWCASTLE et 6.80 a. m. edti t eacls. We initate oui' Rus- BtIWMAN VILLE 7.00 a. ma. . sians ionda hy atiding a marachinio OSIAXVA at 8 00i a m. cherry anti a foir drops oh lemon " WHITBY at 8.45 a. ma. Julce fo adi glass. Arrive at Toronto at 11.15 a. im. JvouI. Creain Witb Cohice Sauce.- a'eturning' leaves Toronto at 5.00 p, m. One tablespoon grauuateti gelatin, EFARE-Newca,,le' to Toronto anti one-qîlarter cup V, ti uion, îxip Returus 65c, Bowmianvilie to Toronto from tiîree anti a humif dupa creaun, anti returià Sfic, Osblawa anti Whitby to Ionie-qurter cap sculîlet creauniandt Toronto and return.S50c. Tickets mna, one-ilird cap poîrdoreti asugar.* Pro- be extended for 30 days upomu apPluca- cess: Seak flue geltin ln a clt ma-- tien to tPe purser anti payrment of 25e feu', dissoixet iniii caîticticroarn, atditionai. atri lîsito a bowl anud atiti uger. Staterootai accommodation at reason- Set Posrl lu pans oh crack~ed ice, anti able pnieus. Fruugbt -soicted a n d stuc coasfaîstiy mntil mixture Pegina banldieti carefuliy antipromptly. For to fluichouu, thon euf anti hoit in tht' furthet' information applv to. w'ippcni uceama, addiag it ir f hirds. A W. ff]EPBURN, If tPe gelatimi mixture thiceus f00 Gei Mauag'er, inuchin elt if oser tiot waicu', anti Picton, Ont. Mien cool hefore af ding- creaîuî. foin H, CANN, Agent, mixture iîîto a- faady -ring mrolti, Bowmanville, Ont. chili anti se'rve Wita coi'- sauce. ____________________________ Coîlce Sauce.-0iie uand ono-baîf cups fuit1 eream ou' ciilliL.tio- fiîirfs oh a cul)i grount Java coffee, olie tliirc, cap sogar, threo quai fera of a libiespoonfu ai-noir root, one- e- eiebtLu ,teaspoenfui ,at and onie anti eue hulf teaspoeas branudy. Scaiti lit à. à- l- the crefleandf miliç ndtilet stand tsventy minutfes. Mix tise ingretil- euis andi pour e-rflue bot, mix- -t fre îsbich lias iseen atraliti. Cook five minutes ,anti aditibrandty slo.miy. Serve h-st aicuinîiory crtani -or îýChery ce.-ouu- ducs vatem, fiso cons suguar, foui' cupa pitteti cher- s J ics aîdtino bah cup cherry pifs. Fencng alu u tes.Procesa: Prepai-e a syrîsp Py Poil- Feicig a d aýqes in g isafer anti suigar tegetlier ton mnuutes; pit theue cerrîea, roservîng Puy the best made by flic, ail tho juice, crack the is anti udf Oshawa, Wire Fence Co., Limited, bof b to syxrup anti Poil feu nmumtes, Osbuîwa, Ont. Rab tlreugh sirainer auf strain liquor tbrougls domuble cuiteacleth; i Q D ~ J I cool anrf freere. J. S. Ru nd e, Dei lilea ss.~oixeg a 13-tf Agen, boînanîlle m-J in. Isabes leegtlunisc, reiaoso îoll s andiirab tlîoo' fuîoughasiee atiti mai-e-I mustard,, sal -m ad a fou grains oh cayetua'-.clioppci îparsloy, TheWhoe Soiya few froua'ofoh nîon jico. Moisten Th Wsoe toy i ithbPoiloti fiessiuv,- ;e f11 urlites. An lu tter mSorsve on a dishu gaunishoti îîith heauf leases of cisp lettuice. D eot anef Cbeeso Buffer Sandt- îvilîe.-Ciop tsiree Poileti Peets veuy fine, atif one-bal- cor pec,,îî <PSmiv Dxvi'.>measfI:ncis .;iopiietl; nisten slgut- Frem Capi. P. Lbye, Police Sation No. ly wi tb Prends uiesslag. Work to 5, Moeireal.--aWe hnquently use PanaT a pa. tet iree parts, oh gratof croanul DAvIs' Psîs-Iuî.R fer hals ful i h- eýtû- u- cueeautomeprohbtr;sia ach, rheuouicatisiuu, sif5ues, fro&t bites, chil- he adoeprofbtr;sed blinus, cruampes,,sud fail afflictions whiuclî clu-des of tPinly sliceti ihite hreald befallimn leunr siiouî. Ihave nohesgi- îib the chou-se butter- amud equal i ition h11abug tat PAIN-KILLîuilu he b," cîuumyd1ýtohve r athband.,,isoînher oh ircieswiththefluePeot mix- N iseti Xnteraii-y and Externally. jt une; îay one oui top of tir e thler. Two Sizes,, 25csud 5ci. boties. nress euiges fegether and serve, Badon Saustiylees.-Sliee Somce __________________w ell areakef badonu sery tbin, cblîl slt cum a pie fianjlacef ou icethsoni Ooo0k's Ot'bon Roct C O po drfop tiahssnhofrngp ; sïucessfuilly usatimonthiy by over f ura freuucuî1ntlyutl a goldenî brou-u 'f1,000 Ladiesa. Sahe, effectuai. Ladies ask nutid nia'.Sîsuclîtone sbf e thicki3 .u s. Take no ot an as ail Mxtures, pub santi Iof nauroîr trilîs of Prend, with jimulations are dangerous. Price, Ne. 1, $1iper miuîceti chicken ant i Putteu' monkeci box;' No. 2, le degrees strongar,til par box. o. t.PSe su 1epootoj 1 or 2. mailad ou reeeipt oh prica anti two 8-cent' apst,0sg qcls' efofo stampu 'The Cook Compaisy Windsor, Ont. oie Iparftîbutter anid tixo parts chlicin- NS. land2soidaoruuommendedbyalb l ;s-su ili Cfhai aeuî resporisible Drugglsts lu Canrada. lanti eFiny dlppetlsaitey. ayna Nol1 andi2 aro soidin Bowmnvilia ly Stott & islice oh cî-sp baconu ounflue 0flem Jury, J Higginhoihari & Sou andi J W MeDersueanifliucstgtrns- nuit drugnuss. bg edgea ml. Saliuîoî Sandwiche, Use one pounti oh salînoîs if huosb. Cool in a sauîdouio witb a sliceti emus a -77 root of (luy, liali a feaspoon of Oleussen jîu iice oursYinegar la w ater soi- ficient te dovuir. Cook very geutiyý fihtceî minutesi. drain anîd u'csio ait skbu andti onea; .pocînt il lof0 puste; aed oehusîf cor)ohf hulci ceans. Seasoîl ligly riih sait anti papriCa, oad lelmon joico fo faste antia sliglîf gratiîsg oh lonbon rieti. Sîseati Peimecuî tilin slcea oh muiteý .orna anti ]-,,"iona onîmany of the kecp qýa fîock o01 g 'ose Li flic fi - cromneti beatis oh Europe. osfiecha lin olnif i i u louge pillowa she would Ilikeil and ~f sugess he olQwngsýbtluLs: SHEDw BiLUD ILIKE WÂTERBJREUENCJEB IN IITURYI that appear on tie table are fune, LEWANIKA IS NOW NO LONG- ILI, S0 HEKN- SG if you î-eîoct those wîth bard stenîs. ER A SAVAGE. GSSSlI AEIL IlMany people do not know the dif-GS OM MAEIL ferenice bctween tbem and go ose feca-- thora. Tire only ta-ouhie La that Horrible Orgies of the Afrîcan Only Two Notable Ones - Those young chiekees do flot bave an ima- Chief Disappear-Resuit of of fluke oh Bedford and Son miense lot of feathers. Christianity. oh the NYad King. If yomî will dry hops tborougbly la Some tinie ago an African poton-, tue wr Septeibier su]ishine you tate, floîed Lewaaika, paid a ,visit The report that the 'Prince of will haeiiiling fitfor a qoean's pi- to Ring Edward, witb whom be Wales will he made regent in the low. Thoeela uotbiug so fine aad samoked a f ew cheice cigara. Inter- exeat of a long convalescence of fragrant as a ,gray linea pillow, emu- esting cletails regarding the chief- King ECdward surprises no ene. No broideued lu a bop design, aud fil- tain are centained in a letter froinmoarh ,Eglîd a ve. ed with the soft herls; or a doîl Captain Alfred Bertrand, of the lain dangerously 111 witbout Soule green one Io inuatch the' colon of the Swias Fcderml urmy, a well kuiowiî suggestion ouf a temporary transfer vines, andi finsheti uith cord and explorer suid traveler, wbo tells of Oh poîver. Whon Qucen Victoria iras tas-sels. The tasseIs shoulfi repro- the-romrableaý, changeasîvhich have dying at Oshorne Rieuse a rcgcncy duce the hop bella. Pine neodies nare recently tatkon place in-Barotacland,' -wiCb the present King as regent iras fine fou the heavier porcc cuabiens, wheacc the said potentato cornes. Ilo quite frecly discusseti. In the pre- andi so are redi dorer tops, tîlogli i asa: sent instance, boisever, a riNcncy, -the latter are likely to get dusty lu "'ihere caîî bc no douht that Low-w-ie oaieintt-dy o- a short time. Af toc ail notlsîug is anika ilaitce nost pictoresqîîe per- sidereti as amaong. tire iinediate bettor for pillowa andti aattresses' sonage invitcd to R,'in-g Edward's prohabilitica. than tile seft muner busks oh w'ell'coronatien, and bia puesence bas at- 117o the average attudent of Esîglish nipeneti corîl. Throw 'away ni tractoti the attention of the Englisbhisoy u worgaissadou coarsoc dark pieces, anti use oaly the people to thal. littic-knlowîu portion proiiiently ln the, records-thiat oh Lfine white orles tIi-st will be so of their uiieiclop)ed estatea. the Poke of Bedford. wbich shook ahsîiaîs i tP hll; 'pdaIn.iial 'Tbepioeers oh the Upper Zm tbe fouadatiens of the House oh cool airy place to dry, ajîti tie up I besi bave beîî the French Proteat- Lancaste durlng the' long minority ln pa lier hag util w-mted. Thea ant nîissionauiea -nas'scly, the Rex.. oh Ilenry VI., and tluat of Georgge, yoîî vau make auy aunîber of pillow's F. Coillard, the brothers Jabla and Prince oh W'ales, duuiuîg the raadriess -wihbiL uîiad, at case on the quca- their colîcagues, iîîcluduuîg acieral of of lus fatîser; andi yet provisions fer, tionof illng.My wn ounrymn fom witer-a uegeacy bave heen made no lesa tun t îiîn. y wn contyîenfrinSdtz. than fifteen times aince the iron bcdl BOILINO- WATER FOR STAINS. 'Baurotselaiid in 1895 wes ,alumost oh Normnan onquest ataînped rppou t ntirely uuiknow'î anti uîsxplorcd. Eîîgland the seal oh a genuiine na- Ortiinary fruit atains may ne ne- lTlîrce trascîcra oaiy bafi passeti1 tional lueè. The Ean oh Pembroke, nslosuîd y pouring hoiiing w,-ater!-Ioul it a-,nd irons thoir accouuisa Iy aîîd witlî tie consent ohfVihe throogb tbem. Itit mua actually Pc we expccted to take oulivsa'a uubhion, ecame regent when liery hoiliag, andi really tw,\,o pCIsoris'hnd.lnei cpoiur t h. ascended the tbuone; tiseeoiqiitb should uîerac t rmoxal ouf the, banal(s oh the Barotsi led thei te llenry appointeti bis execotors - staîn. One shouiti heldtirtIe a their treacbery, raPacity,I gents until theo udr to lus crowu cloth osît ratbeî' aioothly over cru y ul erdmia iin the shoulti attain legal age, and the exo- basin, aînd tIse otheri shouîd pouri darkest colora. Ail the greater a uoa uo teacaino d-1 slow'ly a pot oh boiliîîg wateî oser, nmv a'stonisbmnît iben I saw wit.h Wtrd VI., dlegated their rights andf andîti iîougb the staineti part. Tea my owîî eyes the tr ansformsation pris ileges and autlîenity to the iiani andcofoe f ans suy îsualy o gt otb in the moral and inaterial do- irbe, by aucis tielogafion, hecanie riti oh hy just this use of Poiling Ira- tanin w'bicbi had beca elIcctcd hy the Lord Protector oh the Roahsi andi a ter. mission. vhrtuualidkng; la 1751 the îridow oh SMLI FRIT COBIATON. FOUND SC IOOLS. Frederick, Prince of Wales, was '"l'o myFatoTNhînoat on rcacb-nunuetias negerit sliould the ccclii 'To ny storisnien, o rech-pesa frein lieru itlier-in-law, George i Re.-pberry aîîd Curant Creamn.- mo- the Zanîbu'si, I ieund at eacb oh IL to lier tison iinor son, aftor- Covert one' ounce gelatine witlî One the stations churchea, achoola, w ard George III. Parlianuent waa c-up colt w ater, and let standutil bouses, ami stores, erected inlasitua-,- ashýed iipon thrce separate occasions soit 'i heu add another cup boiliug tiens ix bre cserything had to Pc ýto grant authoiity 1fo the estab- iXater, lin1 stir util tise gela tine la uta de freas the raîv iîateriab. lhin hargny ahI dis-sohx d. Add to tilatw'o-1, "j n efc slnead dsýihiin fargny tiirs 01 rspery juice uand a lit-1 - nd perfectEilenceAPPdIdTs 1tird u ov r netîidcipline, reigninig inithe scîloola niPsE OAPIT cu uraî jl. a t.sesica1A cujh ws By the first ohftîsese acta the Ringt Sweeten Io taste. aed stir it over stu , viî lesolu u iitelli- wasiliesed witb powecr to appoint ÊtPe fineutil it reaches the hoilia)g gent derneanior of a uidflbe agcd a regent, if it appeared te bias thut point. Theîî stuain, cati atand it main, wbe, 1Iclarnio to my sur-prise, the succession waa likciy f0 develie aside fo cool. Add one-hlnf clip' was'no othei- than Leu'uniIka, and uonlI a inrinor or an incapable; >posrdened suger to one plut sw'eet, wirîi we baf expected to finti a againinb 1778, id seconud legoîlel iicb cîcaîn, uti wiip to a Stilýi blood-tlîirsty tyrant. Fonther ac-!bill uns intu-educeti, oîring te tPe 1inotb. Add this te tPe fruit jîîice, quailîtace witiî biai shoîrect that insaiity oif the 1(iiug, and nîthomugîs 1anti whisk ail sogether util it is the transfornmationi ias net nîerelyî it iVas di'oîped uwhen George recev- 1 luite atifi. Tuet it lato a wetteti au outisard onse. At bis court iroeei,,tu-e dehate upon ias provisionsi- - nold an pýck n k litilstif e- fud ordr, lcalinsscoortcay furnisheti a notable and satisf1 iîg' ougli to tam eout. Turn into a anadi ospitality. eilt ,erprttittePic glass uishabnd igaraisb liihlune ripe, "Leaneika blînseîf, uwho ias ador-,oh Wales deairefi to assuîme regency raSphoerries and cornants theroughly cd as a sert oh di vinity, ruleti by poirers irithomît the consent of Par- chillcd and dusted wibtb granuuatcd1 terror alone, shenlniug on ieIann. Adslln aysul sugai- irwaten.fIle humd ut is ordersa !a intention on the part o i brother laaphcu-ry anti Crnant Punîninas. jcode moh tortures cacb. more terrible was maide il' tho lieuse i Lords h3 -Bot ireegs srylig1twiî t-othan the lest. I wil oniy descrihe Fredonick,, DoLe 0f Y'or Inlu1810 lesel tablestsooîîs encb butter andtin flute Seruyi, or starrier aita. a recUîrroace oh the 1,Ring's insaîsity auigar. Addt one-bah plat uilk. Suft A muet cbed, victîm (sometiaesa:a bastenedthelu passaige oh the third tue tops fleur witlî tue level feu- chief) srould be heunid, sîneancti îitb i-cgency bill, which cloarly defiaed spoouis hakieg Iowdfer ant ie pinch lponey, and placoti in the track of the bruita oh the regent'sauathority.î oh aalt. Afit the flou- to the eggs an advancing colurin oh these crea- i]-le iras cuapowuerefi to ruhe'w ithoutC andti nilî, andi heat f0 a siîîeoth t u r e. Ho inigunt lire for tinys, Pe- a. cooncil of regency; ho could niaket tlîic' Patter. Ilase readI. one cup ig îîg ti'rully dcvîefl dalive Py nmiî. war anti couscîude peace, aegotiatc raspberrils. anti ee Iird cup ctur- lions of iandiie1 treaties, dissolve Parliamneut; but- rats, wasbcd, daiectiand flouroti. B3LURNING ALïVE. 'Ti n as restriotet inl the niatter of Atif those te tue Patter. Drop fluaiis confenuirg peerages, offices anti peu- Patter Py the spoonful, am feir at n Bouning alive iras a coumnon, Oh- asas. B3ebug thus deprived of plea- tinne, lato a kotf le of Peiling, Suit- tcuu daibî oc:currence, andi the ordeal ary pon-ora the 1egelît coînplaiîsed cd irater. Coxer cie' 'ly, aad Poil hy beiliag ,waýter the oenly seiableuice fruely to bis fnicatis, anti Ias es-cu teus minutes, ou' a. uttle longer. Jî oh trial. If t.ley happueuseti to bc rtiarýeseusteti by a sotirisat oi the day the Pattou- focs net seeomsufficiont.- chis, flue accuseti parties oely s50P as witiug a ibynuing tpistle te bis- ] y thicl., udf a tile more foujr. mitteti to it by proxy of tneir mixes "ticai' Prothet- Fred," iimlsich lue When fl ic fu nhgsarae doue, serve Or slav es. osn dtheft at once mitis as-et Sauce. a NesetIse ordeal la abolisheti, nîii hillh stiaigbt maistcoats ons Paf jroîugh huIt regolar jîudlclal pro- aati restrictions cou nie cedure lias tabeen ifs Place. Punisb- ,A nmere iaitet i nonurcby scarcalyt A sboiing flue exteut tf0 ishich monietsarnie uîudoubtedly severe, but: couitilhe.f strecta are onuuyceîsibod, if is inter- the sakae andtihfua ortore are nt' esting te note tilut tsore are usoîramîousg thenu. Tise sission stationNERGC' A' about one andi a liali miles oh sub- oh Lea1îiyi uow occopies tPe witch T he reign oh Goorge IV. iîsclumled1 ways onder the thoroiugbiares ofi the bornera hlioclk, tise ancient place the Passage oh Put elne rcgency act,- on1e square mile; tiîat total Poinig ex- oh execution. - icnsrlaietiacoiae clusive of flic subwiai s.te the: 'Exory nontb I ewauika anti bis m itl a mcliknowu consfitîutienul f icu- f luoeemileo andi 66.t yards, ciiefs usefi f0 celebrate the uîew pnincipie. that tho legeet, like flic tii t are lu the ity, but are not'meon by orgies of strong native soveîcign whom lie îcîîrscnts, con- uoder the coutrol oh the coi-penn-, eer driinliiig. When I visitetinf P muhro PeCtoi tien. The gus, ixater, andt hydrau- Loaluuyi Pcieufah leady forhi-dd-en tPe haitb. After tPe accession of wXl- t ic mnsa, flue tobegrnph and Pnueu- makisg ani1 consuunption of intoxi lauI.anafia aseit n îaatic tubes, andtihte eiectric liglut-' cants tbroughoo,(it fliccountry, anti able the Ibuchesa of Kent to exeriebs ing conduits laid bu the sb asha1s set ftho exainple by hiîsîsell > h ocIn frgn nteoes ude2rftue coîstuel Oi tPe corpou'a-Itiou Pecoining an ahastaineî - To-day I of heu f!aoigbtcr, the Pnincesa Vic- amlount te hli' mules, Peiug au in- aunasureti belias net. tîstoti nîco- , fra oîg cieit h'tr crease 0of neunly thîce miles duning hol foi acien years. durnmg lber niiinorit-g ant inlatac the' 3-ar. The electu-ic ligbtin ý aud REAL C1ISTIANýITY. jreigu of Victoria fu -o More, andtihtis tolorapl eonuitacontin sme - l-st regency statotes ixeue proposeti theusantis oh miles of mires. -Altlioigh Leiranika stili clinigs, to by the îuinistry ohftise dmy andmlac- polygauuy eami sorne otber pagan'-cepteti hy Pauliuîuerit. Iustheo firats - practices, lbe encourages otseu's, evea n Cr1 f Pelae uou' rlg ar - . - i lis oîrn cbltiîen, to hîccoîne Chrîs- gcy ceuncil wlthmîut a regent isas ~I'lI jtins. juimaed f0 net if the hein te lhe " But the Barotsi mission bas pro-, th-oue mr betfo lekn j . j uceti rO' , andi uot mnerehy outwurd dom flue fiaut of tbie Quen'a death; 1 pi-oFtsona ol Chiiistianif3. Amnong b3- the secondi acf Prince Albert w-as these I. may mention bis s-on andt uccertiod the ful1 po el-s oh sover- - ~~~~~~~heir I itia, bila uiore Akunaiangiosa, a,- eignty dra h osbemnnt 2 aget clieitaiiîesainli er ownu ig f hbis wife's successor. '~anti Mokaumba, bis sou-iiu laîr, anti t___ Prinme Miuist er, xrbo la noxvinE g- i Itr ai n laigTrnoaI 5-p . - p Lth thofigure of a do-g or sbee For rates for Excursionu pateâieslsi le sue uade foi veî-y sanl boys ~IAL I Fu!Is us. etc., appir U)i'he Trent V'îlie anti irl f play witb. But tî INait5ioCoC., Ltd Bo)bcaree. eulu usot rpnuzoti f0day are tP BUY 'TH-E EENUI NE -HAN'F'D BY r ___ue,sluca".The-e-asarbies are sa shere are nom 1,500 Briis h owoeinc sa1umelre ut crlso cia îuuculs ustily Chinc'-' ees. tosfss oklk y CIL h oandwt st, ed th-,al -r ita et mt oets ,~Ol1~,Ii ~ ~f VO ~ - s . iefýýI(i sîakess'IrL-uti. i- 1 l bes rb m mgatariuýf ro ~ ~ -- St E YhIfi fGiTS RI lO -P i ,FLL sare.aly ,00 fef MEWS BY MXAIL ABOUT JH BULL ILND 115 PEOP'LE. Occurrences ini the Land, Thut Reigns Supremie in the Coin- nnercial World. Near Swansea lives a ian who, despite fis inmety-nine years, Stijli H TS T P T drins hs qurt0f cider a day.- TH TS, IT1 Southesk street, StockweLl, was de- ihintesalotebck scribed in Lamibeth Police Court asRgh ntes l atobck a place where fîgbting was the 1)o you ever get a pain thore? favorite female recreation. If so. do you know what t m ni Ping pcmng tables have been set up it ina a ckache, in Ilattersea Town h1all, and niay ho used by the councillors at intervals A sure sign of Kidney Trouble. during the Council meetings. Dont neglect it. Stop it in time. Six hundred and twcnty pourids If you don't, serions Kidney Troubles was lealizezd by the ina tiaee perlormi- are sure to follow. ance f'ouaay t Wy adham 's 1 theatre ini aid of tihe City of London, Hlospital. SK D E IL Tuo inoues wero kilîrd and an- other iîîjured by a faullof coal at cure Backacbe, Laine Back, Diabetes, the Writlington colliery, Badstock , Duopsy and al! Kidney and llladder Somerset. For sxteen Years ther_, Troubles. bas beeui no other fatal accident in prIce 500. &box or 3for I , dealers. the mine. htiarilîn Tiddie" presented no diu- DOAN KIDN'EY PILL CO.' tlculty to the postal officiais whcan it Toronto, Ont. appeared ia the address on a letter this week. They oelivered it safely of his lufe. to the addressee at Mrthyr-Tydvil. Canon Lambert, of Hu, bas ob- Ia the course of ber holiday in t'jce ucsfly t the loa NewFore- t, Baroncss Bur1dett CýouttS bonrd schools bcbng supplied with las visited a gipsy enéaiiipment at copies of the Nationîal Antheni froin Lyndhurst, going into one of the wh0 P es onann h od ents and conversing with the dwel- "Coîîfou-nc thcir pelitics, frustrate fers. their knaîish tricks, etc., liadt beein W hile try irg to rccover his father's excluded. n alking o~tîck, Adelaide Halluim, Ton shillings a barrel was stated aged one y Car and nine moniths, bas in the London Sheriff's Court to ha been dron niicd by fallieg ilito fric the browers'1 profits on the beer sup.. loches of a ter la a doîly tub at pi ied to a tied public bouse 011 Loughbouough. ower Bridge approaclb, for the coin- Breeduratclaîs buatIlan br-pulsory accluiroean t 0fwliclîby the ncss herses and the "mrisfits"cnh London County Cou-neil £16,000 sold for troopers, was the advice compensation was awarded. give eahI Major Vecnt to the mnembers Once a century the offic i:i t ai of the Yorkshire Unon of Agricul- tenants walk tnd(ldeline the boýunàM turai Clubs. o f Lord Derby's Westinorland estate. Mr. Michael Hlenry W illiams, chair- The crmn a utbe bev manof he ornallRaiuý,v Cin-ed. It inriodefi a wa-lk 0 f sixteen pany, and be-id of oneC of Ihe largest mls itesiiig at o copper smnelting eoinpaniies la themieaitisimighat fr word, as ief nir ror, aedale' bread, ani cheeso, andi various wexentI.ligs!lît. mxarTon fred nsports, and encied with the roaatiag Aiter being 0etno Ceio f a wlîole bullo,ýck, more, sports, and churcb, Dev on, for imore than fUrty a touchligbt procession. years, Mirs. Wollacott bas just died. Fici famnily bav e belf appointmnents A WAP. AUTOKOBILE. in connection wilb the church for close on 200 years. New Engine of War Just Buit tl The sea serpent bas arrived early England. tbis y Car. A fearseme inonster, 200 etý long, andfiifrnisbled witlb four Vickcrs, Sons & Maxiio, the weli- " sas large as sauts$ lias made known Engiislî armainîet manufac- ils appearanre off Terby-at îeast a turers, have Polît a war car, tlhe local lisherinan sav a se. invention of _Mr. Prederick R. Sinis, For Stealing a stick of rbubarb an expert who lbas, devotefi many from a gardocn, a msiried wornaa bie- ?.ea"S' experinients to thîs particu- onging to Foi uceil St. Peter. Nor- lar subject. Ia general appearance folk, bas boca lînced lSs. Id. The odd the car may be dcscribed as a 'mea- penny was the auuU,înt at w-icb the bile conining tower.-' It niessur3s bech as sessed the damiage (loue. 1'7 foot iii lengtb, by six feet týw0 GorlCstoa Parisb Church bouls wero inches la width over ail, anhas so disarranged by the efforts 0fo-i end-signofi te carry aLa, ni thusiastic amiateurs to celebrate the weight 0f .12 tons, thouglithe au- announ-emnent of peace that the soi Iuvigtto bicrlC il arl 'vices of a 'Londoen excpert have hafiexeedsiTtos. 'b a sp t0 bc called in to put the pua cid ymas fa1-hrepw rîght. rforylnelgtydcrol Tw.o defendants wben chargedat trofteBillrtpe t i Stroud Police Court used such fifire- provýid-ed witb a sper iaf garf four spectfutl leuguage le tPe Beac htdefiaite spceds, i.e,1 3, 5, >9 thCy were ueuiptty remlandefi to miiles per houi W,'ith the accoler- Clouceslier jail fer a week to leara ater, however, the spceed of thp,. car better inauiners. eau be increasen 25 per cent.1 The Sineo1I870, Ceorge Lientley. aged car, in 'spite 0f its weiglit. may bu fifty-feuri, bas spent tw euty-sem on brought te a deacl stop w hon geing and a bhl ears la prison. At West at fu11 speed itibi six ýor eighit Ham quarter sessions at wcek hoie ards., It carnies sulhi-c- umt ietro- was sentenrefi te a furrher tefin of leunm fuel for 200 miles. sCa eau s' penal servitude fer The most im-portant tenture of thef- theft t. car is the armer protecti 'on. The An olfi pauper at Anglesey w\ho armior is s0 designed and catut bas sea tPe cerouation festis its in ed as coînpletely to Ccrletecar connection witb the accession of framie. T1he bow and store n i the George IV., William IV., andi Queen car are rein shapefi, tise -agle of the Victoria is to receive 5s a 'aeeu t- nase being about 45 degrees. The relief freus the guardlians for the rest oxtreme length of the armor, wbich is 18 inches off the grounfi, front point te point of the ram. is 2,9 feet. The Cxtroaebomtsicfot and the extrenie beight 10 feet. '.llia J C 7, rmor is of six irillinieter Vickera A N NON 1 ee, and is ileýpersieis te sianl. LETTER a1-qî. t s atacete the car fae by ancalfs ii uiielliptical af ntroduction would bDe vahl' i tprings, on te whiich it is bang by atouit brackets. The fouir semi- A NOTE OR$OU eliptical, springs are uiîîeutd on if nsigned la flot ochon-cn, 'teltrestles,' Suitahly Nbraced and a to the main fraîue. Bt - ewe senumeroos, ieiies- rns are littod witb couing,,n vertsedon he tregthof est. ae connected w itb .tic roda irc moqnial -whieh ý,beaýr noJtote main axles, se that in case ie war-cau is used for haulam ai.. 1 YO WL O SRViost a straiglît axial pulljis e' tain.fi. TIse inside toppufige uf tbsl that any tuathiîals -1 amr is pros idefi witb ulemei give both naine and addrsse. ]deic-ollers, so as te pics eut board,, - I iagit being impossible ewing tet Tha ron~z Reedy a, hese rolîcro feor auy lianfi te obtain .'h Irnoz RemeIOO Ce The-Armement- -0f tei.r arCo