Rin and aveai hava no affect o. n îý harness îreate wth Eurcka Har- nez$ Oil. It r- ables. St1ite1 es No oubs -WIHAT TO DO WI CIIEESE. an i.ToLevers o0f che1euse will api ciate so-alld d ea caes hîcihave onof weas tlce. tr;make these itosaniches wIi- itli graîeýd Or fa l ct cheýSe aadpro- paredsensard'or a fillng, andfr laalittie Lot butter, browning theiln Selon) botIl sides. StilI anotbier exýellent chîcese 0mb censlsts of &od cheese 'added to a good creani sauce tui cans- j- and poured over sliced toast. Made by Bits 0f cheese, eitber creans or tlie S harder cbieeses, shîonld neyer be Imperial 01tOUn wy, fr eeral varieties can i e blended togetlier wVitli added seasoniîg witlî excellent eficct. For - . .~. .example, creara cbeeso. and Rtoque- Cbeese trws-Mxwitlione eu.p- DESPrPAýDO C.LPTU1UED. I1,4 OS fui 0 ofoýur ee-hl cpful of gratcd Parmnesan ees, alashi of cayenîne, H-ad Long Dfe h uhrt Statist'ics on1WarOff-ice Purchases one-haif ablsponf l at and the ofNoa cota.I'omCanada. yý;lk of' noeegg. Tl"bn add enougli- watr o mkea pst sufiienly A despat0el i ciollaif says: A A dsotlsfora lontreal says coiistent to roll. Place it on a1 despera, wli forseven years ha Ieu-ol. Denit, the head of the board and roll into one-quarteribcen defyinI2-G.the autherities of Nova l Britisli iTmyIemouint Commission, ï-cli thickness. Cnt it inito fan ow [Scotia,, 'w as Tiuad c'ptuied in wlio 1lias been in Cana for the pasi. stLrips and roll se each p ece willî1the strees'f !tii dgetewn. on the, 15 motlg i o Thursday some be the size and idagil of a lead pen-1 a f Fny rn aenjfgrs 0 ep itrs ohrt ,il . Place tbe inriabkn li ur-,ndqgsg abs enbr'eders. lI sai anld prs aicdt h a ecnid n on eienAnp- "rn pri 19;01, to Jul.,, witli aldor sn.TeestrawNýsItake ad heO hi (ha 1faled cleaid ail tirexpeoss, lasaou lilkc ort. e l daYs, adfud uean'inscurit 0l1-te d t 10S h pixmt sýhould !be ieated just beore serv- mlounita(ins 0f Annaýpoli. Svnunmber of herses purcl-ased in te log. years aýgo Detectivýe Poweor, of Hl- varjolus provinces was as follows, fax, wýitli a posse, went over the Ontario ............................-,71,- inouintainla the early, evertng and Qiebeo........... ...... .... 2,2 O-NE WOMAN'S CHAT. j watcbed aliiigl't for Sabeins, but' Maritime Provinces... ... ....115 Relaxation is the great principle, saw no trace of iins u-ntil grey day-1 Nortliwest Territoriýes...... .......8$ that pîtisicians aie trying to teaicl liglit, wben lie was diovercd. The Alakinig a total1oF 1,91 rc ý0 woineanewadais. Recreation need.deteetive was statiea.ed in Sabeans' tliesc 10,717 wereshppd e frra flot alwavs consist of social diver3io)n,' father's-- bouse, and waited until, and England, arthe e Il- 24 of the tlheatre or of a sbopping rt p, Frank arrived at thie bouse and OP-1 weroelther sold or dîiedbeor bl71g altbough ahl are excellent lin liirened thell door, whej i e thrnst a sbipped. way. Tint people Dunst Vary tleir sliotgmi into thse desperatdo's facel -1.1 addition to Vi aoe uibr of theceggs ceaten stifn, mixing -ta, l aný t y * levela, unOlio. i xiiihavea ra-refully -Tiirn into- a deep baling 1[ wuî -Pe r rmandmteof 1,5 indhes., dis anid flou hoozifteen mi nutii oj , 1- 11 r4 "Washed out "--that soon is the verdict where common soap is used in the Iaundry. Akfor the Oeta gn mi i ne conduictonsfiave Ute1i, of 1t Il n ii aoiîable rnitothjebasie ireriorned lest favorablie to a -cood meoral ef- Ari le TcirDi-ilo, Ont. LIMITED-