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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1902, p. 8

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Dys li your troab The Oreai Will Why sufer from Stomacli and Indigesi Great Dyspepsia Cure ONLM Pr( SPhone 92, Bowmanvil SBindelr Twine +CALL "SAMPLES+ + AND + GET A T W-1H4 Dustan, - * BowmANvILLr, TELEPHONE. * ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL AND LONOaNERRv ROYAL MAI STEAMERtS., r Montreai. Numnidiain-..--..-.--.....---.----:Aug. 2, 5 a. m. Paristaîî.................'. Ang. ,5 a.m. monigltan . ...........-..Ang: . 1,9a n. 1,-*nis ,inï,,ô,*.. .....,Aug..23, 4 arn. RATIE F PASSAGE First Cabin, M6 and upwards; Second Gabin, $3750 to 80.50; London $1 50 extra; Third Class, -$2.5 and $26; Liverpool, ý3erry, neifabt, Gasgow and bondon. NEW YOîR TeG ASGOW AND LONDONDERXRY. Sardinta.. ..-. . . Aug. 13. Lanrentisu--. .. ..,..... Aug. 20, First IGabn $M.5and upwards; Second Gabin, #82.50; Third bi-isas, $26, Tiarough Tickets le Soutls Afnica. For Tioketa andi evory information flPply te' 19. A. JAMES, Allan Line Ageut. Bowmanvill e. BOWNANVILLE TONEW YORK. The bisaI route te New York anti Philadelphia la via Grand Trunk anti Lebigb Valley Bouta cf the "Black Diarnd Express." Fast trains anS elezaut service. Pullmans Toronto te New York. Passengena landeS la Nesw York up Iown near ahl firal lasa Hotels or Sown town near all Eutopean Steain- abip docks, saving passengers for Euro)pe a long anS expansive Irans! et. Be suris vour tickets rend over the Lebigb Valley. SoiS aItewa anS station ticket offices, 15-tf $50.00 Round Tripte Califorula, Chicago & North-Western R'y frein Chicago. August 2 to 10. The new Overlant i LmiteS, Ibis luxutious isvary day train, leaves Chîca go 8 00 P. M. Only Ibreis tiys on route. Unirivaleti scenery. Variable routes. New Iraw- lng Boom Sleeping- Cars and Compart- mont. Cars, Observation Cars (,witb toisphoue). AIlieais la Diring C4rs.' Buftt Librarv Cars (wiubh barber). Electrie ligbfed tbrougb ont. Twe other fast trains 10.00 A M. andi 11.30 P. M. Saily. The beat et evetîing. Daly anti perscnaily conductoti teuriat car excursions te 'Calîfornia, Oregon anti Wasbia gton. Appiy tc yeur uearesî ticket agent or atidress B. HI. Bennett, 2 East King St , Toronto, Ont. 27-6w. TORONTO EXHIBITION. Monday, Sept. 1, te Sept. 13, 1902. NEW BUILDINGS NEW FEATURES NEW EXHIBITS $35,000 in Premiums $3O,OOfor Attractions BRlLLIAN-T $2 o,oeo SPECTACLES TIHE PEOPLE'S PRIDE THE PEOPLE'S HOLIDAY Fise cd ates on over v lino cf trave' asu- yur station aydn>.nt tcgarding ire ri tocronlo anS back, VOTERS' LIST -1902- Muninali of . thp ni, . hin ,f pepsila!i b le is Dyspepsie. and curable tDyspepsia Cure I Cure Sure.* i lleartburn. Fullness of Weight in the tion when you can get a bottie of theis F 50 CENTS. epared and sold by IBOTHAM &SON Chemists and Druggists. Ile. OROINO. ' ~ ~""~" "'Mr. E. Piharman waq home froin To- Da r1ington, Gounty qf Durham. ronto reeently ...Mr. Fraser Little, Stayner, la home for holidaya .... Miss X\TOTICE is herebv given that 1 have Beatrice Foster is home from Leaming- LA-, transntitted or delivered te the erson mentioned in Soction 8 and 9 of the Otarjo', ton Business College . ... Mr. C. Walter Voters' Liti, Act the copies reqired by aid intenda moving to the city . ... Master sections to be se transmitted or deliveredof the Go PpTrno t iiigii lilt made pursuant te said Aet, of ail perRonsGe. opTrto aviigna appearing by the last revised Asgessment Holl uncle Mr. E. Pînder.. . Mrs. Gibson la of the said Muneclpality tq be en titled to vote in visifin lier daughter Mrs. ll.Barraball said Monicipallty at elections for members of .. r.Hnyadduhe.Ms the Legisiitive Assembly and at MuniehpaL ua er nddube.Ms Elections; and that aid list w as first posted u, 'Vida, are visiting friends in Port Hope in my office atifHampton on the Twenty sixi ,. Mr John Millet, Toronto, viaited day of July, 1902, and remainstiliere for inspec- iî»Mr, F. W. Wiliiamson's ...Misses tlOfl. May and FlorenceHiamilton, Toronto,. Electors are called upon to examine the saiS are zuests at Mr. Robert Moment's.. lists -and if aniy omissions or any other errors are fourni therein, to take Immnediate proceed- 'Mr. 7Arthur Beamit3b. Port Hope, la ings to have the said erbors corrected accorling visiting bis grandfatber Mr. William to laW.Ballagb.. . Mr. Jas. Gilfillan, Bowman- DateSd at Hampton Juiy ifý, 1902, ville, visited bis son Mr. J.J. Gilfillan.. H. ELLIOTT, JR,, . . .. Misa Ruby Thornton la viiting ber Clerk of the Munielpality of Darlington. gratidfather Mr. R. Thornton, Peter- ___________________borough .... Mrs. N. P. Hall and Misa Mary Armstrong visited at Mr. Robt. ~ Fowler's near Kendal . . .. Mr. and Mra. ~'J. A. Johnston, Bowmanville, -visited Stheir daughter Mrs. J.J. Glfilian. ~~p~ygyMr, Chas. Britton, Newtonville, visited L~YIT1D~AIThis uncle Mr. W. Cornish .... Mrs. C à N. 'l'amblyn, Beamsville, viated relat- -TO- ives here and at Kendal. ... Mra. Wellie Los Angeles and San Fransisco, Cal, 'Rolfe, Stayner, is visiting at Mr. Alfred for Bî-ennal Meeting, Knigbts of Rolfe'a...... Mrs. Jordan and grand- Pythias. Round trip excursion tickets daugbter, Miss M. Arnott, Toronto, will be sold at apeciel low rates, good visited relatives here . .. Mrs. J. C. going Juiy 27th, 28th and 29th and Thompson and farnily, Toronto, visited Aug 18t to lOth inclusive. Returning at Mr, William Colville's..-. .Mr. Levi goodl until Sept. 8th 1902 Edwards bas the contract of making apple barreis for NYm. Riekard, M. P. EnumA~TP., for bis season's_ purchase.... Mr. VACATION TRIPSAliPakri uern fomez a The Popular Tourist Route runs dit ...... Miss Ballagh bas returned home ect to the Muskoka Lakes, Lake of from visiting her sister Mrs Beamisb, Bays, Georgian Bav. Kawartha Lakes, Port Hope. .. .Mr. Richard Hocken has Lake Nipissing, Lake Huron, 1000 rnoved here froin Bowmanville... Mr Islands, Old Orebard and ail Atlantic Wm. Batten and son Frank, Toronto, Cos,- Resorta. and Master Ern Gibson, visited bis daughtet, Mrs. J. Joli, Hampton.- FAMUUS TRAINS. Mr. F. W. Wiiliamson and Mr. John The "Muskoka Express," Buffalo and Miller, Toronto, visitud at Mr. George Toronto to Muskoka Wharf andBunk's Davidson recentiy .... Misses Minnie Falls, daily. Thbe- "International and Minnota Leigh have been guesta Liinited". Montreal to Chicago. daily of Mrs R. Gillies, Port Hope .... Rev. (via Detroit ) The "Eastern Flyer," 10 CI Barltropaàretired Methodiat minister Montreal, daily, (via Detroit.) Fast -of Toronto. whola visiting aI Mr. Wm. tirne coinfortable, wide vestibule coach. Maguie' assisted in the service Sun- es, Pullman sleepers, Parlor and Cafe day mring week in the Methodist Parlor cars. Tickets, Tourist Lterat- cburcb.,... Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cobble- ure and ail information from agents, dick and Mrs. and Mrs. Edmund Cob- bledick v-*sited Mr. Isaac Cobbledick STOTT & JURY, recently. .'.Miss Gleason,- Roctor, ILi, C. P. and T. Agts. bas been visitiug ber aunt Mrs. Ilobt, __________________________Winter, ... Misses Louslev who have guesta of Mr. A. Tamblyn returned Mir. C. D. H. Me Alpine, Lindsay, borne 10 Trafalgar, accompanied by representing the Kiîwartba Lakes their cousin, Miss Nellie Tamblyn... Excursion Co., gave us a eali Monday. Mr. Jas. E. Richards is lîav!îng the front of bis block, west ide Main street re- paired. Tbe barber polo bas not even Oeiune Castoria always bears the signature been oveilooked. Jim lias a mania, of Chas, H. Fletcher. wbich would do no harm if it became _____epidemie here, of keeping tbings llook- ing slick .... Mr. Wm.Brown bas leased Whe «ab wssc1, , geîir jýora.the McConnacbîe farm froin C. G. Whe bby assilrwegav lercaiora.Armstrong for a terni of years... Whe ah wa aChU, se rie fo Csioýria_. O()ciai Miitia orders announce the Whel,çn Siebecamne miss, aSiung to Cîtri. ppoinîmeýnt cf Ambrose A. Findlay, of Wheshead hulrensbeavehemas i .Kendal. to bsSecond Let.vrovisiocn- Jaliy, vice A. Staîker, promnoted. BOWMANVILLE, JULY 30, 1901. Mrs J. Mounce, Toronto, is visiting M rs. J. F. Brooks.... Mr. Patterson, Tor- onto, is guest of Mrt. Eli. Osborne.... M r. and Mrs j D Storie, Oshawa, were re- cent guests of Mr. L. M. Courtice... Mrs, T. Sanderson and Miss McHattie, East Toronto, visited friends here last week.... A number of picnickers frorn here spent a vry pleasant afternoon at the beach opposite the lower marsh last week. ... Miss Stutt is visiting the Mvisses Penfound. ,,. Mt. Carsweli Division held its annual picnic at Oshawa Harbor last Fridq.y. Master Bert Lattimore, Tor- onto, is visiting his aunt, Mrs S. Webster. New lite for.a quarter. Miller's Comn- pound Iron Pilla. Suld by Stott & Jury, druggists.. An impossible thing to ffnad is a plaster equaled to 4"The D. & L" Menthol, which ia being imitated Get the gnie For ide-aches. back- aches=tths, nothing equala it. Made by Davis & Lawrence Co , Ltd. TYRONE. Recent visitors: Mr. and lits, Dewell and Miss Arnot, Bethany, at the Pai son- age; Mr, Hall and Miss Ida Lee, Picker- ing; Mrs. Richard Hoidge and children, Toronto, and Mr Asbury Wilson, Gan- anoque, with friends; Mrs. J j Gibson and children, BowmanvîUle, at Mr. Wm. McLaughlin's; Mr. H. RusselI Bingham, Toronto, at home .,... Corne to the Rasp berry Social Wednesday evening JuIy 3o on Public Sehoolg rounds. Good pro- gram. Orono band wîil also be in attend7,. ance to furnish abundance of mui.... Mr. F. L. Squair kindiy supplied Tyrone pulpît Sunday evening.. ..Barley arvest has begun and aiready the whistle of the steamn thresher is heard in the land... Mr. T. Creeper, Mr. A Clemens, Miss E. M. Werry and Miss Etel Curtis were delegates appointed by church to attend Prohibition Convention in Toronto, Tues- de Y. The Delieious Flavor' and Great Nutritive Properties of Mvalt Breqç-akf.jast Food. Make it An Excellent Diet For In- valids and Convalescents It Can be Served i a variety of Ways. Malt Breakfast Food bas become famous as an article of diet for inyalids, convalescents, and for ail who suifer from weak digestion. Its concentrated' nutritive properties are well, known to physielana. Malt Breakfast Food quiets and atreng'thens the irritated and weak stomach, and in a short time wiIl banish the most obstinate dyspepsia, No other food so lquickly enriches the blood and builds up the shattered s% stem. This deliclous health food for the trong and weak ir. sold by every Grocer. Severo Pains in Left KIdnoy Mir. Elîa Galiant, Paquetville, Glonces- ter Co., N.B., writes: Il bel It My duty to write yon, as 1 have recelved rnucb benefit from the use of Dr. Chase's Kldney-Liyer Plîls. 1 was taken three easago wiîba pain just below the nibis of the lefi aie, and rigbt over the kidney, At first it did ne.ot cause me mu'ch suffering. but a year ago the pain, aI limes, was very se'êere. Il fter hearing repeatedly of the value of Dr. Chase's kidney-Liver Pils, I de- clded to make a trial, and after using two boxes the pain baS completely disappeaxed anS I san well, Ibarnks 10 liais remedy. I have aise used Dr. Chase's Ointiment, and found it wotth its weigbî ià goiS. You may publish Ibis loUter if y00 like, as it may induce some othèr s-ufferer te profit by my experlenceý." You canot possily make a mistake ln iisfng Dr. Cbase's Kidney-Liver Pulis for derangemenîs of theý kidneys, liver anS bowals. It bas proven.itself warthy of tho meat hearty E èndorsement of thotis- anda cf peopiV. One pll a dose, 25 cents a box, at ail deatlera, or Edmanson, Bates & Ce., Toronto. Kidney-Liver PI' BETHESDA. Resuit cf S. S. promotion examinaI- ions in No. 10, Darlington :-Names in order cf merit, St. IV 10 V, Manley Cole. Herbert Scott, Olga Hloar, Ivan Roy; Jr. IV to Sr. IV, Elsie Rundie, Lila Cole, Percy Werrj; Sr. IJIIto Jr.IV Mahel Boar, Frankina Cole, Albert Hill, James Nixon; Jr. III tu St III. Steila Couch, Bertie Wilkins, Lottie Wood; Pt. II to Jr. II, Evelyn Wood; Pt. I to Pt. I1, Vera Coiwili ; J r. Pt I ta Sr. Pt 1, Everet l ar, Fern Wood. E. SExsMiTm, teacher. Thora are many forma cf nervous Sebiiity inmen that yield 10 the use of Carter's Iron Pilla. Thos )wbo are troubled with nervous weakness, night aweats, etc., sbould try thoin. ENNISEILLEN. lira. Dr. Trebilcock % laiteS, relatives in Toronto, recently... M.s8 Mary Campbell, Markham, visiteS at Mr. W M. Wotten's ...Miss H. Walunidge, tewn, and Mn, W. Vaugban, Toronto, are=esa f Mr. Jesse Williams.. Misa en Williamsa bas been engaged to teach the 9th Lina Public School aI a good salary . ... Dr and Mrs. Trebilcock entertained right royalty tbhe members of the Methodist choir Saturday aven- ing ... Miss Emily R. Brown, Toronto Junction, is home... ira. Josiah Butson, town, is aI Mr. Wmn. lerring's. HOW'S THIS? We offer One tindred Doll ars Itewand for an case of Catarrh that cannot bce ured by HaU's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CENEY & 0., Pi-o sToledo, O. We, the undersîgned, have known F. J, Cheney for the, last 15 years, and believe hlm perfectly honorable in ail business transactions and linancially able to carry out any obligations made by their Sirm. WERT & TRUjAx, Wholesale DruggIsia, Toledo,0. WÂLDING, KiNqNANî & MAnviN, Wholesale Drug- giRls. Toledo, 0. H-all's Catarah Cnre l3 teken internally, act- tnz direotly upon the blooti and mucous surfaces of the syatem. Prtee 75e. pier bottle, Sold by aIl Drugglsts. Testimiale free. Hall'. Famlly Pisl are thse best. PONTYPOOL. A very pleaing avent occurred at tbis residence of Mr. anS Mrs. William Northcott, North Clarke, Wednesday aflernoon, July 161h. It beîng about Ibis thirtieth anlnivarsary cf their mat- ri4ge. A veny large circleocf friends were îprosent fromi the immediate neizlbborhood, and froin Pontypool, biew Park, Yelverton, Oruno, Lesk-ard, Solina and Bowmanvilie. It wasaa great surprlise 10 the hoat anS hostesa. About fout o'clock they woe a umimon- ed int the miSaI cf Ibis comnpany, when Rev. Dr. Marvin gave an appropriaIs address and Miss McKay, Beaverton, on bebalf cf the friands and neigbrs, presented them with a couplk) cf valu able easy rocking chairs la plush, pur- cbased fromt Mrt. L. Morris & Son, Bowmanyille. Mr. Norîlîcott mode a muitable acknowledgment. Several speeches were made anS congratula- tions given, end, thon ail repaireS 10 rocin dinlng and partook of a very sunap- tuons repast. Aflor supper, addreases, recitations and music were given. Frayer was offeredby t'is paster and ail joined beartily in ainging IlGod bcs with you tlii we misaI again" and the company dispersed feeling that tbey bad enjG3 ed a pleasant lime. For- any case cf nervonuesa, aieep- lesaness, weali stomach, indîgesbion, dyspepsia, tr'y Carter's Little Nerve Pilla . Relief is aune. The cniy nerve inedicine for the pricesin market. I"NEWCASTLE. Miss Sînbbs, Lakefield, la viaiting aI theparsonage .. . .Dr.WV.Brent,Mahone, N. S., la visiting bis numerous frietids - -Wednesday evening Mr.Geo.Warren anSd Miss Ethel, eldest daug-hter of Mr. Wm.Bonatban were united la marriage by Rev. T. J. Edmison, B. A., B. D., aI Ibis residence cf the bride, in Ibis pres ence cf soma 30 guesîs, compriseS largeiy cf the friends cf Ibis contracuing parties. The bride was supporîed by Miss Aliee Bonaîhan, anSdIbis groom by Mr. Albert W. Pickard, Bowmanv'illd. .Af 1er partaking c f aupper, Ibis happy couple, atarteýd for Belleville, thence down' the St. Lawrence ..ns. S. Mason and Saughter, Misa Hattie, are visiting friend,ýa aI rillia anSdIbis North country ...Miss Jennie Coiborne, dau1ghtisr cf John Beilwood's. houas. keeper, la serio uslvyii with appendicilis ... Misa MauS Bedford whe bas been stayinx aI bier grandfathon's, Mr. Jas. Eilbeck'a, 1oftI Saturday for a month's viait witb friendsat Marletta, Mich., U. S..tM. John Pool bas commenceS work aI Ibis barbor . He la building a acow to assist costing $200.... Mr.Hugh Dav!Sson and sons, Mr. J W. Bradley and son, and Mrt. A. Lockbaî-t, are camping and fisbing aI Lake Scugog.. .Misa Giertie Gisa, Markbam, la visit- ing aI li. Win Ch!plinsa..eRy. J. 1Thnîîeands of ,children ie duln,-the bot weaîber monîba, because summer complaints and sîomacb troubles corne suddisnly, anS mothers do not bave Ibis means aI banS te prompîly check anS cure thein. Ia homes wbere Baby~s Own Tablets are useS Ihese pracicua uitil lves can ois saved, anS ne home whers Ibero are infants and young cblidrea ahouid bis wiîbout Ibein- Baby's Own Tabiets wiil promptly cure ail stomaca anS bcw-ei troubles, anS are a great relief to teotbing chuSd- ren., The Taffiets are solS under a positive guaranes Ibat thay contain neither opiate flot barinful Srug. Crush. ed te a powder thcy cau bis given witb absolute safety te a new born babe. Mrs. R. Ferguson, 105 ManaflelS street, Montreal, says: 1;1 have uasîlBay' Own Tablets anS have tonS thein Ibi b.3s mnedicine I havs ever given My children. My baby bas always b3en amali anS Selicale anS suffered s rnch lasI summer witb bis teeîh Ihat I diS nol Ibink bis would ive. Then he was aîîacked wiîb dy.senter 'y, a feveriali aki,î anS cougb. As Ibis doctor's medicine diS nou beiplm, I1sent for Baby's Own Tabieta andite diS him a wcnderfni amount cf good. anSdlie is nw getIin on spiendidus. I giadly give3 my ex- perience for the benefit cfmohs " If vcur drug-ist dosnet kisep these TableIs teywiii bie (ýnt by mnail post raiS aI 25 cenIts a Jbox b1)V uwriti;gdii1 oct totei Dr.Wiiam Mediciýne Cc., BrocýkviIIe, Gnt , cr Scbenpsctady,, N,Y, THRE NASON Co. BOWMANVI LLE. DURHAM OLD BOYS. A very inleresling meeting et1Ibis Execu- live Gorniittise cf Durhain 015 Boys vas beab he Io nsidence et Mr. E. Fielding, lasI Mon1daY evening, te complet. lbe ar- rangements for Itis deonstration 10 be beld laibithegroundsa of Dy. Homkiu, Boe.- dale, Toronte, on Givie Holiday. Ail tbe oommiltees reporteS pregnese; il io _expeat. eti th&% a Very iatoesting galhoning,0or the Danhani Old Beys ant i Gilsfet seeity*0ant a very large numben ot thein frisaS. tnom the Country wil mbue place. Tb@ spot ehesen leade speciai Interest t tebsceca- sion, being the beautitul grounds -of Dr. Hoskin, coentaning sovenai acres siznateti on the baniasetfon.eofthebis osetialis Ra- vines. Aften the serving cf refreshm6nts à vory officient orehestra will furniob muais forthIbe alternoen anS lb. ima viii be fuily ocenpusd by eppenlunifies fon social ien- course amengat olti anS nov f rienis anti atditeses #rem interesling speakers. The bisaI -pblvsicians speak wehi ef Mller's Compound Ir6n Pilla, SoIS by 81011 & Jury, Sruggiats. THE LATE IffRS. CANN. Vary grisaI anS deep regret is ex gressedi ah the dsaîh ef Mary An Ellis, sloveS wile of Thos. Carna, whc SueS aI Ibis famiy residenco, la the township et Usborne, Mitdlesex Countv, Juiy 10, aI Ibis ageocf 89 years. Deceaseti bas notbe biaenjeyvingIbis bisaI et bealîh of laIe years, but baer condition remained unchanged until about six weaks ago, when she wvalîsînickon dowa andS auffeor- ing frein internai tumor, ber case soon aseumed a serions nature. Gradually but suroît abe aank anS ail that misS- ical skili couid do assisteS by careful nursing, the stu-oke of death could net ba avorteS anai paacefuliy and almoat împerceptibiy asepansae Ibishehome cf lier Savieur. Mrs.Cann waa a Sangbter cof Mr. F. L EliNs, ef Hampton anS was of g-entie, amiable anS kindiy <isposit- Ion, a good wife anS linS mother anti a Irue friand. Sha Ic(sk an active ia tansinalamaltera pertaining ta Ibis eburch anS nu toteistime 'et berines wa3 choir leader anS organist iu Beth- any anS Betheada churchis. As a mu- aician asebaS few isquals anS bier servic- es aI ail ehurcb gaîheriaga wil bis very much misseS. dSho lisves te meurn hier Suits a aorrowing busband, a son anS daugbîer ail et wbom bave Ibis sincer- est sympatbv cI Ibis communily. Tha funeral took place te Itis Exister cern- etery Saturdav anS was largaly attend- ed.-Exeter .4dvocate. AN OBSTINATE CAsE 0Fp Eczsi-lr, W. D. Johnson, Tilsonburg-, Ont., wnites that nia father waa entîrely cureS cf a long standing anS obainale casa cf Eczema bv Ibhe use cf Dr. Cnaaa's Olulmeal. bis le- anS foot woeaa mass cf soreis thal rofuseS w heai anS is sufferisd terribly frein Ibis itcbing anS stinging. Tbcugh ne useS a great many remedies anS was treated by firat- clasas octors ne permanent relief was obtained unlil bis useS Dr. Chaae's Obstinent. SOLINA. Recent visitors: lit. Fred. Moore and Misa McLaughiin, Cartwright, Man, Miss Ida Moore, Haydon, lits. R. Moore, Brookli, and lira. Frank Howard, Penn. syivania, aI fMrts. EG. Pascoe's; lit. Wm Ashton aI Columbus; Miss Leta Gifford, Oshawa, aI Mr, A. L. Pascoe's. Miss May Gibson, Oshawa, aI lit T. Baker's; lits R. L. Werry, Montreai, aI lit. William Werry's; lIt. Eddie Saunders, Oshawa, aI ~Mr. L. T. Pascoe's; lit. andi lis. J, G. Langmnaid anti taugliters at Toronto; lit. S. Shortritige at Columbus; Miss A. VanNest, Oshawa, aI home; Miss, Beat. rice Vice, Bowmanvilie, at home; Mliss Grace Bray, Toronto, at MNr. W. Werry's; Miss Della \Werry at Kedron. . .. Out foot bal] teami playeti a friendly match with Mitchell's Corners Tburstiay nbight iast anS tiofeatedt tem Score i te o. The game was dlean andi fast. Timle 50 min- utes Umpire Reynoltis Attentiance îoo -. ... Quarteriy meeting at Zion Sun- day mornîng....Mri Chas. Branton lias vcry mucli improveti bis residcnce by a coat ef paint.... .Rcv. H. Thomas, Plain ifield, will preacli a temperance sermon to the Sons of Temperance Suntiay Aug îoth Evcrybody welcome .-..-.lits. J.G. Langmaiti bas a hieunttrkey whîch bas laid over a ioo cggs thîs season with ne intention cf stopping yet,. - Mr. Jacob Scott wbo bas mnatiebis thomýe aI lit. T, Stainiton's, bis son-in-law, dieS Saturtiay ageti 84 yeass The funerai took place it1lnSa> to the Enghiali churcli cemetery at Ennîskiiien. BABY'S 011FN TABLETS For Wea.k and Siekly Ohldren Duir. HOLIDAY 'MO DAY, ATJG. 4t h, Our Stores will be Olosed ail- Day. Bi1k BD1UOS.o-new styles, black and colored, tucked and hemstitched, beautiful work, choice quality of silk, ranging in value np to $5.00, your choice for $8 -S.50. CuisiioD. Tops-A very handsome assortment just received, our prices will be from 35c to 5oc. They are worth your inspection. ]Eogjoz7-Polka dot, fancy and plain black ail at special prices. Blousaes RedLaed-AlI print and muslin blouses at greatly reducedi prices. P.aoto FraMes-Somnething de.cideiy new, the neatest design yQu have ever seen, either for groups or cabinet, only 25c each. Gent's Furnishingse Men's heavy cotton shirts, good value at Soc for 40e., Our special hait price bargains in liats as advertised last week, a few left. We areý showing some choice valties in inateiiais for Suite to Order. Men' and boys caps at i5c, worth 25c, al aew this season. A nice assortment of Coronation Ties at 25c, made to seil at Soc. We have an excellent assortmnent of Iight weight Underwear at 20C Up, Ready-to-Wear Olothing. We have some wonderful values in men's suits at $3.00, $4.98 and $5.9&. Our stock of men's and boys' suits bas flot been sold down so iow for yem. We wish to make a stili further reduction before our alterations commence. If you corne to us for a bargan you wili get it sure. Grooutery Dept. We handie immense quantities of produce now we pay top prices.. We have received sorne choice lines in Fancy Biscuits to' seli at roc, x4ýc and i5c per lb, also several boxes new raisins, currants, etc., mnaking our assort- ment very efficient. T£wHE M A SON 00,.OJ% TO WN <JOUNCOL.s 'Jouncli met pursuant to adjenra. ment on Monday evenlng lait; rner- bers aIl prissent except 'Joon. King; Mayor Mitchell, pnesidlng. An accouaItfroin James "V'dden, for labor, amonntIng ho 86.87 was rece(ved, andi on motion, ordoreto tei paiS. Moreti by R. R. Loscombe,seconded b> Joseph Jeffery, that the Mayor ho, andi la berehy lostructed te grant hie entier on oun Treasurer in fayor ef George Haines, Esq., our neîlrlng Pc li0e Magistrale, foribhe aura cf 865, bis log tbhe salary te whlcb ho lse ntilleS for the lime ho helài tstiofice durlng the prisent Jean. Andi a'so thal the Clerk cf Ibis Council ho, andtiais boeby inalîruotel to write ho Mr, Haines, in- forminZ hlm ihat thîs Councl deeply regrets Ihat ho bas titt i ncumbent upon in 10te ltgn lthe office cf Police Magistrale, a position he has filled for tbhe pasî, 27 years, Mo weil, efficienlly and satisfactcry, rnetIng out wiîb a juet andi unenning band, justice te oae andi aIl s.iika, and: vithout tsar of. fayorto, on afloction for any. And Ibat itlae sincare wlsh cf Ibis Couneill hat ho bis spareS fer many years le eajoy lan heailh and happineise the rouit lie hasns» weil earneti anS justiy desenvos, andi thal the Mayor do sigu suob letton on bhaif oft Iis Counchl. Mr. Loacombe, Obaîrman cf Coin. for tbis equalization of assessment for County purpomes reporteS verbally on Ibis work cf Commîttes and heaning hefore the Jutige of Ibis case for Ibis town, anti predicteti a lower asssmment by Ibis (oùnîluse. Noveti by Mr. Perey, secondeS by Mn. Jeileny,tbat Mr. Loscombe ho palti lbe soin cf $20 far bis services ln cou- ductlng the case cf Ibis lown on oquail. ztion. Garried. 1Moveti by Mn. Bondon, siecondeS by Loacombo, Ibat thbisRadis anti Street& Commltte, ha empowere o ktely a two- piank i dewàlk la front cf Mns. Carrys residenois n hnnch streot. Mr. Poney, <ihairman of Finance Comnrittee, reportieS on tbhe estimates for tbis presentyear, givingp a long andi carefuiiy vondeti Report, andi la wbicb Ibis Committea vomisof Ibis opinion that ht would hb. nisosary tb fix Ibis raie tIs year at £5 mlie on lbhetiollar. Rtpont adopteS, on Ibis foilowing diyle. ion. Yeas-Messne. Loacombo,Jeffen- y, Perey, Burdon. INays-Meîjaro. GaI- braith and the Mayor. Coun. Pcrey Introducoti a By-iaw te naise by taxation certain eums of inoney for lova, county andS chool purposos in the town cf Bowmanvlle for tbis year 1902, whIteb vas given two neadînga. On motion Couachil djOUrned. 1 h l drmey T o Ce'ASTO IA BOSTON BLOORER23. The Boston Bloomers, champien lady base ba4 playero eofibis weuld, will give an exhibition liere on Thîurday, luly the 81s1 on the Fair Grons. The Bloomer girls do net expeeu te draw *nowdu entiroly on sosoant cf the novelly cf bcbng temai. play. Oro, but really put up a croditable erii.i- tien Ofth@b national gamte. They travel la a private palaee car andi earry a cauvame fonce for enciosing the gréantis, a grand stand with a Aeating eapaoiîy of 2,000 andi everytbing necessary te give a firsl-laeu exhibition, Tbey have toureti ail tbe Western Ststes, andi have everywbene ne- eiveà good notises from tbis press, net enly for their zooti base bail piaýing, but al"e fer iheir ladylike behavior. A PLEASANT TRM One et lbo mmntbeautif alinmer ont-. ags even expeuieneeti, was spfnt by 8om'a 0f the membens in_,eonneelion wisb Ithe Frest iWlrs, ence Go., Welland, as foiiowsý li.H .gost, manager, with 'wifs andti heir twe ebldren Bulbe and RBusselli ati nalt Miss Bertha; Mr, Hanson, faetnry manager 'andi wife; Mr, Page, office saff andti Mis eîfetbail et o Welland; Mr. 0. Bygna, GOn. Representa- tive, Port Ferry; Miss (). Martyn, Bowr- manville; Mr, A. Deubt, Port Penny andi Mn, andi Mn,. 91. J. Monjoy, Ennsiillen. Hlaving engagetheisnew andi necmy steani- or, Gens, of Port Penny, they left for tise Kawariha Lakes, obtaining lotiginge st variessummeu Hoteis along lb. lino,. few ef the prnciepal places cf interest wore Lincol, 8turgen Pt. and LakeBobetygeon Lake, Pigeon Lake, Iadiau Village, she- mong Lake, Buokhorn Lake anti File, Deer Lake, Barleigb Falls, Love Sick Fallu, Stoney Lake, Yeungld Pein't, Lakefielti, tbence by train 10 Peokore, retunning 1maine toute-Trnt Vyslley icanal, te Fenlea, talla; thon epeniDg a short lime abi Waob- harnIs0e, andi lshing 0on Soung Mlae, a ,e a ch ef abont 3,; 11mb vore Waie. Thîe paly returnetihobe ee1' g weli repaid for their oxpens,. e timre, longingf fer anotber year te corne vill !ta proaper- ily which the Company bas finatioialy ex., perienetianS a similar trip will be taken. any person wisbiàg la lake a vice trip ameng Ibis rocks coulai net de better7 than te soec this beautiful cbain of lakos, lobsm aS summor roats. Losa cf Flash, cougb, and pain on the cheat may net mean consumption, but are.bad signas. Ailen's Lut- Bpalam loosen1s Ibisccugb and bisais inffamüed air paesages. Not a grain cf opium la it. More- Colds are cureS by Pyny-Balsam iva an Coher ona rome3v. Il ures qcky anS cerîainby. Brouîchial afieti(Pus givoe way readily10 il . AManu- factureS by Ibis proprielors ei Porry Davis' Pal n.Kiiier. cIvI1c

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