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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1902, p. 4

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PlymoutiGold-inoda IT IS THEI * Longest, Strorgest, Evenesi, * consequently the Cheapest. *In every way it is the best o)n the- markcet. *11i and see Our sals *Phoune6. One door west of Post Office, Bowmanville. J. S. Rundia & Son's STORE.~ We have in. stock a choice lot of Screcn Deors in walnut and oil grain finishi; aise window screeus, hay and Mauire fork handies, hoe nandlcs, root scuffiers, surnmner dusters, wool and plush lap rugs, fly nets and cils ef various kinds at J. S. Runidie & Son's Carria-3, [lirnaso and Twine, Empor iurn, oesT~ . I's,l3uuile Must have your attention. The New Catalogue of the I JENIR t RUMI[3 COLLIGE...: * TORONTO. tWiIl interest. Von. It explaiff aboutt Th e Cailadian Statesiuan. BOWMANVILLE. AUG. 6, 1902 THE LIBER AL PICNIC. The Liberal Pieute to be held on 27th inst. promnises te be a huge success and its advent i-i bnrng eagerlyv looked for- ward te. Reception, Musical, Sports and other Commnittees have been forrn- ed, and judging frem the personne! of these nething will be left undone te securu the ernforl; and entertainientt cf the gtuests. A g-eneral invitation wiii ho extended through the Press of the Riding lun the near future. DURHAM OLD BOYS' ANNUAL RE-UNION. (Uontinued from ftrst page.) coming a universal institution. These rn-unions iraintained the birth place ties and he beiieved Canada was the centre cf the spider wcb of loyal influ- ecp Q hat wnrrchcnz o nt out to ,»nrv spot made so beautiful by nature and art combined. lit- was a nlew depar- ture for us te corne te Toronto te ente- brate the day. He stated that more Newcastle neople were living in To- ronto than lu Newcastle. The invita- tion had been generous and he dcsired to tbank ail for the princnly way we had been cntertained. This county was among the oldcst counties in Cana- da though it was only 1L.9 3 cars since the frst white child was hem lui Hope township. it was sad to see Bo many leave but rejoicnd to see them distin- guishing themselves, thus bringing honor te thnmsclves and their countv. IDurhamîtes are te ha toutid ln leading positions in church andi state, com- merce and the professions. Mr. Riekard made an admirable speech andi sat down amiti loud applause. Mm. J. D Keachin hy spocial request of Mrs. Hoskin sang "The Death of Nelson" and was loudly cheereti. Mr. Thos. Yellowlees, the energetie andi enthusiastie secretary of the Association. receiveti very hcarty ap- plause on being calledt t the platform te recîte the following poem of bis own comnposition. Men of Durham now assernbled, we grestinge bart, exteud, W. bld rau bearty welcome, s friand would ta a frierid, Let care and sorrow vanich. lot the heart ho fuil ruf joys As we graep aach tharla banda to-day, te Durhamn Old Bays. We coame froin field and farni, froam counting houge and store To ik nah ut the bye-rone days, the dear o'd daya of vote. Where in early year. w. wandoed, and we3v- PdOunr fatry tales Mid the beadiauda andthelb higblanda (f Dur- liam hbuis and vals6.. F'oal Inomoxiesataira ns back &ain, ta tho baarth where (*f we troti; Once more we e th ile e boothb.e huecb 'whr ý«W wripped Goti And hear- the chinea of tbe Sabbath bell, Ibeir welcome gladi1 ring, Jugt mas tey naiI to do of oWA, in the daya of -Auld Lang Syrie. Andi homland dreamns and bcmeland scaneii, tley lingeýr saiS uns tili Andi we bear the songz the whole .lay long, of the river' by thb. liI, Bu'thie acensa ara chr-ageri and changing, andi the gAthering bere ta-day Spe;ýks cf iany a tace and forin, whom we have laid away. ilore 'Midt tUa glorlorus Wght and tRacas, shall W3 promise give an.w, To fsti for the ri2ht w.tb h aOur mighF, am Dur-nain Men ha Irne, With beaven'. t lie aky aboya uo, aur f est en the grasas oZ Pletige ioving hea ta ta eaci oChar here aud loyalty !0 Gadi. Mr. H. Ward, M. P., Port Hope, on behaîf if Erit Durham, sadltihe would miot be dolng justice ta hiei county if he titi net thanir ail for thair kintnems. iHs wa% prend of the gaod looklng girls arŽd bay,prend that Dir. floskin was a Dur- AA À Vole, Jiia Caýrvet11Missma11rr C Sqnalr, Urn; r J and Misa Frances. Redmîa, Detroit, Mivii ; J W Frankjîliu, Uhirago, 1Iii, Dr J H Ellioti.Gravenhlurst; Mra E L Taylor, Wi- ntpg,Man.; Mtsî E A Part, New ï ore; Mrs Cea Wright, Bral-itord; Misa Garcet, Dakota; John Hughe,B»iekataeko]; ',Joblin, GordonLake, Al- gaina; Mra (G E NT(iholson, Canton, Ohio; Chas. MeCulioch Rigtn J Y Cale, RFI lllott, Jr-, Hamptoi; MrÈ) Comstoek, Kendrmll; Mr Stepb- en tlogartii, 'Mr and H-a Thos' Paseoe. Mr and Mis \N L L ,Soliua; Sai Darch, Wm Goady. Beatty ville, Ky; Chas R McCullough. Hamil- tont; L. Werry, The M'itriess. Mtontreal, Que; Master Roy Werry; Mr-. R. White. Editor, The Reformer. Milton; Staff-Capt Edwy \Vhtte, Pittstabrgh, lPa; Dr Be' le Denis on, Chicago, 111; Miss M Manley, Abirigion. DO YOU WANT AN ORGAN OR PIA NO ? ANoTrlErn LOT 0FPORGAN AND -PIANO SNAPS TA N IlEXCFANGE FOR Poý ',1 UNIONPIANOS. One R S Williamns square piano, car- veti legs anilyre ant inlu g-cd hape everv way. Original price $350.00. Can be huh now lor $10000. One Wiicîîx & ',hibte Organ, (Pneul- muatieSypon, plaus ans- rnrîtsic by working Uic peda Is or tau bc plaved sanie as aný otheýr oragan. Nearis $80 Worth of mw i c gens With it. cail anti sec what a gricn instrument it is. It iS lu goticondition andti an he bought for $90.00. Original pre $25000, One Bell Org-an 5 octvx us, 5 sets ef rends, 10 stops,, soliti walnnit case, 85. One Bell Organ 5 octaves, 4 sets cf rends, 5 stops, a goed pilacticu organ S25 00. One Domiinion Organ 5 octav-es, 4 sets of eetis, 5 stips-a gooti practice ergan $2000. One Mason & ilamlil, 5 octave, 4 sets of reetis, six stops, stooi wslh eaehi organ, $20.00 . Ens Pa% rneuts. One tWa Wheel ceart. On-'ight WagoZn. aI c offring ail tylese lhings very cheao and I eXpeet they %vil sooni go Firet corne list served. JAMES DEYMAN, Concossion St., 80 If Bowmiau\il e. West End Iloase West End bous e. at 'West 'End' Hoilse.N ýK DessSkirts Redueed Ladies' Blouses Re- to $2.48. duced to 39c. il only, Dress Skirts in navy, ou 23 La lies' Blouses, made up black and grey colors lined through- out of niee fine print,neat patterns, ' ou' wih lnentte brsh indng illstand the wash, sizes 32 to 401 ont ith inenttebrus biningworth 50e to 65e, redueed to 39.. " and flited skirt. Every one of these eleven Skirts are worth from $3 00 Basket'Fuil of- Bar- to $3 75. Reduced to $2.48 gains in Gloves., Towels at 10Oc pair. brokhave pieked out al Our' 4 dz ,ai lonecob TwesFinished Gloves in greys, tans, p_ 44enth 18om ingeto fringe in blaèk and eream; everjï pair worth 44gh1 inehes rmfing: theyre cheap from 30e to 45e pair, your pick in at 15e pair. Clearing at 10e pair. the basket at 22e pair. Ladies' Summer 50o Neck Ribbons at I Toodat 9e. 28o per yard. We hve jst 7doz Lades' ourdiffere nt patterns to Vests wit sleves nd wtho t oose of the fne and purest o ~ Vsts wih seevs ad wthotDresden Patftern S ýlk Neek lùbbon, extra niee goods at 12?1c. You can 4ý inches wide, 'beautiful goods;

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