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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1902, p. 6

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t! ec ec~oid ia b~ s~rig a rrom. flverr 1iim ent (Glbert Ans- iffi tha !herrid, i, nlinkngglre tuther, a liard, set look on lits 41 f "isten," lie said, "yen hoar what handsoine face. - iisaying?", A faint cry breke feom flic wreteli's I I ear what you are saying." lips. T io answcr was givon la a low, ex- "Lýisten te me, Mr. Laborinski," q;', prcSsionless veice. lie heard the yonng man say, -you 4 eei.Yen wiil take f lat pistet haive lad an exceediagiy norreir os- ond lide if t yerreemn., To- cape. I cor.gratulate i-ou on your mgh t, or rather te-morro)w mora- pewers as a hypaetist. Yen littie -Thxe foloir tîtes nme, JessîeO, .I'1m ijýat one ocok yen hill go te tlhoulif thiof Miss Daton w-as se Sure 0f it, fer all its studied Pol-t;A!s,,- tlors 1zoom,1 ta the wost strjen-minded. She -vas oct hypiue- niels, and 1 c&.n't sny thatf thefoot- wing, and w-iI shoot him theougli tized af ail. Wlîen she loft flic tîîgs I bold fer litai are fhuiOe Ot flic tli temple as le lies ta led. You recul te lido the pistel ta hor r-nom tenderesf affection. li's exacfly wiil thon place flic rev olver ta lits as yen se foadly tmagined ta readi- lie Svengalt. Whlat lents mc is riolit land, and int such a w-ai- as niess for ftic foui crime yenu propos- wly your fathor is se chummi- with te beave no deulit that if w-as lits cd, s1he gave if into My ha'îds. 1 lita. For h. and Laborinski are as ewa haond thot ired flic shot. Yen w-os oct ont of the w-ay as yen se t'niike ns chali aad clicse." will thon rotture te your oua roemn. dcarly lioped. It w-as I w-ho placed "Oh, dad hikes hia becanse le's a Ven mil Inow- aotltrg about w-lai a blank cortrifige in the revolver scientist"," replied Jessie Daltton, lias appened." la pince oethelic one yen lad put -and alse because bo's a r:cli ndltini- -I shah koow aethtng about there. She thon refurned. and, le- testtng foroýigrior about w homnen- w-bt lias liappened.- The echo cf ing a dlevez -actress, îiinaged te body knows anyfhing. Do yen le- the lasf irords came from flic girl's maie yen beltve thial she wvas as Lievo tainîypnetsmn, Gilbert?" the lipe. Laborias'ki ufferofi a siglioet day lin or hoiids. And now ion question was asked h(,sitatiîîýgiy, te relief. 1-le lung hfnufinto a chair soc beir your wickedness lias recoil- tC accomrpaniment et seaiethiag e- faciog lits victim, anîd scrufiatzed lier ed en i-eue 0w-a lîad. Look bore, 1u'nht ike a shudder on the part fixedly for a 10w nallantes. lIs lie liehd a mirror boforo fleic aiser- ,of iftnýiterr'ogator. lioods twitcied ncrvcnshy. lie seem- able bciag's, cyes. GTilbert Ansfruthcr lioeecd seine- cd te be cominuoiag silently witlî Laorioskit sluddered. lie saw re- w-bat surp)rsedly ai his sw-ccfîoart. himsehf. The boads ef perspireation liecfed ta' the inexorable niirer the 'bht nia:hoçs yen oesi thaf, stond eut on lits foreheafi. H-e presoatmeîît et a glastly, hoe'gaed, dcnrle?" lie satd qtt.y passed his toague acroso lits dry lips. wil-nIdcid, tace, crownofi liina xagýgy Je'.sie hîsifated. Thon le rose te lits feet agnin. moneocf laie w-ite as sabir, the ro- "Oh, it's ller Laborinski again" "Net yet," lie mutti-eed tiearsely, suit oft tho fearful puaishment that shîý said at last, "he's a devont lie_-'net yot. Tlîe waitiag gamle is the lad boen nîeted eut te him. lie.,rinit.1 'ol hi. tatseie-one, Ladishas." Thon i(,w-cnt oa: "And 110w," the yonng nian w-ont oliaert i. I otd lînîthat me0110 "Nom taie flic pistet te i-eue 1uoenî, on, "iyiu'Il taie my advîcc, you'hI en îd re t yooiemesîehideiadrtr o Il. tintie ago and had faoued off crly;ad ut andreunt ni. She clear ouf s OS 501as15possible. 1 ex-I be satd flot lie was soî'e I1'cas a obcyed, and ia a teir miinutes ret.urn- pect you'Il agree mifli me flot flot splendid niiodicîn, and lîe'd i c d te siol demn into flic chiair la the best tlîîng te ho donc. And good cfooltef0 hoalloerefte tgîve og'ain. the next timne yen try any liypnoifc lic ccnhddo tiewthi ti-iria ile pîaeed lits leong, silinons fingers exporimieufs, let nme beg of yen f0 (ilbert breuglit lis cýýxiyâ.le breo upon flic girl's broir and nmade a .be more careful ti your choice of a flo aaint itsoter iad mfl ~ "w rystcrious passes a cross lier mediuma. Seme çvmeon, yen knici, iesun'ir, cl. lits bloc ci-es temnples. Slow-y hi- e flutfered back have strono cacugli mnd s f0 rcsstf flishîed orninoushi- as le said: t h oml vntewl-oe fLdsa a "i'd punchl fIe fclow's lead if it "Tlîiee," lie said siiovely,-, if's ail boriîîsii. I1flui I'vc said on- wasî't for the fact that betixlle and over. Do, yen rorlember anytlîiîg ougl." 1 reguss n or atesliu eto wliat lias happeoodl" And Laberinski teck Gilhert ati IThe ucof's ta lor fthers ouiJse. "No," said thie girl dazediy. lits word. Like a tflue lsuiif Thoe fcow-spela oxe w'ltiye e 5, îh t ddI do?" eut cf flic bouse irlise hospitable trying te uiîdcrniîe me tai-yoi' fa- "Notiiiig. 1I mei'ly waaîed te, shelter lie lad fid se baseiy fo ho- tlier's gondi gra.ces. 1 mojL te goed- Prove te yen tlii t I couid lypactize tmai-, before even flic lirst enys ot irOss flic'A dmirii- u.would of art pay- yen. Yen are a splenhiid niiediinni, îamoiag igt wmore fltoring tiîrough tag first-lieutenaafs £500 a year. 1 Miss Jessie." --,et lie kîîew fthafuie the chosef hutadso fflche useie woud't cme flen, bocanse we'd get girl lod f aiea flic r'volver aïïd w-as nover heard et agoin. As for iarried te îaerrew-, and spike Laor- îlaccd ifta lieu' cccinii.t a place Pi efessor Dalton lie nover loent flie taoi'sgîas or ee an ah. w-sîw-bic she weuld Iid t C lien flic truc histery oethfe lîypnotic ex,ýperi- I conhd tiad souïe wavcf cîoaeiog1f lae carne, the fîne f bat w-as te'oint flt lad .odd se disostreus- hiiii ouf. One cf ns hias get ta go mle lier fleic mordorer ef lier to-xci'. ly fort Lafisios Laboriîishi. Botl fiît' coton---"*1 * * * Gilbert and Jessie sw-efth flic "Aod fîere's ne reason w-yti-flt If was uücdniglit. Jessie Dolt on ,steri- shiuld rromain leclef up la solifbe Lieutenant îhef dî- ettref te liedlog age. At ficr besoins. fmuflier, RN." doyen the Professeir hîad biddcii They neme mariried the foilew-iog Aatefîe oeked dom tonto flie geod-iiglif te lists fi guosts Labor- ycar, on Gilbert beiîîg prmnoted, rcguthte fce fale'mfl isinski and Gilbert Aiistruf ler, tlîoughî tlîeugh lie did nef gef lits £500 a haie et snnny liair, and irprisoRed lic latter lad shew-ed ne signs et year evon thon.j fhe rosy cheois betw-een lits has. mishilto te tire. Eveî'y noir and Professer Dalton died stîorfty of- -Look hee, itf le w7if cI," le said aita Laberiasît lad throw-n an fte fhe happy- eveat lad beencaoci- wit h mocc sotomattiy- Wvhaf gome anxieus stdeieng glanet' at flic young sumîiated. If w-as thon that flic aie yen .ip f0? What dcoi-ouniemononovai ofiicor, liopiog thaf ho, tee, yoong couple atiow-ed tIe preseof by soyi tg that ta a fouie 'fraughî woîld retirc te rcsf. But Anstru- w-iter te set dem oui popor thlic wiflî a w-rld e iof niig'as flic thior seemof unusuli- widc nivale. ofory et the crime tatendef bi- Lad- neveho sai-? Ceaie, eut wifl .iti, or, flsa lcdc n-*lch istos Laberinski, w-ho lad been bal- - y anege-TD .flewceaencwbt r Ar. arinka dI onuenafion miglit sfill talc place.&L angy i hewer t kiow 'hu " w----legp-e i-it.ogiy lt mlsaCool, dlO- a-le -çterDat-bhf-e, i-lo-s le o e flai sst ï i-asairp~iril coniaze I 1 i itmre- eai-cml-o4no- -n ilia i~o,'i-~ enn e lo ionterge if. _______________-__________il__-th--___14p____________________________ "fl-iere ne fTeer n sw'eed the girl, somowhat un'stoadi- iy, "thougli lie is eut. Tlîore is nothing te bear feca i huî." 'hIave y ou quarrolod" The ques- tion was abrupt. Said 'Ves." 'W ili yen sit facing mne in that chair? Se, that is goed. Now, 1 want yen te look fixedly at nie. Se, good agate." Jsewitli flrobbing brain, gaz- ed loto the deep, crue! eyes of the mnysterieus liypnotist, wlio seenxied te look at lier witli an intensity tliat iaust probe the secret recesses etflier mind. For fully five minutes they sat there motionhcss. Theaa strange thing lhapponed. Jessic's head foul forward on lier breust. Lier limnbs relaxed. Lahor- tnski rose te bis feet aad -iped lits torecn . ",Se ye're a bad medium, tittle Jessie, are yen?" lo ie mtterod, as lie forced back the closed eyclids et the girl, and gazed into the lack- lutre ey os. "I can toit - ou that 1 love y ou now wthout any fear cf your repelling mac. But it's net titat I want now. Oh, ne, the gaîu's a bigger coetitan tîjat. We inast first et al eemove MeT. Ans- truthtor. IIew can we do that? I think 1 cao show yoîî. littie Jessie, if Yeun wil listen te Tre." le tiptoed towards the door of the study, and gazed eut into the pas- sage, areoady growing dusk. "Ail secmns quiet," lie niuttero(-d. "Professer Dalton will aii Abe back, 1 know, tilt chiner timne." île, stole bnck te the setfigoire ta the chair. lT, ic pot isliand tofto lits pecket a)nd d(rew eout a revolvet,ýý'.Ilie leant dowai and ýiLýed teweapOn), in the tiyriglit htaod cfic ]iýuncnciu ,girl.1 Se close lie';(bent (-rxer cethat the fagrane o f ier rcth fan iiii-on -the- -leir. I W y?'-ie--n cd. "Wlhat wrong have I ever done yen-?" An'trutlicr teck out lits wae -1,i1 give you fixe rminutes,- lie said. "That'll make the limne hait- past twelve. If vou ove not in mm bed by then 1 shial shoot." Laborinski's te-rrr lyn pitiable te sec, 1lie tricd te speak, but ne words would cene. At hast,' witli an effort, liec cloked b-rk lits frenzîed teiar, and crawlcd toto the gecat foui posted lied in elle cerner cf the reom. Anstruther teck rip his pos- itioni upor, a chair beside tlie bcd. "Don't yeu imeve," lie rasped, eut, cie utter a sound, or I shall fire." Tlicn followed a dc,ýd1y silence. A distant cliurcli dlock struck once. It was coea.,Ini. Laboriniski started up icte a sit- ting posture. The deor ofthte romn f aciag the lbcd epcied oiseirnsly. A white-ràbed figure stele ïate the room, as noiselcssly as a spectre. 1-er oyos acre openandfi txed in a glassy staro. Lahoriaskt, lits ce- awakened faculties now fu]ly alert, stared at lier with terrer. He seemi- cd te feel tlie haie on his scalp ris- ing. Net a seunfi broke tlie stili- ness, save tlie swtsh-swisli cf the girl's robe, as she stole across tlic cliatber.: Laborinski seemned te be suddenly petrified. Jossie, for slie WIv as, approached the bedside. A ray ef meonliglit filterod through the apaetrnent, and tlieew a ghestly liglit on tleie re and its' occupants. Jessie raised ber liand. Iiaborinskî saw tliat in it was the revolver lie liad given lier only a fecw heurs betere. She ýpointed it ful at li head. a1nd pullnd the tigrbefore lie coul vals ia hnd teI rotct irasieif. Tie. t -rifc olume. With a scle ail eo the mest.ý ho(rr'ibleagnyLabris expectation, fIat the King's litef tief Gocselieveîes-GoosebOe-f et CîcIuI-ocidelei-, joit IRredttary golf. Bof h thoso garlient s van- in auf survivef ifs cdis. h sLouif wsplut ta jeeparfi-.frics have a lime flavoî' ihiclu îS C eont Chamberlai, andfftle 2Mar- iveigît at theî f iîîreîît ocascas cf ftle ie reiaem')ired tha, accerdiag tu 'i-is, aiteor ao, w-as but a niOrG greatly iief liim"ny PersOCO, but quis et I.cadoîderryi, beorerofethfe yn.thle social institutioeas et Japao,fli, thon osîlalli- consplicucus oxample of flici-ar'e uîtfas phenfifîul in oelle11le- oIrnt t e hîr a Lr athc rings ibidll arc w'oen bhi nuit of societi- is tue fmail- nyo thie burdeos wiihi coostanfli- esf lot os are the efhier omal l euryr- isleu' Secretari- teflue Board of J lus Hlinuess are set sortie et the the tadividual, as ta w esteen s "ÀPOuiqgSe OhpUI-dorg cigldtn£---N fruits. Moani- variteL ic lave a Wo ;teene~-ee-uhe-uis ns null eî tfewol.cei. Tu atter is w holtilvh~r mîal isso liffle freeoos le is.- Frein strog acif twang uhucli maies i-boni Gonghi, Xeopem' cf (lie egalia; tIc Ooiy f lree, licnevcr, coul liccallef rvient te the tcî-mei';,the uuterests el flic heur cf lis risiag intahle niera- acceptable w-film meat, xrhile oflier Sergeauit-at-Armas, Me. Erolîiuuc, wh offictai. 'T'ic fist stshficw elI kumioîîlftle former far outu cigli fle ulît3 ing intl th hor whn le seks iafins are (lufte s-weeot.Thîci- are is Greonu efthfe Robes; the ercliitect fislieuan's ring, wtthî wiidl tflcof tIc latter., lied ntiiiglît Ilists fne i% acf lits cira,.flot usef for jlly, lut' mie o fine Mr. Micklethmaite, and li s cehe 0iPope scils acarli- &II lits etes. ligoa,îi- taxis anc]custouis c Inth fli eea s lie ia af ctriain,li laa, or preserve. G(leberri- fool, wirs, Mr. Lecike. S'r lerond This rinîg is destroyef 0f oacI inhelritaInce, fIe est-etcetofthe tt fresu,, ex on la lis recreif*.ioes, otîeand ftrifle, meod tact, aec great foy- Bridge and Sir Walter' Parraftirere Pope's deaflu, nod a fi esh ene made goneralli- descends te the lirst icen) wsdeefand fl oe s muns tc cea- oitfenu, s tein utfeir, places> ouf ethier disfio- for the seccesser. The eau- re-hi- pcimaogcîiture. The ctue idered and tere il alway the cn- Iteni, rrnoveýthe tos and.S teis guimea mks-ehle ntentureey cfrelieaxkthe fefiee of0he otaosf liens astoptefop tato oo cthel guistief ofbeunusicioobseva-flu onequat Alibi-ber es rcahfsamili-rprielesnef.atliage ffuis.or fiutdepeîîeleuît-Lýi J! sctuses o bbgî ehr bsrv- re a o dîuthet geeshepu st nliSicr Ierbert Parmi-, Ste GeoreMac- rings fheiy 1cees m.Tle-amaf uîke f liir oxeýn fortunes. Iti thQ ond rainthcm thun pt fhîîn itO fln, Bu'. Villiers Stanford. Professerscmli xocificpalio. fica. a granule steir pan anid neamit' cover oethelic MitoutI ons-., hbeme c, mifithbciling mater. ILet tîem etow -ff lic t e ldest tai-hie yoîtg-e, A- POli7TEýD QUESTION. uutilî tluy are tendem. AMaie a Si-- A DRAMATIC CLIMAX. CONDITIONS 0F, LONGEVITY. t here is ne particuter peeferti- te Tic conversation lad drftef on rap xvtfl one cap ef sugar and u-f If i-eu flinl cf if, exeri- part, Dr. Roger S. Tracy las an article uhiel oach con enter lits absolute to he ioic f spenatralviita hlaitcup et mater bolef fogethuor,lPhiase, acf auleaaog of flue ceenuci-, oo "LoYngexv ii 0cr Times" la fIe claui. -The piopetties oethf10 Mit- tiens, ondi flicvarieusiniembors of nui twif h tflirtuit andifset aay ai îd alI t ites beeruî fecte pre- Century, ta uhich licsaysflic ph- suis arc ailf heir cemnica propoî'- flic conîpani- more dcscrtiiag fithe coolpareflic sceecf if, wirevorehivesont- siciegicai imif cf ife under preper ttes. 'i-le w-eeis of tflicMitsis 0f sensatidns thoi- beliexef lîc-ci fl theo peseas.condtionus vweutd cerfaichi- le 100 huome are,.te o groat exteni, unîecr- expem ence if fîoy ouof fluc îset os E G IN N IN G D A Y PR O PE R L Y . In t le a teraocuî flere ould lhav c y oars, and possihli- 120. Ilie Da m eus ta ie n i fhi t ' cb cc cf p le ho - cenrefefhi a hîofl pescco Evryedi tnt soxeybfi-w-iebeen Ia larger assombli-. A full CO- flue codttionus, xrhicl, oulann-.f t traflier f liiaprivafe gatn. Stand- confontd b a lioltl pr-snce Evrybdyýhatiseveyboy w o arsal, atteodef hi- cli ihe wee ta one ixerd, ore-tealpcu'aacc. AIl îag ns they c o-ut 013e nil pessibititx vBi oducu-sga i une ticg aisues a balife igitf bth aiing-te taie port intahficsolemuicoticu, who iroif livceout a couturi -Lnusf cf rivami-, fIni- are uldertakil îtc youtfl, a vcosgi uiaigtksabt tiihbta goof bof beon fixedfofr tfee o 'chocd. TIc start pliyoicaliy scuaf, le iglît sot exaînplos t tlie's i'projecttoig his couofeoamce, "f'you ineir, l'au nmaaî ipeophe feel foc niani- fut ics hcw w-as nef mîtîrbele till theo. Ifs oatcrs and drimlees, sîcir te urafî, new enterliriseswhchî -IhtLe quite Àa-,voxe thfe siglit oeta pressing tosisteofli- upen tlulrn te ircai- mouifhave leco tooe scercli ableto tecontrol tuitepassions an d oticial f0 the COUatrl: i- v aomin glîofxeouid tueiie toto a gili- stop tor a bath irlen fb-y ruse i n.I ta - irewe h entos ndla lcd hecto' idiot !"- emeiî.Adic h ein ug ffu fafm -o I mfcs c efpaiunevent- flic pregmessof et tadettees. byaof Fer amemcf thme ns sieacehw-loneittmi cofAn ytrethe oment greaf Alihîn-vas alnosf empti-, e.-fi lues. T'its, of course, ils the iag in fueir w-rÈs latcsfilivemttuJ Fora omntthrewa slece wenshelitýilr Iýadfrinth pl-ce'pf in f hattportion w-bore divine verytcppocsite et w-lot mosi mun are'-d noîeefdiscovurtes, ai d hi iuc and thon fhe sivery vcire cf a six- 1m fliw-es!Snf i dt-teeaymosîp scîemcu1uc iinhi(tahtedi-re icmot îti îotistc tuîgne syteýsac eaiorei feea year-oi-dafnîs-el w-ms leard frenu a wmmun, especiAlyiî n the hof meni- inaticali-, cenipelimg veceraticnai-idce eqsoc.buîsiness transacticns. Itîdeef, n'ilî the fac sife of tflfreploce. ther. SIc fools languif andf ' hîcaf- tac -excr- usnesou epiUeeto au "Andf difi-n e orsec a ghost, adiy-" ictlargicbusauessl cornes duhi Me. Sofeg "if genfli- asîee. ci-es oand face tote icilrenist fa- 'The dccruns asseiluhied ta ifs PLIJCKING CRICKE7NS. n.atuf, mfi m-pubîlic or- 001 fia nf atlin boco y< ue A oi senr hllac ngalleries b hi-f- e gon :reen, andIlgunizafica in thc badu, trtnh xcrld c ,ilo t nbd floooth nli-ure, fcî bl euhA w-euh bgl ada heoesflceorchiestra uluon flic stanud hi- hickens ore nom phuclof inaa Japon, mifli exeiy large coadmma cf gMotof e tlies elîs i-l adlgel enahie wl' ebeigin î.liresfui- w-th e screea ts hidfen. ThIae_ whoIesale mannîor hi- flicuse ofet ocacnic iafeist, tfelie îyu'e i 1\t untît. f ii-moe on fýeslu hmîuîh cf dith a sle.lier ihiîîg icthslow-or ut lied placef fthe commnunica plate pocimnatt unachincri-. TIei'e is a suti!S aimai-s Ieiii apeioxi- are onth bpu olwtu ie oFlu ilinserve ao îtîadUc evc hce ucufichg receptacle in which tIc teni is i-lac- applxy, a luig Tnt. ilsrv, ndifthsahfar. Thlire w-as f0 lie o reîeau'saî cf afftecbeiuîg lillef, and inito fhis "eiGeerge, io us ie hoiroîveieta hmictspenge ut jkti uia evc.are tun fsoeeni alcees-s cdremts oet fi aleloirhixitmvu hol- flic masîbomi uý1týîl sot th~ehlofcii'- tntruh h ,vPýr te Itficter-"So i-or Aumt Jaae 1 cillat inag techarfi avi had.1 andiht Ïiulafrcgl tr, boiehciialfosr exlmingutf.cmehrtes."Ttia bheioai- wo"b lete coee ayaftt'r iTIc - udrinsalief utifn1, mîf tu f-cr-t(Af i 00 urs e iuiiuf. nfie h?" "Iflamena r n ie ms w-ei'fho hiete- ai I rin soetliogimîeiatlybrlihiat omv ,lj t'ýeus nuacdof Solaintt-iîiicg f u u cflc brdgierhIai fli trer piece" "l Ien'. atTommny." Tonimi-- Boo bec o 'ona isîng. A cnnii-e ofwa- -,e.shd l pivd do si Mntthe ttîîieot ,1 Jrtil les_ of7"t a jc, and 1s-cuif divide if cîcal. inw- in -cesue tond of Aunit l-11-r -1ct c1ru agoae io - T 11 MT TII ,fuemicîa'.i e, froohe Bec-be !' l oiý, muid1iuu ielong licurs cf lwosnfnoieo l ll e le ci- t.a ks. y -1--- _rfflo --i ffl -lie FT 4 iYELICATE SUIE DISBES. Ia preparing haslied heown peta- tees, eut one plat of coid boiled po- tatoos into dico, or chop tliem fine anad spr inl witli saitanad popper. Put tw'o tabiospoontuis et bacon fat int o a spider; whon it is hot tura ta the potatees, raix tegeflier ther- enghly and add tw-o tablespeonfuls cf stock, or luse hot water with the addition cf a ittie extract et beef. (lover the pan aad set if hack on tlie steve. Tomn it areund troqutent- ly se it wili brown ex eaty on the hettoin, ajtd, w-hon nicely browoed ahi ever, loosen it around the edge, fold ov'u' ie an ornolet, turn eut ona platter and serve at once. Beiled R-ice Wtfh Raisinis.-Cook on0e p oetvell-w-tshedd ,ce itaoec cup of rapidly beiliig w-aior fîve minutes, thon put it tato the double hoiler with tire cups et boiliag w-a- ter (or, if yen have it, milk is nincli better), acd one level toaspeenful cf sait, and let if ceok ont il if is tenl- der, stirring iritti a fcrk once or tirice at firs,t Raisins maie a de- lichons addition te any breakfast musli, but ualess tlîoy arc first stew- ed ta a littie irater until they are nearly tender tflic nts wil]liec qoito objectionable. If a ceroal is used which roquires long cooking (twe heurs or more), they need net bc stewod irst. Thei seediess raisins ai'e olpecially nice witrîtice, but if ot- cc varioties are used reinove the seeds, and steir tlein a aveey utile irater. SUeAItdNîîhE p Sugor Giiugebreaa. -One-.bolt cup et butter, one half ccp cf sugar, onc cup et molosses, oeue-hlaitetospeen ground ginger, one-fouirtl teospoon cf Salt, one Cu'p cfflieue, one level teaspoon e oda and one-hlitcupoPf muiii. Creoni thke butter, add the sugar andmlos s lit the ging- er an.d sait ji tIth fleur. Dis- solve flic soda ta the milk anod stir this fate the botter mixture, thoen add the fleur and aisoecocugli more fleur te maieo a stiff dougli. Kaead it until it is smeefli aad lîglit, roll ït ouf dne-third cf an incli thick and ta shape te fit long shaiiow pans. Crease it across the top with the bock cf a kntfe or a postry jagger andi baie about 15 minutes. Fruit Ceokies.-Creaaî co-hait cwp of butter ritti coecup cf suimar. add rire niglir. lecoltîts coatcd iifl ma- Norfolk lad nef arived, andi leo dus. Iftenes op flic digestive ap- gave lit& message te Lord Eslier J. ISUI & 01J O F JAPAN paratus and gets if readi- for womk. There w-as silenice. Then, if tlie wcua put s on perfect- Men becamie amore of flic vacant A FIRMV THAT DATE'S BACIC hi- dean chothes andi gets live min- tiers of seats aiabocut thora, aîîd TWO H«rNDliED YEARS. otes intahficfresli morning air eut- hlcîffliir Ireafli. The Btslop fook side, takiaig full, feep broaflis, she ccnmiad cf limself. Somnethinig About thie Japanes w-ii tfedluie a diorent creature. lIn(the sirnphcsf mords lo feld flic ]othsdhilds-Comprise Eleveni Thils uîay seund ile a goof deai ef noms that flic King, had, bon takcîî Famnilies. timne for a busi- rcman te spead aftht l ndf tînt flic coroafien w-as the I cginaing of thiags. but if w-tht peetponed. -R~ich as Mits-ont" lias lîîdced le- nef amnount te moue thon 15 nîlan- The stroeeof fate, corne o proverbial expresionamîî Utes extra. 1"-1nover beoee," said a belovefi(hie people cf ithe East. It 1Scai and veliorable cergymnan iaf or, mnon kuowled!g, mrioreover. lt the, STARCi- FOR LACES. "Iaew- tue fulmclacog cf flie ex- lieuse et Mitsui stands upon a pesý-. pression, '.i-ytogue clave te fhe ftlhonaafiandi arouîîd w-bldcilc Laces are ivor se mudI flot di- rouf cf i- acnufli.' " lirms ia Japon present ao nidit(,-i- rections toi' àomng tliom np arc spe- TIc Dishop of London w-as still mai importance. The Mit suis te- cialiy hctpt'ui. Te stardli lace mix speaking. "We w-ho are bore con- day comprise ehoven farnilies hîaving co teaspeontul cf stardl i th itire nef do btter," lie soif, "thon jota the samne cournmon onceof or anf boni- feaspooîîfnia cf cold mater oand pour at once ta earnr'ot intercession te ing tIcsane suî'îîa-rnc. Tlein ufini- ou this coepiat f etbeiimag ater. Aunigliti- Cod. A portion oetheflicOce ouf credif cf those f amihtes cet- Place ontflirlicandfadd one-fcurtli Lit ani- providef ta the servmce w-ii hoectiveli- fôrinthflic 'îrm cf Mifsuti & of n teaspoonful cf ougar and -one- be sung, andî1ivttcen oute jota in Ce.-Di-virtue, lowex or, et certain toîrtl cf a teaspeonfu1 cf gun ara- it w-tth il ou -ee Iarfo." rules agreod between oaci famîitiy bic wihl las beca soalcd ita oe AN AFFECTING SCENE. thici are provent cd individualli- frenu f oaspooni f coîf mot or. Dei for Who thof w-ns preseaf con forgot enîoying the fîcedoîn of actiori wih five minutes, stirring alliheirhile, flic august and tendiing oct cf w-or- is their hegal riglit, acccrfing te Strata flirougl clîceseclefli. For shtp9flic laoir fflihecocuntry. As iadtvi- laces tair htical- a suggestion cf Kneeiing 0ftue faidsfool w-home lie duals, fer tinstanîce, flici cacoot fis- staîdli is dosiref double fliceciuanti-tanaf dDr.Paget sbeuif have infoe o poe, 't pleasumeof utfhiir prix afe ty o waer.Forheay lcestha ittogether, fhe Disliop ef Bathi and prepoî'ties, ad, fîîrther, fbeir demem,- are requimed te ho rafler stiff "se Wells began fe, aing fIhe Lit ani- set tic affoirs and their relations ho- eu- hallfIte qu-anitiy cf mater. te Taluis' flirgc-like music: ' fw-ea oach. ofler are regniaf 0f lii Guma rablc starcl i bmode hi- put- "O God flic PotIer of licavea, cules whidI lcthe have infuali- tiag onefuiOt f fan oneoftehave merci- upea ous nîtserable 0sin- pegd h elves unaf r sotema hest w-lite gnm arablo ia a cnp or nes 11ceatracfte observe.' These ame con- wite-mnoutiiof bottie u'itli one giletf Teurs bei-caf ail restraint rail trolof and arrangef hi- a board of ceif mater, Let If souk fer tire or dom, men's faces, and fthe tirot re-e ficfooul council. If is liere flot f lree henrs, thon pince ii a basinî cf sponse cf flic chirw-as almcost foc- w-e have flic sovereiga power of flic ceid mafor aurd put on flic lire te hic. Buttflche arniony gotoof richi heuse, flic source et ifs administra- dissolve. Sfir frequenfli-; straîn noos. If wnt waiiing and îvaiiing tion. The counci, lemever, fees f lm'eîgh rlihcsecloth. This moles a lup te licaveci. W estminoster Abbci- oct necessarilyi- lterfere witI the ac- Nreri- stiff starcli. For articles fliat is fle ic îusoleuni cf Eoghish Kiags foot business opertions efthfli îm need ta e ho cii sligîhy stitienef aOand Queens, oif grot nobles, of Po- 0cr exerdise ani- direct influenice ut>- quart cf w-af ror o'evea more mai- le ots oand lieroc, of maci- efbers to ni if isne f hessbrefits adfed fo flic di ehsvef gunu arab ic. whem Fnglaiuf levef. Dut is ifitec ntroe mrigoe lc iît possilhe flot ani- service se poig- r etoif KITCIIEN IIELPS. nanthi- offecttog, se anful and tîril- TEE MITSUI FAMIlIES Discolomed batte Ian fies niai- bl iag i tis selenifi-, dî-i have been sProng feom a-nlanactent a00 tilas- u'ubhed wifh brick fusf and viîîogar. licard before mifliitis w-n ls? tious race. Ifs hue cernes cîcorli- Don'f put ogg dishes into hiotw-a- FOR PITY AND MERîCY. toto vicwin tahfic inelet ceoti aumr ter as if maies flicogg adliere. 'The cleegyi-niitheir more cassocks, moena certin, cofoiyushef bsct Soal flic disiies lest un ceif w-afor. flic choir uusurplicef, itlicnatioa net itsadeanbetii Mioîuri-bsfac Den'f w-osh omelot lpons. Euh represoaitef andafs i-et unamare cf fi surnamle. If w-oc, hoevcr, ta mîfli soit pieces cf papor, w-tpe themn trouble; but ail intense dry goîuîg up thleaifiec(h xlenhcntr ouf andi keep hna o dean closet. for piti- anf merci-. thiat one cf the famtt1- bocamne a mner- Tiniore niai- ho cleaned readili- hi- "Di- Tliiac agoni- andf lloody cat n twshssn oni rubbing if nifli a daip clohli dppef siroat; hi- Thi- cross ac a ssi i- chan, and Tif mes iii son, bora t ta soda; rmli elyi-and iipe dry. TIi- precous denth1 afd burial: hy i- 1633ladtfoa atioh-n omeprw- Tire fablespoonruis et w-oshiog Thi- giortous resurrectton and ascen- sont lieu. Takafosbj invoe f ad soda., fhssolved ta a gallon of lieu- sien, aîd hi- the corning cf flic Rouyi-itu'oduccd thie sysfcm cfi cash ,e- ing malter molke an excellent f int- 0-liof, geef Lord, doiver us! .'taîliag; fuether, lue ergauîîzod a sysý- fecof tfor fthe kltdleîîsial. Peur j "Iniailfine cf eue rtinlation; ln tom tee the collection afd rcmitfanca ta w-luelot, ail fluxe ot eue w-calfh;intahflc lur etfmnie, anad thts, le if renionîheri- Te chean o leffle ta whidli omions of deaf ouf intahfe day of jofgaieat, ef, w-hon ocornculto science w-ns but cm cfhier ranI vogetables have been gocd Lord, delivor us!" .i ey rdmnaycniin cooelef b miflia diofli fippef ta Inithflicmdsf cf ail flot Parapher- 1i a er- mudimutrarsacndtica, hoet, sfrcag soda matou', thon mash nohtootf royalfi- fhe cîf merds more a et mor.aiin theaoutry.îsLatr ta soapi- w-ter. foc bitter fer endurance. aor rinîco etablokuoxdin a te ori.cot- Save flic round shaloîhoi Ocs of came mifli fIe noble hyin thC oi- t ffole est ablislo , ta. rer teoue' corktha fitin ide-outed pckl lowd, 0 Co, or h la i ages af Nog-asaki, at that timo flic onl- betties te use os sceures ocflice,-past!" TMicn, once moce, flic lttle pr twi -Iegiesw l sfee1 knilves. Euh flue coî'is flrsf congregafica w-oîîu.upen fhueir kuiesprfwhc oegeswce a'

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