OE.BASE BALl.TUm 'Toronto Junicton, at 9i6"eaOn iPort Hopeo ffBatnIrday si H0 0 sa ~ ~ el e ù teethigrouJn 04 raen Eu3p alog ndepesie ras trhe ailients that corne at this 'period. Ba sure your tickets re3ad over the Every prudent mother should keep Lehigh Vale, Sold at town and a box of Baby's Own Tablets in thu titation ticket offices. 15.tf bouse at ail tirnes. No other medicine acts se proniptly and surely, and the Tablets are guaran1 teed to contain ne $50,00 Rounid Trip te California. opiate or barmful drug. They always do gond and cannot possibly do barm, Choago & North-Wcsfer-n R'>' from and crushed to a powder vou cau cive Chicago. August 2 to 10. The flOw tM to the sniallei4, sickllest infant. Overland Llmited. the luxurjous every r Geo Foote, St Thomas, Ont, day trai, lbaves Chcago 8 00 P. M. enys: "My baby was troubled with Onîxv three days en route. tunrivaleil diarrhoea and was very crosa, and senier%ý Variable routes. New Draw- restiess, and got se little sleep I hiardly ing Ro om Sleepinz Cars and Comnart- knew what te do with lier. I got a mnent Cars, Observation Cars (withbox9 of Baby's Own Tablets and after telephone). AI] muaIs lu Dining ZCars, rvrng ber some ner bowels -became Buffet Library Cars (-with barber'). regular and she could sleep well. I Eletri 1içb4d trouiiot. Two tiiink the Tabiets a spliendid medicine; other fast trains 10.00 A M. and 11.30 You eau get the Tablets aý any drug P. M. daîly. The best of cxr ything-. store or by mail post paid at 25 cents Daily and personally conducted tourist a box by1 writing to the Dr. Williams' car excursions to Caiornia, Oregon Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont,. or and Wasbîugton _ Applv te your Schenetady, N. Y. *.earaQo Ut. --f. - oDaioeasjTTi Bennett, 2 Easut King St , Toronto, Ont. 27-6w. TORONTO EXHIBITION. Menday, Sept. 1, te Sept. 13, 1902. NEW BUILDINGS NEW FEATURES NEW EXHIBIITS $3.5,000 in Prerniuinm $30,000 for Attractions BIIL JNT $2e,oeo SPECTACLUS THE POLEPRIDE THE POLE HOLIDAY Ru-, ued Rates on every i1neoe!travel Sond Your Ordors FOrR SAILS, TENTS,% AWNINGS, and ail kirids of Waterproof Goods direct to naanufacturers, J. J,T er&Sos eer consuit your station agtnt regardn fare te Torontu and backç. rigTl oe 180 and 195. Street, bore, Onit. bro:thier Joe, at TIalliday Bros., Brook- lin-._Miss Gleason, Rocton, Ii.,lhns beua visiting Mr. R. Winter's. ... Miss Eyîvn Ileney and Miss Myrtle Towns, Aurora, and Miss Grace Falconer, To- rente, visited here...he bretbren of Orono Lodge, A. F and A. M., No.325,1 are plfased te note the kindly reception tendered our geod brother, A. J. Lock- bard, Esq., by brethrun of Cerination Lodgo, Rosslaitd, B. C ...Mrs. Arm. stÉrong-, sr., and Miss Lizzle Armstrong, are visiting triends at Bradford, Penn ...Prof. McWaters, Boston, andsister Mes. Day-les, Cloeland, visited Me. G M. Long.... Mr. and Mrs.T.Rowntree, Thorald, are visiting ber brother, Mr. Robt. Winter ...Mr. Russell o! the Iligb Court oft-Centrai Ontario. i 0O F. was la town recently ... . Me. M.D)owson, tewn line, bad a finger pullod off and tbe cords attaching it te the ferearm drawn eut, by being caugltitnl a bay for], wbIbe unlIoading -ha.7 in bis own barn, Two physi!cians wuro catllud and dressed the inj ured parts, but it is likuly lie will be used up for the summonr.., Mr.T Simipson, se.. lot 14, con 4, Clarke, climbing up on a lead of hay the stake broke and Jet bim down te the wbiffle trees, froru wbencu bu feIl te the ground. The herses started and two of the ivbeels passed over hlm, badly bruising hlm on bead, legs and back. FELL EXIJAUSTED AND UNcoNSCreUS.- Mrs R W Edwards, 33 McMurray St., Brantford, Ont.. suffered for five vears with ner vous exhaustion, headache and dyspepsia. "The pains lu the boad wouId almost drive me craz>', I could not sleep niglits but would walk the iloor ln ago)ny until I1 fel! exbausted and unrconscious. For the past n1inu mionths I baýve usid Dr. CaesNreFeod alnd builît mei uip lu flea"l and wiltuntilro i r Iei)Gý li Iýàc, Is anI .atj'eng ai well." iL wVould lbu scarcely possible te ýpro(duco ý,steong-ee ovidunce et the wondlert ul power of Dr. Cbase's Nerva Feod. age, wbe ie h inl Ingersoîl, I wss a great sufferer frein dyspupbia. Thei trouble first began with severe hend- aches, dizzinoss and sometimus vo.mit- ing. Nuxt I sufferod contiuually frem a burning sensation iu my stemacb, food distrossed rue; 1 did net sloep wull at nigbt; lest flesh and becarnu verv weak. I was continually dec- toriug but it did me ne goed. In tact 1 was gradually grewing worso and despardo ever being well again. Ou day a friend who called te se mu strongly advised mu te try Dr. Wil- liisik Pille. She spoke se highly ef theni that I decided te take ber advice, and!T eon discoverod-that tboy- were net like the othur medicinos I bad been taking and thatI bad at last teund something te help me. I continued using the pilîs fer perhaps a couple et months, when1Ifeund my- self fuily rsrdteO health. I bave alwavs aie enjoed my muais with relishi and bave bad ne return ot the trouble. WVith my uxperience I fuel certain that if ether sufferors will give Dr. Williamns' Pink Pills a tair trial they wili find a certain cure. " Dr. Williams' Pink PuIs unricli and neurish. the blood and strongthon the nerves. it la thus that they cure, sucb troubles as dyspepsia, kidue>' ailments, rbeuruatism, partial paralysis. heurt, troubles, St. Vitus' dance and the ait- monts that makre the lives o! se many women a source eft misery. These pis nover tait te drive awav pain, bring a glow et health te the wholo body and mako dospendunt - nen and wornen briglit. active and strqong. De net take nv pilla witheut the f uli namu 4"Dr. Willams Pik Plls fo!7 1Pale Peoplne" on tho rapp 111]eundtho bx.Sold byaI mei iCdaler-zzor17sont po,-t paid at 5f) cents, a box or six boxes for $25 yaddressing th-e FDg. WillîmS Mudicine Co., Brockvillu, Ont. Ja3t-mettg, sconslderfd,- and Jir wavs rnoved Lb7 Councillor Bow, e3ooded by Couincillor Paý0oee, and resolVed that as Mc. Ooliacott and otherig are want- iog tO U8e the said roAd, that It be opered au requeated,and tht the Olerk notifY Mr. Hoar in the ier.A let- ter waa recaived from 1h. (JCounities' '0lerk ailvlolng that the Cllector'a roll Ibo not mode up asofor, as the (.Jonnty rate la cencornied until> thg comapletion of the Reports aremade by . Judge. Fyled. The Reeve wasauathorauod to grânt ordurs on the Treasurer as fol- ioliowa: J. Filntifr, wltness tees, ru Jadge's hearlng evldenoenla mLter o! adIjLstln2g equalzastion $2, E. Prout, do. $1.65; J, Eillott, mervlng notices on witneâsec $5; T. Creeper, use of hall for -holding Provincial eleotion $2; R. Pescoe, use of hall for holding Provin. eisi election $4; A. Wright, ditto $4; P7. Moron»y, gravel $2. 10. do $4 75; G. Nloor-, gravol $3.05; T. Snowdon, gravel, $12.40; B. Poweýll,gravel $3 29; H7. Eiliott, jr., spikea! and supplies for graier $5 38; E, Prout, cadar posts $1; G. Pearce, sheap damagen $2U; J Gale, printing $70 75; G, A. Stepheus, loin- ber, etc., $79-25. Indîgentt-Janet Wilson, $5; Mra. Hfoidge, $3; Mes. Laue, $3; Alr,' -Sprou4o, $4; 3. Coach $,5; R. Brahton, $3; W. Hork- er, ý $2 50; 1Y[s, Rose (termporary) $3, J. Ward, at-endanca on Oý Rose, $1î On motion, Cunil adjourn ed te ue o7u Satnrdey, Augriat 30th,'it 10 ocok HL ELLIOTT, JR, Towns.qh!p Olek. Uhîèidren ryr CASTOR i anid fttlngiy daerlbed as "aà magaz;ne for the homo," The deaominatlonl newspapar featurea bave bean separat- ed jute e new weekly called "The Preabyterian," wbich sbould serve that church very satiatactorlly. The Wet minster lias taken the beet magazine form. In its make up and contents il wllbold its own agaînat any American publication ot Ils claàssad ud leprion le oniy $1,50 a year. Bey. J. A. Mac- donald continues as editor lu chief, and as hie editorial assoclates hlie asRev. Dr. S. P. Rose, et the DomninIon Meth. odisi cbercb, Ottawa; Rev. Hugh Ped- loy, M. A, of the Congregatlonal chnrch, Montreal; Pra. J. H. -Farmner, cf MoMasters University, and Prof. H. J. Oody, of Wycliffe Collage, Toronto. THE REFERENDUM VOTE. Soon the people cf Ontario will. bu asked te vote on that pecullar soheme the referendum, whlch was fatbered by the gentleman known te hlatory ais George W. Rogsa, poet and atateaman. The L'censed Vict-aillers are organlzed te give determined batti, te the mes- sure sud thbe oppcs1lon fre r em Ingly scattered. The extreme prohibi- tbonleta are ahewlog some energy, lb la true, bot the tomperanco people as a whole exhibît lutile intereat, h linaa fight wîtà henvy olds in 'faveur o! the antIs. They aýre botter workers sud botter orgauîzsre thatithe prohibitýon- ias. They koow býow te bcbg te the polls tLho trj gnv'ote, andas w;the ?o- sul.cuceusthi inauialthe>' wilI have ne ote att F0au ýwhla i2Wtlllng te vote the way thes7 wlah, The 90-102ctalogue of iliram Colleg"e, llram, Ohio, is to hand. The following Bomavil students are registured in the different departments: Seniors-Wellington MeMurtry Logan; Freelimen-Charlus Arthur Coakwell; Senior Preparatory-Miss Maud E. Haruden; Specal- Miss Elythu E« Butchart. StingingPiles If people couldi onl-Y realize thie virtue Of De'. Chases Ointmenàlt thEy "ould not suffr long witli piles. Mr, W. H. Whitehaýir, a well-k-nown and respected citize-n, cf Cobourg, Ont., s;tates :-"'Havlng tîstd Dr. Cbase's Oint- mient fer piles, I can testify te its great value, The sutlering vhich 1 undured frein the lsurning, ltching, stlngtug sen- sation cf piles a somnething awful, and I can say that the-re la nothing lu this world te equal Dr. Cha5e's Ointment as a cure for thîs dreadul dliscase. 1 tried a great man>' remiediee and never get more than slight relief front any of theni. But while Dr. Chase's Olntment breugbt quick reiel it went further and made a thorough cure. I cannet say tee much la recommendation cf this great remedy." This la the oni>' preparatien which la positivel>' guaranteed te cure any form of piles. Ask yeur ne.ighbors about il. 60c. at box, at ail dealers, or Edmanson,. Bates &Ce.. Toronte, j