oun4 rts ldonanîti e 1 saut ile S ou th ohe oeu sllonb r -.T. Dur!- aTe the o cViyaaiiovhecx- acnîlç narr hepl hn hhW o lly pis ou tle ided Wue Ask Thie uslr aihtîtt u lcs!lfie xpeito0f Jîl l heAustraliain act alit he pro- ls asudwAsI aon heBlalaprydid rot elngo'as isonsreatLiagtouors0 ocl remove eck 0f lic aimal, wiea tw ~ -~------'latioýn are oitd a on that wihcea thew ws'Cg tuostae ars a racice hat to ses 0ftriý- hu s ntwo1k at'l. Th (le- Why don't you reguate that ,ariabe Caue"wa thoîeuy rjondr zi ce gentsof OOî1SîîlpT- Aduta acceefi, and aoutsve organe so tfat il iinot be ecscoqt tt: kmlitheon mishlW%,tl. HA1th tbmtincor. ydrpiag lthe st he Stomiacilitu vi isrs ftel --nirrtnttmt,±,tforn cu1iiation h ts e frt tpist eglt tebwe osipoposedi tli er h bcot-is your only means of killng them. obveus Ctatthe prhïciple ofYcm- t'Il. "nd AAhat ws ele rply"plor x\tatoni-or tog For tins PIPs Sesinply rol*errefi me tea' cor- Scot's E usinof c lve u lyeohn'rd CU.dok, looitils ai-chptr!r,11a 1 d w'Tri ' llij wilgiveyou Ciat healt, if an ljan or hW Non South Wies aciyit doe~ ~ot wish to po~ess it? Who does not delight ta see it? It is the beauty of good health. It is the evidence of ricli blood, kîded eryel adlinre ue ohui ike te ee pt ivl )ifo li ~~~~lIl Th :gloîthLuroaiý coï ltr toEngandwhnhe as aeored thoicpl gxe T o ie oî !v. ,c 1 up t USth iliutoyaý)(lý l l e byten io înot xtaN gat ei Ilig, a d llie h-l dsoredlois-I Ptil ing1,d(1roiad thpir deliverer, _________________ W f011 l 1(ý 1 thileg rded a s an, Jî angetp ilý ILu, ,1( lha1x 'dion.]lïg A lays ash ggs el heore us-l_ MrIa aneed erthe rejioicîagsta tng, hon sav the shlis untl atte Il' ng lp overth d- il0]te hpmut i oerlo unill ofav ait th Ichurhes.nuen "itMasetlcar theshils aadgospradth Aln roel hrott h xte ta ngs po( lae aahplae where St. ul', th steet benghog thy wt 'dr-a o vn rsun of rc readI, belIi tlswnadrcoins thç fils ien ggsar col')hi wer stucktamemry f he lor wll ie ppeoitedbytli)e li to.)bu1ilfi. Some f thocoinls bore a is 1 l n habilt me frieajIds cat11iA-me