'lit ~-741.50 PEraÂxixui. NEw SERiEs. OUR TOWN AND UOUNTTEIRST ; TUE WOELD AFTECRWA!tbo. M.ir.JaM&'TWylrr IrPr«%retlm BOWMANVILL1s ONTAIO, WJiUNESDAY, SEPTEMIBER, 3, 1902 VOLUMB XL VIII No. 36. MAPLE GROVE. Recent visîtors :M.and1 Mrs. W. Power, Toronto. witb frieid,; àMiess JIouck, Oril!ia, at M'r. E J, Pwrs Mr.and Mrs. Iliprtofile at Mrs. Depew's.. .. Mr. Luke Buttery has g-one on the excursion to MNaniitoba.... Somet have finlished harve3t and thres,-hinzg and report; good crops4. . . Quite anj attractive sign at thoeacilien hthr u Division go to llarmonyý next, week. BABY'S OWN TABLETS The hiberral Pîcnie fZine Weathe±i, Gztreat Ct1otuc1, GOOd S'peeebes anc a Jolly Time. The 'nuch talked- abrit Liberal. Pic- give and take bard knocks in West nlic in Mr. George Pollard's r',loI Durham-but they were more thai 82, con. 4, Towip f lrko, about pleused with the siavityo01 Mr. Stratton one Mile west of Orono., on Wednesday and Mr. Tarte. These two mon whor FALL FAIR NOTES. Bowmanville Pair Sept. 17-18. Mr. Geo. Grey, Newcastle, wi[l jildge horses at 14 fairs in EserOnî;aiiO, The expert judges at Bowým ajiville wilI a14o jo.dge stock :at Port fPerry Sept. 19th, Get ready forthPar Maealth entries y'ou can hv Sept 8. W w havea aModelexitin Ladies of WestDrhmvo are re- i M. À. JAMM, Eàitor andPro-prietor,. VOLUME XLVIII No. 36. t4l"Y