We are now the largest and n *ELLED WAREI ThieSti IWill not chip or guaraniteed. Ne 3Phone No. 66. iwVQww wre That Wears. showing what we believe to be ao10st complote stock of ENAM- ever off ered in Bowmna.nville. ransky steel la, buira and every artie ever bef ore was there, e. We invite caref nli One Door West of I- Bow J S.Rund1e & ' SOllSI STORE. We hatve in stock a choice lot of M(creen Doors in vàant and o'i grain finishi; also windicow ecreens, a y and Manmure (ork handles, hoe nandies, root scufflers, summer dusters, wool and plush lap rugs, fiy nets and ohIs of varions kinds at J. S. Rundie & Son's Carngeilared3andTwine Emrnii ium, opposita T. Tol'se, >vuma ville. 1.e is f uIIy such value* insp ection O Post office MANVILLB.9 1The Caiadian Statesifail' BOWMANVILLE. SEPT. 1, 1902, Holiday iior -r N. Doidge, Poterboro, at home; àMr. L. Pascoe and family, Toronto, at.Ur. A. Tretu. ot';miis. Cronkhite, Algoma; Mr$ Musson, Toronto, ,ai Mr. S.,i. IVil- liami's; Miss boule EIliott has returned to Toronto. ... . The infant son of Mr, and Mrs, F. Jines died at the family rebidence, Aug. 27th, andi was interred in the north end cemetry Friday after .0...... The funeral of tfle lai-eGeorzge Stout took place from Mr. N. C.Rundle's- ùudertaking rooms Saturday afternoon ....Farmers have houbed the best harvestfor many years, A InatofuIlTi t e e e e ýqw ýqw ý ý - - 1 A 'rRIPTHROUGH EFtgGL AND. Ulaiingdecided to make Bristol my Ilext obiect P oint 1 put thre k owledge aud wit's of His Mlajesty 's servants the policemen of Birmingtram t. a rather crucial test to direct me as to which road to take and let me say of thosge, if there bce any, of less expenieuce than m, self that 1 have found as a rule that as a class o! people the policemen of Great Britain is of the most ignorant of men, Never ask a policeman for any. thing outside o! hais own beat or at the most his own towu. For illustration, while in Ibis locality o! Birmingham 1 took the trouble to quis a cop ns tu the distauoe to London and was amused as well as alarmed to find ont that ai- thougir I bad travelled 200 miles in the direction of thre capital, and was only 630 miles from it when I started, I was euhl some 337 miles from that desirable place, and that from a certain street corner wbich he poii*ed ont, où he had it exactly, still it wias a comfort to know tirat although I1irad not approached much nearer my journev'à end. I was at least flot more than 7 or 8 miles further away tira. when I started. Such was not the case with the neit bureau of information o! whom I en quired alIthougir I had not gone more than a mile fnom the first. This next sample of tue enlightenment o! tire 201h century gave me t0u uderstand that 1 vas as yet four or five hundned miles froin London he wasn't sure which and I thought periraps he wasn't but tirere being sou ttle diffenence I could' go astray in my calculation. The third nea- presentatIve of the- police force was somewhat beiter, I tinho r got witin 50 miles o! the distance, but I amrn i- clined 10 believe tiraI bis aceuracy was entirely due t. tire f aci that ire had a laborer a1 his elbow with whom ho ene- tered intoconsuitation befnre ire yen- tured tb commit bimsel!. Having aI last got on tu lthe Bristol road 1 entered what I belier'e wiKs tbe finebt streteh of country iu tire whole of, the united, Kingdom the 86 miles be- tween'Birmlngham and Bristol is one vasi park-tue garde. of Great Britain. Beautiful and regular iredges lined tire roade and bounded, the fields wnoge greenness and luxuriance of vegetation elIearly indicated tire productiveness o! tha soil. Great beautiful traies stood on elîher hand the coolness o! tireir sirade made one foce, that il îas au avenue he- was passing tirrough. Trees also stnd. ded tbickly the leve] country sheltering il from lire ireat o! the noénday sun. vast parka ni frequent intenvale adorn- ed tire country side, nostled arnid tire trees of wirich ofi-en appeared smme statelY castle tire country seats of mem - bers o! sire wealthy Englisir aristocracy. On erie hand thre sight was eonflned by olsiant his whose summits the haze and distance rendered blue. Tire road before me, owing tu the use of the sys- tour invented by McAdam, was smooth andi bard as pavement and moderaîely level, under sucir conditions I could reel At Gloucester, the principal tGwn of Glouc),estorsýhire, tite river Severn is spannedi by a. fine stone bridge, This lu the last place a bridge crosses thet r r.liere, likewise, as Inaail English countrv towns, îs a fine old cathedratl. From iGloucester t. Bristol is a run cil 32ý miles, the fireb part of which is ibro' scenery imuhl the saine as nefore but trie last !12 or 15 milethe road becomes more and morte levatedi. Away off to the west von eau lookcdown upon the waters of theo broad Severn bounded beyond by the WePlsh his and stretch- ing souithwestward toward the sea. Apiproaching B 1ristol on the elevated way the town suddl(enlty cornes in viewý below and beyond a fairly steep deeline nestieci uvof l iher baiik o! thue river its appear ance from this bigtand in the twilighit of this eveniug wals verv beautiful, lit up as it was by ifs hundred8 of thiousands o f elec- trie light.,. Bristol,contrary to my pre conceived notions is the most Americau like town thiat 1 have yet seen on this side of the Atlaatic. Its oroad streets, i t 4 electrie lights, i t s street r ailways, the architecture o f its stores ail seemied to be patterned after A merican styles 'lhis is true only >of the new part of tlre city. Situated ni'ar the Bristol chanuel it le ona of the gresat seaports o! England ai wbich vessels eall from ail parts of the world The gaudy decorations of the ciii' on this the evening of the 26th of June were quite beyond descý;ription, so alco were the crowds gathiered in the streets. ë aving whehed uearly a bundred miles Mhat day 1 lost but little time in seeking lodgings for the niught. R. R SMÂLE. Woodoide, Bodmiin, July Sîh, 1902.< [To e conitinsued 3lIEWTON VILLiE. Mrs. Jno. Gîb ri ad MiNs Mar' Trenoriti's recentlv.. ., Mrs. NQak enbush andý Miss Lillie are visiting in Toronto .... MIiss Lottie IBritton ,is î-st ing in thos eity , ... Miss Lizzie Jones, has returnl od 1 clronto.... MissEthel Nodenis sic-... Mr. P Edw-,ards and daughiter iïllie hI ave goine oit a visit Io [bis daughiter Mrs. Jno. Pethiick, 'lcoron. t. .... Mrs. Jno. Mitchell, Torouto, visited Mrs, NMoase, and ther frieilds, lu the village--. Mnr and Mrs. W. J. Treuontb spent Labtlor Dt% with frienids in Bowmanvillo . .A number from hene attended the Liberal picnic and report a good tiîmo. UP-TO-DATE IDEAS, West End House. (Footwear Sale.) West End House. Broken Size Sale. i ofWhen the sizes in our many lines of Boots gets broken, when some ofthemn get a Irifie pointed and are flot just in style, we clon't want them on our shelves. There's quality in.every pair we are poing to put up fo'r Ssale this week and if they do not suit yoai for the street they -will certain- ly be a good buy for a lO1TTýSV BOOT. SLadies 'iOford and Sandal Shoos Obo pr. adThere iS 'not Ifany of them, but just about every size is here in tan adblacks, only sorne of thern are a trifle pointed. Everý pair is -worth in quality from $1,25 up to $2.00. Sa le Price 65o Per pair. MI Ladies' King ýButton Boots É$1OO per pair.i Ladiep' broken size Button Boots of the very finest quality of fine dongo! a leather, a trifle pointed but every pair worth fror $l-.755 1p to $3,50. Just a limited quantity. Sale Price $1. .00 per pair. Men's Fine Boots $100O per pair. We have flot rnany pairs of Men's Boots, but v ery nearly every siz is here and like the La>dies' Button Boots they're pointed, but the raan Swho cornes early while the sizes last wilI get a ge nuine big bargain a4e -~~.$---QÇI AA & à l '. ln ) t