*l"50.00 Bicycles FOR Wit hout a, doubt thec bec t Wheels manufactctred, Every wheei guaranteed for one y ear. No ether whoels are sold witil such a guarantee and no othier whieels will give you the saIIO satisfaction. Stott & J ury, The Druggistsi and Optieia ns. f BOWMANVILLE, SP1T, 3, 1902. GRAND, IRUNK RAILWAY. Bowiuiqvîu..u STATION. GOG eEÂ5T. C40oNGsWusr Pfre8.....9 32 a,. .I1Express...5b'15a.M , ;;e. .-... 1 P'I JLol ...... 7?50 Passnger...8 56p.m.I Pezger...1i42 p. m Local.6 ;58 p.mn.jExpres.. 77388 *Express,,,.105 p.m Express does not go West Modt5 mornilng. STOTT & JuRY, Town Agents Mr. T. HL Ellenor io home from Tor- onto. S-alema Harvest Home next Suuday and Mouday. Mn. R. H. Not, Toýrontý,7iitddi mother Labor Day. Miss Florence Mason 15 visitiug frends Ln Trenton, Mni. Wm.- Wa.kein, Boston, Mass , is viâitiug bis parents. Opeing for a smart boy to leanu printing at this office. Miller's Grip) Powders Cure Sold by1 Stott & Jury, druggists.1 Mr Hanry Baskerville, Toronto, spent Labor Day at home.1, Mn. Geo. W. Alun lm home froma Mon- *r-eal. Edîtor J'as. Gale spent Sunday in Toronto. Mliàs Grigg spent Suuday with Fort Hope fniends. MisasSusie, L. AUto la visLtiug rela- tives Ln Peterbono. Mr. A. J. Bickell, Oshaw.a, spent Sun- day with his mother. Mrs. Musson, Toronto, bas been vis- iting Mrs. A. Buekier. Don't miss Salem E{ai'vest Homne on SIuday aud Monaday uext. Mr. Jno. MeýGilI. Toronto, bas been guest at Mns. R. Wîndatt's. Mrs. F, J. Mannung and daughter, Rhea, visite-d in Toronto last weeký. Mnr llanny, L. Mantyvn is enjoying a Vacation with nrelatWtes lu Rochester. MIr. and Mns Thomnas Greeuaway, H1antilton, visited Mn, J. O. LaBelle. Mrs. F. Hatch wbo bas been visiting Mns. R. W. James bas gone to Oshawa. Mn. Wm. Jolliffe, Watchman-Warder staff, Lindsay, gave us a cali Satunday. If the childnen require physic noue acta so nice as Miller s Worm Powders; Verw pleasaut to take. Sold by Stott, & Jury, druggists. The new Louisine Silks lu aIl colons at Coucb, Jolinston Il Cnydenman's, Our offer of one oid and one actual new subseriben for 81.50 stilI holds FÂRUI1RM, Mee the 6aWrio i( Pbo-one or two furrow. You tainly want one. Its a d&ady. by Wu. FoLuw, Boianvilie. 36I No change lu the strike. Mr. Guy Bilkey, Tofonito, spent]1 or Day bere. Mr. Harry Tyler, Toronto, q Sundav at home. STATFISMAN te uiew subsýcribers ance of 1902 for ý30c. Miss Sybil Paton, Toronto, la g o! Miss lues Mason. Mn. Oco. W. S James bas been v ing fiends Lu Torouto. Mn. L. T. Vauce took, a business te Micneapolis last weeek. Mns. Thomas Spr 'y and daugh. Eva visited necently in Kingstou Smnart'boy wauted at once to le printing at THE STATESIMAN IOffice. Miss Alice Friendsbip, Kingsi h~ie er aunt Mrs. John xlmbN Cavairy Drill will be heid Fnida3 6,30 p. m. AIl are to be lu atteudai Grand- promenade concert lu DniLLIShed Fniday night. Baud a other music. Admaission M0c. A league game of base bail betwi Oshawa and the home team was PlIS here Satunday. Bowmanviîle îw4. score 6-10. Mn. W. Hyslop havîng been appoi ed ight-watehman a t the D. O. .& .factory, a new caretake it wantedu for. 1 mu-a itri wnu we rnendj vnn find e aè.tI,, eArA9-n-..À--- iding Mr- F. J. Manning, Grand Central, oL'er. has a very fine Peach tree in his garden WW'Q"~ W Sold Weil laden with lusejous fraft. We 3-4w. doubtif the Ilke of t caunhe foundia I. iý l Lab- Do net despair cSf curing your Fick I headache when you ecau so easify obtaxn rq ietCarter~s Little Liver Pilis, They will - effeet a prompt and permanent cure, ba-Their action is mild and -natural blGood health is irapos4ble wthout "U,@t aglaractonoft#he bowelsq. lurn'ïs ax-ier Pis regualate the bowels, l cure constipation, dyspepsia, bilious. isit. ness, sick headache and ail affections o" tbe organr, of digestion. Price 25 cents, trip All druggists. Rev. L. S Wight, Mvillbrook, is one earn iMethodist chqirel4 here Sunday were Aonfoth eeicfur usoer; idng ay tondiffcut-Tf or y ounr a prraher W1 iproving qualities ivith u ncraigpie;wriga n think that tke old lines of repentande G tetnetgkehebst vlue and build up the basiness biy y at from sm and salvation through ChristG fair dealing. This list of pries on staple Groceries ough t "Ce. still afford sufficient scope for the t 1t0 strike a chord In the heerts (-f huekepr. They the Permonie efforts of the average yoiung s how how ten ecnt pieces caq j ) edondllr ue ass md misAster. G ~~~22 lbs. IRedpathxtaSaarGxuledSgr,1.0 You cau procure pure prsgena xr tntrl rnltdSgr 1(Q ,sen Mermid'À Drug Store. prsgena 22 lbs. Crystalized,, Delmerý-tro Sugna; for $1.00; 25 Ibs. Pre- yd Our Beady-made Clothing is new and 4 an,41g7Yelo Sg [ or $OO3 lbs. Christie%' Ginger )a- freali and madeuli ii the latest styles.G Cakes for 23e(; 2 1lb.Ch c xe iscuits for 23e. Gouch. onso & Cryderman. At this o: n ftlre yer vou will roquire to ses that you get int- Bargains in the Clothing Department ' pure Vinezar a ad Pick i n Soces, ý ,P. at McMurtrv'sthiâ week to make rnnm à zosadWRWIAr - - -e k!eep nothinx but _p ure