ýM Vuz ëýdazift $tt BýOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 3, 1901, D 3%W" 4 J 3p 4* If your tobeis Dyspepskýt ndcUrle SThe Great [)yspepsia Ct te WiII Cure Sure. 4* Why sufer from lerbr.Fullness o el i3ght 1, 4* Stomac n Indligestion when you can geta bottie0 Great Dsppi Cre. ONY C0 ]EN TS rp arei rd soldb Chemlists nd Diu SPh-âne t9!, Bownville. rr. ns. -er 0, oompualgiug tuer tue rod bctwecu Lots 13 and 14, B. F., vs made hmpscse bl4e by the cutting ac- crosby tha G. r. R.The Clark, was requlestôd te uotify the ocIcials of the G. T. R. te have tho reed put lu prop- Gr s3hape for travaL. A communioatIon waa rnkceived f rom thie Ceenfles, Clark with steeent of thc Judgc'a Equalîz- ation, DarMngton belug put t, et2,750 000. The revlsed couuty rate sud B!nking fend raaobe ing $3,937 71 for ime outrent y'eee, an lnorceau e!e $580 61, On motion of Gouecillor Brown, seo- o'uded by CoUan. PAlseoe, thc commuýni- batîou wes fylcd,eud the Cleek Intruct- cd te pet the rstes lu the est;iates. The Cemmittea apiu a t thoise let meerting te znakesoInvestgatons- spcctîag propokied dz-aIing i f the, 4ýà con. inoe, landed lu their report wbileh wâFs accepted arud fylcd, sud on motion of Ceu. M(oLirghLlu, aeceu)de4 by Ceu,Pasos, oueiloBrownu vas suth'orised 40oepen up a deain sflin te take Bew'ay tlyý bUr5a Watar. C*aun. Aunie udJ/cff.hi vreapointaed a eomiti.se e ta fuire imb othe stâteof two bridges &u Division No. 2ý, reorited te be uecdLng repaire. Rtqouesteo Ie received froui thc Trtaeea of bth e &v- ceai scheol Sectiou-s to ljvy b.d" rates ensouPtIeg te $4841 20. Thc Clerk wss inetrueted te place& tho eramie on the Coileetor's Roll. W. Cre*per vaut e- qlegsted te meýke somea lteratlonei lu thc abed eit rear of Hall te store bthc Ged. Ing Macohine, Mess!ars. J. .1. J)nes Oartwlg.kc AgâcUlturai Se.ciey. A# a speolal m3eting of the Direc tors of the ab)va eociety oe Wedncu5day, Augeat 6b at whLih thoir w-" a good attendapnca. Oa motiom of Mr. Jbàn Wrlgîht, Ses. by Mir. w"s. I(outiy, I% vas renfo1vud te hold th-a oylng aho w on 480ik S.p#. tsad lait.t On motionx of Mes. John Wright, Suc, by Me. Aussu Taylor, It was agreed to &Id a thit rrige 0£ $1 to the C,'ÉEsse Hforses sund Catie and a third prinej of Sots to clauee3sSlieep and S eliuc. 014 uïtton c f M.Aucun ayo ..* bi M1t. Wheitfleld, prires for Taetworth hog were ordered te bd sddcd te tJlase siie. 0-- motion of Mr. Ausjon Teylor,S3c. by Mr. -Montjoy, the Proïident, Mr. WhifiAd ani the Sýeoretary we)rcfap- pointcd a co-mmittoe te have the driii shed aud faiîr grounada put lun proper order for the coomiug fair. Al ar dm um3 adthat the Show of IC02 ahali L fnextent msu esful imeei4pse aIl formier eh(ûw ovise hald under the auspices o1 the Soeiuty. COUN'rIFS' IEQTAL1Z&TION. Mr N 7 ala, COUDty Clar k, ies 1ssue4 tune 1fillewing ciroular and Do Nlor FoRcB;-ThFit a special train willi leave Bowmaville at 5 15 ani., Mon-~ &&y, Sept, Sth for Toroijto erivlng 6G.50 a.m. Bceturuieg uil leave Toronto ai 8.i3o P..,, llowiug Éa good long day at ~Jaxada's cGreat Fair. Grbud Truuk fOl2es for tiekoge &ma information. Wxrnc TYc i irr To ItoXTO, De MOt fer. &ot thai you vilII beouly Stiaree hnuAre ride hem bbcth ebarming Mtishoka L,.kos Resorte sud mike yeUZr rrangetueni tea izeluie a aide trip to tbIs fanions region, uew Mai il bos t. Tourlst ticket, from Toronto to amy Lake Point on cale e-,ery day, pia 10wv rates Satarday te Monday. Infor-ma- tien eontainod lu aFair Piegrame t3 be lied TowN IliLa, Hamp'on, Aug.3OO, GeuneiF met the4 dsy, membori ail 4*preaBeiat.Reeve clem eus presaidng. AVMnutes of lest meotin2 iread a-ud cOu- Sfirmed. Ciroulgaswsre receIvoI from Mlam*yHarrls Co and Aif. Bro6w.,,fyled A cemmunIcetian was received from SMeses i juipsou & blair, Sictotfor F -THE MASON Co." BOWMANVI LLE. After nearly Lhreeý weeks of bard worki and oonfusýioii our sztores are agajriin gMoo0d shape for business We iad prepared for thiis charge aind hadl sold stock down to save handiig,<etc, conseqîotûtly we shall now show a larger pro- Portion of strictiy nlew styles eand designs. TM", wiIl bô eý5peciaI1y the case in our Clothing Department, as we w'ilI now have a inuch larger space devotedl to clothing,,; we intend to have our stock enlirged to correspond. iSever al Shipments ofOlthiU Are now waiting to 'be openedl out, and will be put ini îtock in due seagon. vie also have several lots of Boots and Slioes to brinig - -- - - --------- 1- 11- - ..... . ... . .... Offices. An exchange says: "4AnotheBr effort i!g about 10 be mae b secure t be releaýiee of Robt. Mackie sentenced b serve ton yeare in thle Kiagaton PenitentiAr ry 0£ ciy ln iha Napanee Bank Robbreïy, Nexi Moluth mackie wilt bey c e tr ved foU vr ar and thc general opinin le iltho bas beaunoqsieliently puieied. P'arc and EBol den reeei-vel lightB senence, Eoach waO given a suspeudcd sentenCûe ad Po)nton se- qTitted. Meekie -eag Made toetsifear, Roi 0fl17 for *kig owna cm, but for the SlU of otberet." Tbe ,3an«,l meétiig of the Methodist thurch for ibe B.owmanvilllc district, whick was h4dlu the church bere or. TuescS, be- giiiniugnt 10 a m *wae tteLded by a fu 1 r.peee~atouof the Mlistirry, thi OnY abscumetes being Reyi'. O oeif omn viLke, on a holidlay, PZud Lewis, of Newion- ville, abeR4ent through line.The laity "Il, aise welI reprde.nted. The moeeing wiss preaided ovr by Ruv, Edmiion, uenu of the Diýstriet, and atter tauedrouti7ne 0f businýess was go>ne hogh raeet were mnade for the Misienary sudEdca tional Anniverseries, aàud two resoIioc-s werc Pased-oae 4f ymnpitliy f S Mr, Lewhin luh4 ilesand one cf coendoînue wIth the faniily 'A th ,Àltc L, 1. Eewse, of Orhawa, a proininerit lay memnber of the %hy dsBumeny clty peoplt e send thelr chiffrcu to private sohoole? Gord Houaookeeplughss unid@rtaken wints septomber issue to brieg ont in twe short articles the situation whicb con- front parent3. Mias Claza Lena Boi3t- wick, an iustructDr ln an old mud fa- mous prijate echool for gIrle, esets forth Il =.7 1