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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1902, p. 6

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L. wa.s i n lie gardon ýjthat Sunlda-, aflruoi xasbcase cwae lui loi ranier wnîtfiIg le(rS. ad tvery tlime lie pînk lcunhain sao à, bit T could îcatch n igliipse et tare1 on droffs. I IsO net rught iy eliaipses, hwvebetore the roll et ~iesarnuouinced thie retiîn oet tic chuchxgees.A Party oet lroege- tlomîimau twe ladies ivere visiting gt t1ehoso, a as I 10 miel crme te ho secu lte grdnJthrew amy Ci9a1,-wa, andstrilc mb the ctdylefaO)é a beiî!ý, in 1bîh bh- came1,soinabsor bed tint i xvq aielat supper ; intieed, 1 woulId have staî-Led, axyuaitegether, for I Oelesleýd to-ý F nlmif aîy ulo d -ast -eu't fornme. My cousin Eely n coil alxx'ays ,play ilie hots 0 neteand thOai igit scws moothan usual- ly bea niul Lhec slimple white drebs, with lier bi asleaojd ilan kcavy co,(ilj. Jessie Lotrop aO a tirtain Mnî. Trac, whe wore haxlug ,M flirtation, wreuext 1me, mimd .quiîte .L hu7maet nmerny ceas ersatie wns eaî'nied on. "'By lihe way," snld the juIg, dur- ing a 11ila in te cu nain" hea r yen ahI want te rPide , Lou) nti,?îdg afer 'inpper. 11Util he ptistbit et ilgi lamud in W. Qotit e a clameor e of lces gîeeed hiq e uaani "But we shan't haiee cungi ca- valions ?- cried J.essie. "lucpre Mcr. TraCy muid I are goirg tegetb,-'er, and 1 suec by Eieiyn's and M.Wallonrs' faces that tiey'lli ho tartuors ; amm:d and liat icaves-Misa oulsusois. I'apat, yeu'il have ho go youî'Self, orý we shah have o te beg Alfrecl,, and 1 kueix'ho doî't waait 'le go." Angry at iJess -i kes, and far freni desiring le ride witý lm iss ]Douglas, I preserved a indignant Silenîce, xvboiiy disî'egnrciling ,,pole- -Nous-',use I!- said my ucî, it'il do lie lad goed; and 1 nxorimew a boy who dld't cujoy Ioshc exorcise.- "Weli, nl yen go ? îe-e 'Jessie. " Ves." "Thon liýmelilng's arîîo.We're goiumg 1te 1ho('1on i'ot alai-pas i ire, poislgemlme.Igivo yen futteen inuesl1pm arla- dfiesW mc aan hexa." seo: IsopajÇing ay or , cei- 'my boiahOys hîntey l ariramîged Ms Vnet hud ie aud retlecling h -ýi 'oIyontcnc- sity etof thlie jurdgeý,S h, lier, Eveln ld tî~sVincenit up te i- spec, he so~roi erse said strkinghlmfonidly. "Yeu rleod neýiït blu ih e leastafraid." Bu1t Miss Vnetdenre, ithj er Coyekensme. co 1Yos," ',sai, adBu 1' at- moant tdrideBei lso *Oh thn, ar dllhtCed ,But 01 nI'- flsurged over ner neck ande oew !net-- ing. isnnaadhvey.prlne h I olookcepinig close watch -I,1arn afrid,"she said, nîniestI sloeple-ssftigule eofnghtfter nLightb upo lir, nd neta lttli axius Let usgo omo Il0ftossing upen the e d. 2areoin a uel-;rad ni axoLspeevishly. "eposithin. e intewedo hw it is that, for hon s afety, when (jnddcnl Y Firefiy shall lose our way la the dark." gaxýe oneý wild spring sid,,ways, tnen "hye r rmbhn os during the das ha, tint-iveiie, the dsiddown tho rend like an arrow. you couîd net hold evn Pcverly ban seu be t oiswr ivithout shoxiing snu igns of fa- Som oe adtid cimensunt1iar nont atraid of losîng th'e way. t ilgue.f Sir Jamiies Ciclitonj Browne, prohablýy dropped hy some lady, onEvelyn, 1 xxiii net go tili yon te'the expert on braîn îseaeshelds theiý b1randi of a great omk, Wer- mie yen my, souîietiIni, care for mie tht nsonna I nt mteded with hnging the road. The dmngling, a littho I ItellyoSi I ccaueiiit livesc aasioscesqecs nsis bngi ndq scared the horse. lan os ieal nwIarn cnmo1upee. It is net 50 Thec lett-hiand road 1 (Great heav- poor and yung-" dneosa h ftesf enis ! It led eut on a sheer proci--"J do net dread pOî irty," she danerouseasithe sltudeofthe b,-st pireLy fect high. But thece waesml."o i otyu10,wa oe i ugssta h rm pice. Il ý sid. "Let ni tell you iow, what 10f literar ui ho;lte114s az chance, for thse rend w_,wsa il d- 1nover told anyone las yet. i ai',te ry mo vctn, t cl,!u are tue oft i ng one. If I could got over- that ibo marriod, sonietimle, to--to y ourthhathihaIsarste a ndeof rock ýboforo Firefly roualidedlhrotheî'.-Carl--when t !icoie bacsfr iaction ofaseon cate !ecli beaIt, tIst, c or-ner 1 Iwas off Beverly in an 1 troiniFlorence, Imndt has m 1d" iux-Itand Se aagste otsxhu' instant, climhing, ~~~throwing inîyseltf famous, as 1I knew !lieiuIl ;s e etl wnyfu. S ris froni pointte point, with lutter rare- must ho coniteined tiuse-o my brother la cases of isamia;, sepl et lesrsnn-ssi oftjle pic11mb. altter al. Alfred." -n differtaut bïalmî eeutues goummgof' Juatata iI It sened an heur Ah ! eahy tIhoso whoe eam liesttIla f irn. before 1 kewit. Just la tinme te hope and love haie bren lghtoîl as catch teloere-in hfangirg trom rmn1 wrrn eiwn.1fi Fir eflly'in o rshdbyand 1Ne noed eofatrming nirînfg IQUIT] IFEET pul hm ar aînstupon bi ,jut trew myseîf, fc o wr, AYoung mal paIssjingthuh a hauche, ihhatment hat scemned on, tisegrass iinhpleedspi. crowd ila agreat ostab]lsh, ent owud aga'sIhewa-iled for nie, i silnce, I hiniseît aide bysido wii!th a md Thon i lad neop1ween ori e e- sarel koî hVieîg cws Uni- leing 111 cndeatybe- tient reinthse odge of tue preripice. cosces tanything m)-e y wn hind alay My couinwa h it iting. I litft- serownnj age. fslage' or I A ioeau tt crowd fo)rced Ifd( hon- fr-oi ishe lrse and sanin on n could havtý e borîic any thiig bttertheyeung mca t l I e top pon th feheni Wtn CheiE bei, trîahling from ti ot av bdlier îaarry amy eau et th1('.lady's kît head te footGLote.A lutEvelln sidI beturnoid quickiy aonwitlî a M117e ast un silence a long time. I hersitatingly Jfurions look, and was evýidentlv ou înyineen. I asam'ned tesamy. aller i i toer xxnws e r, î wna sgîmO ecmimychance tint had gi vea mti(,C1pivlo ttoucmnig bier ia-o h eiiig-- se noar ber. But pnesoutly SIer- iaavy, 1 sat up, and cthigSighît etfl'ire- faýce, iiti a sîuddoi' "Von smcsed r'my iife","mie said, jr more soleînnily, I thiîk, than sIme md even spekea betone. "An instant'!- more mimd 1 mgit lhaxe gone oexer tlere." "And ut yen imd," 1 saiLO, speal.- iug wlthomt extrasaganceail witiî ail lie eurnestuess iudurod by thIse1 nean nppmoaci f et leti, -I w'NvclO haie throwm myn~soIt over." "Wlîy ? " sic asked, simpiy rcaO soholy. And I cri ed eut impulsive- ly : "Became wno netlire inthie world withnt yn!-"thon 1 put up amy baud te1ide wo or tinte .weakui tears tliaI I cold nel eprosa. iion I put il owî,T leeod -up, ad mew 1l etin hostediq, aee ail~ lvr sytae Si a, tWiesy, Ated1 lohn seft surnisdbas ;tien, as abs, saw11e br, ajs hr itli;ln " D e u3't cmisli m1 t sa1)I otI ho onold y sugr-nni t", à o aime ~ !l OrWhesîtn rody eu I[ tuaisic ied ie nmme ie es fo my bînnîneas "Ianse wods," I repied, mood- ily. -I xnîsh von would fîmd hlm. The figît bas made me tel III." i stmniteýd nup -bstiliy, emeeraîing amy own îcarelessness, and irau past hec np the rond. la a moment I ,ms b ac kxillmBei erly. le xiigo doni hy ,csierter wv.", I said, renueorsetilu, as I husied muysoîf with lie suddles, "and I miii ride l"lrefly. Forgix e amy self- lahumeas, Eey. te him, xvhen a cag an over her face sud denly. "O,1 beg your prosr"she si;"I was goirig te gi-t , ery an- gry. -I-1thought, it 1a11711, bus-- band!"- "You don't mnd meiaLoking se much, do you?" she askd. "No, indeod; but," lie saifcetiously, -1 niay niind after wo are mnarri3d." I "But I sha'n't mmd ethen if you do," she answered. ,"'aseiyen b con awa' ded ay lu c ibbnsiii thSi sped cetosý " "N;Put \I'xC beenlshola thel 1p jl bynfarmer, '.hit lath nek", t a toatemuidyestrday71 ws prsontd anorde frni tIs cout adfree ifcri daudr-uîif, ard 1 61ha1a niothuho uathouh i a r luca- UU<of the-' " l'ring lun iew hair. a rapid young mnd cre u em w1ipping ',IIOUldmaso.O th lor orette grewth. ho diacentinned. sLî o' n àCieeludy LasIt, anîd nost important, kei'e- If paint is te look well afler lait waa a Cliia-iîaîi about tiwenty- selle figures as a lousehold remedy.* painrting the eld paint shoi'ld ro- fixe roarb fago. lu, heskyface w ai To quote the womnaa froni whose ex- cleaned. To do this dtsso1Lx b1 ipetubaleasth wa Perience ot kerosene the aboeofacîs tnîblespooifuls et sodla in 1a uUp efI,- iwt h have heon drawn :-oiiig waýter and add sîicw;-it col, ,!O ,gIrt-o h oa y7ten -I have saved my eldest boy water tci mîako a (liat. Whhan old Atiau hisaieutriny aChýine - twice by the use ef kerosen . The soIt clothi Wash the Paint xih th1 l.undryanutnubtyatnio Ifirst lime it was eut on a ralleh ilwater, thon %udpe aillianoî, lerci li "ne u-tdmpt l n i Kansas. lie hmd a fearf ni attack of wrung eut of rold wtr. caroit xs awak'eied. nionbraneous croup. Hefte n The juice of haîf a lion uata The mn seenird te live monoly f( i. nming ever tic prairie ton a doctor, cupfUl of strong blakl, ej(, wt- hi- non WiRa 1 ca-me in at twG Who could net te got i lime. Ji euh sugar, Xwill ofton cure a sick o'clock lu tIc m-oiiiirg 1 fouad watched ton the bey's death at eory headache2. wih is igîits tred 1gb, patient-ý Convillsive struggle for hreath, when A piep et ireewiîî no etilt so ly wokig t is calhIng. If I rosi, inld rny mind rushed a saying f m~rcpidly if wrmýpped iaaepî ,ani in temonîg that proýdig,-y odnurse,, 'We always killed the- but flime ire lu the rofîlgeraterof idaty wa.s ep befoe racm.1 croup wid cresene.' I bail a hou'roî'should uol ho Ihus protPced, 'Wgradîually hecamnelîcO x 1h woader 0f het' nOvice in iivîilho but fîrtoîin ail 1ce-box is to nîdît and ,aIthuaiagprstoc et t thon i~l.mscd beras I sired y produ"refnigerution. A cloih oramn Bcue fhsILtca n lamp, bl o ut the dameanud suc- paerlaid over lietopwiîî ro pehitoenes nI equ'lo ar c'-eedd lu foiring soîne et the 01 jte ar mehig iîl nt inlluenciug îao hi îeghro-d mvo amy child's mouth. Iu tel-,minutes therothioratin. îtisua21girent conthought olseniagil haunýdry a the hardacs 0f the phlegni wms genei eluieb h inaui1ieex Jwhore ose aud the ohild savod.bbdnngroiopaîy at Iegalcaruythgsiie- "Once again Is dil muiid 7witîiceaisn f adbttr utj tsou te to iChiijiiiîau, iurgied onilby noue but geod effort; and ljwh11ilt lu!] orea xes.Ts eigrbo i erîee aigetsneha cases whero rriiaihvemeirl aull-àlebemn i la netpieo-,aothm Ireso'dtnnem, Shojuld pT) rt î1yuo arf enîdtiispu ht o ow o uhd1 w, r as h, o myIirl o dlbw(îmuthin11-(dom inaîc, d 1by an doclor, stili îI fee l iataV.?d wbh l 1Wic as e le10s tr,alasrlgpu'ee on u croup au wln." ---- --- well. l3'lamlly Itoa iscofdne VALUE NF0CF1'Ii11 CANNM ON. The youugChnnn arlhoe VALUE OUï CCIIIFEUsFLTLNEt CS. i sA-gm-1-1 nd j - ---- m- mnL Ig--'tr If a mnu should ho chertul a sutuiosfrttn ti hi5 ima li e -xvmspnity md hom itgos wthut ayig haticannon was cast fit Yelire. It xvas bîavoly uîmdergoiimg lie hadea kid hvome lgeswhotshudb.Waylug tht a cllod a "honîhbard," and wms iii- oetoit11iluorder te o bni te lu womma shaid ho. Wtheîoxorerndveated and empioxed by Generul Pi-naïtive countr i mr ry l-1Ie-'. monther-iimist-ia. il a-j,,prtetof_ýrni - nlu a xvuî'agalnst li onOS. W'mh l etesoyItr religion ho lime ahose liiern. W'lat l ise giml oimhd w-nl ea tat ho was a Ciiaa;Iruos laiedi househeld ecooumy isnont tbe date of 1380, lastill pu'eser-ved, hered ouly ta i vmarmn ok prizod ay hy lita and stands at h ie foot et Plamali3sigleauv eenianle n atemipdramnt wiiicbh isg - ylt 0iglk aiI and starts, up 10 cmy muid doxv te- satue atthie arsenal. Tho bonibard wiîhal dopil lereznol', un,- umorrow, tfuil of îmmalîy on occa- threw a atonie 100 polunda lu weiglit; peetîcal s(11t.,diugs ,mei1hîng a;) sions, and heasýy as Iead aI otimer but anolhmcr cîeliau generai, ['i'n- lhe di'eairs (,f a yeung ama xvlîoi; limies,, but aui emea scerenit of senlýi riar Barde, inîpnoved il unmîlI lie was weintlannxay ivhici niaIes utopie ut ease andi able te bandie a charge eofî'rk and Ifa happy under thie roof. A home in !howlders mx eciglmlng 3,000 pouads, Il whlch eue treada alwaî a on tIm proved i dsasii'eus bo hiai, lioneveî', THE KN-SAUTOMOBILE. ire caunot be telerahile. A cheerful for one day durng lime alegeofe Za- dispositionî will inmflunce ils Joss., ra, wlmilo ime wns operaimg his terri- A 24-herse-poîver automobile umade son' te niaIsethe braI et existing c ir- hie englue, hie wms luîled by it oe1er feur ing Edward VIT. bas juat beeîî cumeýItanres, forget the disrioamfoî'bs the wmlttls anInstantly killled. dclix erefi. The RiCimg iaai varions et yesterday, and atiip-atede-f limnes ondcred aauîîmiiber etfIbeev-' Ligittul things lo-morroxv. To 1lii e lIAS DOBBIN 1ýLAR'GE EVES? hirles budît tý on hlm, and Gl I's a oeu 1Largely luin themesnt, deing o Je'rhere are s-oe pointls wlich nre coumains eorl invtns fO beLtanud lrnsling Ged, is te mmuî-valuable la herýses et ovem'y doscrlp- n un hoie s elrl ponibbs Ittiain au amost uanolkou cîm-eertil-itien. Thse he should ho prepor- 0c1 ou isosratosad xe nekIs et demnicon and ofet rexpieîîco. tioaately lng Icnel ilset on. jonce WiL tIliï neeig ahie Adistinction myni ilx\\ays l' [holower jauoe sol h îfi1- rinrt preeminonlt tea eime aew1f,, umae eweu higi spiîl, iesa - ietly tafa rl ;f1te enable tîle lmend moteî'lais i'edmfueadtcd gainle optimisaiwr i a Ises loplo t e an au angle wîtlî lhe ueck, lthe sleadýiarss eofeaie Tcdusti gybeffervescea;ce, aI iirl quni- wich ives il free motion and a 1 nu ismIcel vie y IeOe miillywLioh le a geod oulfit Forteacu arae adpiv t l t he slmcl, bii l e tnna ýconimnon ro'd iii heoiuga lte ba ',oguee irasîly ,on(tise ?baud. ishapew, ud b ime ittng t agls fia r LuenL, etmr i or ia wem'l'aa Ieoe sol olroa111 a ecmîm elm mip. Tî habituini1cieî'unes ul i1hm r1tmn.The ! hUUlJ o n al muid }O to e ie oinca 1on ie dn iviiîýg une fur gonduI , -iaa'l-nîtop Much ef the lacketcdhemr WhCh ear indicates dtullness and stubbern- undermines home cemfort may hbunes. When te fr-bckthcre is a laid te the cor e isufuietdisposition te rnischief.ý hah.A -dysp,pticsecs teworld' as hrough a Mae of indigo. lEk "Why do you essti r ink abil ity teILaosuFÀn-Late food mak1e& imore thâan is good for yen?" "Te- poolr blood, po(-or lbloedmeu low drown mny sorrows." -And dIo ynu \itaity and10wvitlitybrigein succeed?" Tope sdl>-"N im ao nasne0 oy nd athey cnsi. pr one 0 flwiljrs i i fretsîlessandmoridaes.A r- Three kot nohur isn'lt such,ýi srttýH1, Idenjt iorthle dctra b-ad time for ia clergynvýen, silniling- chan ge of dietj an, ncrosredamout3,ysaid the minlster to huni.seif, just of exrie oeSICep, lssworry, after ho had united the third coule. AUll eten resore te a jaded mind 1i anda war boythe lestsne of 587 distinct languiages are spoken appy cr,ZAd iake a whioie in Europe, heur. ?Ne effortws mc ebu for cmot oebevon jan"srlelm prc Ica am, tatii1wer t succed ye mua -,oac iloI M t tilust o. I'aequ.~ta, -\ui vit e colu Ra'nus ln lu Y! -Where did vou leavo MtývQP!-V ?- 1 about ta addrelss soynp fieref-. 1 vvilvi-9 ulu youL lenvu e i a9oulb iro actaress sSue iieree remark 1 -t i 1 . 1 t. -Rt4illlijiýi uni tile le ý! it imsi t ---b

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