of the fuit, shaýphîg it loto a taper- ing mold. on -the top layeor put Sfour more pieces et peacin, and cover A bout the 1lwth the rnann ie he -should lie henped te a point. Ar- YJ ~ne the pieces Ji!eld in reserve -L-,round theo ba;se olthe moli0d. To the Cese ]àsîrup addthe julice aof an oranLge, n eîter ne a.blespoonfunI ol 1mar"!a- vschliae or La Ceuple of !tablespoon- fi0f wn Pour this sirop ,ery WHAT TO DO WITH FLACHES. crilyo\ er the rice anld penLChes Pecli h-Bavarian ICreamn-Ten fresh n is evecemwitliIthe pud- peac-hes, bahf a plat aof cold waterdigSev ld oue pint af treani, half a box o! Pal amad'-1rthpac- meatne Cvr t1he nwlatine w ith L a'ilrebake-'nd5unethein somie in a shlaiiw pan te cool, as it cois' in a few minutes sufficietly tao know if enougli sait lias been used. PERSONAL POINTERS. Notes of Interest About Semae ProminntPeoeple. Mr. Seddlon kept, for mnany y ears the first nugget aof New Zi(,ýand geld which he uaoarthed la his digger days. Whlen the Eari of Onsiow1 was Qevernor of tie Colony, -in the eariy nîneties., the ex-weridng-miia- Pre- mier had the ti bit of vello* SIGN YOUR LETTERS. Muny FeOPle Write Letters nnd Foi% get the Signature. "Many people write letters that they forget te siga;," sai-d a postoffice clerk. ",Peeple corne te uls every day witli "uceh lettePrs Lu the hLope thattlyma lie able te traeci e ewies oe timea vie can do ebut net often.Of course onily a amil p neetaige of snch letters are begtteo ur'attentionl, se the total nme must lie very large. "If the lnaine of the writer is on the envelope or letter liead, the lack of a GULF STREAM MAR(KS. rhe Course 01 the Flow Through the 02ean Plinly Indicnted. The celer of ÏUe stream Is percepti- bly deeper blue th-in that of the neigh- boring spn, this blie-ness forming euee of the standar-d referenlces of the nanl- ticaiaeelst.Theepth of cýaler is due te the bigli percentmIage 0f sait cou- tained'as compared wWy ltbte cold.gre water of higlier latitudes, observation haviug shiwu-:that the more sait 1el in 'solution by seaý water the more 'lI- tensely biue is its caler. Thus evea lu r INFAMY'S SUCCESS. Bit of ]Buceaneer History Connectetl WIth a, Havana Theater. The Tacon theater in Havana, oue of the iargest and mest famous la the western hemnisphiere, wag built by an oh-, reprebat(e, iMariti, whe wa's a ne- torlious pirate al Ibis daîid 0obtlffbled immunlity for imllseit by bhetray' iag his comrades loto tUe h lands ef the Span- ish authorities. One d an sd rainy niglit Marti slipped by the sentry guarding the palace lu I-avana and entered the anartments of the cantain r A GREAT ARÎ-. The Rtare Abîllity to Select "»1% ExecutIve Headjo. Many mca mistakenly thiuk that b-î cause tbey work liard and try Lard tbey must eveýntually suceceed te sitmk exteat. '1111,dooet follow. oU nien carry onta-c-geiit xrprsn,*itI litteaae ntc ffort. Tbeir success lýe due te skill la aelecting efficient exec,ý utive Ilonds. Man-y a busfiness man breaks down trying te supplement the wo f CIn- comnetent beads of dnrinassiro. haan et-éolad Water, scant halt a tea- spoonful of sait. Xtash the rice and the coid. water; drain off the water andi put the milk -aad riee ina the double bolier and cooký for ýtwo houirs; theai add the sat and- cook for, tirity minutes. Puit thef penches in ai wire basket and plonmge themn Snte bo0iliag Water forý two minutes. I~b f Ucsias1 sadf cnit theo pchies b ~7 hales Bra 'i fthe peac&i Etone(s; j'ut tmiii the sauicepan wilth the sujgar aad water and sinm- merci them fer hialf an heur. Remove t~he atones and put the peaches in thke siriip. Cook slowiy for fifteen minutes. 'When theo fruit is cooked spread hlii of the rice on a fiat raiavtngtlw4ayeVj aiiuEn ail ail inch thick. Sljve flfteen of the best liaix es of -tepeaches and spread tour of the remnaining piecels on the jrice; put another layer of rice on top t4uns ltsin. the ketl e wita more weak lye. If the lye lai strong,, add ramn watea, plot for-pint let-it-boil until the soap la1 dissoived. While noiuaucta-agace -a plat measure le-nel ful ai sait, stirring -t- tU samne as -before ana. set ta cool, wbea perfeetly bard, eut ia cakes the de- sired size, scrapinig ail the soft 1l e part froin the lowor ide, and layý on boards, top ide dowa la the sup, turning it each day until unfltcienitlY1 dry. Or, if you Wish teo iake 1a twel'e or fotrteen-galioa kettle 0f s'oit scap into bard soatre quarts ofi sait stirred la eachtrae, will ho suiricient. But as aoap dif- fers in strength, the quaatity of sait inust aise differ. The stroager theý -oap--Une-u--e-s-1 s~u~d A good general rmeie la "wboa tbe soap is beîling, stir la sait until it curdies and becornes wlitish in color." It can lie tested by placing TOO PAR FO-R PIM. Supr,intuledet of the R.1R. Co.-So you waat aJOb aýS fiema, e? Applicant-Vsir. Super iiatenet-1L hae ta a kou ,a few quewstionls. IHow f ar la 1t AplratGe hi f yOu'ro gofag gto puit l eme on that unI d (oCt YWaUt Lt1ie jb. aiulo guud progress ula thoyal eUxput eu. i Lu(,uses to.vnicii'-.a±. athiete mak-e that lie reached the Imagine a leg as becbg put is that of ia-wyg a ver a a-i itcr of a an orgaa-of fcarlng. Yet meuchseems mile iih-,d. Thea depositing oný the o be one at least of the functions of r toe -'a.piere, as an indi1Ca Lon 1the fore legs l ibte cricket., On the thait lie riaqoished the cont-est, helenter, dee the tibia a smaIll val' c ontiaued on bis xway ut an incereaý-edI pc a c tn nwil 1eýrn pacead w as 'soon lost in the dispaemyb en awibtesr tance.armature wbILbcovers tereat of th"- A prtty story is toid coacerniug. body la riýedcite a thin and memi- Queen Helena of Itaiy. A littie Nea- branons condition, mkigtUas a sorwt politan girl, namea Ida llizzi, soti of windJow o r drumbeliacL 4Comuai- Short wbile siare lbecami,,e psessed cating withlitbis, laisîd e eleare Itle oi a photograpli of lUe Qoea aich ends of n nerve, and it can Ulardly be represeieý-l ber ln a soinewlîat doubted therefore that tbe whole ap- thougbtiai mnood. The chld, whe paratus censtItutes an auditory organ. liad consideraiblo aýrtistic talent, con-_________ ceived the idea of ropying the par- AUileH Wanteu! to iKnew. trait and at the sanme time beaottiiyL- "My dear," lie saici softti______ -lon ofWell?" she returned, wiith some as- Tis, she did xery soce-.aifully, and aiterw ards sent it to Queea iTelena perity. witli tiese words at the foot :"Ma,,y "Tllere la mast oae tbiag I desire te IIer Majesty smile la tîjis manner aIl kiîow la order te lie conteated with my lier liue." The voung Quean was s0 lot." deighted that lu returo sUe cent "Wbat la it?" sUe askcd. one of lier ladies-la -waiting ta, Ida "Will you beld me up, as a modal te 'Rirgzi's ho011e wilh a- large box Oif your third bnsbaad as, you new holci presenIs and à franaed portrait af your firat busband ùup te me?' - tle 1'icaess Volaiide. togetlicr with a note of kiadly grcel itg written byl lier oaa U-liïid. --1 I ie a 110W THEY COMýýPARIE. TmenS; tar enras onitheavt'.Ln ag, o, 1l1 9 ,adyear, ftUemeagii1,a £3d.wot îi. tho rsbmen, £20. Scot- laudbcped.- £3 r-head pInteyar for upkeop f oi rons b5-d4s; barbors, anducatinc hi tUe Engliabaîsatad riimni contriu- 1)rd- -,,"2 iSa. a £1 4Milreipetave-y -SotiliWihemethn briogtoe poetoa man, womaeýjuk n, hil aticolei on odr orh bocot t asmea, ea, apte i-r Visiter'WUat magniicentfo- bray yn hve" Mliltiare TUe trade oet artiticial flymaking is the Il iibtst flageraci business lu the world, and] it is neot oaea )m or womau eut of 5,04)0 who eau !earu jte tie files. Thieso tyers are remiarkabfle fer the beuyaniidelca of their bandaJ., and oily tbliclevereat oCfing;ers cau deal wýitb the "uiiggling",ork 0f kuet-i tig airs fiat (cau hardJy le seeni. i"Weil, hie's a very tbougbtful aad! goci bheart-cl fellow anýyway."' 'T cani't sýe it. I w-as at bia home yesterday, dc it nover occurreci te hlm te ask mete stay te douner."1 "'TUat',s juaýt tino point- bis wife la taking cookiag lessons."- LittleWlieay pa, tbis book says nature neyer waates; anytbing. Pn-I gue-sa tbat's right, my son. Willie-Tmeu Ua'stbc use et a cow- having twe beorna -heuabie caaýt evenl ipiay 01on eu? TUe flst sbllpm)ent of wboeat trom Ccaovia tUe lakes -aS 1madfe l nTeii >se The. Home o! Elngland'n Wealth. Tila Bank etRn0a, dgenerally con- talas suffýlicit gold ia sixteeni pound bars te makc 20,000,000 severeigas. TUe bankl, ,.wbich stands in tbree par- lsbes, covers tbiree acres of grouad, sudf, ,as the current prica of laaýd lu the vicinity werks entut at ,000.000 an acre,, , It a esy to form Iau 1iea of the rone(y value of Lngbuid's ýwealthi. TUe ratabla value la about £1,000 a waek. The baak employa about 1,000 people,1 pays a quarter et a million a year in wages and £35,000 a year la pensions. Thare are_£25,OOÔ,000 wortli of notes iu MLciooa[u, rthe son of Brown isyas. NIeDougaîl, tUe son of Black Eyes. Brown Head.» MeGregor, the sou 0f a Greek man. INICitbbert, the son of tho Arch' Druici. McKayv, sou eft the Prophet. CampUalI, Crooked Melnth. Cajmeron, Croci dNose. Stwrt is Stay Or Support. A Corre4tionu. When President Blanco's administra- tlou lu Venezuela was overturned, that official, who, report said, bnci accumu- lateci great wealth wbule lu office, weut to Paris. He a trolllimn ahi boule-, circulation whidi have been handed 1:yard la th 1e French capital w-Ueo a over the bank's cout'er. - Lenden pasaisag pedestrian arrestaci the pace Globe. of bis companion and said.: "See that manule a tola $3,000,000 w-heu is Startinu the. Conversation. "I ea~ knw -ba tU toube I,"gevernmeat w-as everthrown" QuicIr 'Ildont kow hatthetrobleIs, 1us a flash Seor Blanco tumueci. 1Beg- saici the hesteas ln a tene et great an- 1p a rdon, sir,. Ilho saici lcily, "ýbut lt -wa9 noyance. "My guesta seem very dils-. tant andi unsecial. I wish 1 could tbinlik_______ of seme way to stsrt tbem talking to Tlhe Real Thing. eue another."1 "Is this your -itlnig?" asked'tUe "TUat's very easily done,"l answered marchant as h4, glanceci over a writteun Miss Cayenne. "Is tUera a musici'an liat of gdooda wanted. present?"1 "No," replJiIrM. Meoker; "my wife i'yes.iwrote tUet liat." "Get hlm te play or siug somotthiag." "ei iocrnil a awte dita aabsokitely perfect." The Lrpýýc, f 'j't. J'Ys isppi beýr dictien's al îeýý1en ecbotefor Sorneimme t, a0 ji, "utl'S înotbing wencempareci oue oC- tbomem alaya s ays before they wltb bel(r contraIcItion!" sepiaItte, LiL5se-o a s y0our oldeat uow ." Anci , iater ha gets tUe auswer, benidas, "Itl. sa aateis-hiag, lsn't how- tima doeas flyl"l A SOUtAswr "Keep yer temper, laddie. Nover quarrai wi' an, angry persan, aspeclally a woma'n. Mild ye, a soit answor's ye best. It's comimandeci, andi, ferbye, t, mAkes them tamý matider than olly- tlaing aise ye celi say."-Londoii Tht- Bits. Catinterbelanced. 1m. BowaaDarling, yoar but[,-Uor gi91 e hr egb e ormny Mrs.Bow-at nadrm lear, timo ~ yo logwaty~gi-vo UinCor- i.- Teeis a popiular notion to tbe ef- fect t rough i damonds are 'flot briglit, but this la a mistakze. Even il) that condition tbey are very brlght, witb a peculiar "adamanti!ne lse, .s ît Is çalled, which 1no other snb stqance posesses llowever, tbe cradoï dinmond crystal is' fot transparent. Onie enanot see through it. That VWfit C,:at Aunoyed 11111. Mrs. Hneeg-br is one tbing aibout ur grls--tbey are always slf Pap tlmeligh(grimnly)-Yes, tbey eet to aaQýzstibc.-,7 oldest ateenseri vî!aa1e ïaenouso mn ring. land, the liýenqe datiug frem 1397! Ite I aci -storv overbun ftha', ,t beneath, jwbila the front la broken by bay wiu- *"dowS, a perdU suýd a flilt ef stone stopis loalig te a dloorway iiu the wall. At the back lare more quaint doors and wiiidows, a turret bulIt against the wall and i lesiug anl 9utsitia Stair, widle lu tUa, yald Stil romalins a Por- tion of thie old -gillery whicblauitho mcdle ages ivas fouai laise mnaniy bôstoiries. Most oC the front la tiin- bereci. Each gable is surmiounteci by a curions chimfney. A c!urions feature et the Interlor Is tUe upper fleur, whIcb l nPLJter-~ The . irl and lRer Play. Once upon a time there w-are a young lady andi a youagý- gentleman playlug, a twu baiandocigame etf encre. : 6 off cx yen a solitaIre dîamond,'ý sali the yeuag ma n as ho played the ace of tbat suit. '*The best 1 cau do lIs to givo yen my beart," the yonng womn answeredas she playoci. "Thon yonr wliole bandi goos witb t," lesaii., "Vos, Cliarles, dlear," sUe roplioci. Mo'Iral---bere is sncb a tblng as plavIlng inte the ,other paersband. TUie nfdent Gracks ifld Rolmang beld bigli carnival aimenlg tbem, ai the Romian wudgor-ge b ns-fvitla * oocl nad itUtj u pty bis soabby arîiilmenas anwd resuim, bis seat at table andd ot and dIkte lais fill 'Fact laid Itle oetman, "I nIar- ried ~~ because I w-as 13eMel a macha for unly other raso.Te put it tersely, mridfor symipatbyý." "Wel," sicitha other 1m1u, yen blavo maine." The. Usual î<lnd. Nod-Watdu yoil mono Iby sayiag tint my sbaiby Is just anirl ar ay Ted-Wybuies pec aInad beu Ifu ad the be4t that ever liyed1 f