Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1902, p. 8

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A. baby' s hife is more precious ta a niother than nauch gold. fler thôuglits 'ae wrape tip in it. Already is st planning it' s futur-e and building big lier liopes and aspirations f«t the 2 5uccczs of lier littiê boy or girl. Sonetimes, alas! her plans are rudely slittered.l ickessthtdrededtro_-uble, Sumier Disorderer, or Choiera Infantum, 'may sieteW lier precious darling and deatli resuit. Grandfatlier John M.ogan, of HIalifax, teils of the way his daughter saved lier lit- tie bGaby's life when lie, a thre Mnonths' alid boy baby, was aftccted witlu diarrhea. His is an inteiresting story. c "tv0e1 it My duty te seuIl you a fow iins as to what Ozone has doue for Liny littie gran4son, a"onifive Months. l'Alè.t t.hree neonths after khowas boru ho bo- SCamLe very 81dk ýan4 1egarù te waste away. (topfgh . &keaathywhex bhem) until hoe calme a uare shaowuE as iy«È up W ie by eur f&MiiY -1ciu & is brother, a doctor. In fee, ve Ji lallqutegiveIw up hope ef Saiýyug tle litl'i ( 1aq , as nothing, ho ate would stay on his seeho thitiw UeVeri gup. Vatridal h edces Idthingasie P5w0enM 'teli ns of, wfter ~e~Ot~r cold d nogon, bu tpno oodat: ail. At las te lttle fello'w bedame go 'weak &adl than IU aarCàly ÉIejae his ocleatail; b'ut sUe dyy d;Lughter aw in one of your pamphlets, lo<t 4 he k"Â4 o e't 1d nToot crn brcio the sa ai1kment lyu8xig Liquozone, xydai1&g. ajuh)bbÈ, not haYinlg 1mhoh jif ih itwonll 1 1iddhr bsàb ay ged , bo;a ygvig lii o e eeafigl ef iYaolio fo threo. t aipdonTu1s of water, setnd ortimýeï raay, aftoi' fcomng, and tlacre -wms 8oon a ]4f,ýod change for the bojtter, mach to tho jiy of his motheLr and. fatVher, ai grandparerns.lua e výliYoiiting was rstopped, and in a mout x eli ut e weHand fpt. "We dyle al iothrs a~ig olidea o sffcîng tetry Ozone, what It has dons foranItw-ld fi' another. U uw ilgadyase othe truth of this stat6. ent," Yoire very me'yctfully, (Iigned) ýJous ýMÔRGANÂ', 31 Lockman St., IHalifax, N. S. lhe vway to atiitrOoefor c! uîdren' s oihnmerxtýs, particul-arw fer intestimal, troubles, sui s diarri'iea, cliolera infantuin, cÎC,--, exactly -1. the inanuer d.escribed in fleac a-oye itter-Za teaSPoo0nf*ul of Ozone in sweeteued wtrfortvesady This treatrnent ennle thte stilul,.atiug anIl hoaiing acýion of the Ozone teo ct 'n the intestines, and reste er jnormal funotians. Ask yoar druggist about Ozone; i ail likeliheod ke li« had feveral caeg, comae under hie p(e3rsoetâl notice, and cm MÉei you the f acts as to its powerta cure summer aimn t n ed-rea, T~E ON~500, an s .0Oa Botte, ai a&l Beggletm. Co oon, Lmited, .*Oonte aa-d Ch1caýge. If your tronbt!e is I1"" ct ianI kb' BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 17, 1901. TYRONE. m. and Mrs. B O0 Short, Tory Hill, are visiting thoir sou Mr. L, A. J. Short ....Graid Pr'obibition raillv i Metba' disù church, Friday eveiugn at 8 oclock, mddressed by Rev. W. B. Tuoker and Mm R,. Momenit, Oroua Ail friends o# tomperance crime. -11 igowmalville Publle fehoe1 Promotion%. TO SENIOR 7OUIRTi.U Maximum Mbarks, 4442. NÂME. MS Lens Pennington ................ 3665 EBa dger - .................. 3611 Oilio OaboU ...........,......,. 3&76 M0b1l9RObins e ................. 3278 Rupert llamlyn. ..... ........... 3171 Carnie Bocnlgk .. ............... 3122 Ethei Froeland ...............3051 Nit& Dyman .... .............. 3030 Sara Willinms .................. 2971 Moîbourno Hoopen ...... ....... 2687 Perey Canning ... .............. 2870 Rhea Mânning ....... --...2697 Annie Hera ........... ..... 2666 Charles MaoLu........: ....... 2587 Fred Gr6enfield.............2471 Gartie Hoiiandý ... ............ 2452 Vida Edsetr.............,..40 Frank Britain ............... 2398 Mort Mudo ...... . .....;..... 2377 Arthur Edick ......237-0 Lily May o .. .... 03 Midnod .... .. .......... 1910 Jessbo MDonald............... 1928 Evelyn Bounsal............-.1866 Minute Martin................. &62 TO eUN1IOX JOUPLTH, Maxlwmum Mark,, 4514. Norman Trebllcock .....,....... 4060 Djroiby EdaiL ...............3922 Florence tMoris ............... 3824 NeliGol ............. ...-3778 Lawnenre Wilson .......,........ 9641 LonigJckia .... ...........3609 Mary, P>4uton .............,.... 3571 Victor Logg .... .............. 3561 May Shaw ...... ......,....... 3437 Julis Sinclair ............ ..... 3423 Cephaa Meader ...... .......... 410 Leitia Denriem .... .......... 3315 MaggiFle bLcher ....... ........ 3359 Roy J,kmn................. 3268 Charlie PI',nton .................281 Ruýese IUIHulles" ..... .......... 3223 WillIam Cover I.,..,..... .....3191 RenD4 Joe s...,-.-,-........... 3186 Chante Weekpa .........,....... 3108 Pemcy Will m.... ........ ... 3079 Boy Joueso .................... 3061 .*rvilia Coi ....................2959 kMankie IRoeigk......... ...... "50 Edra Taylr .................... 2933 Howiard Joliow ..........,...... 2930 Fraakie (Go'ibaih .............2918 K*Ihleen Sinclair .............. 2686 Elton Ifugkeo ................. .28118 Ernogi Browu ....,,......... 2712 Harlay iPery .... ........ .2707 Gote Roeýn!g ,.......... ...2564 Carl Maivurd ,4....-...........,. 507 Mildredtl ck ,....,...... ...-. 2283 YWo im.tdFisbih..............2184 Fred. Cryderman ......... 61 Helracheil Darch ........ 2612 Minute Reynolds . *4 . .2602 fi.rm Fletcher......., ..,.2503 Ethel Rolmon............... 2497 Mildred Penfound .............. 2473 Elgar Butaon ................ 2372 EýheI Raines,................2328 Gl&dyu MondaY .... ...........2307 Fred Sandiers..............2245 Mary Downey................. 2033 Roy PRIohards ....... ...... ...1750 Mabel Barrie ................. 847 TO SINIOI SECOND, Maximum Mathb, 4346. LVida Warden. .. ... ........... 3925 la Gouldl...... .............. 3917 Olga Tod,. ..ý................. 3912 imîllan McDonald............. 3006 Rinile Trabîloock ............. 3875 FinsiaeDonsem .............. $42 G!adys Edick ýý............... 3612 Hatzel Diling ................ 3585 Hagei Sinclalr..-ý..............3584 REorman Weatawy.y..... ......3$525 rFrank Christi........3@ 1Norman Botterell ............ 3436 1Muoriel Calver....... ........ 3378 i Harvey Min gueand............. 3861 r nrre White...... ........... 3268 )Howitt Edlck .......... ...... 340 IGladyn Fîelding .... ...........3216 )Aloi Sinclair................ 3186 3Frank James.............. 3180 Gordon G1111e................,3140 Edgar Bedford ................ 3127 Hloward MeBrien ............. 3097 MorleY Varcoe,.................087 Edna Mathewo ............... 3077 Winnig Piper................ 3064 Cor& Frank ............... ... 3031 LUsule Paintoii......... ....3017 Rob. Morrow ................ S004 Russell Jack man.......... .... 2947 rErs Reynolds ...............'« «-*29,1 Wthlie Cole .................. -290,1 UB'a Todgham................. 2897 LBruce Boneyweli ............ 2896 Chrite Bounmaill.............. 2886 Perey Matton .... ............ 2822 Harry Spencer ............ .... 2816 îRoy Hooper ................... 2754 Morley Canning ............... 2737 Morley Poland ý........... .....2673 Wesley Walmtiley ........ .... 2639 Mabel Vanstone ........ ........2642 Max Quick.................. 2442 E tic Bottoreli ................ 2355 Àl-ba Yishleigla ............ Ceeu lAlUn................2328 Wîill4e umphrey .............2219 Irçne .A ufIn .................. 2117 Welbur Gibion ý.......... ......2029 Willfe NIcho1s................ 2022 iBirdie Sîtcey ................. 2020 Winnie Boutima ............... 1876 Cecil reil.......13 Varie J ohrie..........1832 M-y Védden................ý820 Bmrth~a Barton............... .. 718 Richard Graham........ ...... 466 TO PUNIOR WONfl. Ma<wimn Marks, 3424. TUriiE MASON CO, Scores of cases of xvew gaads have arrived. Piles of new Suits mmdi Ovetcoats are nov ready i. r sale in aur ncw Clùthing- Departuient. 0*~ Fur Caats are here. Trie new Ladies Coats are in and will be on exhibition Pair Day. Our new Uudcrwear bas arrived, all kinids, in great variety and extra values. bought direct fiom Factory. Oucr enýi-e stock is now very large- and compiete and coita;rs more decided bargains than ever before. Men.'B OVoooa&t-We show an imrmense stock' in latest styleu,, Blue, Black and Giey are the favorite shades. _ neaoatg-A special line in grey with cufis at $2.49. Othel qus.tities up to $9)00. Pu J&ck*ti-Waterproof Jackets and Boys' Reeersa]a] at cut priees.. Xell'i SUito-Men's Blue or Black Worsted Suits, S. B. or D. B. round or square corners, we have the best $zo lino we have ever j'et shown, ar d snow a vety sightly and servicabie line Blue Warsted at $4.95. suits toaOrdoe<-Satisfactian guaranteed, prices are right, a we- imaport aur oirn Suiting Materials, ]30ots a cl lice-Large shipmenîs just opened c ut framu Tas Robinson, of Montreal, The J. D. King. Co., of Toronto, besides the stand, ard lin2s we are showing a speciai line of slippeTs in both Ladies and Gents' We will have on exhibition aur new Fali and Winter Goods in every Department. We want iîh2 public ta cc'll and see the new -styles eten if mot intending tb purchase. LADIES' AN~D GHILDRE'Sý GOATS A niagnificient assartment, the ac. conipanying cut illustrates a leading style but we have lots ci others. We want yo ,u to sec them on Fair Day. Our prîces are always a litile beiow athers for equai quality. NEW WAIST MATERI'ALS Printed Velvets, French Flannels- Colored Cash ineres and a large variety ln othernoeis suitabie for waists. MNEW LJ1DI',7'UITIN(IS I B!ack andi Colored*-Venetîins,. Cheviots, Carnels-hair Cloths, Hlomc- spuns>, Fniezes.. etc. New Beits, Neýw Tiees, New Batten- burg and Point Laceý Collars, New Ilppl1ique Trminig, New Neck Rib- bons, etc. 0,7r ïain is ta give to ai! carteoue attetio, h0rîest Vai1Ucs and lowest prices. Make aur sto(.re your head- Prepared ïrnd sold by Chemists and Dm ggists. SPhone 92, Powmanville. Y. EM. 0, A. Building, - - - - Yongo Street, Toronto Prîncipal-DAVIO fHOSKIN130 Chartered AQcountant. Vioo-Prinoipal -J. W. WE8TERVE LT, Chartered Aoceuntant. The oniy coliege in Toronto aflliated wîth the Instîtuteo f Chartered Accountants, or having Chartered Accountants om its staff.* Our Penmanship teachers are acknowledged by those Who know to be the best ini Canada. Ail EQUI PM ENT 0F' 85 TVPEWRITERS, VALUED AT OnVW-R $10,000, IS AN INDICATION 0F' THE COM- PLF-TENESS 0F' OUR SHORTHAND-TYPEWRITING DEPARTM ENT. Students miay enter at any tinie. Write for free catalogue and specimen tesson iLà Pentuanship. Six imdred Positions Offered Our Studonts Last Year i ESTABLISHED 1890, PHONE MAIN 4303.' W. F. DEVER & GO., WE EXECUTI2 ORDt3RS IN DOMINION GOAL AND DOI0N1ION STEEL on Boston Stock Exchiange, over aur private wýire, for cash or ni 'argin. BOSTON, NEW YORK aidChICAGO. We s5licit acýcounts for thbc pvrelase 1 n1n~rnQ > ' 1 oiitdstocks and bond&. st~IibUI J,, E~lToronto. Nutleni lutwcnty arc free fnoMson Tie rns v,-111 ")0beapesnturîz [n""v, -F-à ,1 if:,p. I 1 ISIKE'qATEDù NJL~Ufll'S STERING PEAACHEoniAisike, ail grades f'Orwhhlewl 1 t itS ~eeî'[ ,k- am a InacIon nxl oun n'~-r nriseaache ay tbc higie~p'o Et gliand, mand di e t yronb, Ont , Sept. tb, 1902, of typhoid fever. ni' parents with five ebjîdren arri-,ed in lCanada 2à yeocrs ago and settied near Courtice, Darlington, wbere hey con- bitedt live for a numt-ber of years SThe'e the fond imother died 2Ji x ars ago leaviug hem young famiy. Williamn was kiud and good froni bis youtb, Sunitinig early wlth the Methodist eburah b e proved consistent and found a great Sbestng in consecrabion under the Sminîistry of 11ev. A. C. Wilson lit March 189,5 at Tyrone wheme lie then residcd. S Ie was marnîed MamMa 6t,1892. to Miss iNora Gracu Curtis, a faithfuli wife to wlîom be wms devotod. She romains iu ionliness and ili-health tb moumo ber loss, but not withon sustaining gra ce. Brother Manning beme bis afflictions Patiently ,Mas conéelous of bis approach. ing end and passed peacefully away bo bis reward. 11ev. J. G. Brown con- ducted tbe service at tFe bouse. The body t1 asjUlced inBowmanviile tion ery Sept.7th ta await the ressumec- tko fe xprsi-om.cussemaetmsl isas c Toie tel l11,dinieoe eref_ is mo wý coeumae regaiued as * ult a& aa urngpelu aller. I1it ' -d4 .1 med'neoI4foir .1 tise l- conti',at4l J.gave wýp .11 Ihopew boeis, ix em b>Pa (AT eui x P l"Ort$4.' i yuu or etorvandacrecmiol es4kn i&d dre.i P.r. 'V.,ire î~li.V R(irs . .. .. .. ..u.. . 9 Bessite Spaiig......... ..... 3875 Richard Batn...,... ....... ..3649 iXdra, Gmgg ................... 3645 Ruby Mesbh ......-,.............. 3619 Mary Burmhsm ................ 3608 Edgerton Lutîrell ....,......... 544 Boa frk.........,.,.........3538 Windatt Tod............ 31 Dora Pey .................. b437 Loua lEloti .................... 3379 Fred Gale..--..............35 Alfred Ponuion.... ....3335ý Edna Fi.miy .............. ..,. 33311 Bertha Oicott .............. ..3320 Ka te Biek(-li ............,... ... 3300 Eddie MOKîW.n ......,......... 3286 Athair Reynolds ...............,* 3239 William (3albratilh.... ...23 William Polaud ....,............ 3220 David Momlo....,...,...... 3138 Ocra Mathewe .................. 3128 Fred Curtis .................... 3001 Olga Bauiinan ............ ' 2999 Bîhel Brittmia ...,..,... 2997 Ev,nrett PubIen .. :*...,-*. ... '...29178 l'la mcSorley ................. 2963 Dolph Tucker .................. 2816 Dal ton Momnnw .,............. 2786 Eiu va B rrie... -...... u........ 2709 Thresa Tylr ..... ........... 2477 Roly Sinclair ................. 2475 Lulla Wllii ..................2359 Olive Alll............... 1871 Georgie Oug................ 1730 Cameron Mlitn...,............ 711 Oscar Andrue .................. 619 Tc JUNIOR TIflb. Maximum Marks, 4926. Hilda Hormey...... .......... 3805 Helein Mitchell .............. 9779 baile Hall .................. 3713 Greta SoottI.................. 36 Meoua Flether ........,....3488 Howard Bottenoli ..........._3441 Ga, île Sinelairý.1 ..... ...3391, Normar.n azooe. ý.......... ...3389 Pey Ppr..........3383 G cota Wioketl ..,.,. ....... 333$8 141l1nîe Cole.......... ....313 Ray Charan...... ........-3310 B lýle urdoft,..... ..........3300 Nell, Mlageand .. ...........-3295 Winnie Bi.ittaln ................ 3214 lorEnce Poenlgk ..... ........ 3206i Kathleen McCGill. , ..........'.. -3170 Fîloieout(ien.................. 31,54 Jzck Edeail .... ......-........ 3143! Bea Curtis.... ý..... .........3142iý Fnavýýk Wiýlliam. .. ý. ..-....... 3136 OlifG V î,Tec-m .................. 3123 Aýqr h2n E gr..........~...3111 eharl e oo........310 Dacv tdà Eeîth ......,..,....... 29m3 HA rold HRosi ..,...........90 Meioure fickll...........28 Claa ile ... .......... 297 Sbne aermo....-.......278 Ohles "qrowe............ ý27987 ErnosiMa..a.... ...._....-274-1 Harold C&u ................... 2750 Normrian Hamley ..........2 Frankle Short ................,. 2659 Bentha Dareh ................,... 2650 Verà P*nnlogton .......,24 Hardey Nîcholsa ..... .... .... 2609 Mabel Mille .................. 2310 Clans Robbiom .......,..,..,. ,0 Clarence Mtton. ............... U230 Ajax. Eleddy .....,.,......... 216.5 Eselyn Yelland .................. 2158 JliineMoye ........ ....,.... 2156 Tommy Payn .................. 2067 Li' lljan Bonsal,.....,......,.... 20[6, Norman Pingie ...............2113 Fued S n ......... ....... 10% Kate Perey ...................... 18 (,6 Lgrue Buton .................. 1707 llarry Fallis ...... ............. 1609 TOei'ART [1, Maximum Marks, 1468. Ethl Mos.............1406 Gciemnsy MCllâ...,...194 Ethei Bloomer.,.................. 1351 RuBE e Wilibmî ................ 1348 Charnte Rsid .......,.............. 1313 Res shluHrer..... ............... 1296 Mlena YAland... ....... . ... 1227 O&Car Pluglo ................ 1225 Jxck Meâth ................... 1217 Alex. Chriatia ........,...10 iErnaiit Bottereii........1185 Mary Curbice .,.,.... -1172 Edna Roeniek ......*, *.,.....,. *1150 Greta Jibacn ........... ..1071 Norman McCnim mou ............ 1059 Rton Darch .....--'**'»*.......933 Mlary Vantone ..........,.... 902, Chantie Barns ................ 890 Lena Payne........... 847 Carnie Pain ton ..........-......... 730 Alex. WaIken ......... ......... 728 Nellie 'Voddon........713 Harold DoRlant........661 ErnemI HMill..........574 [mone Mann......... .....51 RIoy, Rieo.... ........ -..327 Mary Tmien.......243 To Ju, Il (from South Ward). Maximum Mlarks, 23zi8. Hidred Branton.............. 2334 Androar Dnse ............ 1971 Harry Dastan ....... .. .....1947 Olive Limbent ................ 1941 LEmnmaept...n.............1824 Myrtie Peate,.................... 1734 Genîude Coi ......,.............. 1722 Icene BlkI,.... ............... A719 Geore huhes..............19 Cure D .ry............... 11 ChfldreFiry for ASTJoR A a. ung lookace tif«ur.on 'r.ues, day evening, wbieb wss soiuethliag a, litilt dtfferentfr1maithe ordinay &flair, of ibis klnd, wheom CapI. J. E. Colvert, .f the Salivation Army Corps, bore. wa., ~uied ln n.smrrý%,- o ta C,4. Eva b. M.ýthewwe, of Bi3okî Falla. Tae core- mony was prefirmoci by Beigadïkr Pickering, cf Toronto. 'ho bbidesmaid vias Cspt. Meaden, (If N,ýrh Bby, v.ho visa lormerly of Ibi towu, and the graomsmi-u wa hia brother, George Calveit, froni Kincirdine. Both the bride snd bridemai wore attired in osnl< costumaiaud wore vibte sihet,. At tbe o mucusioa of the carrmouy, C3ipt. c'as$ e. a ou i ber of coogratu lâiory me egs which hadbeen raeiv ed Ici ni oulsîde officere, sud ahori ad- ânres.ees were gîven by the gnuom'sï father - ebo iras preeent frona Phedford,- sud by Capti CaEs Osapt. Meader, and both the conînsotiog prie.Capt. Meaden alao sang a solo veny sweetly, Th@ newly mannied couplaleft itn thse tnomening for & two week's vieil bo hi. home ai Thodford, after which they wil rommr and tako charge ofibe Corps bore. Thse Baud wbieh via. prosont,ren- dered soine appro priai. seleoticng. A SEPTEMBER WEDDING. On Ttursodoy, Si-pt. 111h, ai 7 p__,,_a the bomne af the bride'. mothor, Scugog 81 , Mis Anie TlmasLouise, youngest dangbtar of lthe laio Igaso Jetl, vias aniteil in marniage ta Mný Frank Newton Devins, iormerly of Ibis lovin, bnt nov af Detiroit, àMicIa. Boy J. «A. Jexeil, B. A., Cambora,, peniormed the eeremony in front of a bassk of greenn luage and ' ent loyers, iu the proence of a aunaben of fiaonds. Au tbe stmes oaitle wedding maroh viene beiug playedby Miss P. Daiay Jewil,the Mo, U, nattend.di Wb@ igiven ta the groom by bor uncie, Mn. David F. W&lah, Onono. Sbie wore a daiaty gava oi peani gray sn.pi de ehene aven ilk, trimmed with insertion ai eream applique over riiite ellea sud h aa ia ly yaks and ücollan CIi bitred vwhite ohiffan. tihe earried a showen bouquet aof id' nases, Tbis mns viae beautifally deoar- aal,pink and white allers and dahlias pro.. domiating. Aller tbhe onouy and cou- pra.tnlatons tbe gaeste sat dovin ta a daiety opper sarved aM two long fi îwendcksî table,, Tise happy couple, aeompais by a number of ynag frienîls, lefi on the train for tise @esa. Allen a phurt hono-. muon lhey vil i lveai t57 Sprnno Si, Do trou", where tbeY wiyu utaihomo lu ihein fionds Faler Decemwber Srsi. Thee msay wbîeh Ibe b ide Anîgroom are Jneland 4isL00 se, Cinibome, 1î>n. suda rî. 'ýWmi. ?eerina Mn'red Keloy, Pemîrytýowin, Mm.r tr. 80 El. Downs, Da-. IniMr n, uci. 14e'soo . Qcbb!edlk, BranUtIl, ani aliterg, Malt Breakfa'-st Food. Builds lJi, The System arid Keep# You ini GoodfHealth, The Riglit Food For Young and 014, For t-he Strong and Weak, Malt Breakfast Food, a combination in prop -pootin fthe purest MaIt~ and tocholeest Wbeat. partiaflî cook- cd and predigested, is the a ceai heai4h. g iver for young and nId. Mirs. S. Pric., Random South, Tinity Bay, NfL(d., sas s. 'II consider it & pleasure 10 write of of mv expemience with vour splendid iMalt Breakfast Food It la, wîthaut doubt. the bestofai al grain foadi for impariug 'nrength tbu bisicwhD are- weak andd mn down. It bas quiJe met tuy expectatiuns lu Overy particular. 1 may add, that youn food is reiishedl by every member oi my lamiv." All Grocers seil Malt Breakfast Food. ABOUT BUSINESS COLLEGES. Business Colleges are daing niuch advertisin' these days. but the aid 6 àFedermi,K of Ottawm, leads ln go>d~ techlng and the location oi graduates iu the beot situations. Principal Houston lias now branch colleges at Kemptvîlle, Perth and LiudsaY, AIl open aller September itI JUDGE',S COURT. ---MUXICIPALITYT OF DÂRLINGTO9N. M'IOTICE IS> HEUEBY GIVEN that L1%aÇourt will be betd pursuant tb ?heN Ontario Voter,' Liste Act, by Hli, flonour the Judge nf the County Court o? the UJnited Cout- les of:Nortthumberland sud Durliani at the TOWN HIALL IN TUE VILLÎGE Off HAMPTON, 0ON Tuesday, Sept. 8Otli, 1902 ai TEN O'CLOCZ A. M.,nu beanI andl determmne the several compnj)Ats ýo!errurs, and orntssion$ In the VoterA' Lîst ut the Munie.- ipli f Darlïngtonori o 192 5 a f';,as relates 0f!111 pOlg subdivisions n)uu!bers w,i orfv an, sev eri. Frîday, Oto r8d,1O 5udbi u iýsoune, T1re mad six. AHl persons bsavtng uin 1e hý owuns are Dsnted Halepton,Speme lh29. If. ELLIOTT, J. UI 1w. Olerk of Dariiiigi,a.

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