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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1902, p. 8

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Les tipetitsI WhTlen your food is ziot thorouglilywl digested some of it remains lenger than t shouad ini tbýQ stua ad causes a lgreat deal of di,4tress. AcI,*às aie formed and bitter liquid% are pro- duced t1hat attack the 9tomuacli' s inings. Inflaramations are set up. The consequent swevllinig of PËUIZE LIST. Continuied frow~ fi rstpae YEGETABLES. JuinGEsý-Jollu Davey, J. ML Joneris. Winter Oabbake, HI. Fletcher, C. Flet- cher; Enrly fCbbge, IU ietter, (0 Flet- cher; red cabbage, H Flelicheýr, C Flet- cher; nroy eabbage, H Fleicher, C Flot- aber: wrhMiecelory,.EH Fîsi-ear, 0 Flet. tion, Mms. PJ IcGill. r6 MorrLý, map draw. înphl, "Mav Gerdi E M MiI;UI do coler- cd, E M MeGili, May Gâud. FINE A111Ti. Jur)Gm-MKims N. MoLeau, Toronto. Ohl paintîng. figure, Mis@ E Morris; do Fsso IcE Morris.; do sknimai, do; d clilMorris, original (Janadian oma- ries, E MoisIH Morris; original Cânadian land@4cape. E Morris H Morris; landicape, tuy, E MIorris, H Morri; inanfmala, subj-eet, noni fruý4 oz llwterm, IU 5orri%, E lforriq; irait or fi>wera, H Morris, E Mn)rnis; Original, any THEMSNC u- BQWMANVI LLE 5J.RKTM ENT. IStidents niay enter at miv timle. Write for fxcee catalogUeý and specime lessonl in Peinanskip,. Six Hwdred Positions Offeired Our Students Last YearJ ESTA4lBLISHED 1890, PHONE MAIN 4303.1 W. F. DEVER & CQ, WlýV EXECUTE- ORDERS IN DOMINIO AL AND DMNO TE IOnglit neit to imcan rwig'ea feebie. It dOe5 flot nean eanesor: feeblenaess for those Who Met with good IapTpett-e eti sou-ad digastien. it ha o! Fthe ututmoet injxa-tauo at ,ld (peopl* shouild retain tâe >ower ta digest andj assimilate ioo4Î whîehi is the sole source of physiàal stre-ug-th. *Whlra age brings fellieesait is genier , ybecatupe oi theý failure te asmîlie he itritilua con- tained in foo4. Dr. lrc' Golden iMedical Dicvr on l3oton Stock ,-Exehange, over our private wirc, fur cash or" nargin. BOSTOIN, NEW YORK arid CHICAqO. We slctaccounts for th i irdhase j Wlljtol t E, oM no cf iîted stAoce1ts and bUoieL bowma villeaa"d i ear byoisticts corn<rt.A ma eant stnd eei~yhiag Ter~ lie < o el , «r cî 1,nsaj baI. er, Nliss Yonnflj, MiSsAdam%; Rey board, Mie M Burk, Miss B Allen; toibiet et embroiddred, Mrs T Patoy, Miss E Mor- ris; toilai set, palIred], Mrs T Perey, Mlisa3 E Morris; sofa pillow, eik, àMissIl Mor- ris, Mes R Damas; sofa pillow, patniotio, Mr& T Percy; sofa pillow, arny other,Mliss Dai3y Colich, Mss Giifillan; sideboard Scarf, Miss Renwiok. Mna Burk; photo femme, embroideî,d, MNICs Gaud, MissW Rzànrick; Piano drape, Mits H Morris, iss E Morrisi; table scarf, Miss H Mor. re, Mia E Morris; fancy head rect, Mils E Morriis, *vrs D Heddon; handikerrhief cias., Mnz Gamsby, Miss H Morris; bed- roon slipperb, Mrfi P J AMoGki, Mis Adai; pin cushioni, E Morrs, Mis Young; [nount mellick embroidery, Misal Allen; Brasyilian lace, MIrs. Perey, M rs. Davidsou; paper flowers, Miss Ganid, Mlis Allen; Jkexîcan work, Miss R Perey Mra. l9ercy; trÉay covr, Mns. Percy, _Bea Jon- esa,; suit ladip8& underclothing, Mliss- Adameü,, MisMGihI; laurdry b.g, M is Aýdama, Ms Alloe; faincy aprna, Mis Adâmis, MNrs. àMeGill; cahe'inf 3r.c y work, DMin Allen, tisiàrris A.RT- JunGUEi55N.,oL aToroto aRîsI , re'tuIfnivg gooc Until Uo&-ben 13th * Proportionately low rates to Port Huron, Detroit, Cleveland, Sagi- naw, Bay City, Grand Rapids, Colulni- bue, CigO, ininnatti and 'St. Paul. Thse Grand Trank offsraP besi and Most Co mfortable route. Through trains, ail modern oqnipmant. Furtiser informa- tion at Srout & Jary'a Drug Stor7e, and at Station Ticket office, WAS SUE TO BMAIRE The Shttt Dra matie Co. -wilh gave t42 aboya Play lu oui Towni Hall a short tua mago, h,%ve arrangaed fora ne- tuin data bere on Tusm~vnag Ot.2rd. No ons should mtisseingfiF. A nmbar of Speci4tie%-whîch had to bu onatîed fhi3 ast time, owing tc thti~ ý,b8-nce of the iala-wii be pro - docd btwen 1wAct.Planu"f EtLLI ai l 0,s 1 n o aud Annua,ýl' Celntabea rn Excursions, 26had27 'Ilto way Company otfJaûnada, whicà tise saidtis'le such a frenzy may vbis postpo Grand "rULk RiwyComnpany ofCanad requires for a projcctcdea «ef rallwa acroasinitely, The Kawarthr- corr salid lotsarad which partion bas as i ts forÉts- made Up 01 80M(38 Of the(, foreni ewstern angle a point l t the easten bindary of this continent, but they hia of said oiginal road allowance di'stant abouta 1ilbelsontsm f 450o feet frM the ,outh-west angle of thse orth a. libelasna oeo one isundred acres of saisi lot 16 endoas its forthi- onable watar places, -where western auffle a pofit n thtie Westerit boundarýxly worry of evenling- dressing, ai of sald road ailowance about 475 feet frolnithe have fol lowed thom, te thed aot-east angle of the north one hnndred acrest 0f aaid lot 17 shah b le ad te sane le 0f tise rest and relaxaion Wh isereby topped up. Iaeid, as well as the Iliuuyo Il. '1 1 a t th e por ion of i<d r oýa d l y u i g ie a o e a c ziuce so stoppcd up sisaIl beý sold and conveyed mb the arm s 0f1niother Natui bI y th e C r o a i n o f tJi s e T 0 w isi p oj ( f D r i n ton 10 Er«astus J. Bnrk alndfRichlard fi.d, 110 place are lier caresses moi thei4r heirs orasin or to Isenol e of thse And irkjjueating haýn in 1Ka saila Burk aid Good,.his or iserihoirs suLd assignai for tire omial cn rat Li-, Cfone olar. ________g________ Take noticetiait (ie aboya laa te, co Qf a proposed By,-law, lwisicjiis as heu takloýjito sosîertonan mybe tinallyý l'sciy thse Cionn<il of tise Corpraion ofls To-wnýsip of Darjilltton1 on SATUrD1fA Y, TKE TVENTY. FIFTOifDAY 0F OTBE.A. D. 10,a meetmng of tise said Cou'eil ,,tiecd orsaid oIftwo 'cloeuk iii tise truobigada ttehisxprtinof four wek froi ie rs pliaionisreof luT!) Ca j, N fjES isuf said newspa (rf 1tie T[wentv ori <iiicr in poison'r isy cînsl or sollei.tor alyl«newi0,sa lndrny senîe iiill>,,fet- cd~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~L bybie3ylwadwiopttoshi so, heard t tisemeetin o V tie Coun i.ti IIord Satuday tis To utyhuisdayof Oîotoier, A a). 902,attie iour i Tw 0'cokl tise ciýtler- NIO T 10 E.

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