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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1902, p. 6

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PG ITICIN ONTHL It is not often poiti- cal parties find com- mon grou-nd on whichK ___to meet. Their dif- ~~ ferences are mostiy~ IMP rîcli in discord. Bnt~ ~we have an exception' 4 in the case of the cele- brated Souvenir Kîtchen Range. Laurier and Tupper, Hardy and Whi-tney, are of one mînd on this subject. "Amd now Hardy, Tupper, and Iaurier too, Use the Souvenir Range for political stew: Al gases escape through its fine aeration, And good wholesemue food now blesses the nation."1 >JIhe strong point of the Souvenir stove is its aerated oven, which makes cooking a success under any circumstances; and the good nature of the politician-as well as the cook-is soon restored when a Souvenir stove is installed in the kitchen. A neat Bookiet cntitled *" KitchenWisdotn," with illustrati ons bfy J. W. Bengouai.nd J. S. Gordon, is yours for the asking, and it tells you a goed deal abouit the Aerated Oe.S old Everywhere. One will Last a Lifetime. LJAIRX CLaAINLINrtLýS Ifa man gees ie the stable and iemtiies but a tew inlutes, and thon gees inte tho lieuse, tie women will tell iihl lierj ho1lis'ben bis clotliiîg Lias tiobdhie stable odoî. Milk wiil absprb oders as readilyl as cothinig, and if miikiiîg is doue ini a fiitby or lily xe'xtilated stable', Or if m1iii, is exposeft te objoctienablo odors, it must sufler la quality. For ibhis reasen, ad because coxvs sbeould bieatbo pure air. il seemis ab- sointeiy i.ccossnry that stables bu lvopt cealparatixely dean aîndinat a 'systemu et practical ventilation ho )conuectedwihacie. The in"Ill of a large Proportion of Spatron s bas a black sedimieni kit vue bottorn. This indicates tbat the dr danvd dinug on the udder are ai- Sloxxed te di-op loto the pail. This Siiith c-crcles x'.ith It initirlous gelais. Te pied ueo iimik1 requi. os a big irr- Svsinia farm, buildings, Cows, >utensii.i, etc. ;the eews umust ho ted ~365 days lu tic bear: tboy must ho Smilkod txvice a day. Look at the la-I of tient et ae-vand laber re: >quired to preduce the milk; thol, ho- cause ot a. littie cnrelessn ess la the last art ef pro(ductioni, re nliow the quaiity te seller. Wo tmŽlishiy tepar l loxxn Vumiti oîîieiand xvial u,(o ba:xe I buit ip;wI thie other; xeprdc an imrile nii le ef food x oex t the sàllle Oipense xxx' 0couid produce àa ----_--- - -1 » Te,1j ari vcle. Ê40%E IL 'lirî' lof etiiik lies la tic food and laboir , it ceats iiething te kcop diltiiiandiimpuiles eut et it, yet I <> LOCAL AGENTS, BO0WMAN VILLE eftihe patrons ou ciearnorios are, ns a l'iefurnshig mik, hat cou- tanshe ndsabeoders. Thvus Th d patroros ex n si YOROT0, ONTRAL ND WNNIPGLimin n otad incels et t thaaxSp e cnt etf crnomical, iiglu grade permit _______________________________theconstruction, fl gNE ggn qiiin ndsn ainneceSsary You eýyNee T i IN D or t l wrk;tbey siovuld ho wilin t pa fi-sucb work, and, klp o inistou bau ing ih. OTES BY MAIL FROM HIER A set of patronis can live anay BANK AN BRES. kiud 0f iaciecy tlîey desire If they For s M any Things Happen to nterest ni n si h y a e %vli g t a o BussDlarrbojeaSous. Ail Bowel Grecaock boîds the distinctionî of- EXAMINE SE D WIIEAT. 'k 'la j hlaviug the oldesi Burns Club la ex- TuLe inînter of secnirggoed se-ml It la a ure, salend qick renedy. istence. stîcat la devmbly Importat ibis Theres oniy one PAIN..KLLER Sic Hoenry C ampbli-Bannermian 1 Sasemi becaueof the tact tinat la PSBRRT DAvia'. te ho nsked te deliver an uddcss lu many pinces the grain wns dnrnaged Two eizes, 25c. and 50 . Ayr lu Ocioben. la tie sluuck. Soue et tire kemnols ______________________ St. Bruix -Day Pair was lîeld in spreuted and otetrîs wemro injucod by Ooo'a ottn ~ot ompn~Rethesny ou the 6tbad 17tJi1 ah.heahhig bocause oet bdng placed li r:cok' CotonBoo Copoud ît dates baciy over 300 yeaîrs. the hi0 whilo dnmnp. iViont tbcesbcd is ueestulyusd onhi b oer Cernrio aixn station was broî- enly nd pvut ie the grannny ho iOOOLals.Ssuetcuai. Las ask en ie oand rnIied on the lStb malt, fore"tic eam y rains caime, will proi- raid T iakeno Ortue S Ctloa Rool Con- The sate wnis bursi open -,ilm dynla- bahix geîiiînatc rcadily. lit sili hb rouli a n l as aIl Mixtures, pi1lleaad fi mtatIons are dangerous. rias, Ne. 1, $1 per me.1u'Able, IluesoxVcr, te cun it h tueulr box ;No. M, 10degrées sîronger, " pet box. No. Tic public pari gified bYMn a tan'riiing miii and rernoxo aji ligh't, 1 or 2,malled e elpîofprie and mwo 8.ent John Christie of Gllangad, t u iuiuand sanl kernoi. Ti starnps Ths CokCornpay Windsor, Ont,'l fLvn a pn( ü lsol l b oe No. 1and 2 sodand recommendedty ai! V ae0 eeua pndex tr hudaxasb oe but tire pro- reapousible Draggios Inl Canada. î.5tb inst. sont seasen a sp-cii ien'iot should No 1 and 2 are Fold In Bowmamiville [)y Stott & 'flue Secrcinry tor' Scotlad is im ie hmuade te get rid et tic kemneis Jury, J IlIi. irota Snad uDr g Aberdeen autîrit les s&overely te ilînt nris-t net germuinale. mifi drgg~ts.task foc net iucreasiug tbe police Wiuc i uieai uas îained on ln tic fore.' shomk (ilstack, aimO îmboi-esomne et Are.juit what every The King ,ad Quoen have accepted tihe kernnoî sprevuted, the probimu is weak, nervous, run- i samples of the nuodals presteixîd by a xen.v se..ieus eue. CarefuI et- - down woman needs to Jprovost Anderson te Stornoway aurinaiou shows liaI ecsionly r make ber strong and ciildroîî. a i ounvi uhimi lias startevi te grouv weli. A bowlinag green, pnovided out etfuili ueur liing pinmed lu pcepem' They cure ihose iel- the profits et a Getbenburg systeso conditionrs doxoelup a stoci etfxvbemm. ilg of smothering and puibliefbouse, uas formaliy opeued ai Houve u if the sprout las heen sinking that corne on 1îKelty. rubhed off in tlucesiug, co n lu fan- at times, make the Mr. John Mîalcolmn, Bilsdesn, as Ring, tic gemuiaixe- power le de- ,_ j:heart beat streng and cempieied a flue Raveaswood cycle stu'oycd. Timon, tec, if tire spronts regular, give for tie Sirdare gp, u .R attain auy cousiderabele engtl, say - swuet, refresh- Wiugate. incu, ihere is vem'y litie hope et! g ing sleep and tMr. Aurdrew Carnegie iras offered geti iu.ganuy groxtîlifi ali..Ilir tetîr eg banish liead- hlaitof the £750 required te purchase words sood xv ent tint uvas injuneml T aches and uer- a nî rrwumgan foc lie Panisu Chanch. in the scock by î'a"iuor' initihe bîmu NEAR vousness. They Carnuostil. froi eaiiug, is a 'vory uureiaîîc 9r infuse new ife -Deuuny fifes., Durmbaton, are po ed auocv hudi ene aud eurg intO puring n sbed te hauild Sur Thomas if any otler kiumd cena hi secmrcd. if dispiriled,healih- Lipton's third chrallenger fer tleie ni ust Le seuod fan very carIiefin, / shattered wouuen America's Cup.1 test the germanating powver and la- E wluo have cornu Lady Overotoun's Cornaticur totoensl the arnournt ased per acre te tbink thure ist te chdildrea et Dumbarten and accendimrgiy. Foc instancme, if 10 per no cure for thenu.tilton carne oft on th-' 27i 1 utIcent.oetttic kernxels fmil to e grînunato I They cure Nervousness, Sieeplessuess, 500t- em etetano.faWOrOthp ent i e od tpirar Nervous Prostration, Brain Fag, Faint Pomfansbine is te, amie naîaidla ytm icbineiîdts ya and Dizzy SpelIs, Listlessness, Atriste servi ce seed tulai "Vas not camai- Effct e LaGnpaani Fve, Ate îe th e 'ofeta'tistic feeling, ou ed upon,. or >te use sced frein laest Genra Dbiltysu al toulena1nr .1il-stîciors whlo post buis on flux- yea's ci,')p. 'fiere is ýstill ieolod c froni al runi- nd ail roubls arrig gcu-uosts andti uiistoes. wbot nthtcountryanud the uise r (ro arundon sstm.Port Glnsgew iasa% ew lUneOcf fari' xiii use r'ver'y endeax or tu Prie* 300. par boxcor53 for $1.23 busiuness, lîaciig tien utracis for get iveici et as nmuctu of ibis aS pes- au drîmggists or malleid by tire building of flentiag docks for sibie, TUE T.MKLBUR ~., LMITKD. a abuu'g f irai. TH TToI3RoNto, Lnt. aCycists say liai tle amain rond PAINTING SILOS. ___________________Ont. __ thcoulgb Clydebank bias maoro brok-emr _ _ botties and bnrefoehed chldî'oîm le IL deu net appean t e mc tin ADVERTISING RATES. tie acre t-lin a y ether place. Iibece cati ho nny good arguaient icd- - ~~~~~Stratipettet' is iaitroduciug electnic i xnc glrs rlri gtcemsd TgCAàDAN SATSNN 8 U l hled every l11t an Dngailiscoopeatngof silos.'lhe argulmenrts infavor ut Wensay rnornIng ai lime ocilie 128STAE- tar hesie ' i hel o DJAN Block, KiIrrStreet. Bewvmaauville OInt., by with tMajor Bluat regarding ithe tak-il-hawo tmodeisruc slxtue n m 9 MA.l *io and ..P.......Subserli. . ingofet ito Bingwnlli. i l ha u mideprnlyta tien $1.50 er amnun or 01.0o if paid strictin ii1iavein and Miss Els-rai- 9dyauce. Adveu'îi3imu- rates, transient adý,er- Tire Duke etf Argyllin cs Es d silos, uvites Mr. P. Brooks. I Ilg, en cents pet e, fin i insertion; ivu poil Camnpbelli arivod on the iSthInluthc case of -tave silos tirerei S cents rrliceech ri sb&eguent ftl sre.CouSn- nvraa Csh. Lrd Arcî- qai-or stat pm traet ra.eà ou applieasin,.i neaa ate a-i oslbyaqeto st h x -- ______bald Campbell -vas aise aimecas pedieurvy eto paintilng, as liime haxes i île. uiliicx taiswell iiJ shnini ui,t AN AIJTUMIN SALAD, The Rigit lIn. J. .B, Balfeulk', vanm-ing nillmete suc1 ilnoxfu i An, acceptable salnd for thc au-1Puesid!ýofnteti Court o e Sssionsý,tîtle pntanob xoid huma îrueihs and oee hat is orna- lestalsen ietll tBao Irmostek' icsas lsd Tu o mental ns well 13 made as feiioxvs .etGisne, tahîe Couuxhv of hi- inghecs ti ehfi iei Select îripe nemi 1appiesof tvufîndugou autmg siicmtiueîuinai size nurd pil. autnslce cl tfile Tlie ppic'x for tire libranianr- ltic lite 1et icIo.T 'r VOmumlvb top eticri.Rernove xii h mesesli loPeitli Public Library inum- 'Lmeho'edmbttrii ier- scooup eor sh'arp spoon ail tle îmvmlp, c'ed7, nm1(1îdinclui1dd dons, tonduý- tie ac ttr sl a iecue cane hing takeou te leaxe lie appie ors, besle , pbues b'cly ibsmelug vmcu xiiecmd ýsL-u uii'okin, as tic1, are te lie e rs, jeîîrnaîîst, s. mitie twi ndmtniiy t uitile cases ho hoid the salad. I A painful seralu vscuo uislt.Iît teo nise'i jmus hn Clîep tegoiben the qpîje pulp nnd IAllen on the îst in., l lwa odo Ifftewoi.1 ixpnet an eq-îmal vïuaîitv oa i mat cf erý Idiscevemed tirai John Sîîsn ha ydui im i rm, ntlu -lIh-keru- uTs, x ouimîtg ehsinuts. J librarian ci tic public ibrnuy, 11ad tmOfOO, i Ux117eu5)irttilx cover{ mut yeit rosiý, a 1w uýjraîimu-uï"n -rapii l iaa xnvoui(itaie piae vil et t-Ieinastîmnii ve sapos Ontelt ui.nbn'uiie e- îvuugli s et er anig ver !psuxsnom hEmA u-,no îlej uvorso. - ybe dne c=dProtra b=pilsb Ayr. -1txrshv gaauef I.e*is 000 isnus. Tue aca t ak Tb Mrqis 0ffui i kow le~ mu~s u he aiy rou ndtu 'tabli Females of ,Al Ages find these Pis isimply invaluable, as a few doses_ wilI restore free and regular cniin and effectuaiiy remove the causes of mucli suifer- ing to the sx Li piiu tm nîn cî e uois the sciure n iii tie csefetpaintiing In sbngednof. if tireîSlIrimgles aie Pefily crivnii'!ed ou botlu sides and odges, anv 'iibî laid, tivy last long- oer tîmaîx uurpnl0ntpd sîlugles, but if t-be silagles ho i-,rst laid nîrid thon paiured on L sriaotue cool is more pnshbetinn roof et un- pmitedsiges THE YUKON M'INES. Govecamoint Is Putting in a Two- Starnp Mill. A desp atcb froni Ottawa snys Dr. 1-lnanel, tic Goxerarneiit Super- inteudent of Min-es bas returned 'irçni a trip te ticheiuon, xxbcrclie tunde ïau investigation et the ines, nn.di will aie v pernl report teo tie Mjýi-iter ettbe Interioî'. UBath ho bias duetlis he vllnt gixe( any .ouluon o the Klondike ns a îniîing cam. he, bowever, snys xiii Le Uektdyvfor worinlaNovembfler. The mincrs xviii get theëir ore crusb- ed for freux 818 te $25 a ten. Eue- erybody now, Dr. H-Tanol says, is lookiîig fr"v)rt ITe brou!glf along x ithbm sone pecrmeas et On bis way euit et the YVikonDr lzannel saw tnb Ogilvie dredge ou its wny te tie' Stewairt River, wliere it is now at work. TRIE GAA113LINGi DAIRYMAN. Aeronaut Falls From Balloon te Firsi ho sýuie of yeuî' rox s and a Terrible Death. ilion tiiece viibcho n gamibiug witb A despatcli fror a Tuntou, Ma1ss., tbeni. Donit gu4csis about vovur covs, but stu'dy tinnd loaî'n xxhy oncsays '-Thirty thousaud pensons who doos bette, tin anoîluir. Raise attended thre fajir et tue'Bristol iour xvn calves frein 'thxe bceues. Comînty Agî'icuitural Society ou Ifyugo a it rîight, tîvere. We4nesday, xitncssed an accident ganîblo lunu'aîsing tihe calves. Get a wluicb î'osulted ln the deatb ef Louiis; geod bvîll te 'start wîtu and den't Girard, onie 0f tie aoroaau.ts wlio lot hlmn rua uvitb the cowvs, foi-yu t'tenmpted a balloon ascenision.. ,A nouer knew wben you xvi ix-le 1,nd tripla ascension by Prof. and Mlle. xvben to dry 1,11m off. Tke "pains Statiord qnd Louiis Girard was xiiitle caîLs. Kep îîthmil, ,ailsplanned. No sooner hlad t1obilo fî'oun , Iii they -drnii, k aod thoýir ' been ffrced weaituvsseitt stables ruiennand yovu xviii hliax -3lit- sometlîing vwas xreug. The wonunaa dle or ne trouble wiîî scevurs. oeît leose at Loncre, and did not leave .Toe muail 'y,-tainiens ni art iboir the ground. The balloon shot up Caix os in the, spriug auni by fallcapidly, and lad gallied a height ot tioy ba-ve a rulit caît, Timon h t sabout 400 feot, wbon Prof. Staf- Put la a coldi stable nd ed on the ford's paachute xvas seca te drop peorestlay Two years of tbis also. It sproad, andi Prof. Statfford teed and car-e andi yeu haxe a poor aiighted snfely. The balloon ! pped cow te stait xVith anîd enc tînt nexv- la haîxes #,nad collnpsed like apae cr xviii be a tgeod onme. The cait mag. Tberýe was a trantie miotionl on sliould haue the best kiuid et food Girard's part ns lie tî'ied te eunt anîd cane and tho n there wiIl bu ne looge, but the uines refused te part, gaîabling about the cew. and lie feli te the ennihlike a shot, . eed the cOws coguiaî'iy, and give stiîkiug witb awfui force. pienty etfurewntor te drink. Bon't - miii co day nit 6 p.m., thie iiext day TO PREVENT CAR FAM'INE. ni 5 aîîd the day afteî' atin oredeî' te got off someuxhere for a meeting. The Shops Are Turning Them' Out Djoa't lente the cons ovut of doors Rapidly. e r niglit ini the stormis of October. Adspclfrm oueasaa do[t wl chili tbem etndthey wil notWlllothei'e is no car famine on the ries in oi enîlttb gt at Cana.dinreads se tax, the greatesi ripe uthe fali se tLioy wili get efforts: are being made, beth by the rrnk. Keep tlefome up se they Grand Trunaad the C.Pý.Ri te pro-j uvili stav lu the pastures ai-d notvetasreoury(cbster eut their tezit8 gottîug ibî'ougli wirewnsen a ernsfetr legltcars hr oences. ws -at ea -frfr lacas i lIENS PAV POP. GROCERItES. Boniig 26 y-cars tepu'ece&ds front tic ggQ-s have smîppieud alimesi ail the grocevîies for a lange tmiy ou a tarai m 0f about 100 acres, wnites Jas. A. Pitrsn.Iharoeuîaid eut ici cash d 11iugdliai uie oiy $(O Ion ana of'ne t $.69a ear. iBe- sidecs, ahl iýe iiuen ardtoweling uvoo roiddfoc, tie b Iousehlid Can amuyomî'e boni tuai ?V Koe nover sold a breller urir ibtittiare, biut hnd Ic good of tiem ourselves, wu lul an y 0f tie neighbons seld iheirs ýand land scaîrty board. HF USED BDIPLOtIACY. A cortuxin gusiug lady moi on 4er- yenn-oid dmughter te a pietograpx- on T"Ie littho onu ceuid net bo maete sit 5111. Tire cnrmerv-a uvas ns aide anrd suave as lie ceuld ho, caliod the, clild aillie sweeci, enidenri-g naines hoeceîîld ihiuk et, wîile u5husg every device et gentle peu'sunsieui te aie the litho wrig-, gber kv(cp sýill. Finally lie taiumed te the despn,;ing nmotion and said: -Madam, if yen will ion-vo youur daî'iing alouxe itx are for a fqw in- Utes, ï tiini I1 caa succoed luntaking ioielvely fa 'ce te perfection." Tuîe zjmmtier wi.thdr-cvvfoc a short trne. Soomuthe pixelograpler sumn mnoaed ion bnci and exiîibited a lulgbly sntisfactou'y megative. Wieur tiyrcaclîed brome, the moticu' ask- ' wle iuibatdid tiriat iegenibe- arma Say te yomu uvîen 1 loftyou nbonie vviti i im?" 'well, lue tîi, ipdNeilie, 'if -tou tdoii'ltiîlistbilly"Ou agiy, smvuiuîit-oe' (d rnonîey, l'dilhi; aie the lufe oiut 0f your tu'enrbiug cam'- cati.' Tfho 1 tliat very sthiil, munm- ANClE NT BRACELETS FOUN]). Pour inagnmicent briacelets beoog- ine'o the Quéeu cf T<ing Zen, uvho 'cigmievi eai'iy 5000 B.C., wei'o mnog tie discex cries made by [rot. Petrie wlule cxcav niing at Abyh1dos, Egypt, insi yeaur. The wenIýrnmmusbip et these is urostinl- genievis and delimnie. The finest bracelet, is torixîed et nitccnatiag plaques et geld and teurquoise, ench mmimiounted xviib the royal bnwk and paUred ýjte iritate the front et the tonxb) or palace. This brncelet con- sists cf thrtengeid, aîd founteca ,vvnquoi-ve pavusiintire fonir cfa facadeu'uueue m5iusriled the maure e 11),meTe gol xvs voukeel by cusindbmnslgThe saconmd îaeliia ncentorpi(eofe eads urdbaud0s ef bcnýided goid vine. Ire nsoin oft the biaceivi was h,%-os uu hitton oet a hlhiw mail et,,u (jl, uitI a siaui.. et gld rire tnsteuied la 1h. 'Thue thiii d brac- let is oîf spiral bencîs ef goid and lazui, inii troe gnemups. Maimg tire ti-iumrgla se b ine, eio:rie-, ihmty~ e conuection wit the mevîug oe hlxe crop, and the carryiug et the productseofthie xest gcnoraliy. The Grand Tcenk becomes cceiirk,- ably active ni Midand, white the C:P.R. lins ef course the long baril direct, one mia-bt say, frorn the fields. All e sliops are busy tura- ing eut froigbt cars as rapidi:y as the capacity efthîe werls xill adcl Imit. lutlie case of tie C.P.R. tIieror is greaici' urgeney and cextra imoen hav-,e been eipleyed la the s.,ops, behlocally anrd nlorg. e ytei It iv almolsi incred!blcmthat eer twenty tliovsaad carssieuid be lu demaoid. Thme cenîpany bas pcovded trom etoteiftcoîxtleusaud cars al- ready, aod more xiii. bu ferthcom- TEN YEARS FOR TREACHERY.' Carried Documents Addcessed te Krîmgfer. A desatvb freinu Cape Town 5nays baît 'l'ilcs-t ooshol, a Gernian sub- eoc, ba, bee oixcnxirted oet tîearbeî'y and seiiteaced hy a îiiitary revunt ni Pretoria ote in yeams' imapriseu- nienit t bard laber. fie oxideuco la tle case shoxved tint last Maîcli, afteri hax lug talexx tle oti et neutinlity, Rerushel started for Ger- înany, carryiiug with lin a nuier et Kuaffin cîriositios, among whicb store tound, whlen the cuiiosivios weî'e exaniiued i theîfontetier, cer~- tinu documents ncidrcssed by Ceai- nmandant liers to forner Prosidemit Kruger and Dr. Le1 ds, the Boer ne- preseatative in Europe. Tire priseon-1 eî- pleaded iguoî amie ns te tle con-1 teuîts of tire documnimts, but a i-( initted thaI he iuad been. promisodi Yudrink your, Own Ileatlîh whlien you drink Abhey's Sait. Extracleitfroua the jiceofpure A .- -:_______________ taler =-1 -ii *oll ,-ud M-tmr W mil- Ceenagn n idni jq city for ni joler lur ti Duu isb ca itl u Loae i t ic eiumigcf is dluirlng JiyAuus.avd etIlbr auce, in ctober vlhfobplesmr ev - bcuse ii ot purifitheblod teivrand enlyre glates the kees th head clea, checeyes briglit anid the cmlx oongud One 'rub with Sunlight S o a p cleans more than two rubs with common soap, .&ak fo thse Octagosi Bar 19 !' Fer w1I-Io wHELEMNGUAT ONE WHO ORK A1IONGTHEPOA Pain in the 0P LONDON. The Distinguished Daughter of 4 Stomach, England's Great States- Daroa mlan. h1elen Gladstone, the brimlant ~ daugliter of England's great Prime ~Dsney Minister, is devoting her lufe te, charitable work among thxe poor, of Cle London. She is warden of the Wo-Co& m-en,7 s IJniversity Settenvent in that historie but bitteî'ly poor district ofîs the2 9ereol known as -South- Nrus wark," andc is applyiag te lier work Choiera infantum, Saikes arnong the sick and suffering tb're the saine sturdy ability that, won and all kinds of Summer CcUm- lier su distinguished a place ln NeWnharn College, Cambridge. plaint are quiekly cured by Miss Helen Gladstone is distiactly what is known as "an interesting takinig woian." She is a -woman xvith a purpose," and yet .not sO aggress- l ively purposeful as to intimidate Jj rIW r These who know this daugliter of D e, roVYA ' the famous statesman, and who Etatof steod a little in awe of lher wlien sho wav Newnliam's xice-principal, r speak now of the g-entleness in lier F l r ý7vL-r y nature which contact with the needy folk of Nelson Sqluare, wbere the It bas been used by thousands for slettîcinent is lecated, seems te bave mngnified. Mis GladstonŽ lias been tiearly sixty years--and we have yet a mach more levable worman, indeed,tohracmpanab t taco. elmer since the great sorrow of lier oha cmlitabuis life-Mr. Gladstone's doath-resulted A few doses have often cured! when in lier retîrement fronm ail publie affairs for a period of several yearsý. ail other reniedies have failed. UIs Promn this rotirement Miss Glad-acinsPeantRplelbl iStonoernmerged te enter onacini lsnt adRlbl THI-IMPORTANTI SERVICE, and Effectuai. which new daimislier attention. The first anniversary of lier ward enship Dr. Fowler's Extraet of WI14 lias net yet ceine around. Oddly enough, thlere is a striking Stroawberry Io the original ]Bowel likeness betxveen Miss Gladstone and another woman wbos e ane is ' as- Complaint Cure. seitcd with phulauthropy in the Eas.t End of London. Two faces Rfs n~Iue.Te'c»neos could scnrcely b ave more simllarity ~ than, the rugged couateuance ef -Helen Gladstone and Mrs. Bramwell gree. Like the mango, it is best enten in private, for it rnýdorsth Boetb, 0f Salvatien Arîny fuame. masticator speechless. It is malle Their cliaracters, iflercover, are net 0f gum that exudes frem a tî4ee and cissimilar, althou,-h iMiss -Indstene I adt b nedrd0yawr. brings te lir"eu a\u" moreteadtbcegnee yz vor.ý [utellectual methods and an un- CI-AINS OF GOLD). orthodoxy whicli proves that lier spiritual lite is sustailaed by beliefs A repiuiug life ils a liulgeriug ilerent trom tiMrs. ilootb's. death. - Benjamin Whiclicote. Miss Giladstone gave up lier pesi- Wbat is food'te eue maa' may bc tion as vico-princil)al of Newnbham, fiercelpoison te others.-Lucretiu. the woon-ii's college ila Cambridge If yeu aile Wise.,lie Wise; keep lia UJniversity, te spend wbat preved te goods the gods provide yu-iu le lier fnthr'last year of lite xvith tus. him. The gifted womiaîî dox oted lier- "One te-day is worth two temior- solt te lier father's cerrespondence, rows. Ilave You something te do vas, really, bis unolticial secretary, to-merrow? Do it te-day.' -Frnk- and scarcely left hlm for a day. l111. Trrughout lier life Miss Gtladstone I am a man, and uetbing thýat vas the Grand Oid tMan's cemipan- concerns a man do I deemi a mnatter on on lis traxels, she was bis con- et indifference te mie.-Terence. fidante, aad bis closest fricnd. Sxe The greatest work lias always gene, is said te have heen ex on mere con-1 band in baud witb the mest fe, ret geilial te lm tîxan xv as lus xxito, moral purpose.-Sidney Laniier. ier mether. 0f a c, rtaint. si-e This alone is tliy ceaccýru, tiofg mere intelligent tanxvs the i.telmaufnully, and neye , eevr mnu lamented hirs. Gtladstoane. Neouan fold thy wounds, te lay down th[ine Whe bas laid eyes on Miss Ilelen, armns or te take fliglt-Loreazo Scu- void ex on la bis xvildest iniagin- Poli. ings think lier capable et some0f Let, your religion mnake yýou more MRS. GLADSTONE'S BLUNDERJS. Icnsiderate, more ioviag and ttra",c- tive, more able te think ( f a'Ietl Fancy tl e dau'iigltirlettiug lorsei la toe mepleasure and otret f e elocted p Ordet f a political lothersA'tuîr C. A. HIll1. rga'ýnizatinbfr she knew wlat Figlit' like a geod slir and if ts Politi-s er trs. Gýladstoae tbou soeotimes fnai hrug tailty, id thisand tereby plonge d the Itake agaijiigreater strentb than bo îmii ino aIl sorts Ot conPlica- fore, trusting In miy more audn mou. Tey ied tehax th elc-igrace.-Thelmas A. Kemipis. ion cancole, w1cl tinig iti Every trial tbat we pnss thirouigli 'eula't eoi~wel te ax e-v lis capabie et being the seed oni' ane ýteepr j)u;iig ever Tory meetings. hibo cliaracter. Every tmtto [rs. Gladstonee simply ýiiistinderstood iliat we axeet in the path of dty las LIfe discussions ot a local bedy wbose i anotioi chance et filliag our seouls neetings she aittcnded, and te the Iwitli tlhe power ef heaven. FredeIrick istouiislînueat of the members nalx eiy Temple. ntimated lier williogniess tu stand or office. -Thce rganiizu,,itien probably Caco Awon; t 0< m win ni nemuuneseneuiiirîs a,.S w'eahiux' eai ý vý1ý; : - IIr cia mlsm I-ium s-ca l ong. rClmi.g t sunnoumudeývd',c'ing totL oamssuitW Me Lb natu" sidn vo"'y nnxiou - ffý. Fi a

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