lit TERMS :8.0PEU ÂR ANUM. 00E TOWN ÂN» OOUNTY VIR&T; TE WORLD ÂfflRWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editorad opeo. NBw SSica., BOWUIÂNVILLE,1 ONTARIO, WIDNESDAY, OCT013ER 22, 1902. VOLUmE M IIN.4 * A Mr IWCAL AND OTHERWISE. GeMGilI, Manager of thel T aks 1ving aig bis granddaught- _ The malter fstepen-dingc ajreheujVy. son Orphanage at Lowell,afotngt, he atrsedn .Duyers of dryD CmatonocftheEa fe, rtchentomeO T Mass., U.S.A., wrote th ey Mr. J. Hlarry Alexander, Toronto, had a siege of whooping-- tenor, Dow open for concert and recital cog, was borne for Thanksgiving. He F01R THE MAN W110 CAN They said that every case bas received many favorable notices ie 0frîom the press and will we feel sure WRITE INSURANCE-_WRITE A LARGER AMOLINT ACYAR.- sh u»%u ld "JLLVÉ-%tý fa 'l t-f% see t)was promptly relieved, b\ Vapo- IP,,. '- _ _ UNDRIIIR RI l.IYt PROMPT and I'EKSUNAL AI tNIiN SIImNUim, Assa, Oct. 20 (Specal).-Mr. Bih ell on Store ]Joor Louis=Tenyof this place was se i11 Nigli '~Fwîth 1nfamation of tue BowelR and * Kidneys that no one ever eeted hlm t eover. Al hopee had been aadedand Mr. Teeny had made ____________________________________________________bis will, fuîly expecting that hé would die. nan ~ Iu this extremity Mr. Cosgrave, Post- Smaster, thught 61 Dodd's Kidney Pilla adimdalygv rTendose. This tréatment was continued at intervals with-thé resuit that ina * GOOD MORNI NG, MADAM.! wth0* very short time the' man who was Chought to edng aonbsft Let ta help you h and going areunti as il notbing hat marktingfor * Iappéned. yourmaktn fo a This rémarkable cure of such an fieediner. ou ant extrême case bas creatéd qutte a sen- sation in thé neigliborhooti and rnanv thé bat yo can et __kinti wortis are being saiti of Dodd's the bst' yu ean-get Kidiney Pis for the, wornderful work your family and guesta they tit inl Mr. Teeny's case. 4 4 at This reItmedy bas always been receg. prica wheh re fir. nizuci anon tihe people as a sure cure - h s ulities we guarua for Backach. heumatism and al ante. Th pries ac ~ Kidney Trouibles, but this is thea first antee.The prces ar case ever rej curted ln this viciînityv where c2vncn %-they have beort usetimwitls sucis quiek O stes, f n e arge ~ Mr. TeenY binseif is very grateful te r DoddsKidney vPHIlafor Ibis happy fellows -25c Pt. ~r,ýstorationi. Finnan Hatie 10e î lb, People iin and abRotfSummelr b"ave juet abou ilawi Comoke f Meat bsafor 2c'; înan dIlatii i ans,2frd' ;mtît ath a f ickness thati P, albcx -o! this wonti'erfuit[ iin ou i,î crydasoeewvrusl i ciu-Loarenoesast net be alloweG, but disputes netween 3 "e"ielJ srmons uciy 1is. At t'n,4, 4 ntog IU4 radwheIV a inciiug wbat had become fhse n operaors ad wormen sou ub. ub- ht despi threatening clouds, the brisl.canter soon warme ot orean eing bis signais repeated, lhe and the mitrte toandbitrtion ol hrc as well filled'. Te coirwsrdr, te the next sideline then north a balance of bis men walked into the trap mittd tearbiratin, bly assisted by Mr, Edward Barton of mile and a quarter to the third concess and were put eut of action. The mîstake Tonto, the- wè.Il- knowa baritone ion, waýlkin!g iwhere there was cover but of the defence was of course the car-eless- Auxtoua concera on the part CI vocalist. who sangthe solo part et the gallopîng in the open. ns ftecmadn fie nrgr Premier ,Ross' political opponents mav principal anthem and two solos, the We, for THE STATEsmÂN,'s war corres- to signais. ait welI cease, for in his spech t ew aot being i he Lost Chord, both being pondent rode with the attack ini the ehors ernwevnada maretonSaturday week those whe capitally rendered. Mr. Barton's voice morning. hadl a suspicion that -the haif The was stili anrsoef t of thas marke fi;l well under control and bis singing hour's start woulcl be most strictly con beautiful aftexnoon, the squaclron was have been caling upon hlm to reaigu shows uninistakable évidence of musical strued by the enemy, and bail con- olce an'gv pcteiuar &re informeôd by him that they must culture. He sanr, ln thé Disciples sequently moved as fast as possible hop' . coll ctiond.git en paceineta- exorcise the yirtuë of patience. Hie cburch lu the morning. We hope to ing !f possible to turu bis right flanks and gua r aexained tforc sayu ho la not going te rosîgu se long bc fayored again by fi slnging. get in over the Scugogroad. holding back asuperior enemy aslong as., as they on the other aide haeye net, a Our base bail team journeyed to Port Even se we were surprised when ap- possile-so as to permit their own, infan- majority ln the House. H.e ye furthmr fHop. to play Cobourg~ for theý Midland proaching the big ravine to the West Of trv, baggage, etc., to retire. League Championship on Thanksgiv. the Gaud farm to see the hand go-.up of that hli as not entertained theie d..Of ng Day, and, sad te relate, were de. the trooper who hail been sent on ia ad- The men were dismounted behind:a a coalition. Hon. Mr. Ross opoke like féated by a score of 8-1.3. Playlng on vance more as a matter of formn than in fold in the land where the horses could a man possessing confidence lu those both sic! s was interfeýred wlth by thé any expectation of seeing the enemny se get shelter and fireti on their e. O (who crowd and by no mneans eouid a fair soo. acted as the enemy and aiso criticized about hlm and lu hi, own abil ity to an en cle eg.Teicc albe encn their movements). When tIse C 0 get sethe torm rashaglu t hO faedOfhIl time and again on qaccount cf inter. tering up thse lane past the McReynolds wthcomanditncesringuteoeshorse thestom rIseý aaint hra nd isference. Ou the returu cf the teamn tarin. Either the watches of thse defencethcomntebigute dhrs, -they were entertained by the Manager were extra fast ruovers or their scout mouuted and galloped away. Geermet.F. C. Pethick at his.residence, Queen hadl done soine particularly, hard ridings This Was repeated farther on in front St. During théeven n g a presentation or eise our suspicions hadl been realized of Mr. Munday's bouse, where a hait was Thauksgivin 5evcsIn rut a made te William Wilcox o f a purse However, there was no time te arguesevcsinTntyw i made and Lieut. Joueýs nstructcd te pro. Congregationafc iirch were slimly at- of gold as a slight token of theïr 8P this. Tbree men were dismounted at ceed with bis men and make a trap for a tended the sacred edifice n et boing ever preciation. aiso te the marc t ]BOY once andi doubled out ino the woods force of about bis own size which was half full. The pastor 11ev Brandon Jones for kis services. with their carbines te give thse Sergeant supposeti te be advancing along thse offred tIse opreeugp-aerý. 11ev D o. and any fo lowers a warm ieception. Munday rolad and which wavs represented Crfesredtead teIse rituer. lesonDandBut bhe ayturned at sandtrigby Cp.MLagl anti a trooper. Get tlze Ailat back. Ha we been sen? Itanaswc i hswas neatly donc at the littie ràvine Bey. H.B aden led lu pra.yer. 11ev. G t1dently decideti that we hati, because weH.1 a' o tbc a e e eni a v-behisnti Po te Wdagistrate FHorsey's but J. Hl. Turnbuli, M. A., preaehed froiô O to 'V'o" ,1 wrea necntrdars the n tenistake was matie of firing on thec ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tie.51:RjieevroeFr '" îng tn the road. dismnounited andi toIl to atvance guardi h roe)frteC without ceasing ; lu everYthîLng givé Yen don't and eau 't if your stomnach led our horses down the beautiful (representîng the cnemny) iinmedîaitelv ours fortUeocasion. A y union choirdis-. eak, A weakfstoniach dcesnfot di- ravine, across the picturesque olti bridge wheeleti about and cantered away and led the siniging anti sang a couple of gest ail that is ordinnrilY taki-en into iii. which looked as ifit would spili us inio the led horses should have been placcl- anthems. The, cullection was for threIt gete tired easily, n hti aî the water with very slight pro ocatioln, in the orcharti instead i otbcing Ieft on the Homeo!aisedget-abut $0. iget lawased.theniiup thdia steep bih ,on the other side] roatiside because lan-kers -îvould have Hoin oftheAge-abutsO, dges iswased.ý,%here a hait was matie under cover until discovereti thern and given waraing- The Ladies' Aid o fSt John's Among the signaeof uaweak sitoosacnh informiatio)n of the enemys movemnents Thea the men er shown the excellent churcis neld their annual suppe'r 1la conl- iwih'ýuJn ig otew necton iîh Ue arvet Fbtia, are uneasines aftor eatingo, fts of ner- came The, latter were soon Ca"ntcring position hc l ogrtg otews ilcso o ith tuea vein. A eeoion vous hessdache, and disag-reenhi)e Ibelch - uii the road the sergeant had takea anti of thel towrn, ýforms f or its detence. ýsppewssaeveni b'. U aiso nas soon as thcy wcrc Uchmidthe wood wc 'This closetýi tUe p ogranie aad tUe varlous kinds o! meats, pies, cake~~, took to the Sctugog Roati and gallopedis1ainpoetcir hDiiSc \ji sLas ecof ! hic î a large 1 have bern trou-od !th dyspepsiafor ldo,,ýn it to the shelter of s tac trees at tUe grouat, \is whcc smler- eesuscil ersntied eeý-ry reedyI bard 01i, forkis of tUeroatianti witeti forrmore l i dmasigatiimr ig in nunîber pas boIt and f uily epjoyed. The bout nyrgot ayhigtatgv um eief frmaion, whchprescntlvc'm Te clîg i W. A. NUGLT, Eelleviile, Ont Tanb o wdt eilky 1 wo hitlm lc%; if hlJafma's islhagehlilei u ontalntlty aulgrah qik.Tis prcetiswer Steiitd nsanti tons the omah ndm1ndt(, in oUt ot1eac secion(lcntgv lctc~m~at ssg abou $6. te woledigetiv sytem ani oay jst a tmeas te hadsant tu 10t .0 5ýý Inn il