J'OTES ANIDCO ET. But littie attention has yet been Pain înte pai in tis country1 to the extra- Stoah, ordinary plan adopted by the Pariia-- 0 ac ment of the Australian Commnon- Diarrhoea, wvealtîî for thep assurance of a Mon- Dysntey, Poly o whute labor in the Austra- ;( view of the f act that the Australian continent lias a population of only about one peýrson to the square mile. The situation in, Macedonia, bears a striking re. emblaince to that in Bulgaria just prex io3us to the out- break, of the Tuirko -Servian W ar in 1876. There are the sanie partial Icasily led by the,,, jjto the- clutches of the s'-lurks. -It ji bt just, how- eiver, to acknowle-dge Ltlia xith thiese xery serlous drawvbacks, both thcse ciasses. of news agencies render val- ,uable Service toWai street inter- ests, and it is hoped that epert ence will conv -.nce them that their eiiterpr:is -woulc[ tt in e higer tot ,cxo eeely at times She con templated pnttiinga edto ber eitec.Than,îkF to pow -, ley' I.qulfied Ozone, sheild fot do sco becaus tw -cured lier copletel"îy nnd for ail111e.s'he is