Castoria, is, for Infants and Clilidren. Castoria is a. Iiariiçs substitute for Castor 011, IParugor!tc, Drops and Sootning Syrups. It containsnethrOpia:ni,ý Mý-orplinie nor otheýr Narcotic substance-. It is P.iasant. Its guarantée is thirty years' use by Mliosof Mohcs.Castoria- dëstroys Wornis and allays E ,verish- nesýs. Castoria cures -Diarrhcea, andi Wind Colle. Castoria reltieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation andi FIaulecy.Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates if GOLD e DUST twfn's CI Oucq,i LIVIEU LONUIN BIBLE UAY, of te 0fMespotmia(tbcraleBELIES iF RET MYiýý j mild, warnî, ceceîtan sO0 ME FOItEFATHbERS LIVED able to longe iîtY. Ilenit, Waýs1SUPjErSTITION NZOT CONF,*1,INED NERY OOYER ueli more s. 101fifll~ ife- T IGNORM-TT FEEýsoNS. cnt lives. Tlr. Hey Ilet i der thc, si sniiing sky, netei ubulins oStog elet s Hlj"av--e Beer JVe Lvd oa eyGreat slte hî niudrmn hi wydby Faith in vitality; there a food inbni -Sprntrl ance on e\ ery banud, Ito be lad pirac-. tI asa~ oiaIeta Insletfl rqus siatÇe in- tie-ally witliout 1 rho. aetre teprtainsO[Ui lt tstmntwecladen with fruý:it, te Sprttoni kescnfn dý statemnts osto thelongexity -of the CUE FLN ~IY wyd yanotcudq rdlt geertin 0 mn-[Adani blI s ld naîs sit posileI Agaiip, the use of erieptfi 1tliJe 1 1dtoL he U pent a.The yerin thGxûm i;e- a)ziggraPe W- ni t nmolgtefut a-ý rsîtnet.cxie inlewa lie heinde'e,goes Îlaeikt< to ie!(Iîîe1ltly alcollolism wit'li ail its exils be heart hailit a Nueboat hatdi ruai Psaiînsts ea? "1 e inss f 011was absent. Ma ita ife was the ashore, 111id111ha tihe u iw ad been yer aeiree sco3e dyearandnauraucndiio, andapparentlv puit to de-tIl .Ti otbore ts en"siithe -alîst anti if ?x otfl)'pring wree î iiy idc,,ed b- ane of "tli. aolo 'as resa o srngh lyamy bc four tenmIsat en so tliat meienendwe i iadti scoe eas, ctistheir stî-cgi -lla-* ete ie a preponderance. otpie f -mws. Ul ooked u lpon box' anisro foi' it is oo ct -e'r s xic Violation, Of itls ian o111l) itha bs Ilipes of natural laW. *annexing l, taly f0 1"raîue cw ere to be oIT, ati w efit' a ay." I ow iS tn 'To ailthi usi b d ý\-acideti l'tbe eaiattered, says a wrieî nluUnited ,of thoeco1eitetiuith the hroiuiieSontire thintg nuelll This adshiaronîto!rea- oconigei lon ni u snî'lthrt blex i- ufta-.*My pr-