IThe cheese factorv is closed. Division contest ls inereasingl T HiMSNno .~ niinterest with initiations weekly .. .. Mr- uoisne O usszeTn uniia a ýd ýery8 aýL'Avenir du INord, olters strong rof penionU11 11 tnO Lunite 1tea aany, £Iiy, at ne, moters mW1. jN, wý,as!e took its share of prizEs at ~ek..isKt itebsrtre ftevleo r ila'Pn usresuit of his son's death in the Philpie.Campbell ...l. RWoodley andM A - I ail Par. I amsokw oTrno M.GoIdis improv- in cases oi this kind, Mr. Rochette R. C. McCullagh, traveller for the W h1hv on oMsoaDe I~ alieige ariy other rnuriicipality in ing thie buildings on bis farm .... Mrs say: oHerytravasIwsCaaaBsutCmay n itr untinZ.Mrs Thos, Mountov isl