TERMS :-81.50 Fuiz Alqum.0919 TOWN~ AND OOUSTY I!RST TEE WORLD APTERWÂRD8. M. A. JAýMES, EditoradPopitr NEw SzRiEs., BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO, WEDNESDAYI iNOVEMI3ER, 12, 1902. VOLUMEXVIIN.6 Buyers of D ry Goods , 1,0 7lvo-i notfalto.-e the,~ *Grand Di'es play of * (oaicilO, ol'iao-Cydrfals The n nst,mox'ist elj-" aniLt and Cheapest Stock of Ladi'ý'es' Coats ever *hwn ïn*-i&r, THE 0CORNER STo TIpe SHOE STORE, OSHAWA. ol- ti_____ GOOD MORNING, MADA ! Lot us iselp yon with LAyonr marketing for a niice dinnen. You want* - tise best you can get younr f amily and guosis - at prices wiie are tain. These qualities we guar- antec. Tho prices are Oysierqs, fi ne large feliows . 25e Pt. ) Finuan Ru ddie 10e lb.* Buneless Codfisis, 3 lbs. for 25c; Coeked Ham and Balogna; Smoked Meabs ci ail kîuds, Fînnan Haddie.in c ans, 2fe r 25c; Kippered Ferrin c in cana, 2 for 2oc. Te 11. IÇNIG-eiTp'm Bow.tlABljr,.THE MODIEL GR<7XERY. Our German School Boots. Made frein the best insterial; and no0 dearer tisan poor boots. Their strongest points are tise lowr square heels and the istrong sole leather licol stiffeners,. you cannot run thein over. People corne f rom al aides te get these boots for their ehiîdren. One family tells another, and their sale is iucereasing rapidly. Any sizo frein Baby four te big. sizes for big beys and girls. Our, Germian -Rubbers. Chuck full of good points. No Rubber Company in Canada lias ever -guaranteed their rubbers against, split ting except this new Qorman Company. Anything frein a baby'e rubiser te a long rubber boot; if it dovolops a solit or fiaw unreasonably soon, we are au thor- ized te hond eut a new pair in ex- change. Have you evor- bouglit rubbers free froin risk as te split- ing before? And, note soîne of the pricos: Ladies' finest, rubbers, duli finish, polished tee-caps, noat style- 45o Men's finest rubbers, square toc-caps, medium full toes75e Men's rubbers for sox, snag proof top, hcavy corrugat- c.d sole edgod, a weighty first-elass article $1. 75 Thse naine of thse eompany stampod on evcry pair. Our Warm Lined B4ots. Somothing all leatiser, thickly lined, and net toc *lumsy, is pop- ular now. We are 'hoavily stock- ed with sucli goods. Haye no mis giying; we bave juat thse thing te keep your foot warmn and easy. Two weeks frein now we hope te tell youL how eheapi y we are'selling McCready farm. boots; and somo- thing about our preparatiens for Christmas,, BURANS & CO, bleé' boali grea- thei us al hous ing I twa one1 a fui stitcl besid Sooî light] could we laild the point surf a we ro Thée stron erupý low, anda mysel seaà beavi maki the w not tE did ci we re and( merr3 ena d day. daya enoup weatt thing age. very1 going He Co Britis] thev - naviai enljol as for be qiý sel t( of the Charl ho fai heaci; wasa navy they in the be on which wherc jured gunv closeë escort West tracti ing w andte talko of the ing s Abç A TRIP THROUGH ENGLÂND. J DURHAM COUNTY TEACHERS. PIERSONAL. (Continued fm-om last issue). SUCCBMPSUL CONVENTION AT PORT HOPE. Miss Eva Tabis l visiting triendsata lie sea, was ealm alise a stif wind Whilby. r, on either aide numecreus fishing Mrs. T. C. Jewell la visiting triends s were scatiering frem our patis, a (From oui- own Correspondent.) in Toronto. ai number ef steamers eassed us 01Ms M .ones avstigIod tr way to Plymouths; awa.y ahead ofMs .Eetes svstn rad tppeared what 8eenied te us a lig'lt- LTieannual meeting et Higis and Pnb- in Toronto. se iu lise distance but. onu appreacis. lic scisool touchers in Durhsam coniy is Miss Alice H1111 la visiting relatives in nearer w. discovered our mistake. anticipated ecdi year witil mucis interest Chsicago, Iii, ras one efthtie pretrt'est sig'hts tisat as il is always a profitable lenegathering Cilizens, wisenyen recoivo visitera or now-a-days s"es en tise waier viz., efthtie pedagogues. Port Hope is a fine go visiting tll us. Il rigged ship aI se& wilis everi, convention town and a lively interesi is Dr. Geo. E. Gilfillan, Uxbnidge, was ,h ef canvas spread six tiers of mils always taken by tise citizens in tise teacis- homo over Sunday. dies numerous amaller anes mtuck ers' meeting Thie visitieg teacisers re- Mrs. C. Relider la visiting lier daugisi- m'ieerer tiser. waa a breilieof air. ceived every attention and countesy trom or in Piltsburg, Pa, pasmed witisin a few foot o! lier. tise local teachers and wîll clicrisis many n alter we passed tise fIdystone pleasant memories efthtie convention et Mr. C. M. Cawker looks quite natural liseuse but se f ar away tIsai we I902. about lise sliop again. fi sec but lIII.e more of àt than Tie wscle eodrb r Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn visiîed relatives coulfi asisore. About 8-p. m. we e meeting acledtorrbyDi Newcastle rocently. ded tise Lizzardl a sharp point ef W,ý E. Tiiley, P. S L , About 75 teacisers projoting man ilr iit ie oresponded. te tise roll cail.tMr. Robert Mn. and Mns, W. L. Lawv apent Sun- promiont p ile tesnt ! Giislasu. r, tise presideet, was introduccd b.y day ut Mr. W, Law's. Promnen pont f wich's ur*Dr.Tilley, wise in a tew cisoi-e words Mrs. Jaicobs Neuda and Miss Neads etef by lihi leus, beond tishianked tise teachors for tise honor con- have returned from Toonto. ýt sovrnai rocks projeet abocre tise ferred pnhranaionbhlet r.FdR.oeywsitect n aee cf lise waler, About 10 o'clock ts pnhmadas nbiate r rdR oe a nts iyo ounded Land's End paasing ais e dîtizens et Port fHope extended te ail business Montiay and Tuosday.' Wolfbutat tis ime her wor aiearty welcomne andi trusted tisai their MissEisie Heliiweli, Tl'ento, la guesi ng internai symptoms ef a gasîx-l etigo hte wud cofetmutual et Miss Edilst ilier, Havon's Craig". tien se I concluded I was aer be- profit. Dr. J. Geikie Adamq, Canaan. Comme It provefi a taise alarm, liowaver, Mr. NormancF. Black, acting Principal was recont guesi ai Mnr. P. Trebii-coel's, aller a seound sleep 1 aweý,ke te find efthtie Modol Sciseel, Port Hope, prescrit- Miss Heoal, Oshsawa, was lu tewn mi! eut o! sight et land lu tise Irishs cd tise subjoci et Readinz. He would this woek. She stit loves Bosvmnilil and wisat was more there was a first croate a dlesire or an interesite oread Mr.JL.RwuddugtrEda 'v raie storm on tise bill which W ould have tisermatter te be read phionie OnoîîoJ.bave beviang lins. "v. W. ès lime seemn rallier dulia a;s, sequence based upon vocabulary ratiser Allie. a elivsiigýfrs y as ou land Tise passengers on tisan vocabulary upon phonic sequenco, Aln whoie seemed rallier slow. WVe did and weuid neyer overstep interest., He Rer. Calebs Parker, Coibarîte, preucis- etile dewn for a goed Lime like we exemplified, lis metisod by teacising a e inletise Metisedist Churcii, Port Hope, n the goed slip Tunisian, Tuer. losson te a class of boy s and girls file Sunduy. ,ealized we isad a weïmk before us was listeeed te wlish interoat andi profit as Tise Misses Clensens, Centre si., have deterrnined te make lisings as evidenced by tiseisearty applause atitls been visiîing ai Prof, J. Squame', 'y as possible and concerts, prom- conclioL. Toronto. les and gameas are lise ord@r ef tise Rare, isoiever, àtwas only for a Dr. D. J. Goggin, Superintendent of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Annis, Toronto. anyway wisici s le scrcel-y long Scisools in tise ýort h West Terîltories, arc visiting hier grandtatisen Mi. John gis lime foone10te sottie down and was introduced and isaving been an oid Fleming. ber being whuî it was tise oniy residonit and Model Scisooltetocher lu Mn. and Mrs. C. Il. Nix, Uxbridge, lookefi for was tise cnd o!flise voy Port Hope, a rigisi royal welceme was were recent guesis ef Mn. Geo. One cisarucier wiso initerested me accorded hlm w ' icuîise fittingly aclmnow- Dawney. mucis was a marine on furiongis ledged Tise session was closed by a Mr. T. B. Hoidge wise las tuken rhome te Glasgow fer isa ioîldas' sole rondercd by Miss Walkor. chreo1niklcuaho aeu oudnet lire lu talkin.u about the At 1-30 P. m. tise' convention sang cail lasi week. sis navy. Ha in!ormedt us tisat "Tise Solmiiers efthtie Queeu" lu 000cr ef Mr. Tises. Robisins, Enniskillen, lias were net aI raid efthtie eombined "Our Hero ' Pie Chas. N Evans, wliose been visiing hie sou Mn. Oco Robbina, es of Europe, but wo'ild rallie.r portrait lad been unvelled a tewv days Cherry wood. y tise job o! hiadling thnm,whiie belore and wisichis li 1long on tise wall Mrs W. Siemon lias retnrned freiný r France tise ehannel fleel would wiîis ail us surrounding decorations and yisitiîsg lier daugliter Mrs. Maxwell ai aile sufficicut for lier [tise wu es- mottees. Ceead ii whicislhe belongefi wF.s a mýemberClvanOi (e cisannel aquadron] iï enly Lord Mr. W. H. Elliott, B. A., et Normal Mrs. Fred, A. Foster lias beenvisit- -les Berostord, or Lord Cliarlie, m Scisool, Toronto, ictroduced the subject ing lier fther Mr. Tues. Tr3dmeer,' milianly termed isim, wa;s at ikeir et "Nature Study' as it is generally uud- Penetanguishene. 1as te tise capture o!fGbratl ersteod. Nature study siseuld net be Mr. Edwarà Jones, Cedarda'e, was a iask impossible te tbi combie merely a study efthtie ternis and ciamtes in lown Monday buî jin lis 'winter es o! lise orld. Even ilise Britiis eto a pýînt but- a looking througi tise supply ef clotising. joined lu te islp tisein na thougi torms and namnes te tise lite permetiîng WrW.H Wilmlse esEn sisulddesendupn Rlik t; isef tis xvole plant Tis cidy et a plant millirhareg iilihisealtis.and ýe niglit. Tissmarine baph sd1 l i- nluerlto tiewsl eseoimaquite we=aan. i tise vessel nexite toise on 1one2nc11 Part and relation et eacis part, te h therewa a gu 1 ~aeieî'otier parts,. relative to its naturnui envir Mr. Casa Brittaîn ef Sun IFrancisco, e some 17 mon -wýere g i-!ed1 or oiinment relatin on 0pai and future; relu- Cal , 1as been visiiing bis pare-nts Mrd, l by tise ex-;plosiônonfe. in la tien tison pisenorreca; relation te man ai Mr. es Eittain af in 5 srs where lise breucli wai nol) properly and finally r7elatilin te God. By means absence. ýd. Ris slip, "Tishob" aise ot a tew ordicary plants hocsisowod by 11ev. Win. Hussard, Crafomi Street ted tise Duke ef Yens I rons isth suggestive questîoeing isew înteresting Methodist churcis, To ronlo, was guesi ýt Indie le Queisce where tise ai- andu'profitable nature study couiê bc of Mayor and Mrs. J. B. Mi tchell oven ionsïof lise country wer e e ntie- made. Tise paper was practical and sug. thse week-end. as te iuduco some 40 eftntie marines gestive througleut and wiil ne doubt crew 10 deseri, and t.)isear him tend an added intorost te tise study et Miss Allin, B. A., Bowmauvillc, and oue would lhink lie was net prend Nïature. Miss Allin, Newcastle, are a-uests et ewisdem heosewed iin net teilow- After singing tise "Mapie Leaf For- Hoe. cuin. MsR .ctPr sui t. even" Dr. Syînonds et Tninity College ,-t .1 o'elnofr we sood' o vfSfln'hUn. ,qi .ai. nr I ,.ni- ..da -nr..> ..... r Rer. J. McD. Kerr, Toronto, and presentiy the Ile o! Mue liera lu sighi on lise on tise oison aide; a tfew heurs la te,-r we ck(oulduse ie h""ýred" revUolvi ng lîgisl ai Belfast.. During tise nighi ,we sailed up te Finis et Clyde and about 4 a mn passed, Rotissay and!iseaded up tise river. Tise sccnerr te b. onjoyeu on a tnipup lise CIldebeggars ail des- cripion, Early lu tise mrnîuLiig-,isaving gained tise dock, 1 porceived, tisaIlise1 brîllianî sunsine iighlod ne a. truiv1 glorlous scene Ontise ene ýhand anose rugged andi steop, t'eo great mountain1 cf Argyle, on tise other liandfete Renfraxv stoopefi in vendant luxutriance te tise niver'a rick. Greal palaces nestied amonïg tise parksand park-iike fields. Here and $here tise rugged billa gave wav te gentie aslepes robed 'in ofoerof e eternal green. About 5.45 a. m. wepassefi Greenock, most, pictur- esqueir piacod. Soon Dunhbarloni Rock, arose betore Us luoOur left; soeclos-e il la le thse stroan tisai tise ebbinig iOde muat lave ils base, whicis wa now aurround- ed bvy gliatening sanda. On lisa rock la sa!eiy perciscd Dunhanfon Castie, au ancieut atrenghld. At varions places along our wuy docks for shiphuil ding, cevoriug u immense unc,, appeared wlth veasels ef varionssaizes lu various stages of construction Hiene were greal ocean liners gaudilv painte',d awaiîing finishiug louches betore being put te seu andi iere wcre vessels witli bure rus, some even witis jusl thc keel laid. a ship indeed lu embnre. Passing lieu- trew and Clyde Bank rouniding a curve le tise river before us stand tise greal i moke stueka of GlasLrow, tise metropel-' la o!flise nonsh. This grea , cî ty seemefi ut 7.30 thia bnilliant Sund,,£y moring te, ho desenied; ne ari-okýe lu tise air, ne hum lu tise taclenios, ne rush. on tise river, ne eue ou tise streets,ý, appu)rentiy a cîty of tise deafi. i realize in plaeîug tlisslto or yen tisai 1 have doue, very 11111e ojustice 10 wisai 1 have secu, muythîngs I have omitted, muny tisingq I have merely mentioned, but as B., ron sua Wh\rlat I have writlenii ba,,ve ýwritten." Yeura Irui, HOW'S THIS? 'We off or One HnndredDoar Reward for any case et Catarrh that ce no t Se cored by Hall,'s Caiscrr Cuire. F. J. CHENET & OColi.,Toiedo, O. We, the uiiersîgned, bai kown F. J. Cheney for 50e tat , 15 years, aed blievelihum po tciyhonorable le alu boîlliUes itrans&ctlons an ianuiy abie t _cry cg any obigations made0 y heir irm. WRsTr & TieUAX, Whoiosaie Doîitd, Toledo,O. WÀmiiiNG, KiNuiÀN & MARVIN, Wholeale Drug- gis. ýToedo, 0. Hl'm Catarah Cure la takeý)il]nteruaily, aet- in« direetiy upon thse blond Litlmruious surfaces of tise iystems.' Prîce 75e. Per bottle. Seld ty &,, Dnîgat._Testimoiialsfrea.. bciiooi, ror t iu e, t aca.. et.al .Lttiy jpJI pared paper on"The Bible as Literature" By comparing thse bible with standard work s of fiterature, hie showed that it wvas literature of a very high order, and had striod the test eftitme and was thse pro- duct of a devout and religious people- flot that of, a pagan people By refer. ence te miany of the books efthtie bible lie showed thse dîfferent departrnents or fields of literature to bc found in it He, thought tha thtie bible would -be a great deal better studied if it were clothed in the. form of language as is oni works of literature Be was pleased to note that an effort had been made aiong that lice. Some discussion, followed regarding its useiluour achools. Tiîe paper was much appreciated. Mr. L.CaSsar, B. A, Port Hope School, gave an interesting address on Student Lite at Oxford. Be gave us a word pic. ture of the city, its'surroundings, great schools, teachers, studies, sports, debat- ing societies, and customs which had a great deal te do with thse social influences of thse place and closed by giving some intcresting comparisons lbetween Canad- ian scisools and thse scnools ef Oxford. Dr. Geggin conducted, the ",Question Drawer" with marked abiiity, a number of questions being satisfactorily answer- ed One relating te tiie bible as a text- book in sehools provoked quite a livelv discussion. TEACHERS' BANQUET. A new feature et the -Teachers' Con- vention at Port Hope w'as a banquet at the Queen's Hotel jenisonor of the visit. ing' teachers, Mr T. A Kiriscenneli, Principal Port Hope Higis Sehool, occup - ied tho chair, having on h.s. right, His Honor Judge Benson, Mliss Weir, teach. ei at the High Scisool. Thos Dixon Craig, ex-M. P. On hiý left were Tr . H Helmn, Mrs T. A Kirl connell, and R H. H. Bolland, P '11Tise toasýt lst after dinner included i Tee King, 2 Our Country, 3 Teaciser-s' Allies-Home, Church, School Board and municipal Counicil, 4 Beys and Girls, 5 Educational Ideals, 6 Durlin Teachers' Institu te. The National Anthem was sung in re-1 sponse te tise first. Mr, T. Dixon Craig proposed thse second and Mr. R. H. Hol- land iesponded 11ev., P. K. Dayfoot, SRev. A. G. Sinclair, Bis Henor Judge1 Benson and Mayor Henry Whiite res- ponded respectively te tise four allies.1 Mr, N. F Black, Principal et Pub ic Scisoolg, responded for the Boys and Girls, and Mcssrs El iott and Dr. Goggini deferred their respense te the mereing session. Principal Jas. Gilfillan, Bow- manvide Higli School, respended te thse last toast le a reminiscent vein. Mr Jos Conneli presided at tise piano. Prozeed- ings ter4,inated about 2 a. m. R1ev. J.J. aeOIUwa, weër-o reeàt luests of Rev., D. O 'Crossley at ise Mrettîedist Parsonage. We are sorry te sce our estoeened' friend Mr. W. E. Pellard is le sucis poor heailh but hope the eeming cf cold weatiser will briuig improvement. 1Mr. Duncýan McDonald and daughter- lu law MIrs. John McDonald and son Reginald uf Barrie were recenat guests cf iiis nioce Mrs. John N. Lawrîe. Dr. D. J. Goggin, cf the Canada Publishing Ce-, 'broute, termerty cf Cartwright attended the, Durham Teachers Conv ention at P ort Hope. Mr. Frank Kerslale owso liaa been i a Stott & Jur-v's. drug store for'somec years lias gene into oartnership withl Mr. Fred. Mason, Friendsiiip, N. Y. Miss Daisy Couch has returned from Toron tewisere she lias been acshsting bier cousin Mrs. R A Wolfe, (nee Miss R. Snow) al her Post-nluptial reception. Tise Rightilonourable Sir Richard Cartwright, Canadian Minster cf Commerce. it 15 now, lhe havîn2- beau isonored by King Edward withi appoint- ment as Privy Ceuncillor. 11ev. R Seaborn, Rector of St. John's cisurtis, offiiated lu St Peter's cisurch, Cobourg, Suuday. Boing King Edward 'e, birthday thse service was a Tisanksgiving one for the c9)mplete recovery of His Majesty. Misc; Neilie Williams, Bowmanville, teacisor at the Ontario Lalies Colloge, Whitby. presîded lu the tea roorulat a cflarming recoptien given by Mrs. Chas. C. Norris, Crescont Road, Toronto, at .comNgteut ' function for hier daughr Miss Ntte Norris. Among the many honoed guee-ts woattended the receptien givon te LaFdy Henry Somerset at tise W.C.T.U. eou'.eGntion lu Teronta recentlv were Mrs. Tises. Hoar, Mrs. J. M. Joness. Mrs. L. A. Tole, Mrs. T, C. Jewoll and Miss N.eads of this tewn. I-taff-Capt and Mrs. Mark Avre who bave been engaged for thse pasi seven vea rs lu Saivation work le Western Canada and the noith-western States werele tewn last week v.iïiting relatives previtvs te goii, te Newfeundland whore îisey hp've been transferrod te take charge efthtie Salvation Army work there, East York Wemani's Institute lias douea splendid worlt throuîghout tue rîding, being eue of the mest active lu Octarie It's secretary', Miss Lulu Reynolds, of Scarboro Junction, (a West Durham Girl, by thse way) is very active in its initerests, and to this taot muebeof its success beîongs.-Markbanx _______ __ 1_ e__MMOMM______- t: L« I LOCAL AND GOTHE1RWISE. t Gold baracelest lest. See ad. Adlj itional lecals will be found on an sinpide page. Coal,Coai, lots of ceai now, McClllan s& Ce. have receivcd 300 tous.- Town Council report is ou an inside ipage; aIse Cartwrighst Council. 1Mr.Tises. Grahsam, Claremont, is ln t own guest etftMr. R. Beitis, M. P. M A. Jaumes is Governmeut issuer ot Marriage Licenses for Durhiam Couix. Tise elections in tise Uuited States lat week resulted lu a Republican mujerity o! 25 Mr.R. Beitis's Hackneys leave for New York- Herse Show to-rnorrew ln charge-cf Mr,.1D. Grahsam., Miss tise Westminster Abbey Choir ie Osisawa next ,iondav niglit and yen will be a ion fie or3 Feses parade, to St. JohnuW (Anglican) chuicis ccxi Sanday at il a. m., Meet uit.a.O.F. Hall at 10 o'cleck. Tise new regalia will ho worn. Tise League meeting Monday evon- ing was in Charge of Miss Fie3 Masen asnd a profitable heur was spent la tise study cf 'lour Iledical Missions." On Sueclay llev. W. -Cooper, 1lPorù Perry,will occupy tise pulpit in StPaul'à cisurcis, The pastor gees te Port Porry te condiiet auniversary services in tise Presb,%, teîrian circis. A grouo piloto efthtie Provincial Sabbath School Association officers appoared ln caturda ,'s Globe, amoug wisem is tise 'amrniar fae et Mr. TiS. Yelletire Aiseeciate Saeretary. TIse League meeting aitishe Method- ist cisureis ors Mouday eveiIng next pýromis- s toeovir atrin .Tise Tilird edition of tise League paper "Tise Portfoli" wili ho reai. AIl are weieome, .IliGii Fxs-Mýany ef tise taxpayers of Ilowmunivillo are ef tise opinion tisat they are payieg taxes on tise Evaporat- or propei ty, but we wish tisem te know tisat we gel ne bonus, and Pay our ewn taxes. FIŽIKLE & ACEuuaAN. Suerament was açlmieistered te a largo nimsber of communicants in tise Methodisi churcis Sueday, Three 110W members wero received ýon probation. 11ev- W. Jolliffe us.isted 11ev. Mr. Crosslciv ut ioti sesrvices. For -soma. reuson bots ceegregations were unuisi- ally small for, sucislflue weathor,l Tise annrivorsary cf St. Paul's Pres- byterian J. F M, Socetv was held ou Tuesday by a thank-offoring and ton and was largelv attLntled by tise ladies et is c1oeg gî.Thse programme was iue enjo.ed and betere tea was% mevdthe pleasin(g anrleutuenîeui was '0do tisu tise collectioin amounited te B.î speciai invitat'in tiseprimary teachers efthtie town me,_t nt tise Metis- cdi- tpar ýoneg., ou Tuesday eveuing> lust and wvre cetertaiuefi by Rëv. and Mrs. D. O Cressley. Miss Jennie Me- Lean, delegate te tise Provincial Con- vention ln St. Thoemas, gave a report et tise preceedirmgs lu primnary work wii Was mueis ecjoved. Ceai arrived-Schooner "Jamiesn, Capi. Jos. Braund, bias arrived at Port, Bowmanville with cargo of newlv mimcd ceai [800 ios for MeClllan & Ce. They are sc1liic1g it at $7 at wharf or $7.50 deliverod in town. Th'-y aise have men eutting xvood and will hiave full .Supplv for a.ll. Firsi corne, firsi servei. flush in your eiders. Tise u'r77tian Eudeavor pro-gram ni lieu of tise raolular service 8undav ov- eniug ut thso Disciple Churcis was thcroughiy appreciatod bv a large audience. The essu',s cf Miss Maud Harnden and Miss Viola Gilfiilatn were eof great menit and treated et practical and spiritual lines o! chri3tian ondleavor movement and werk Tise closîug soug was "God Save tise King"- A concert will be given lu tise Town Hall on Nov. 18 under tise auspices cf thse Ladies' .Aid Society of tise Metbod- ist cisurcis. TFey have secured tis er- vices et Miss Editis \cKay, singer, and litile JennieJenkins, oloeuionist,-îwo clever artists who have performed suceessfully te large audienices lu Massev Hall, 'oronto. Admission '25c;' reserved soutF, witise't extra chuarge. Plau openeon: duturdue u t B[iL'20 Bezinuing wili c Sunday croît- ngRev. B. H, -IUndetil I. A_, will deliveram series ef lecture-sermons on "Great Religious Moveînejtq ef Christ ondoie" ini t1is foliewiîmg order: 1. Tise Riseofe Rointeisin ; '2. Tise Earliesi Protesîantsm i, iujclulijng waldensos, aud AlisigeuseQ; 3. Refm)rmation from Luther; 4. Luter Xlovemeuîs and tise Present Statu or tise Rpli_-ious Worid.1 A laser lecture will be "iWoiiammedîi-r as a factor in tisese religious more3- monts, especially as reP- 4.00 to Rom-aniisie". Itcbi*ng Skia Distrese by day and nigst.- Tisat's tise complalut oft hose wh-: are SO unfortunate as to be afflicted wits Ecrema or S ait Itieum-aed eut- ward applications do net cuve. Tiscy can'I. Tise source ofthtie tr ouble is lu the blood-mak-e tisai pure and Ihis seai- ing, isnrning, itchinsiakin iacsase, wlll disappear. 111 was taken with an itchucg on iny arins which preved very disagreeabie. Y. cenýclEdedit was sali rlsoum acd bonglit a bottie ef Hoed'a Sarsaparilla. Iii two dayN after 1 beguen takung it I toit bet'îter and 'lt was net long befere I was cured.,.3 nover bad any skie diseasose "MÏý5 IDA. E. WÂBRD, Covo Peint, Mdý Hood's Sarsaparilla rids tise bood et'aIl impurîtieo axut 1 1