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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1902, p. 3

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bacco. Opinm or Stimulants. Ma- ilOIrecelpt loOutcerlcit of the new volume vili et price, ea pkage $, ax. $5. jOce îýZe«lý265 sfx wizz cre. Pmbesfe t n dr~. e 'sent wilhsan)pie COPies Of the P- nhe lVCO6d o 7'an, ýUdsor, OPiPr to any tdioi on request. The' Woeds Pitospodine is tedbBrwminuvit 1, s'(-%v i 'nrs for1903 who send li J tiiggintetlîam& Son],ÈStt& jury asud 5j.'SI foÏ0 the cw volume at once Ne McIDenid, Druggists. vii eceivcee ail flie rejiuaiiîg fa- -Sue's" olo192, oluigthe Do'uble lloliî3av Nv iobet s; aiso The Cotai poofon C.iedar for 1903, litho- L rî in llutNvelvcî colors auci'od. PleCinaioB 4 er- A 7 -- ABRITISI- AR1'rY CANTEEN. A 28 C. ~t for a S e.3o etl., A1C [aOc.Btil for a Heanvy Cld. A 'S 1.00 BetiBo for a e 0epi-aed Cogpii. Sold by ail Drnggiats. A Plensant, Pomtaze Prïet Ga ýÎr2 for COUGH',Ï4S, COcLDus, HO21AR"S'ENES,13 and. eil Throat ead Lung Troubles. Obatinaf e Coughs yield te its gratef ni, soothing action, and in the racking, per- sistent congh often present ln consnmp- tive case8 iii gives prompt and sure re- lief. Mrs. S. Boyd, Pittston, Ont., writes: 1I had a severe cold l in y throat and head andi was greatly troubleri with hoarseness. Two botties of Dr. Woed's Norway Pine Syrup completeiy eured Frics 25 contse par battle. Where Thomas AtkinG Spenda Soîne oai is lime'. IWe w ililook iii at the ceitteen, the ,,oides' -putblic lieuse" ii bai t'tcks. A-lt Pies et it , is ociiy a "pulicj boulse," aboluttry fi igid in thli wei- couic it extradalto te soidier mhc! itbirsty. Jt is alwdtachcd bumilding on n-' ide rtf Utc ebarrark square, ôxerioolk".d by iflic barrrrcks thiicnseii os, tel l, tilire stuecci, dhîr- ty brick iiousis, w itis couru les win- dows aIl pil ufuIlyi alii.o; ev'ciy in- ci ov opena, tire se.she.s pusliad r.t t the amine leiglit, ruitlieleticaily cori î'cct, ex v eu cof thuni statdng out at tL iesquarie as if te itîspeet Nwiîc- tuer il is in ci dei; the grai el regu- laitm size, net a stoîîc larger than tîte otîter.Liseidr. te renthflicsaine regularity. It is long onri' efler 10w, ithe centèr a circuir " bar," upen it the bcr engineca wbiciit glit- ter like roO;ioundîllte sides ef the recul, tables, all cf tlec saine pat- tern, the orcfiiiery barrack type, scrrtbbed as neaily Nvlrfte as irtiy ho, the cortiers bouttd îith iren; cvery table supporterl 9y roîs trestles, p,intcdbic,; while between thoia i and tise trou is a row eoferais cf the saine unyielrling lînraci, pat- fet i. Tiee iorons e ud its fîriiture are perfoctiy rigid la uuifocnîity. A few wmorinl iv ariou sstges of onbut- tnameat, as te titeir fuit,, are seat- ed at n, table on which are pewtcî' pots, ',ho - beet' supplicd front the "bar" by a sergeanl, eviieîtly àn iold soldicrr, and several mcn in tiseir sitr siceves, who woî'k the boter cil- glae as if lry word cf coîtuiad- they arclteeîîriy non-regulatieîi ai- ficles in the place, ad il le a yelifcf to ecoe thetîs. Main is- subject te) 1,-112 cliffreA r.iSeesucs corne put a penny in the1 chuirn," is an old time dairyl proverb. It often seems to work though no one bas ever tolId why. XVhen rnotbeu-s are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh w e say give thern Scott's Emul- sion. It is like the penny in the milk bùocause it works andci because there is something astonishing- about it. Scott's Emulioni is.sîmply a rnilk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especialiy prepared for delicate stornachs. ,Children take to it naturaiiy because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be- cause it us so perfectly adapted to theur wants. For ail weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most ment. satisfactory treat- We will send yon thee penny, iL e., a, saniple f ree. Be srcsthait tintpicture la tire form of a label i5 on tire ;rapper of every bttît of Emulson y&n boy. SCOTT & BOWNE, - 1Chemists, Toronto,, Ontario. Soc. aud $fîee; ail druggir, ts. portant and instructive feature at al up-to date faire. People cen, as Mr. Doolittie said ut Whitby3, learu more by seeing an expert judge pass his hand ever an animai and point ont the stronng and weak points, in h ait an heur, than thev. can by a year's reading. 5h11l, sifter aIl, coinpurativeiy few er au hear, in thse iimited acé,.tnnxdation previded, ail that the judge suys. Arrangementso snonld.therefore,be madl e nconrectioni with al tail fer cvenîng mneetings, at whîch anjimais eau be( uscd for the purpose of illtistrating a.more gencrul, and conuected tulk on the type of an! mal which tlie murket et to-day eall for. In ana action, in thse 1Higli Court ot Justice for Ontario rccently tried bo- fore ChancelIor i3eyd ut Torouto, The Slater Shoe Ce , and Chus. E. Slater, President, cf Montreal, enakers efthte tamous Siater Shoé, obtaineti a judg* ment torever rcstrainin.- F. C. Wilkin- son, boot and shoee deuler,Owen Sound, trom ads ertising, offering, expesing for suie or relilg boots or shees Det macle by The Siater Slioe Ce as 1, Siater Slioes," IlSlater Goods" or -The SlNter Sboo" Th e ChancelIer as ordered~ Wilkinson tepa' thse heavy ,-cests of lise actIon. t omsLiknsuwas oflring fer sa-leshe macle by a manuI tfacturer flu Motreai wosoDame was eomwha grniarte,)Tiie ýSiater Sîsea Ce. Tis mak n-1-r came up from Mont-' rou ill naeeviden1ce ut the trial' and uppeureý(1to te heooking atter the detouce for likisnbt t'iseChancellor atteri heurin.g theevde clecided tisat ne eue, ex2(ept thse Siater Slbioe Ce , hud a rigist te use isenue %~ter Shees," 'Slater GeodIs," "Thse Sla.ter Shoe," or uny simïlar, namnes in conunection witlî boots and shees and tisat Wilkinson liad ne rigt te use an-~itame or Dames in connectiena wittî boots and shoe which u eght aena1ie hlim t o 'tass ot a shoe otnet ethte Cern. pay's make, as boiug of their muke, aer in any wayte reap tise benofit et nurth of i vnnipeg, and as I1'qtzel up. ru thic possibilities of succesa, awaitîng the ambitions mîan, I wondered that' se maiiy weuid live on rented farms, or by dily wuges in the east, w1iile large traets of prairie land to suit the ranch. mari or agriculturist mu be had for very littie SGod 19 nulles from the City 1 (wCst we found ourselses fui the midst of a wheat fiolti. Look whleh way u wouid and as far as eoecanî sec, it was wvlicat in, sht'ek, wheuî bein- si,%cked, or w'hoat vassinz t hrough thse machinei, and bti; ig curried to flic elovators. Canada has been bie3sed this year with a bountiful htarvest and general prosperity In business cireles, se tlint the present scems et verv opportune time for people who have log(dolie cnsiness on credit te start te adoýt the cash system. Paýýoff all aid dcbts und start pa3 in-- spct cash for every thingI. As we stated lest weck this plan conf ers 1double pieasurc--ontheonee who buys and or) thse one who seils, lieuder, if ,ou have any doubt abo)ut it, give it a 'air trial ard ho ceuvioced. Some elderiy men err by llieaving th-3 farm as mreii as young. ones. Il is nect easyv for a r adn whe has been aciv n a farm te feu junte town wavs. Living- on the farm where the miid anti bauds may bc, occupied and stili severe labor be avoided, is rea1iy an ideul lite. Ilw innch better than te settie clown withl abseiutely nothiîjg te do ? Then freili iniik, el-gs, fruit and vegetabjesg are not aiwuys readilv obtuinubie atter îenving the farm andi there tliey, are sii,,tly in abundance. il-.Mr Tao gope te yer. thcbDPr. Ch 's Oin tînit 1iS a cortàta andi abselute cure for each and evory terni cfitchiniR. bieeodieg andi protrilding pileCs, thei eea.îuers bav net.scsntêed it. See tcs- timonia fa the diy pressefan sityour ne.ý,igl- bora whal.thoy think orit, Yencao usait antI gt Tour mnener bathk if net cured. 60(- a boi a û .,l dealers or EM'sNBrs&Ce., Toronto, Drahas cý 1Oint-,me0nt yeu n o t ur ieits e yurnaes express offlice, C. O. D., v, itb privil- e"ge etof mnaio:if stsatrpuy the ox'press ugïýeun $anti expres charges andi take the Beit. Il net as rtepresenttd -oîî neeti net puy one cent, If yen send cash witli order we prepay thie postage. XVE ARE MANUFACTURE lIS et all kitids cf Elctýrica1 A ppliaices.' Write uis fer our eokgv price's and tuli particularsý. lIt is s(ent free. De-,111 net nva Blluntil yen see thse Prof Morse's. Write at:1once. Address The F~. E. Karn GCo., 132 Victoria St., T@:-outo, Can,"ada. GENTLEMAN ESTABLISHED 1831, 1h 0NYRlî~IrIN'8M AND ABSOLU I'ELY THE Every deartiment witety pcathIe baigiest altliorities lui tbeir respective lines. No other patper pretends te compare witb il je qualifications cf edîtorisi staff. Gives bbc, agricultural NEWS with a degree cf eompletenesa flot even alteciptdbi' ethers. AIL COUXTRY UIDENT8 W110 WISII Te KL'EP UP WITII TUE TIMES. Single Subseriptions, $1.50; Two Subsoriptions, $2.50; Fîve Subseriptiens, $5.50. Special Inducements te Raisers eo' Larger Clubs. FOUR MONT HS' TRIAL TRIP 50@, SPECIMEN COPIES wilbe msled free on requcat. il wil psy aly- body interested ie au', way i couotry lite!fate seed forthleni. Addrrse tiie publisners: LUTHER TUCKER & SON, ýAlbany, 9. Y. ÊelSubseriptions taken aIthi clie Bolli ptliers together, $: 01 ULO 15s asL1ueb, for EtitinILJplreaqoUU that when we rebuiid them thel are mnade 0to do0 work equal te a new machine, ail defe.ctive parts bcingw replaced by brand new factory parts. They ara aiso guarantee« for one year against defectiveworkt manship and material. If vou ivudlike te hear more about thent a po$t card wfI.l bring' full particul« ars. 1Pirje liýt issued monthiy. CalladÎan "7p&yîýiEr xchange. 4 fade1a!de St., East, TORONTO. Livutrooa LAM) >LeNDoNDFnRy 1ROYAL MAt Fronn Morctreal. Parislan........... M OCt 19 ilavarian......... .....a..m Oot. 25 Toris4anl.............. a. m. Nov. i Corintiti n..................! a. 1,r. Nov. 5 Pretorlan................. a a m Nov. 15 1RDIJCED WINThR Rï PATES. First Gabin, -Tuniari andiBavýaria n or0 and upetWards; Parisiai ý ansd mupu ard(s ; Pretoriail ..d Cerinithian $50 ýait4up ics dont or Lo)nd1onder ry. Ttird Cao ooior accommuodlation every- thin feed $ 11a0d$26 lriailnding tiekets tbruhto Loudon, Glaggotv, Dorry, and Bel- otrateGlasgow direct-Sirillan, day- liglitÉ N. i.atCabin e,5, md Gabin î,55, Allan State Li'ýe Service, Xciv York te Gla.agow, via Londonderry:- Cai thaginiani....»............... 9 a. ta. Oct. 1@ Lamrentian..................... 9a. m. Oct. 30 ist e1a-S $45 to $60; Snd vias$35 ; Ird class $26. For 'rickets ni every inforimation cPIpry to Y. A. JAýMES, Alian Une Agont. Bowmasnville. ADVERi'ISING BATES. THIEE CAaÂNADANsrTES.MAN is polýlshod every M'ednesday morning et the Ortiet 26 STÂra-1 DIAN Block, iiu Street. Boiuvnanvilio, OC_.,bjr M.A. Jnas, Lditorsuid Prepr-ictor. Subbcrip. tien $1i50 rer aaomm. or $1.00 if pald strictly ta advance. Advertising rates, transient a Iver- tising, ten cents pertliue, first insertion ; flve cents t;er lineecdi sobsequent inserlîon, Con.o tract ra.ce or, application.

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