Very latest poi fh lýGîî~Oe ienmtr High j!Sheif aniR 1î - t h~hon ftIe m invb r iawe are o«rigtlis iea \ veiwrdtgte t elrei ar1d most cOrnplIetc.e- of 11 ri e ie;evr (offerîdlt I loeaity. Alil very carcfuHv7! t<iyl :I veurI e'i f L'hmecia nitd Phonle 66 0ýlue door-west o! Port Office. I Tis beyond i itei klI is expended are so m'tch superior i comparison. For FF been very largely ýuse( nunion but traffics in large facilities, and sp sults possible. We cl they have reached pet is knoxvn in the scien day. 'Plie Aerated speclal features. Sold ligent dispute that more money and 1 n the construction of the S than on any othier liue of stoves in America. It fol- lows as a logical sequence that a hîL esadard of10 ,)perfection is at- ; tained. Alumlinuin to the ordinary oven as to be beyond ýY - Étty-s5x Vears our stoves have :.d; flot a hamiet in thîs broad Do-9 Souvenirs'.- Unequalled experience, pecial opportunities niake great te- laim for Souvenir Raînges that trfection, that is, so fat as perfection ice and art of stove building of to- SOven is only one of their niany -d by leading dealers everywhere. CE 0099 Local Agents, I3owmanville. -Tilden Co., Limited, --I The Calladian Statesulan BOWMANVILLB. NOV. 12, 1902 Read this paper the~n addregs an en- velope to a friend, eut both euds openl thus making a goo.l self-"eing wrap- per,enclose the paver, attacli a one-cent' stamp and mail it. Fourteen editorial articles articlei4 are published on an inside page tkis week. including the balance of our Thanks- giving Day thougk6,. Read them and sec if SOU agree wlth the Editor's yViews. The 'Milton Reformer edited and publislied by Mr. R. White, lias just entered upon its 18* year of publica- tion and is stili as frolicksome -and Ibright as a boy in short pants. This edition tf Tiiu STÂTB>SMÂ N cou- sists of 2,250 copies and covers practi- cally ail of West Durham. It is a great advertising medium. It goes' to everv school teacher in the couuty. lion. James Sutherlaad of Woodstock succeeds Hon. J. 1 Tarte as Minister of Public Works, and Mr. Ra, mond Prefontaine of Montreai beco mes Minfister of Marine and Fisheries. Both appointmnents will meet -with great favor Farmers and breeders of Eastern Ont- ario iwho desire to enter stock to be sold at the next auction sale of stoëk at Ot. tawa should bear in mind that, their entries wili have to be made bv the end of this month, although tho'sale will flot be hield until February Ilth. Al entries should, be 'sent to A P. Wsster veit, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. A g'reat mnany sales were made at Ot- tawa and Guelph sales last year. We are not lilcely to get very cheap coal for somne montbs for preéent indi- cations, for bairing the llmited output of the minies suck is the demand andc the bidding for anthracite at the pro- gent time by places uearer thes mines and easier of acees, that it is impossible to have coal here in tome than a month or two at reasonable prices. lndeqed, to Oring coul thare at present WOUldI rneau a continuation of prohibitive prices', and probabl v the holding of th 6 coaiutul there becarae more favorable pr'ises. Singe this was wr!i,31ss a @ao o! coal bas ,aprived. We eannot understand why so many country editors in every issue devete wo much attention to party politics., Tua E TÂTESMAN -flids m&nvsubjects in ottier channeis for its editorial columus and believes the 'people atipreaiate dis- CUSsiOn of lucal tapies very much more than continuons harping on partv politics. Over two celumns o! editorial ojYnioins will be found this we@k ons an inside pag-e. 0f course, we dont expect aIl our reade-rs toa agree witil us Read what we gay and if sou differ fromi us, thesel coluibn8nsare open to your views. -iWkh" eS lb»i M Trade donce since ogumon te Mevît recogili"Ln? We haire' net- heard o! a meeting. 5Svwely there are important questions dai immianediate consideration if ibs praviiece in-cludAs the busirses and 'citize uptrest of Bqw manville. The to)wiise'go1 be running itiseif o! late. M&teerid are om~~ te a pretty pass. General, has made penny postage a success, havinZý actuall ' produced a surplus. New lue skould direct his great energies to ustioniJuation o! the tele- grapk. t&lepihoae and express or parcel dalivery, rural mail delivery and the farm teephone. Tiiese accomplished an& thesi the Cadiau farmer should be the most coatcst.itsmaun on earth. We flhad the largti circulation o! Tira STATESMAN le draWing tO is comUmueS o' mauch adver tLing that after gîving space to the e ue camach eek sent lu by our worthy corps o! courntry correspon- dents and ta the town news prepared by the local oditor uve oftcn have no room for our own special deparmnt- the editorial. This wcek ouaua inside page will be found several Notes and Commente which we wrote on Thanks- giving Day but wWcâel have boee crowd- ed aut every week since. Il is the advertisenuents that pay in a newi.paper and truiy thie journal is enjo ing' a fuir share o! the powprity that is existant in ii hueluittr ut tise present ilm. The y ear 11u 2 will long be referred ta as thee yar of abundance o! apples, Sa plentifi are they and 50 difficuli bas it been t-a encuve pickers that many orchards sclli hoid quantitias o! fruit going ta wastc that ini ceusons like last yomr would bing good money. We are no prophe4 but we expect ta cee apples kicllbin ha Mai-h and April ut go-ad pr4ees rc;ýardlesa of the exceptionaal yil.Twc offa indicate this eut- look: &p zLn-eseRIllv Ae a resuit e! se mueh wet upples are defective and have not ripffned hio wall as whe n more witý.h"ae prevaile and ceeondly beca-use of a short'1 m-op la 1FranSe, Gerimars! and L le .in4tuduetia of omnac hinery en t1ie &rum a leai or gain tio West Dur- bin f4krmers ? It me3ans a great re iutn population in couitry dis iret nd iii hc timenecelssary ta cul- 1výc ArV% ostatrnd gel readi fMr ami an .Le Uar1oýkt tee-e( rps.' It is es timat- (-1 that bý n, of e machiner v the tizueý required to plaànt a'buchel o! grain lias been reduee4L fern four'hours and a baï4fi ho41 minutes, Iu sixtvy ycars the duraion @-! htaan Labor called for in prodý-ueiag a busheil o! wheat lias, been r-eduLed Lu-cm tbre hours ta ten min- utes, and fintirtY yeuiss tlic labor need- Od in ukn a tco f iuay reiuced from 85 toe leveu boni-s anel a bal!. We have Uoliced scu eral instances o! pehes hprfiig been su@cessfully Praised alosug tbt noî-th 'éhore o!Lake Ontario and-even ini tbc latitude o! lýin(iav. mr " - . lusinormulUs that she b"s a tr8ee Ihat bai-c 2j bustiels "%C Ciize mut xeriiehisiightthis sasors. 1-ýew, we should like ta a-iaccitizen mutaetivxe rt hi isbîknow that a great many persans bad a-~a ctizn ~nd akeactve artbj isplanted -peach stanes and intend ta try vote in affaire o! thec country" said Sir raising* Ibis wholesome fruit. It-Is an Wilfrid Laurier the other evening aymatra -iepattesThe whe adresingth stdens o Laalstanes eau be planted in beds or in University* He bad seen with regret boxes lu the fait and in the spring just that the great majarity o! the people in as soan as the eeedlings are wcll above France do mot bother with public affairs ground they should be l! ted c'arefully and couseciuently in Franc~e it i seldom - -- Wezst End House. John McMurtry. Ladies' Wrappers lade $1.OO9 $1.25, $1.50 and $2.0O. Many ladies have flot the time to make up their own Wrappei-s ani buy ready-,o-wear ones. The Wrappers made by the well-known firm of Tooke, > Bros. iusure you fit, style and the best of eloths in - the newest designs and eost no more than (heap one$. Te Best $1.25 Wrapper in the trade is sold at M eurtry's. J,]fies 'lgk lDk -â Ladies' Flannelette Dra wers. lu inestrpedLadies' Drawers in fine pink - . ~ pale bIne a"nd' and whit~e fiannelette with pink dsigus, frill bottoms, good value at50 with doble Laies&, striped, fiannelette3 c yok an sef.- Drawers, good eloth. Prie, yok an sef-Ladies', extra heavy, dark in(y ni grey Engliah fiannelette trmi.gie rwrs. Priee 750 LadiQ~iht kobhee i âmle fiRish h1 n' Ng t pi."k-ad -white .oiurs onaly, R b~ adD a es naade up ncatdy witk frilis00 R bs rdD a e . of 1 U rimming. Price O Childreiis N Rh obes in LadiM' NghtRob~ mace ~neat stripe patteruatnnel- in piiak, pale bîbe and white te i ie.P i e rith faney trinuning, extra Chilreu's Night, Robes,good good aleth aind full. $ 150 quality flanu elette, self60 * Prieeand$l1 tîuiin. P 5 OhiJAî'en's Dvaw.rg in good> stripedfiannolette, al'l ~ recefiBrnd Unereo ~ ze~Price 25c The be3t value in the trade: gDipa of Fash- made with the guset -in tiie sleeve. inbe ufiand ess25c, 40e and 50c. Drawers the aMe pvrie. Gperinfls. Best, Value in Dress Goods in West.,DUrham1. Bowmanvhlle. , Leading Clothiers - ig'hest Price for Produce - -King Quality Shoes.