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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1902, p. 5

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Accu rate Spectacle Fitting. The art of looking after every l1111e detail in oye testin g andI spec- Ual ting ca-nnfot be learned in a day. We have spent years at the bisness and lb le only by constant study and applicatiem eombined ,with our large experience in fitting -.omplicatedci Ca 8e e8eextremely for other dealers ia adseeof the] laa-ger towns and cibles of Ontario that we are able le gîTe the follow- ing guârantee with every pair of giasses we seil. If after wearing pair of car swepe.-l s one monîli -you feel that yen weuid rather hava yronr money back than keep the glasees we wlIl cheerfnhly ne- turn ei-ery cent you paid us anti charge yen nothhlig for the time yen seientifleally anti carefuily testiug yonr elght. If wo cid flot underutand our bus- iness we could not make an offer like tls. tott A j N u ry, The Peopme's Opticians. BOWxÂNVILLE. COULE, ',1T TURN IN1 BED ,%,citizen of Trenton, Ont.,,who suffered agony with his baçtýý and kidneys, tells of his rapld and complete restoration '1t Ieo t by the use of Dr.'-Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets. We desire to present to you the history of tihe case of Thernas Dnglasf, ef..Trenton, Ont., whose occupation is that of carter for thse Gilirnan Co., au avecation which in volves bcavy lifts and fre- quent exposure te wet and eold-all bard on thse kidneyn. Thiat Dr. Fitcber's Backacbe Kidney Tablets could se quickycr a case se severe as that of Mr. Douglas is a splendid =rb te tîr z-apid-acting, thorough-going curative qualities. MR.7DouGLAs- TEILS MI-S STORY. 111 kad been a very healthy =,a until a few meontas a@@, Wllen 1 was taken with a very severetpain. across thse srnall of thse T~c~ s e r ha É light 1ed attributed, thse pain to tat, and commeoed usiag la* ivisci I fou-Rde gave me no relief. I eïing th-e testimonial of Mr. Kobold, a Trenton gentleman, who had used Dr. Licrs Bacbache Kidney Tablets, I made up rnymmnd to try thern. 1- bad used v'wy fe-w Tablets before I found relief, and I can tell you I was very thankful for tlh.' , as 1 bad ;Doon so bad that I had te lay cff work for days, and A niglits I could trna in bcd. Dr. Pitchoi-'s Backache Kidney Tablets have made a Pe-rfect and t- Dudi cure in my case. 1 arn at work cvcry day before 7 a. rn., and c cris sard i~. (ay, and I cari assure you my work is not easy, as 1 have a great deal of 'bec lÀtig to do, and the constant stcoping is a great strain on thse hacis, but I amn -f1 to say I bave nover had a twinge of pain, nor bas rny bacis bothered -me irfice Dr. Pitchcr's Bacisache Kidney Tablets cured me." (Sigued) Tnos. DOUGL.e MRS. DOUGLAS CONFIRMS IT. "I gladly endorse aIl my husbnnd says about Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tvblct,. Tbey acted splendidly in bis case and bave -inspircd me witb sucis confidence 'of th, cý: fficacy tisat I arn using them now myself. "I b ave been troubîrd for Borne time with sicis headache, -weak speils, tired feel- ings, and gcnerally rua dcw n. 1 bave used the Tablets only for a short tirne, but feel so very rnuch hetter already that y ou mLLy be sure as sonr as I bave taken another bottlý_w two cf the Tablets, you will hiear frorn me.- " 1Itell -il rny friends that Dr. Pitchier's Bacisachie Kidney Tablets have donc spleulidly for us-, aud botb Mr. Douglas and myseif have no besitation in allowing you t use our naines in endorsation cf sucb a reliable rernedy." (Signed) Mus. Tiacs. DouenAs. 50 DOES MR. SIIURIE, DRUGGIST. "Iamn welcquaintcd witb Tisas. Douglas, of this town, who is a teamster lu the eiloy of the, Gilrnan Co. "l ie is a% Lsard-M orkinig and respectable citizen, aud 1 bave no esitation in endcr-*dn_ the setaternent he gives cf bis cure by Dr. Pitcher's Bacisache Kidney Tablcs, usit -v a.i f rom iny store the Tablets w cr0 purchased, and 1 know the condi- tion buoa in pi or to, tn.king thern, and that be is no-w, to the best cf rny knowledge, workinig bard ev ery day without any trace cf bis former trouble." (Signed) J.AS.SHn. Dr. Pitchcýr's IBacisache Kidney Tablets are 50c. a bottie or 3 for $1.25, ab, ail druiistIs or b, i ma-iil. ThLe Dr. Zina I'itciser Co., -Toronto, Ont. au, eaadau tttomau BOWMeNVILLE, NOV. 12. 1902. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BowmAN-ILLE jaSTATION GOiNe EAOT., GaING WEST, Mail..... 929a. n.lx xpress.... 315 a. r "'x neus.-..-.10 25 4' 1 Local.:71. MI«ed ......556 p.rn. 1 Pmger- 1 42 p.m, Local.... 658 p.m. 1 Mixed. T 38 5Exprees...Il25 p.m. Exprnh does n o owegt Manday morniag. 'Sundays Iigist ony STrrr & Juuv. Town Agents Excursion to Toronto NOV. 21. Sae advt. Opeîuing for a, smart boy to learn printing at this office. kieader, have yen a dollar ini your pocket that you owe us? We need it. You w'ill miss it if you don't sear Jennie Jenkins lu Town Hall Nov. 18' Mr, aud Mrs. W. Dingmnu att-endpij thle funerAl cf tise late Xa'mes IM1îr nard of Brookîtu Thursu1ay Mr- andi.M ts J . Mason attended tise f154tgpc t the late NMrs. James Trff 1 alikerinz Frida-i. Yon aie safe inu iutroducing tise Yfouth's C-îompanion into our home. Seej Litorary Notes on inside page. Tise Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co's lineoio! ýteaîn ors wiII make their finagl trip for this sesnml ek I'ho Natin üai Anltbem was ,sUng &st 6hservice iii thse Methodist chunch Sumdavlu oer cf tise birthday cf j ne Edward VIl1. Tise proprietor 01t01ue of tise best eOUntry pai crs in the' Province writîug tise ditor cf Tînt STrATESMAN savs : As you)lr week]y journal raflas as oneocf tebetcoulntr-V papers, I desire voist t explain briî3fl.y thse best menuls YOU have fc;lound f(),,koeping up tise ircul- SenJ in the news. We have a post office box lu STATESMAN office deer. Dou't fait te heur Edutis MeKay, a younz singer o! rare abilitv, in Town Hall. Nov. 18. Rcady-to-wear blouses, êtres s skirts, underkints, uight robes and drawers soltI at tise West Ead lieuse. Westminster Choir appeare lu Sinîcoe Si. Methodist ehureis, Osbawa, Monday, Nov. 17. Everybody siseuld heur risen. Reati Miss Macklin's interestinz letton fromn Waecaua, N W. T. Head tise "Home Medicine Ch3st" on an ingide page. Jennie Jenkins bas deligited large audiences ln Massey Hall, Toronto. Don't failta heur ber lu Towu Hall Nov. 18. Robent J. Niddrey was arrested lu Toronto for tnying to elso Mrs. J. P, Riddell's walcis anti chain 'which ho stole fromi a raiiwav car. He was sent te tiseCentral Prison for five monîiss. Mrs. James Truli, Pickerinz, wus humne-Jon Wednesda:y bv bier - dotises takinz fine fremn a pet of bar wiies iciteti over ou tise kileben steve anti caugisl lire. Mrs. Truli was a Miss MeClelIan -wbo fer menly lived sentis- wesl of Maele Grove. *Allan Lino will saili uring winter menthe fnemn St. Joisn, N.B., Saturtiays aud Halifux, N. S., >4emdays., Pus- seugers eau leave bore by fast express Sundtiv 10 25 am. forIHa lifax, or Frl- day 10 25 a.m., for SI. John. AUi nfor- mien froin M. A. James, Sleamsisip Tiditet Agent, Bowmanville. FEAR os' 'uta FoUnURE-MosIpeopîs' who tinoadth ie future are victims cf some terrible disease, Mrs, W. Francis, 204 Coborne St , Rin-sien, was lu a batistuto wtls Sidineydiseuse. Shehlati severe, pains in bacis anti iogs, wns -gradualiy losiisg fiesis anti fola ra cf the future. A -fieuti recemînondeti Dr. Ctîus's Kîdnev-Liver Pillat mmd tise resuît was n comploete cure. Ttsene le me -medicime more reliabie, nu su certain ho preduce a tisorougis cure. One pîli a, Jos.î, 25 cents albox. Gold Woatlier, Novoffber Wrnds5 Rougli Skill.' This is the, most trying lime or t,'hose who aro troubled -w 1h "chaps" on the lips and bauds, rogh'ness of the skin, tenderness alter sbaving, etc. In Cream cf Violetm we have a perfectrensedy for those troubles. t acts as a skin food and keeps the ski in that soft veivety condition that is so desirable anti attractive in youth. If yen have rough bands or face try a bottie at 25c- with the epportunity of getting your money baek if yen ask for lb, The People's Drugzists. BOWMANVILLE. GerC.:e Gîstur ris ny1-ý ýs ', rs tise Sîguature uofdlsi s, i. Fietclien. Wheo Taisy was 've gave lier Carter-la. Wsen s he -, as a ssts ie cnîed fan dastoria. Whiea rliscbecame Miss, se ciussg teGastorta., Wben sbebad Children,sise gave tiieta Cartoia. &.Sinning Away from Home" ie Dr. Talmage's tiseme this week. TuE STATESmAN goes free balance of 1902 te new subseibers for 1903 Don't shiver wH h tise cold longer. MeClellan & Ce. have lots cf coai now. Monkey Brand cleaus aud brigistens everytbing, but wou't wash clothes., Our offer cf one nid and eue actual new subser ,iber. fer -1.50 stili holds geed. Our yeunn people shsould> net miss hearîng tire clever cbiid etocutionist, Jennie Jeukins, in Town Hall Nov. 18. For tise finest stock cf ladies suitings s'nd dress gonds cf al kinds. caîl at Concis, Johiaston & Crydorman's. Mn J. S. Ri.udie bas doue a god isarness trade but bis bealtîr crpels retiremeut aud bis business is offered for sale. Edilis McKay is young singer thoro' ly traiued, wso bas nover failed te cbarm wberover sIte bas uppeaned, heur ber in Tewn Hall, Bowmauville, Nov. 18 Quick passage was matie by Alan Lino Steamer "Bavarian" lasItnrp- culy 6 days,_19 heurs, 20 minutes ,actual time from Rimouski, Que., te Moville, Irelanti. Spend Christmas lu Engiand. Enquireocf M. A James about stoam- sbip rates For cuts, wounds, chililains, cbapped hands, rbeumatism, stif! jcints, burns, scalds, bites cf insecte, croup, ceughse, celds, llagyard's Yellow',Oil wîll -be fonnd an excellent remedy. Pnice 25 cents. Ail deniers. Anion praver meeting whill-bo helti in thse Melbedist cisuncisTbur stiny v- eniug unden tise-auspices cf tise Lorn's Day Alliance. Al-tise pastons are] expecteti. te bc present. 1Rev B. H linyden wîll gîve an address. Collec- tion un nid cf tise Alliance Mr- J. J. Keiso, Supèrntendent cf Neglected and Depeudent Ciiltiren, Toronto, bas received frem oeeof tise infants' Honmes cf tise Province te ho plucod lu fosten homes, five brigist, attractive Iutile boYs who would-,cor-. triinly be n trensure un some quiet home wbere tise prattie cf ebjîdren is net known Anycune tbinkin- cf ndoptiug a littlo fellow sbould write hlm for ahl necessary information., The Ladies Aid cf St. Paul's Cisurcis will run their annunal excursion to Toronto on Friduy Nov. 21 iîîclutiing stations froni Cobourg te Pickering inclusive. Rates : Newtonville $1,75, Newcastle $1.45. Bowmanvillo $1,80, Darlington $1 25, Oshawa $1 10, Ciid- ren j rate. Tickets gond te go auJ reluru by Local train only samo day. Nowtonviile tickets are good te rehuru next da 'y any train stopping there. See bis fer futher particulars. New lot cf lTooko Brus, swell necis- wear jusi roeiyed at tise West Endi lieuse. For tise best $10,00 oeocat lu Can- ada. eallut Concis, Jehuston anti Cry- derman's. Auvlhing:you want in ýfurts i fai? Try the Weat End lieuse. Bigger range tisan evor. Miller's Drink Cure is sale, effectualiy, anti can be rondilv taken, Sold by, Sîtt & Jury, dnuggists. Carnation Soap is tise newest and best for tise tllet. lO0e per cake, 25e per box at MceDermid's Drug Store. Cail and secetise fur rufis, mufis, caponines, gaunhiets, caps, robes, cents._ etc., ut M. Mayer's tise fumrier. Wo Ihave pleased many lu oun Meu's Cletiig dephttis faîl, lot us trY te pionEce rou"if in wanst cf fine clctiig at moderato pricos. 'fie West End lieuse. We wisis 10 inform cur patrons tisai we have a brauris at Hampton under tise careocf Mrý C Jchusanid thiat auy enders left with hlm wiil receivo prompt attention auJd ve wish il understocd we do not muko amy extra charge for dis- tance. XVe aIse have a brancis ah Blackssiocis undon Mr. Charles Malow wiich wiIl receivo prompt attention. Il. D. Williams & Son. We always like te hean tisai our enstomers are satisfied. Last mentis we beoket Mn. \V.J.Gibson and famîly, Cetiardule, Ont., te Jreland andt t-day ive neveived a letter frcm \lr. Gibson in wich. ho iys .- "To Mn. M, A. James,' Bowmanvilie-Dear Sir,-.1 drop yen a few linos to e lt 'ou know about our voyage Woli, we had a vory rougis passage, but was well careti fer auJ bad pleuty of gecd food. We tisanis yon, very mucis for vour kindness te us anJ if ever we go bnck te Canada we wili deal with yen again. " AN ENGLIsE AUTHRnetWROTE: No sisade, n,) shinie. ne fruit, nc fin wens, ne leaves-November !" Manv Amenîcans would add ne freedom (romu catarnis, wiic is se aggravated dnning Ibis month tisat il bocomes clonstantly troublesome. Tisere is abundant proof tisat cahurris is n coxstitutionai disease, Il is related te serofula andI ceusump. Horse wanted--see advt. Generai servaut wanted-see advt, Marriage licenses only 82 at STATU. mÂM office, No witness neoded. Smart boy wauted ut once te lears printiîug aiTEE STATIIISMN office. Tise cleveresi eiild Etocüttoniat whe ever visited tisetewît, Jeunie Jonkine, will appeur in tise Town Huit Nov. 18. Couglis, colds, hoarseness, eand other'thiroat aliments are 'zickly nelie-ved by Vaîo-Cnes<n. lene tsbletg. tan cents Ver box. Al &nggists. liead tise insitie pagles tisis weok. Tise househoid columu bus hisnts for women and tise celumu "Worth Kuowiug" is very meaty. Photos Cisap.-A big neduction on photos for November ut Tait', Bcwmanville, for cash wit1h entier, clondy tinys are ail rigist. 45-4w. Editis McKuy le a grent favorite lu Toronto where sise bas suug lu Mussey Hall te large audiences. Heur ber lu Town Hait Nov. 18. .Mn Robent Boitis, M. P., ultended tise annual meeting cf tise Canadian Hionse Breedens« Association lu Toronto last week andt tek active part in tise proceedtngs. Il wue Jecided te hold tise beavy stallicu show in' Februany inste~jadcf Apnil lu future. Ail touchers, officns anid otiasn- tenested lu Sundny Scisool wonk are specîallv invitedt t attend a meeting in tise Metsotilst Scisool-ncom ibis.LWed- nesday oyoning ut 8 o'cîock. Reports cf tise Provincial, Sabbats Scisool Con- vention wiil be givon by Mrs. L A. W. Tole, Mr. P. Trebileck'auJDOr. W. E. Tilley. 20 YEARS OP ITcitIsa PuaBs,-Mn. -Alex. MeLaugis'in, Bowmanville, Ont., writes tisaI for twenty yenns ha suffened tennibiy fromn itching piles. Seven easagoe o sked n dnuggist for tise best cure for piles anci was toid ho use Dr. Cbase's Olulmeut. Ho ceutinued tisis treatment unlil entinely curoti, aud as ho bas noverisati any rolturnucf bis olti trouble censiders bis cure permanent and nerisrable on account cf tise iougtis cf lime ho suffered. Cawkcn & Tait want good seund pehalees. Onder sale bis ut STATESMAN office anti redeive notice frac. Do yen Joui wi this n? if yenù Jou't, it will pay yen te shunt now. Cawker & Tait. Tise swoliesh range of ladiesq'siliz anti satin meck ibbous lu t1ie eounly ut MeMurtry's. Mtiller's Drink Cure bus matie tisons- qade eofisappv homes. SolJ by Stoît & Jury, tiruggists. Men's flannelette nigisi robes, nil sizes, first-lass fianneletle, for 75e ut tise West Endi liuse. Son tise Emulsien cf Ced Liver 011 tisai is on sale ah ýcD)ermid's Drug Store fer 85c per boýttie. 1For tise ùewest, best aud cheiast rendiy te wear cobngehallntConczis, Jobusîcu & Crydenmuù's. .We wan t your endors for pupens ferj 1908. 'Ne eautake endtrs for ovni- 000 diffenent, newspapers and magazin es. -We believe tisat we bave tise best Ten Dollar Overcoat sisowu by anyiscuse lu Canada. Concis, Jobuston &Cr3 don- man. If yen have uny furs Lhia neeti repair- ing on aiterng ncw is tise time o h ave tisem Joue by M. Ma-ver, Pruelical Fumrier. For iilionsness anti sicis heuducis èur Perfect Liver Pis are tise best. 15e perbox, 2 for 25e ut'McDrmid',ç Drug Store. A big assenîtmeul o! Ladieselegant Fur Lineti Capes un ail kqualities anJ specially gccd value at Coîîcisjoinslou & Crydermau's- F. C. Pelhick is agent fer Tise Edison Pisouegrapit. Pnices from $10 le $100. Records 5Oc encis or $5.00 n Joz. .Cali aud heur il tais. People cerne mnny miles te geltishein furs repained bv M Mayer becanse ise is a praclical fumrier having servetia lifetime aI lise business. If you tiink cf geiug te' Europe ask M. A. James for i-aies auJ sailings. Ho kuows tise best boats auJ gels the isesi borliss fer bis pnsseug ors. Cali ut Pelisick's Barbon Shop aud seï.r oeeof lise Genume Edison Phono. grapis. tise loudest auJ cleareshtnlking machine lu tise world. New subsenibo're te TEE' STATESMAN aroçming lu We wanh 1000 uow subsenibers before New Years. Ask your migihon te subsenibe. Wbeu you reai Cawker & Tait's advt Ibis wîsek, Jon'itishinis it is only papen talk but go aud test tise trntbfulnees o! thir statement, it will pav yen. Concis, Johuston & Crvdenmun show a fine lot cf ladies' Fur Coule lu Astra- kan, Bokisarun and Pensian Lamb, Ne fluer geods on boiter value anywhene. We have a fresis supplv cf Emuision cf Pure Nonwuy Cod Liver Oil with MARRIED. DEARBORN-M(GLL-lIn Oshawa, Nov. 4tis, by Rev. W. H. ChIdiey, Mr Hiram R.Dearborn sud Miss 'Pearl, only daugister of Mr. W. H. MeGili. NasBrTv-Gujy-At 'LEecust 1Hill,",Nov, 1st, isy 1ev. J. F. Meais, Myrtie, Mr. Ernest W. Nesbitt and Mi ocra, clidest daugister cf Mr, W. B. Gny, Columnbus., DIED MAYîsshînAt Brooklin, Nov. 4th, James Maynard, aged 53 years. GriRais-At Newcastle, Nov. 4tis, George Curtis, hu bis 84th year, Interred iu Bond HeadOCemetery. Grus-At 16 Spruce Street, Toronto, Nov.5ùh, WrlliimHeniry Glbbs,la his 7at11 year. Interred at Oshawa. GILaERT-Iu Brooklil, Oct. 29th, at tise resid- ence cf his fatlher-ijn-lsw, Mr. Richard Moore, Dr. Hobart S. Gilbert, aged 30 years. Souia.-Io Tyrone, on Tuesday Nov. 11fth, Mary Matilda, daughte c f Mr. and Mrs. James Soucis. agel 34 years, 10 rnontiss. Funeral Thursday ai 1.80 to Bowmanville Cernetery. BELL-At 23 Oxford street, Toronto, Nov. 5th, charlotte Wilson, w'idow cf George Bell, aged 73 year8. aud sister of Mr. Geo. Wilson, editor cf Tise Guide, Port Hope. CaziFa-In Scugog, Oct, lotis. Win. George Crozier, aged 37 yens s. ficýrmerly of Cartwright. GosDOo-AtllIsaselia St., Tor oto, on Ct. 241h, Catisarine Shaw, wif e cf Henry C*ordon, fcrrneriy of Port Perry. PznaNSs-Iln Chicago, Nov.4th,Cyrus Perkins, aged 34 y-cars. sous cf thee late Tis Perkins, formerly of Osiaa. Ilierred at Ebenezer,Ont, Tarjan-At Pickering, Nov. 5th, Isabella J. McClellan. iseloved wii e of Mr. James Trull, lu iser 451h year. BuRNET-In Oshawa, Nov. 4tis, tva Msay, dearly beloved daugisther of Andrew and Lottie Burnett, aged 2 yesrs, 8 mos. Roc3scN-Ai Brookloi, Nov. Ird, John Robson, rged 43 y-eues. TnompscN-On Nov. Ird, lit bis residence, Columisus, thse notedl Clydesdale iscisesarn, Joseph Tisompscu. aged 84 years. ,Fa.jeral Wednesdua-, te Unilon demtery, Oshsawa. BAE-At New Inn, Denham's Bridge, St. May n, Cornwall, Ecg , 0-t. 17, Tiseophilus Tiscmas Bate, yougest son cf tise 1ate Jobs l3ate, and brother cf Mr. W. Bate, merchant, Hampton, Ont. BOWMAN 'ILLI', MARKETS. Verrected by J.McMnýlrtry each Tuesday FiLou, P100 tbs.......... $1 80 t'o $2 2o WEBEAII, Fail, husis....O0 le t O 67 te Spnînge......... 0 (,10 0 67 il lied Eife .......O6 00 0 72 Il Goose .....0O0 "0 60 BARLEY, P bush, No. 1 ... O 4Q O00 et fi el2 ... 041 0 42 n fi- t 3 ... 089n i0 40 et fiTwc rowed O 40 if 0 00 QATs, whiiteet'....... 0 00 fi O 29 Rrx, Il ....... 000 l OÎ BUIIJCWIIAT If'. ...O()00 le O 5U~ PzAs, Blackeye, IP bush.. O0 0 il 00 el Canadian Beauties 0 0'il 070 le Mummey i O00 ne 0 0 fi Small il O 60 il 0 65 fi Bine 'i 0 00.a 0 65 ,11irzîa,, best table, P, lh. - 0 0'tO 1 MaGs, edoz ...............0 00" 018 PO£ATOBiS, *bash ........ 000"f 0 60 11,y. » tonl.... ........ 800" 00 TAMB ÂSTRAY-Came o n lot 6, -2À on 2, Darlilgton, a ewo iarreb. Owner la retquested taprove property, pay expeinfeffand take it away. 'THos. JACKSON, BJWManVille. 464w. il EFER ASTR Y.-traed front lut4, oul Daîtulon a wayear nid belfr, arkneCwit see wsit. Ifor mation of erwbeeaons wllheewrCd.WESLEY BRAGG, BOWManviile. 45-if F LIFOSAE-Any p e r so n FAd ng Smll frrafilthe illgecf Hampton , su whicis are a prospetous young orehard cf about 175 trees, jUsai ommeneng te bear. a barn. soit gycd and in a good state cf cultivation. sbnould apply te JouN COLE, Sr., H¶ampton, or te JAS. Mchx.Ar, Bowmunville. 46 E 1) WAIID BARTON-E m iine n t Enl hBuritone, wl euebsteach- ing on Saturdays ait the Higis School Bowrnan- ville. Lersons i n Voiue Culture and Nat- oral Singiug as used by. ail leadiog singers. For ferais and other information app1y to 681 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. 36-tf APPLES WANTED-T b e W e 11i knewn, neliaisie bouse cf Edward Jacobs 'p-sJJtsl,fg."'dn'uugxrsay n ,wect cosrsigsnraists Of danadian.uP s. Hgis_ C nic~-n ~v or est pi secs to bu obtisned. Resocisie adveýnue igCJat i L al owed. Gommunficate witis E. P. Bleekiord, NurserynuToronto. I -l payy~on io sip te lise firm cf Eows.noJAcois C~Lren y ,r ARWM FOR SALE-B ei n 100 cou 1, D lington, on wblub are dwelliog bouse and oeeeRsary farnibuildings wrus stone stable aod cller nsîduî'oeaîh beriijoll siZe. O- cha rd of IL acres,well wu croC isy Ire welis aud ssnall r-nMoug streurn, Convenient te Durlingîi Stations G T. Rt.. post office and school. Pos- V~VIden -rsessioniirmediataly or as rney be agreed u0500. Very favoruisle tenres nil ho given. Apply te JOUX' Wr-ua InGez,on premses, W.T. 'Wernntn m EsCl Vuoauley is, Tero'toor te M. A. ~ AEBormnanville. 46-8w* When leaving your order for a suit or Overcoat, you want te feel sure tisat fi will bo well cut, weil trimmed and wel] made.' Leave orders at Concis. Johns- ton & Cryderman's andI yen will net be disappointed.______ HO 1 FOR OSHAWA, Coronation Choir direct fron tise glorions sers ice in Westminster Abbey will sing lu Simco-st. Methodis t cburch, Oshawa, uext Mcndav Nov 17.1 Several teachers stayed over lu Port1 Hope làst Friday night te hear tisem and were cisarmed by tise singing. One cf themn said to ns, Dou't failtot heur tisem lu Oshawa next Nondav nigbt un Rev. J. J. Rae'.s churcis. It is a treat cf a lifetime. We nrtdlerstnnd that a large number from Bcwmanville are going Usun! prices. WAIT FOR THIS. Tise attraction et Town Haill Friday evening Nov. 14, will be David Hiarnin, a dranvatizeticn of Wescctt's famons betorv cf tise same namo witb Mr. Valen- tine Love in tise tille roe. Mgr. Sher- man has surroundod bis star with an exceplionily slrcng company andi every detail has b3eu carefulvy looketi after A carload cf o!egant special sceuery is carried and ail tise properties evente tiste now famous pump bave iscen specially prepared. A number of doen b igla classspecialties are itre. duced during tise action cf tise play aud betwoen acte, Prices 25eand 35c. Plan ut Big 20. BORN FARRELL-On Oct 29, near Bradley 's SeisoAi, tise wifeocf Mn. -Michael Farrell, cf a son. -WERiRu-On Nov. tis, vnear EHumkillen, tise wife of Mr. Henry J. wcrry. cf a daugister., BECKETT -On Nov 8, near Eiifield, tise wife cf Mr. Oliver Beckett, of a (dauitqýer., 1 -LsSLOn Nov. 8, ineur Enfield , tisewcf of Mr. Jos. Cicadeli, of a daungiter.11 M00R-At BrookliD, (Oct. 28th, te Dr. aund Mrs. Jas. Moore, a daugister. GRARLAM-iu Cedar Dale, Oct., lti, tise wil0 cf RoisI. Graham, cf a son. BlÂEB-lu Oshawa, Oct liai, tise wife cf Chas. Bates, of a daugister. TILLE-At 5 Washisgton avenue, Toronto, Nov. ôtis, tise wife cf Mn. W. N. Trlley, cf a daugister.' MISS EDITH FREELANfl Ils Irepared te gâve music lessans at ber borne on BseeIsAvenire. Bowraanvllle. 37-ti B OY WANTED.-Susart, respect-' aMbe boy wanted at once ta learrspintirg Apply ta M. A. JAmos. Publisiser. T BACHIER WANTED-Féar junior, JL epatment S. S. Ne il, Darutgo., Ap- P licaltions stallssg age, salary expected, quaiS- calionsad'experience, will ho recelvesi rip te Satsrday, Nov ' tsi, lty . Jetis. See-Treas., Hampton, P. 0 O , 4 1 -3w* lAOR)E APPLES WANTED. 7î .5 iousand more bushels o! apples wauted ut tise evuporaton for péeein and we will buy 25 tisouîuîîd cf cidî'r apples c1 sound stock, netunul fruit prefemred. FiNaLa &ACxEarrArr, opposite Higis Sthool. 44-3w SPhàoto P ap21 r *Prints at nîgist by ariy ligist. Samplo dozBi, 4 n 5, with paeis. *g mocf De'éoper acti pscts) *maileti for 25cbSold o', * CANADIAN AGENT. To Biiyers of We will seli -at great- ly reduced prices epaper in stock~ so as'to make rooru f&e new goods ci.smig in. db- s- d.- a- - Invtesyu our store. ee-t etc.e do-o ap-o 0-- SAdSecotefnt di.nonyeo Faf aWeWster Dry hav e jshaed i sock apfullndl Z-s sa ae TheeeOu Specil Drysplay S of Nextdoorto Sandad Bak, Bwman-lle We ae j lv i ~x~spleqdîd variety Of Dinner and Tgilet S s Mi cs e o new anI desirable patterns hn baejst arrived and a i! sho;viw, ii ready foc yoaur inspection. *NEWSHAPSNEW DEOORATIONS (à ÏNEW PRICES. G English >Porcelain D)-ner Scts, q7. p-c~inew r rform shape, highly decorîtc1 dc-sigî; in blue or gentoneis. Taese -Se S G were imported dïract from the Pottericzs in Englarîd tnil we are con- *vinced that they are the bcst value that hi ever bmien 'off ered, and to Ïconvince you we ask an inspection of these goids. 35 ninety- seven piece Sets, value $ii.5o *October Caina Sale $7.50. 25z ten piece Toilet Sets, value $5.5o October China Sale $4.oo.. J) zigho3t Pric P&5ia f l amPrOU OAWKfER &TAI T

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