Have, ,eî'~~t m reueellin c'tpïcitiy aird durailit. 1.- fkeo i--v-stresbetrs fhave mL'ntined anl unap- proche rp.uatun erecoioei-, fri-iuexaîd darability. We give a posiise4utalt~ wt'ial ont.- work. I-, will b, a pleainre for us tc snbmr, or o rcoasider'-ation stiateg oit Warîna Air, Hot Water or Stcaam C"oînboîatin Hleat-Illg. ho ne566 OneDirWest of lPost Office, Bowmanvil1e. T U]EE cok ini the iriÀ,.han, with years of experience backing ber, wil kniow to a turn how mi îud occl article je need:ecl.to givo perfection to the danty dicli she has in peparation. Thon cornes the coo)kiag. Heore's the ruli-here'e whore the ;,'j-à; îst dîibl cornes (o grief in au ordinary oven. Aco an sin of pure, fresli air tilrougliout the aerated. aven makes impossibletIcr dungc any flavors that may'have came (roÔm the foods pre. vioasly coewiaitcfacci thaft tIsse ovens are lined with aluminum makes à~ Impssbl tatai yuingadhe -te o Neyer any dîsappointimeat whiere a -outl 4"Kcioir~ Wedo," ltueratd b J. . Bngogirand J. S. -Gîorù jon, wîh ili oumre about tibuis od,-rfariý 2ated avenl. toffl KIIE-T1&ELOYE UWfI iASr A xIrIFEO, r STV.FuRNACE AND RADIAOR MANUFACURS WOOt19At.CAG5E5CE IN YoRotaTo, MONTREAL AND WiRNIPEO Hamiltonq Ont.j mm ILV' Thcîe are r1 ~nî plnsuesthat must b .~tasted to lie uinderstouod. * o YeuliY't hraoiuû Theffi.* Opne suh ptu-aiure is tlamons choc fo>r womcn. e'Yon can't anialý ze itt constrictiof. r Yon know you like it and that is 1 enougli. Ttiey Fit Where Others Fail, eu FlY9 LO 0SI ES TOfE, ha erecive fro th U~ver r'~o C~~ - ~ hg mucfOfl dî. ( Toontothelie of oca b urv __________Uoivrsityof To uto Fern, eronI xpnssaDE1Nd$fr in yn hbAbi r u 0tocilcue fiteetdsn o ite calladian tatelinau BOWNMANVILLE. NOV. 19, 1902 This le the , ear of Counties Couneil election, the present members havin- served two ytars wheu 19J2 is complet cd. Several changtes are Probable il the personal. Of course, Mfr. Win Fic]hard will retire froei No. 4 and it is rumnored that of Mr Robti Cowati of the saine Diision wll retire also It is viel that 'Mr. J.ý Il Devitt will j etiru fromn No. 6 we have not hýeard (rom the oether division in Durhamn. la North- umberland numerous chiang-es are re portod. Is there any other man under the vault of heaven justi quite so indepen- dent as; the Canadian farmer-lots to cati, drink and wear, wood to burn, fancy Prices for his stock and- other products? The Canadian (armier (and long-may he wave) is on easy street, rand when ho gets free mail, delivery, farm telephones, parcel Dosti and free entiry into the United States for his produce lie Will find this carth a, hoaven 0f the Ainerican agricultural journals The Country Gentleman, nublished weekly at Albany. N. Y., is a real agri. cultural naewspAper-covering every branch of agriculture. Its -main featiares are brieffy set f ortli in an advertigemient on another page, but acide (from) iti purcly agrîcuitural merits it ins special vatiable as a wcekly epitomno of th,ý condition of the crope in seas;on, the movements and feeling At commnercial centres, anrd the outlook of the markets o! the world. Free samples cupies inay be had for the asking. Send for it. It is humiliatiner, Mr. Parent, for y<iur chiidren or your wl! e even to ha required to beg-, borrow or steal tio re-adih.g of such a newsy Io cal paper as 'F unSýLATESMAN [rom y our neigliborà every week. ItIs only adollar a ýear, less tihan two cents a week. Surely you and they cariafford that macih tic be independent. The besti local aews- paper should lie found ia every home. Ctîldreu chiould,.not grow up in ignor- ance who can be tau-ht to appreciate tihe home paper. lt h sad to be the stppoiog stone of inteffigence in ali these matters flott>be learncd il ookib Canadians have gooci reason to foe prend o! the abilîty showil by our Cabine(t Ministers at the Colonial Con- [ference iii London theý pasti summier, for when the l3ritLih Board of "rade snbiitted eaboatestatistical state- !1!ents on Ithe tradutween UicUnited Kndmand the olon)ir"es andi also -p!il memorandumii on the effeGt of tihe Caoiadiaunprcferentiml tariff on trade betiwetjn the United Kingdom anid Canada, wherein iti was urged that, notwithstanding t ho preference did Dot verymateria!lv heLefiti Great 'Brita-,in, this memorandam was cleverly met by anotiber prepared by _thc Canadiau Miniers, giving the histiory of the Prelerential tariff, showing tihe increase that had takea place in ti ade betweeu Canada and the mother country, and coteuding that the increase was to a verr con4derable oxtent due to the pie eerence. Kind reader, you may have read these figures before, but if tio they will bear a second readtng. llow is til for a Period of Liberal raie ? The ex port trade cf Canada ie steadily inereasing and this i8s giving Canadians large suins of money to investi in home enter- prises. During the year cndcd June 3D, 1902 the aggregate trade of Canada,, taken on a basis of goods entered for concumption and Canadian produce cxported. was $38,811,00a oi an ta- crease over 1896 of $167,0û0,0eO an la- crease per head of the population ln six years o!f80, whichit is claimed,exceeds anY growtui shown in a similar period by ny other country. The total ex- ports of Canadian produco ]-Sti year exceeded by 89,CW),QO the total in 1896 The exports of Canadian praduce to Great Britiain in the six Years mention- cd rose(rmS20JuOo80,OMe and those to the Ujnited States increased Atravellor last weolk wished t see hew a certain flrm n l another town spelled a naine or arranged tle names, Thousands of 4ar rels apples are being stored in Colbornm, Becsides the large store honssev#erv available oels r, nook and corner, le boing utilizïd Do you w ear rubbers.? If so,' buy rubbers with a reputation. "IC. R. CO." rubbers have stood the test of half a enlltury. Fit, ai-d style speak for them- selves.1 Bo.-, , you had bettier Stav at home eMo the farm tili you aro sre of a better * omne, Far aWay bills are green we are toit]. but it la bettier ta endure the the uic vout have than fly to pthose y ou know no)t of. A propose or thlis Mdn, A we recentLly read thet the sec retarv ofa -charitablo ore»anizatiou n a alarge o Western city sa% s that scarceýiy a dav i.pass;es without h-ie m-eetinig some o! the' rhameloss, friendileca a n d mno1e1les dyoung mon sud bove who tbroag the tstrectis, and especiallv as wintcr ap- proaches due he long ta lift a vo*,C ýe that shali reach evcry home la the land is that numbers amnong its members a irestiless, advenarous boy. s This journal is not an agricultural ýd journal, but we matsti be pardoned for iýoccasionally d1iscussing farn topics, and ~ ofein sasnae ugesios.We Sbelieve the importance of seei celeetion t is 11o, ecognized ou heargefarm Lý and where it le givri consideration, Ythe wor K is as a rab conflued to corn, o, potaltoes and occasîonallv wheat and, e barle,7 Practicalty speaking nothiîîg h1las, beýen donc ta imnprovev the grass and clcv'rsec,ý,ide, vet wgood seed o! these 'y cropi îe the most difficu t to obtiain and the îmoet expensivo te pu1rchaïse. ýProb- sblyv one.half, yes evea two-tihirds (if the (allures icoddwith these crops e cou d bu traeed ,lirectvicitobad Beed, so claver seed becomnes of the ut"most im. portanicP to (lhe farinier. y Give Y0Lir chidren1 a foreign paper c)which bas not oneý word conceruiag any -perSon, pliceý or thing tihe, - ever saw, i. or perhsps ever hoard of,and how could rYou expocti tihei to be întercsted ? But ýe let thoiýn bave a borne paper such as [e this one and read o! tihe persons wh om [they meet. en(! of places wit h which îtfiey are famniliar, and sooti an interest le, awa-k-ened wich' increases witlî everv arrivai of the oce paper. Thas a1habit Lof read(iag is fioruied and the children rwill read the papers iltibeir lives- and *becomintellient nalandwomnea, a credit to) their accos strong- in the ko edeOf tle world as it is to-day, Yow are y'ou not caicdthat you liudtsver 'Y dysuei-b o Tuam S3TATB!SM-%AN ,that your fanil ay grow up ta bliess you? D)riviuig- a feýw ml int~o the country t recentily we 1ntiiccd binders, Imowers, *~~l hoseaesad vaion(qs ar i'npliicncnîs ex'poJsed ta ( t we(hr.Whou we cee Jsuclih ad angmetwe et once sizo t p the fariner i% ho negots his propcrty 3so. That mnan is flot a carelul, provi- ident farmer -11o shows lits msrbhinery 1to rusti Out (rom exposure to al t wcathcrs. It Paye big dîvideacd tg have 'a shed or shieler of some kinid to store~ farm machinery wheu not la use. We, diqlike o Ie vry much to see,' boâas off thIe farm buildlings, and sounetimes a door unhinged ra ae ntatters. Attenton to il cec matiters on a (arn gives a man ii charactier among bis fcllows that he shýould value mudli more than tuc tiine necessary ta kcep bis proiseýs ia proper repair. jLadies of We3st Darhamn, Yoauoe knew u ta advise 511)v one (o take any, action thati we knew wvac not foi tihe:r gaad. avilg vcrv stronig aithi thti benefits tgo1h10derived (rom mor4nborship in Womon's Instiltuticawo uialegitatiag- ly advise you ti Save 25 cents lrom some luxury and nuite witli the Welît Dur- ham lastitute. T ,h'.. mplnovement oi Our homels and huaa 11eitaVarions waYs is (lie pirose a! ofthose arganiza. tianesuch as the d lêiininatîoo! cikaow- ledge relatiEg (o dmsi eooyandl home O i toa tbtQr ed.rstsndl(. ing o! fihe econoiiavalue Oif oodui, clothing .and fuel. Witli sueh a study it la hoped tu raise thie goneral standard of hlth snd aiea (Llie moral status o! our peopie, 'You cau caîl at q' STATUnSMJN office and be mnad@ a mem- ber. ý0QW8aett..y WUiI3U, but 5ItOi lookiug tilrougli bath papors publtshed ____________ ta ilat Pown wlthout fanding tho firm O, represPnted among the advertisers ro- marked -L1 doa't ihial thoy amount ta oXnkt isbt la the ('local papers, Bsnesmon w j dno'. advertisc ,,are)flot luit tainthese ocgeasihc.zby w oraresio ar."We believe this z2lt"rtshc of thne savas tra',el(e3r-, ides rvaile ývery genrîy * n.ean ban $.v mach more hn apersonBs tha. a thby One (et tavyforcibly ipesdo ro Iln wo avri seos ier1d, ~ieyar ~ ie s a fer-mer who ooa fr lt fedvt pro5uC alcSu o!1gran whulal Ie hoadscltercio up~~~~~~~~4 vl edl i gnay osceed- Mrs L Brock, Zion, bias gone ta FARMERS. ATTENTION 1 Bowaavllo whrQ Icwil mako lier home la the future. Re1r daugliter, Stock raisors say Prof. A.V.M. Day's Mies Maffned &tule ig1iiglish Tonie Powders are ail ri-ht;l Sehol (nrc.Por(Hop Gaio. hcy rnke Hesîtil, Fat, Bouc hnd Vf 1Y (0 1-wea "C R. Muscle for Heorses, Cattie, Hegs, Shccp Why o I ear . R.Ce."and Poultiry (5 separate packages>. A rublicre? Becanse thcy fit proper- pure Hlerbai Tonie Food warrantod. ly an wèa beter thil ay Local" Agent. J. W. McDerrnid, Drug- îy ad wer bttertha anymb.gisti, Bowmanvilie, Ont. A Froc Sample ber-shoe lu the market. Yen can, O! Creain for calves mailed toen affrd e e 'ithuta pir f1address on rocipt of a 2c. etamp noiaffr t ewtotapiifAddress, THE D,&Y's S-rocK FooD Co., you value your healili. rronto, Ont., VYour attention [Is called to the fact thmtî, eo Liand, thec Photographer is Leavlng Bow,:maniville ini a feW mrnoths tu open a studio in A word tec the wiqe-"Do flot let the opporttnuitiy pass, but have youar pho-to takii:en by hlm bekore hec ges" ohigchc'radc Xms (an atoodpoo.Oc 1011 Oall't elp PPLE WATEDThewel A know rotible bose 0fIwrd Jaeo0b wbint cnigiomo(Ins ol Caadimn app,]es. Hlgýh- prlsC, trc , o bi~i Raoal ad1vnei J t aga i,:BL alood oiunet ithlE d, irsrymnToi, ito. It wîUi JPay Yolu osiiop ru lihe ilm (f El)w,ýrAjÂcon Ten~r~For Supplies, 1908. I Tireundersigned wilt recelve ten4jrS Up *0 but be satisfled with aur complete BooD On MOND>AY *24TE INST, for- stnpplies of sudwel asorcdstok ! Wllbutcheri,' regt, ereainery butteýr, fourýj, oâtmeal, and eh asortd sock f Walp1tetos, Cordwood, etcI., ecf., fr*tire foilwing Paper just rcceivcd (rom leading ln4.titutionFi duringLtire ye&ýr 1lier, viz j- Canadian and American factortes. A'lt tir Asyiurns For ie ensane inToo vill, Obuur au 011hz;t'ire Central Pri8on The (ail ks a good trne te make afMre lfrntrTwooto tiii. cvery room aittractive and my ý oyPeetnutirn tr prices are rgt Remu'ants at t'le Buildai-ratford, tnBllvle a ExceptIon-Tenders are llot rcqrdre f ile your owu pruce.f plY of iet totire-- sylorni ,in Tor-onto, Loadon, Knson mniloeod Bickville' pealattracttins ini Fanrcy aur for tirhe Central Pio and )Ierer Reformait- Geoda ad Statiouery.tory, Truo G o o d s a n dl mtrk ed cirry .eAfor 1five per. cen t. of [tire Bibls, llym Boos ad Phto Stimate'djamoont. of lie Cole to 13re0r01usir1fr-1edbscaiandee suretres 'I' llirq, rdfrls u ofumn These long eveni gs yotl. i!o ci otat d iot o edrb sioid ,-aw 1ir forolh1ccrtra i 1 w reo àrvnî~Seeay ootci terars. West End House. John MVcM ýPurtry. _ S hoes Made by the ~Best Fîrms in Canada ý> SodtMoMiu rt ry's. -King Q;uality, McPherson and McCready. Thousands of people in West Durham have worn these Shoesland are still wearing ttiem and wouid wear no othier makers's goods., The goods made by these firms have had years of test put to them lanld are to day Canada' s foremost manufaeturers. Oncie tried always worn. LADIES' BOOTS. M ns-ot Ladies' fine, dongola, lace or button Bcýots, new shape, 1nsBf asi odtt extended sole, per pair S15 0 MnsBf asi odft L--adies' glove grain or grain, inig shiape, good waes hoavy bals;, afrt-as per pair 150 weui~gbou, ~l szes fo $î~ en's Kangora Bals, a tough Ladies' box ealu bals,, extendedwain ot fgoc p soles, J. Di. King's makeé, igvrtofgoda neat and good wearer,.for $1.75 pearance, solîd leather Ladies' dongola bals, made up in, insole, Per pair 11111.75 __latest style by J. D. King- Menls Biff Bals in extra fine firm, extended soles; price $2.00' qutlity, good* heavy ex- Ladies'Dongola Bals with patentteedseafrt-ls luather t ip, MPeSnsnieslsafrs-ls make, a dainty shoo or box fait and winter bout, for $2.25 cif bal in a styhs,,h last MnsBxCl a ýj ) 1.ii -witiiout patent tip, a good n' Bo C1 ias-JDKn wet weather bout for $2.50 "Hot Shot" uine, extendedi SLadies' G. G. Oxfords, per -pair 90c. soles, a great leather to Ladies' heavy grain Oxfords- $1.00 take a fine polish, a new ISS S OO S.shape, per pair $'- 75 MUSSBOT.Men's, extra fiebocafBl Misses' Dongoila Bals, extension 1J. 'D. orMcK; rou' soles,spring heels,patent tip, Good 1 ear Wetne _àcPherQon's make; pez pr $175 soles, thlenesthas Misses Dongola Bals with spring to pick from, Per pair 35 0 heels or box -calfibals with S. Hl; lirst-class shoes in new Men's Chme Kip Bals, extra shapes, ail sizes, per pair $1.56 heavy, won't ,o ad lae nd uto otsiol d leather sols and i-, b r5~okeil îunes, 'lut -aIl sizes, soles, big eyelets, a go 'orlh-"IL25 and$,0prselleri c1ieerpair $2.00 Pair, Whlile thley last to Men's heavy Bs, Ingslot cleai per Pair - 98e Shot npie per pair$15 l ouths' Tougli We arÎllg coots, 11-R3,$1, $1.25,$1I 50 Pr. Boys, Strong sohool 11Boots sizes 1fto 57, u5 $1.50, $1.75 per pair, Bowmanviile. (4eneral Dry Goods- Leading Clothier - We Want Your Pirocilice. î 2C2222mm