NO TES AXD COMMENTS. A paradoxiral proposition has been lately advanced ini tic colunins of the Londcon inîes, naimely, that thel reniqrkable progress inade b"y Ger- many in manufactures and cmec durling the Iast tliirty years is large- Iy, if not wholly, due to ther on fail of less than 10 ladies.' and in sonie parts of Australia tlie raial is only five inches a year. so useless are the last nmentioncd sections for grazilg purposcs that it is pro- noslnced questionable by local experts wvhether the interior districts of Australia should bo iegarcled as iîn "sst or a liability. Evon bfr What m ade your coarse ? Cornmon Sunlight Soap saves ' ii tiý line-ns soap. p. c