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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1902, p. 1

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lit fuiesÀ shoi Morris Chairs. Wl2at coula be U2nd- sorner or more~ appr?- pria te for a Xmnas gif t. $7,9F ~~ io!titals a sMollis nair, yef few will treaf fhemseives to 2 one. re is a chtnce te make faher, hnsband or brother au Sexcellent present. This Chair will please him, ornameuf bis 'den' and afford him many,boums of comfort.* We have a bo okiet with rnany suggestions for Christmas, f you do not receive one, kiudly procure one af our warerooms. ,N.D. WILLI/M~S & SON. *. * .UNDERTAKIHO RECEiVES PROMPT aud PERSONAL A'TTENTION Night Bell on Store Door. *BRANCHES AT HAMPOTON & BLACKSTOOK * - ~For the Chiristinas Feast You will need something a ,1î4tle JAA out of the u'sRal ln Grocerles of the Corner Shoe Store, OSHAWA. Lvery Shoe Store Has BoDtsý to Seli at $1.00. Uut every Shoe Store does net give you the same value for $1,00. Not by a long chaltc. fhe Boots we melli at fexali tigu -es are houestiy made aud stampel with maker's naine but how mnay fat-profit Stoe stores have inferior Quebe Boots, withon. any sole stamp, te off or aG thez-e low prices? Therein is the différence. For Instance SWe offer men, for S>anday woar, an easy, sewn, raced, boot, properly mnade, styiish toe anu-d full sole edge, mnade by à!scPherson, of Hamilton sud sfamped; prico - 1 $1. 75 Is't this botter than some o! the eomruon'Shoos usualiy offered for besf wear af that prioe? These be Tryillg IDays 0on the Feli RUBBERS NECESSARY. We offer for every-day knockabouts: Ladies' Sfrong Rubbers 38C Me's Waterproof Overshoos - 181.15 Men's Lumbermen's Rubbers $1.00 Whiie for best wear we offer: Men's finest clofh, Top Rubbers 800 Mo's finest, cioth top, hi-front Rubbers 6 1.15 Ladies' finesf, eloth top,hi.-ronf Rubbers - 90e0 Ro-ceived This Week : Buyers of Dry Goods uld not fail to see the*~ mnd Display of h, Jolinston & rydorffanis. The fine st, Most eleg- * and Chea'pest Stock Ladies'- Coats ever wn'in town, CAMPAIGN POINTERS. Abolish the bar. IVote as early as possible. Do your duty wifbolif fear. Chain Outario's groatoat ourse. Prevent personation-vote early. No tenderad ballots will ho polled. Pairing votes means a los3 te the temperance cause. Go earlv f0 the pol; if you are pa- sonated yen canuot vote. You cant affor-1 te do less than your 'Vary boat f0 abollsh the bar. Devof o Dec. 4 te abolishing the bar rooni aud the freating systemx., Devote fomorrow fo helplng f0 save the boys-vote les and gef your neigh- bora f0 also. The resuif o! thé comiug vofiug will depond upon the exteuttof0wbich fthe active temperanco party werk f0 con- vînco the indiff erenf but friendly votera that triev hav'e a vote for prohibition wbicb W'111 bo a bouefit te the countîry. THOUGHTS ON THE LIQUOR ACT, Undor the (lýtario Liquor Acf the Goverument will cesse setliug ta mon the privitege f0 run bars, but the mon ,wîh have ne more law!ul dlaims for comUpensition than fhey now bave ter lifeeses, sud the Goverumeut to-day persistently sud practically refuses fo jadaiit thaf any such claim exista. The Ontario Liquor Acf la not retro active. There will be no compensation for more than 8,000 liconse-holders eut off by the preoent license law. There willi bo no compensation given the lesa than the 3,000 leesîse-holders wha will ho refused liceusos under the uew systoni. The Ontario Liquor Acf will rellove the people o! the syatom thaf now Im- poses upon fhom a fax of more than $18,000.000 per- year sud indirectly makes theut psy many millions more This province la nof bankrupt. Theý Governmeut wyl fiud sufficleut revenue from present sources aud ftho people wilt ho happior and richer. Vote for the Act. Soif-contrai means pawsotkal obod- lance ta righf, moral laya. Prolîibi- flon moans the self-control of a com.- munity which aholishos the Ilqo busi- ness bij wiae legistaflan. Trne Soif- cont roi impols individuals f0 abstalu from intoxicating liquor. and impels communit les ta abstain fromt permit fîng so iurious a business as the liquor trafic f0 ho carried on. SAFE BUYING 0F FURS. An experiqnceofo a lifetime in mak- ing sud haudfllng fur gooda la a suffie- lent guarauteo that Markus Mayer, furrier, Bowmauville. la a safo man f0 trust w-heu anyt-hing Iu bis Lino is re- quired. Tua S,ÂTmsMÂ,t interviewed~ Mr, Maver tho other day about a cer- tain kiuýd o! fur in which a frieud had invesfed lastsf sason in Toronto, sud wbich had furned ouf vory badly, aud ho said ' I nover keep if m ' yelf nom ad- vise auybody to bny it becanse it nover gives satisfaf-tion." We tlîongbf thon wlhat a pity our !riend bad not gone f0 Mr. Mayor for the fur coat instead o! allowing berset! te be se badly takon lu lun Toronto. Iu this connoct ion w-e may say that ive sud aur friends bave bought manuv yhnndreds cf dollars wortb e! furs f rom Mr. Mayer the past f wtinty- five y ears, sud w-e bave nover known au3fbiflgho recommended to, proven satîsfactory, se thaf wo beel quife con- scien flous lu recommeuding bis store te SýTÂTESM§AN readors, sud may sav that The CoolVs Best rriend 1,u Bovril is invaluab i the kitchen as by its aid riait nourishing soups and tasty gravies can be prepared in a few moments. It also adds flavor and strength-- to etewi, hashes, ragouts and every othier dish for whîch it is exn.- ployed. No cook who aims at culin- ary successes>,'at a small cost and at - REFERENDUM NOTES. MARK YOUR BALLOT THUS. We don't like the wording of this ballot, but we must accept It as -it is issued If you are lu f avor of temper- ance and wish to have the liquor traffié abolished, mark your ballot under "Yes" in the first column as foiiows: Are you in favor of the 1YES. NO? bringing into force of the I Liquor Act of 1902?!x MRE. JONESS' TRÂGIC DEÂTH. No sadder termination to an active and usoful life bas occurrod in this dis- trict than the one that ended the earth ly 111e of Mr. John M. Jonesý on Sun- day last. During the high wind Satur- day night the windmitl on the barn at Retreat Dairy Parm,-'the home of Mr. Joness, became unfastened, and hear- ing it Mr. Joness arosB about milinight and went to sbat it off, when ln some way bis arm was caugjht betwoen the cog wheels and ho was unable to extril- cate himiself. His coat sleeve was caugbî near the wrist, and his lef.t arm was drawn tightly into the gearing titi the shoulder offered such obstruction that ho remained in the angry grasp of the macbinery between seven and ýeigbt I('tg hours, sufforing the inost terrible torture and suspense, pinioned, firrnly as he was Every fresh gust of wind eaused thoetnost intense pain Ho retained consciousness, however, and was able t0 ealu for belp when ho heard bis son Fred arrive. The arru was deadened by the severe torture and the sevoro sbock occasioned by e.very jarkof the wheel in the hdgh gale that prevailed. and bis right arm bad also lost its power no doubt as a result of the shock. Mrs. Joness knew when he arose and went ont, supp-isod it was morning and had no anxiety because of is absence, thlnking ho was feeding the stock as the boys were away, bis oldest son, William, having gono with his wite Saturday night ouf, f0 ber "father's to spend Sunday, and Fred .,the other son, lives la town, baving charge, of thei dairy branch of the business. dcing the dolivering and la atways out late Safur- da3k-nights. It was therefore hetwoen 7 and 8 o'clock, Sunday moriiting whon Fred Joness went down-to Oie farm to assist with the chores and belp 'do the milking. Hearing him arrive, Mi' Jones aout ed sufficienttv loud to attract his atten- tion, and was soon extricated from the painful grasp o! the machinery, but natpgrally lu a very exhansted condition. As soon as he was resnoved to the bouse Dr. A. S3, Tilley was sumnmoued, and lator Dr.Potter, and they did what they could to alleviate bis suteering and restore hlm after exhaustion of the night'a auffering and exposure. The barn was f00 far from the bouse to makeý anyone hear,especially oai such a windy nighf,aud at that period every- body was supvosed to-ho soundly sleop- Iing. Untortunately Mr. Joniessabaid ,left bis pocket knife on the table wben he went out, or else he might have cuit himeel! loose. But in the condition he was iu ho wab powerless to free himsolf from the uuyielding cltitchos of the nma- chine. _ -Bad as\vere the circunistances, they might have been very much worse, for when fonnd by Mr. Fred, J oness, the lantern ho had carried was in a tipping F aition, and possibly migbt have set ,11re1to the straw underneath, bad it fali- on from the platform, iu wbich case the buildings mUst inevitablv ha'ýe been bnrnod and decoasod with tbem Ris.- terrible experience and suffering duriug that long soven hours caused sucb a sboek to bis nervous svstem that nat- ural feelinz' did not roturu, and thougli quite rational up to noon ho gradually lapsed into unconscionsness, and lu Spite of ail medical skitl passed neace- fully away about 8 p. m 0f the lafe John Mafthew Joness we know n(4hing but goed. The writer bas been very intimafoiy asaociated with him for many years in church work, Farmors' Institute and Agricultural Societtes, and over found hlm a most agreeable feliow worker, a man whose influence was for good always, and who was strictly honorable in al bis deat- ings., As a churcb officiai ho was one of the mosf faifhful and active men we have known, and alfhough living near- ly two miles from the church, if was very rarely that ho was absent !rom auy meeting of the Officiai or f riiste boards. He bad also been a Church Steward for many vears, and looked woll after the temporal affairs o! bis beloved church. He was aiso a liberal contributor to its financial dlaims, and bis last officiai acf was on ruesday nigbt bof ore bis death W0 assist in com- ilefing arranzements for the annual TERMS :-4.60 FER ~OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY YXRST THE WOELD APTEBW"AltDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr Nicw SuRiEs. BOWMÂNVILLE, RNAIIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEM àBER, 3, 90.VoLUMEXLII o.4 YbU SHOULD VOTE YES. Bocause the fight against the liquor1 fraffic is a battie for liberty-freedom o! the good moans suppression o! the evil. Becanse insfead o! hurtlng, bubineMa prohibitflou will belp fra¶le, furning lu- fa 1 gifiîuate chanuels money that is- u-ow spent on liquor, Becanse the liquor trafflc oppresses the niation, bringa f3 ranniY and cruelty luto bornes and layo a-ay burdeus upon tht commnity. Because the penalties for violation of the Lîquor Acf are : Firsf off euce a fie of $200 to $1000; second offeuco impris- oumount not leas thau 6 nýonths. Becanse the Liquor Acf b las a wlder prohibition, a strongor prohibition. a sImpter prohibition thani the Scott Acf and bas mre and botter appliances for euforcemeui. Because prohibitioni would s a v o nmoney, turu capital int o ptber chaunels, croate a demand for tabor aud develop respect for the Wise legiatation thaf is prodnced. Becanse the Lense baw gi:vosl op- portunities sud facilitic0s for illegat liquer selliug that will be absout un iider the Liquor Acf. PerU it es againaf dives will be severe. Becans-e the Ontario LDquor Acf will be botter than anv preos liquor or license law. Prohibition ma.y not LkI the liquor fraffic outri-h - but if b las ai- ways reduced intempera îcea. NOTHERLY AItYICE. To Nothers 'Who Ha-ýve Crossaor Siekly Babie&s Cross or crying babies are either sick or i-n pain, sud maise overvoue lu the bouse miserable. Healthy babieq are atways happy babies, aud &Il littie ones eau be kepf bothbhealth i and bappy by thé occasional une o! B3aby 's Own 'rab- lots. If your lit fie onla sCross, give hlm a Tablot sud se how quickly If will work a change for the botter. Mrs. W. H. Austin, Parmingfon, N. S , says :-"Baby's Own Tablets are juSt wbat every mother neeods wlren be' littie ones are cutfing f their foot h When my liff le me cries, I give hlm a Tablef, sud if belps hl m at oncle. Motb- ors w-ho use ftho Tablet% will bave no trouble witb their hales." These Tablets are sold under a positive guar- anlteo f0 confain neither opiate nor any poisonous drug, and they will proinply cure ail the minor silmients o! little ones. Sold bv druggisfts or senrt by mail post Plaid, at 25 cents a boxe av wrîting direct fn the Dr. Willams Medicine Co., Brockvillo, Ont., or Scbenectady, N. Y. We are certain fa poil a majority of the votes cast. WVe will poil the noces- sary Dumbor to bring the Acf Into operafion if our friends recognizo their responsibilitr a n d di,,uharge f heir dnty. 4Oth Anniversary (iray's Syru Rled Sproce ilm I No, hail w ay position-vote Yes. Not to-vote for the Act means one vote against if. Deputies can order arresf of persan. ators on- the spot. Every vote uupolleid leaves so much short of winning. Have a share in the victory; it calta for 212,723 votes. EloctorB vote in division wbere their name is on the ltst. .Cho man wbo fails f0 vote, p airs with anotbor or votes No belps the bar. Altbo the Act to be voted upon is called the '-Liquor Acf 1902" it js a law against the liquor traffic. Guard ballot boxes from attifera. For personation the fine is $100 and im.' prisonmont for 12 montbs. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED, by local applications, as they cannot reacli thG diseased portion of the ear. There is only ogie ,way to care d&.afness, and that i8 by constitu- tio..a1 remnedies. Deafnessisë ausedby an lu. flamed conditi on of the mucons lining of thse Enetachian Tube. Wbern this tube gets inflam- ed you have a rumbling sound or imaperfeJt hearing, anti when it la entirely closed deafneè& ls the resuît, and unlles8 the inflammation eau, be tae,.,,ont andi this tube retored tu t nor- mal condition, hearing wvIll be destroyedifor. ever; rune cases out of ten arec aused by catarrh, wbich ie nothing but an inflamec condition of the mucous surfaceo. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafuesq (caused by catarrb) that @an flot bc cureti by Hali's Catarrh Cure. Send loir clrcilars, free. F. J. OIIENEY & CO.,- Toledo, O'ý Sold by Druggists,.75c. Hall's Family iPilla are thse hast. ABOLISH THE BAR. Do your dnty on Dec. 4. Tako ail votera to the polis. Premier Ross will vote Yes. Be a vatiant soldier iu this great crusade. Are vou oppose'l to the drink curse? k so, vote Yoes. Pol S open Dec. 4 at 9 a. Mt. sud alos at ý5 p. m. Go earlW. Put.your X in firsf columu on ballot undor beadîng *'Yes." A victory on Dee. 4 wlll strike a death blow to King Alcohol. Triumph tomorrow means temper. axîco legisiation in the near future. WVorking mon are allowed frout nôon te 2 p. m. fo vote tomorrew witfr. ont bass o! time Att prohibitîon$ o! the license law witl be continjied under the uow Act witJi sevorer pnlis no brisîoone articl- lu. the lino of meýdicineS th af g-ives so lrge a i turn1j for the înoney sagooc porous strughengpla-stor, sncb as Cý arfer's Smart Wood a ad Bells.donnia B ,-tckache PlaStErs. Tbree cheers for prohibition, theti, Reforut bas come to stay. ,We'It nover drop our banner Till Bum's corpse is laid away. We'll -slay hlm wifh the bottof-box On Referendnm Day, Wbile we are votiug for remperance. Get the Most Ou t Of You Foo 'You don't and can't if your atomach la weak. A weak etomach does not di- gest ail that la ordinarily taken into, it If geto eired easlly, and wbat itf falla to digest is waated. Among the aigus of a7weak stoniach are nneaainess after eating, lita of ner> voua headache, antd dimagreeable belch- Ing. W *II have beau troubled wlth dyspepsia for y eare, aud tried every remedy 1 heard af, but nover got anyth!ug that gave me rOuiet catt I1 taoo Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 cannai pralce this medicine foo highly for the good If bas doue me. 1 always take if ln tbe oeprlng and fli and would not ba without It.," W. A. NuGENTr, Belleville, Ont. Houod's SarsapaçriI1a Strengthans and toues the sto'mach and the wholo digestive system. "C.R.Co." rubbers are the mOst tasty andi besf eonstracted rubber shoe in Canada. If you val ue comfort and wear, insisf on your shoe dealer supply- ilng you with this brand. Why do I wear 11. R."o.71 rubberg ? Becaýuse they fit propea. ly and wear botter than any ýrub- ber shoe in the market. You-eau îlot afford te be wifhouf a pair if you value your health.

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