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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1902, p. 4

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PEAS ECOOMIHEATERS Have a world- widce reputa tion ani1 aie unexceiled, in, capoecity and durability. For fi!lceen years tiiese heattrs have ma:ntained an unap- proached reputation for leconomy, effi,iency and durability. WVe give a positive guiarantce with ail our work. It wil be a leasure for us to submit for yoar consideration estliuate-- on Wamin Ali'~,Rot Water or Steam Combination lleating. 1 one 66. One Door West of Posi Office, Powmanville. THAN MEN '~reb TH aredovenl and its util- aeratiuioreratone îty in the art nf imDrove cookinz. will be easily scen when il- iis urnderstood tbat fond in the nvela ià always snrrounded by pure fresh, sweet air. No burning or fon1 odors1 reau exiiat 10 spoil its delicate fiavors. * The simple imeanng of serated îs to E;upplY or inpregnate with fresh ir-t cuel its free action withini 'ny re&crhed limiit. linfuses nnd 't ntinually forces a favid circula- tion nf f resbair iu exactlY the samne1 * maneras e arif nu lugs.So veily erted ovens in Souvenir * tevee actaally breathe fresh air. Aerated ovuas are LIRed w"tl Aaium. Like a uew silver dollar, tbey never tamish. sud are alwayÏià am &Bd Sweet ont ie IIIEast a ilitu efl IRICE & 010., Local Ageul»ts, Bow-nanville. The Gurney-Tilden- Go., Limited, a¶OVE, tURNAGÉ AND flA~IMOR auar8R TOOT.MO"àgL NDwruxe H arn lta., Ont.- rHOM E STUDY GRPIS SAPpied to aly fi or ten E pýia1 » IDo ~oun1- ow that nor sgvnby mail illI Prodiiee good 4b results fr the ambition ,y -,il", Ptor 4p Iý e mu ~ iIc 0îe> etter prsitioin lite. Tie eostis utI * Bro mide Paper ~oglr C* *qrt > Wili g vo yoU differeut results than Write torit. Address * afv other Brom Ide iDaecr? 1 will DuPAR r, ~ send you a ý doz pac age 16x20 COisESi'NDENE 4 otograph Bromide Paper for $1.5 anud prepay express charges. : ... CHIRAL BUS!NE853 LIL Ty t * * SEI"-3Qucenst.,W. L Astong sebool witb twelve regular T AND~ oronto, tspahero, splendid Eluipment ând welI 4 NAIAN AGENT. patronized -ny sbiutfents fom svex'y* provin ce of the Domi nion.I W. H. lSRa W, Prie,ei l. * Your Attention la calied te the f act that Free- land, the Photographer liâ Leaving Bowmanville Üfaa few[l'monlths te open a studio in Toronto. 1,.A-word le the wise-"'Do fot Jet theeopportunity pass, but have your photo taken by hnm before ho gees."1 Nothing eheaper and yet inorev.acceptable to, give a friend tat Xmas than a good photo. Ours are ail good., Special prices until bausiness gels toc pressing. Goo'. P.Freoland, Next door ho' STATESMAN Office. BoM mauvilie. INS» rAN'V RELIEF Ruai-au't-ed bY - e n IbILBU[1N'ýi STERLIN'tU i]EaD- M£POWDERS ro eN. ,au Prices that Compare PleaBe note a few of our pricos MEN'S SPEClALS, Buff Laced . $1.40 and $170 Heavy Pebbie - L75 and 2.00 Hleavy KIP - 200 sud 2.25 Box Cal! - 2 40 and 2.70 Good,ear Welto $8.00, 8,50 and 4.00 WOMEN'S SPECIALS.1 Dongola, ace or button 81L.25 Box Cal!, lace or button 1.50 Box Calf, lined- - 1.75 Dongola, patent tip eXtension sole 2.00 Goodyear Welts - , 2.75 and S.UO Equal Values for, Boys, Misses and Children. RUBBERS TO Fil -ALL. We handie ail the bes' makes aud are pepared to stand by evemy pair- we sell. Fred. R. Foley, Par1or Shoe Store. lo t 18, Bï F., Darilin gton, wil soll'a vaàluJblo lot. of stock including horsos, catte and pigs. Sco Igls for particu lr.SaL at 1 o'clock. L A. W. %OLM, anctoneer. THUSDYDie.1t.-Mr W. E. Pol- !ard!'ý fia",m st;Ock.implements, mots, hny, poulÈtrv. etc., will bo sold withoýut reslerve( This is an important sale Attendad ;get baroeaîus a" evorv- .thing iii go for what j! will bring., L. A. W. TQISi1 alictionee. ing, but uuc hOUCat, aga~it 4.cpqioBé Wb= you M dattyu JORN ur<LY-P- soie LCXaJ Âaz* ne eCnadiall statem&l BO0WMANVILLE. DEC. 3, 190)2 Thenext an.ua1 meetinig of the On- tario Agricultural and, Experimental Union will be held at the Agricultural College, Guelph. Ontario, on Monday and Tuesday, December 8th and 9th, starting at 1.30 P. im. on Monday. RZe ports will bc presented and discuwsed on co-operative experi ments conducted throughout Ontario -in agriculture, horti- culture, economic botany, poultry rais ing and forestry. Programs, givingr full information regarding t h e meeting, excursion rates, etc., can be obtàined fron C. A. Zavitz, Agricuitural College, Guelph, Ontario. TO-MORROW'S VOTE. W',est Dur-ham will gîve no uncertain verdict on the question on which the electors vote to morrow: "Shall the bar bc aholished? " We bave unbounded f aith in the people et this community that they wili do their duty. Local speakers on and advocates of progres- sive temperance legis!ation have done a f oodxxork and our people are well. in- rormed on the objecta of this referendum and will demoustrate it by their v.otes to.morrow. By ail means possible get the votes polkd early, however. No doubt there are a few, indifferent voters in every section. These should be infliienced to vote for the Act They are safe in marLîng their Xunder "Ves". Lt is a gond xu1e when in doubt about any course of action to follnw the advice or exampe of the best c,,opie you k now If thos of our read-rs whio are und2cid- ed will adopt th.s plan thev will have no reacon to regret tneir action. We cari- inot conceive of any gooil people votir.g to contiaue the bars. *"Abolisk the Bar" is a war cry that is already making the sweep of victory felt throughout the land. The complaint of apathy îs fast dying out. andi activity prevails everywhere,. The desire of the fri, nds of the bar to deaden public inter- est has been already thwarted "On to victnrv tn-morrow is the watchword et the temperance arxny in Ontario. What gond will it d) to abohish the bar? A, Trenton, N S , paper has the followîng to say after a trial of the Scott Act. Merchants tell us that bis have been paid wjthin two inonths by men who 1because of their intemj ecrate habits. were iformer'y 'j nor pay'. The saloons being closed, men have mnncy to pay for fond and clothing. The same resuits wili fol hiw i Ontaio when the saloon% and bars haverb "en closed The licensed bar is coademned by men who ruin themselves by frequenting the 'bar, by busines; men who know the 1value of a sober workman, by moralists who know the soul destroying effects of :drink,1 by economists Who have vîsited the wrecked homes of many victirna- ex-en by many of those whose love of :money has tempted themn to engage in ,the trafflc You ought to vote «"Yes" on ,December 4th In England, Scotland and lreland com. f ortable and homelik e temperance, hotels :are foundé nail cities and towns and the closing of barromm in Ontario will make hotels more homne like and more >desirable for boarders of domestic habits. It wiil create a botter ciass of hotels and reduce the num-ber. There won't be any large iicessses te pay -and better accom- modation ean bce given to guesta. The- temporary loss of_ revenue to the Gov- trament can rea4i be met by the in crc - d ;er _ -- p -1:rcf he eole he emums. Thehi sadwas MFiss E MacCalium, sister of the ,groom, aud, the groom.smnjMr Wrn. MacCallum, his brothe.r. Thoieding march was play7ed b'v Miss Ed(Ithe ll le, cousin of the bride Amo-n i theguests fmom out of tnwn wemo D'r. il. C P. Rundie, Ems- dale. Mm and Aïs-.!,' Pollard, Preston, Mr- S. Rundie, Finydn, Mrs. Doubt, Port Perry, Miss E. Phulp, Whtbv, Mrs. Burnet!, London, aud Mr N. C. Rundle, lamrptom. West End House. LOCAL AND OTRERWISE. Head Qawker & Tait's advt this week. 1-Ious;ehold columrn this week contains mnany good recipes. Unt further notice ail photos taken bv Freelaud will be finishod before Xn1as. 23 Me.a's Ileav MBack Worsted suits juil ia at West End ij.ouse-big valtio The largeâ! piles o! overcoaté ever shown ln Bowmanvil!e now offered a! The Mason Co's. 'I he sweilest rane o!o ChrLstmas Neckwear, Glovoes and men's gonds jus! in a! West End flouse. Go to the GR'%AND CENTRAL for vour Christmas TLoys, Doils, Games, Faucy Goodsi, Sieighs, etc. Mrs. J. Frnh Vancouver, B C., and Mrs Robt. Watson, London, have been visiting Mrs. John Reid. Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders give women prompt relief from mouthly pains and leave no bad after effects whatever. 'Be sure ýou gBt Milburn's, Price 10 and 25 cents. Ail dealers. Bowmauville Methodists expeet a grand day next Sunday a! their thank- ügering reervices. Bev. J J. Rute is tu proach. A Mos! acceptable Xmas Git!s f somothing in the line of fitrs. Whieu buy ing visit th, Wust End flouee and Bave Money. By far the be&! assortinent of Papa teries (Fancs7 note paper and envelopes lu bq;,) we baye ever had a! GRAND CENIRBAL.' The lar'-est aud best fitting range or Ready to l(Vear clo!hing nt amallest pries lai founcl a! thâe West End flouse, What do you think, dear reader, of the opinions expressed under Notes and Commenta on an inside page ? No more kitchens! Caîl a! Peticik's Barber Shop and hear one of the Genuine Edisoni Phono- graphs. the loudes! and clearest talking machine iri the world. Poople corne miany miles to go! their furs ropaired by M Mayor, because ho is a practîcal furrier having served a lifotime at the business. Wall, doue, Simcoe street Methodists, Oshawa. in givibXgo' or $1200 as a thank nffering on Sunday !ast. We comgratulate 11ev. J. J. Bae, their pa8tor. on this apirit of Christian liber- aiity. Tho)se unhaDpv persons who siffer from nervouQeoas and dyspepsia should use Garter's Littie Nerve Puis, which are uade expressly for sioerlesa. n ervous, dyspeptie sufferers. Pi ie 25 ceuts Mr. G B. Hughes, son of Col. Sain. Hughes, who bas been engaged as chie! drazzhltemau w1thý the Hialifax ansd South Westerin Railway C3o, le!! on Saturday afiernoon for Alberta, N. W T., where he hîas aecepted aà position- Halifax Chrouicle British Troop Oul Liniment is unsur- pasaed by any liniment on thc market to-day. J!tai)3composed of healing, soothîng and cl(mansing vegetableo nus, and extreto. IL is put up la larze, botties for the stuali price of 25 cents. r-Thinking about hiaving vour photo taken ? Well n know where to go. If it is a lîfe likec, artixttic. up to date ý,cture you waint Freeland la your inaný on't Rzo eluewhore because of a little lower prie. You wa nt a gond job or noue sui we eau do you a gond jub. A boom is on at the SmTu.TSIKÂ oftioe-new subscriptioiaï are pouringi Si. the psoplo- wanit a reliable locali newapape-our coluana are crowded tih a4vertieing, -our job printing brauch is more than ruiihed, we have extra help and want more Gond opening fora smarg, ambitinus boY to iearn pmîntuug. 1 If a ckild eats ravenouasly, grind thie teeth ut nigéàt aud pieks îh noso, you aay ai= ù be certain it ha@ worrns ant shtldadminster wlthout delay Dr. Low's Ploasalt Worm Syrup, this remedy contains its own cathartic. Br-igadier Pickering o! the Salvation ÈÂrmy, Provincial Officer, wlll visi! Buw- manville on Monday Dec. &hl, assisted by Staff Capt. and Mrï. Cass, and Adjt. and Mrs Sîms. The Brig. will lecture on "&Ton yoars ini kodern Babylon". J. J. Mason, Esq., wiIl becehairman and the local mintatersand other promineut ,citizens will be pregont' Chair taken at 8 p. m. Silver collection. The well knn s!rengthening pro- parties o! Juois, combined with other toniesanmd a mos! perfect nervîne. are fouud iu Carter's Iron Pisl, whick _streegthen the nerveai and body, and improves the blood aud complexion Heamel Elrke, a splendid four act coix- ady draina ull b. prençuted lu Town Hall nex! week. See bis for date. This play la under 56e auspices o! the Prince cf Wale Dragooue, directed by Arthur Thora,mmobaa A thorough- Are We To[ orehanudd? Perhaps that is the first thought that wiIl flas~h through your mmnd- but think a minute--count the weeks before Xmas Eve-not maný are there ? And so man'y things to think about. Have you eveî ïthing planned? Don't worry th ough because our collectiom of CHIRISTMAS GROCEjRIES is already-na,ýnificently replete. And we're waiting for D ~ GHIGES XMIS GGODS AT LOWEST FIGURES88 The finest -selected Valencia Rai&ins, Vonitsa Currauts, 'choice st SMalaga Layer Raisins and Muscatel Raidsin.s: PeIs in, richest of flavors, lemon, citron and orange. Nuts just fresh iii, Almondw, Filbd , À Walnuts and Candies of ail descriptions for the XmasTrrade by ûe lb or box. Finest range of Japàtnese and Chi-a Xtnas ware in Bowmanville. Hi,&hest Price For All Kinds of Produce. iJohn fcMur tryi Bowmanviile. We want your Froduce - Meii's Clothier - King Quality Shoes H E EFER ÂSTRAY.-Strayed fromn lot 4, con 3, Darlingtofl, a two Year Oid helfer, dark red with some white. Information of ber whereabotitg will be îewarded. WrSLEîY B3RAGG, BOWM&nyilQ. 4 5-t w ANTED.-A Trstworthy Gente- mai or lady ln each eounty to manage buti,.eaW for au @Id etabliabed house of soli janctal standing. A tralgtht, on lido y.ekly cash maary1ef$.00 patd by ýhe1k each Woduesday with al ex p cames direct from head- quartera. Keney adyaaeed f or expenses. Maxaagr, 840 Caxa UlBdg., Chicago, 111. 8&ê4w If you are Imsildixag or repaaing ws Mn S<kaps hoIp you te golfe smue et the d ieultiusinident te the uW*- taking. For, instance CaàmT-Wê have Battie'. Th.orold for concrete walls, cattie stables and eeliar loors; Engiisk Portland for paye- ments and sisternh. BILL STUaw-Pi ne a nd Hemlock Jolis, Seantling &",~Boards.. rimun-Pine aitd Cedar Square Tipaber and, S1.poeL FLooaîtiG-Hed and White PFine and Whltemaple. CBiLiNG and WAiNsoriN-Painted and Grained, Beaded and V-Joint SIonaG-Beve1eod, Coye, Shiplapped and Clapboarding, SniwGras-AI1 grades, Native Pine atnd Cedar and B, 0. Red Cedar. wood and pine Doors-ail. grades and prices. SASII, BLINoS and Mour.DiNGs-Gil mnour's and Rathbun's, Manufacture. Salt, Plaster, wyooa and. Best Ciea Screanied Coal-Ilard and Sof t. lnspew-ion Invited.HIPrloes Reasonable. MOGLHLLÂi< & Co. Bowanvll Stock raisers say Prof. A.V.M. Day's English Tonic Powders are ail right; they make Realth, Fat, Boue and Muscle for Hlorses, Cattie, Hogs, Sheep and Poultriy (5 separate packageî). A I1rllerbal Tonie Food warranted. oAlgent. J. W. MeDermid, Drug- git, Bo wmanviile, Ont. A Frea Sample of1 Cremm for caives maiied to any address on iAcipt of a 2c. stamp. Addresu, THa D.&r'e STom Foon Co., Toronto, Ont. You OaUItHeIp but be mstiuafed with our complet. and weh asS.rted stock of Wall Paper Just receiyed from leading Canadian and American faetories. The fai l a good time to make every room attractive and my priees are right. Remnants at your owII prie.. Special attraction% in Fancey rGoods and Stationery. Bibles, Hymn Books and Photo Albums, These long evenings yott will want something to read and you tan buy bookr. very cheap 110W. See nay stock, special bargains. Sunday Schuol Lîbraries a specialty P0IRBLCG P. laga aiza 16 Z16 wlth Queeu Centres sui- table for Cushion Tops, regular 50o eacb ; 15.ç two for 25c. Postiga extra. J. J. Tua,çxa«& Soies, Peterboro, Ont A PPLES WANTED-T h e w e i .I knowu rellable house of Edward Jaeob &Sion oif Lonànng.,and FlamburgGerman. want eonulgsmsnts of Çanadian aprilea. Hic - eot pniea *n be obtainl. i4e%o,,ble adrane. aganat- BIL ilii owed. Communteate with IL P.Bla.kford. Nurseryrnan, Toreno. 1 wii Pay o te suif $0 th b. u f JDWAan JÂCO Before XImas, We- are receiving new goods every day suitable for ail kinds -of presents. It payrs to bily early, pick out- what you want and" we will lay it asi'de for you. This is a good tinte to have new pic- tures framed for Xmas. INew mouldi ng in to-day. W.T. ALL E N E31G 20. BOWMINVILLB. John McMurtry. What! Talking Xmas AI ready? 1

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