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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1902, p. 7

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back or lieild. 1 never felt so well in my life.', Walk a inile or two at least evc" Litera ry Nutcs Sorne Peas ný ýday. Malk briskly. Swing the ariris. Take a good stride and learii Why You Should Iruist on HaVing to troad squarely on licol and toc. Ains-lee's for Deceiii,,,)ý,u opens, wiltLl Every muscle in the bodv will re- a, very draniacie of modern EUREH Vieffi-PESS OIL spolid Every vital Organ will be liffl, entitled, -The L'týiqual Yoke,' ulieituilled hy ii ii7 cither., 'beiiefit*ed. The lurigs will expand by Neàuh Boyce. rJlIil-ý plot of the R (_ e i oýýn(erl3 hard leatiier soft.' and witli increase of capacity for story s focinded on ilý(- inarriage of ri k7 ially FOR TI C-001 ozone cornes better and richer blood. ait Aincirican heiî-,ý Li, ý,n e pint Begin gn(dually, increasing cr. I>ice, your vil.11 icd Oil. able. Your ll1iý1_11y beld lýol) W.-If distance as you feel capi, The ib 101,1 jý1 ý1L- hall" pîrn leilk, I1iý1f Pilit u 17. daily uill L'ecoule 1%;ls 's of the gruatest lýleýi,,ures of the Bake ab you do cakes. day's biOL:l is Au exciclient pre-servative. Wafne luilk, routine. Yeu -will 1, plinient l'o ili,, author's u -je pint -cep in betterý higii coi,* Roduces cost ýf your ýs. - Two egggs, 01 cla- physical and niental toile. Try it. butter size of ýtil egg, two t - ý,tisIic powec. ;ýýdicoi SeaweH Never butins the leather; ita ) spoons croula 1,;";Poon contriblited a very jjiii.!.ý love storv; E-:friciency is increased. FlýUIT DRESSING FOR SI-10ES. entitIed, "Black oc soda, a littie ilour toi inake jO1,ý ecures best service. 1 11ý Any of the children ever have it ? Then Stitches kept from breal--ing.) a thin batter. Beat tL,,ý of -Many persons find they are out Of Giliiier Speed wrife> (, loi, litainingly j j the eggs separatolly, and i,(!(i 'Ile shoe dressing wheci raost needed. Butjand ývitli jilil)artiLlit,- ilbout "The you will never forget it, wilf you il . Don't let it C IL last thing. Mix cream if you happen to Wlvo ait OriLr:ýd or Bacheior Maid." qlýii,, jirst shoi L midnight again, but begin treatment soda with fleur. is quickly tory . that Edgar Sil,!is lias pub'l «o until in ls sold in all banana, your d;ff,,ctilty Dates ;1;i(l Farina. - In tluart soivea. The best dressing for black lished in long t!iiýo-ý ýljpcars in this during the evening, when that dry, hollow, rail by Localities Maronfactu 0 Importal 011 complanT. CoO1-Zi--ý'L farina, add ',ýirge ccip leather isi Orange juice_ Take il nuiliber, Linder the ttL1ý,, -Tho Deii dates, ýýiiich have beep wk(,ýIi,,d, gent-tslice or a cuarter of au OCujjgeý IL is cLýi;i-erized l;,ý barking cough first-bégins; ly dried, storied, ýliid iii litlvcý9. rub it thorouglily ail over the shoo the power and graý - Iiztiéý t(o lIr Stir thein gently t1je iýirinkt 0" boot tobe and l Ilow it 1,SkitLiq, j\ ,ri n i o- Get out. your Vapo-Cresolene (for you and cook for, longer. to dry, theil brush brjý,,1 iý, ý,ý ith al Ue essay by Ai-ný 1i1 (ýi,1 ORKSHIREq FOR SALE -From ',erve with creaiji' ýiýid -j surely keep this in the house), put some Y Nfal)'eGrovo.Herd:Plgsreadytoweaii, - , ýý; i r. This solit brush until it shines IlLc ý,u look-!, -E,71CT7.ý,'ýýubIe a elloive lot Of May pige both sexpa. also Boar ki, aelicious dish. ilig glass. ileids, wilh the delight audi- i i,ý 1,(- Ait f(Ir.,3ervii-e and sows in farrow, ineluilliig 1-11tiri One cup Cresolene in the vaporizer, light the lamp be- twoofý,ny.pri.zewinnei-s. lit Péultry I bave A illost c,)nvf-t-ilent ý]lýessiiig- for all lin tup, and, o\ 17) eggs. i,,Lb](si: clons t a LI SI 10 es is the inii(l(ý of a bail,-ýrit, cri i1ýu st,,rýe. Colin D. Bit ri vý 'Il, cath, and let the child breathe-in the quieting, ese, Bronze Turkey a and Cockerels of the folluvring vari(t- sugar, ont, IýýbIespooii half toit- skin- This i, l«: Barred and Wlille Rotoý, Licilit and.Dark spCllý rubbed well a CI (-,vcn- -Tlle Pren, tel 1ý ;o iule teýi5i;)uf)n rinistard, ly ait Over tiie shcle, and rcnn Cr Brahmarl, Lailgtliaiis, Buff Wyandottes ana loves ail story illat, soothin,,,, hcalingvapor. There will be no. Euff orpingtons. T. J. COLE, BI)Nvmallville, hOt -villogur, daïil Of PoPPer, spots and di tÉ lis weil as gives a, fille Box 188. 41-3in- thre,ý oil or tWo of biiý,- C colle-1tet PL'y fui -1ý ýý ýý1l ýlilr1--, iý croup that nicfht. If it's midnight, and the polish, "Viti IL laist is brouglit o-utý by ter. Mix the flour arid inustard Mrs. natrick tu Ilarllel clotil foi. wiping dry, with a little of Che iiiilk, Chou Put and another clean Charnel for polish- longer storieso ie-, 'I1ýýc cloup Is on, inhaling the vapor will break the W ANTED ýA good representative al, in ýl. rl,)uble boiler and côok..t-ili ing. A slice of lernoit is, aiso use, Statei-neilt," bY Fi'ýd ;';,ik L. io Bell frult-trees, orvairieiltal trees, it is perhaps the i-Lio,-i touçIiîiýp 1paým and bring prom t elief. etc.' in Ilowmanville itrid ntarnby dîstricts it thjV1-,Lnýý,. if tho tan shoe is very ilixicil dis- p r 1 Termsilberalonsalary or icomnission basià MO(1ý 0vster Soup. - Ileat - one colored. illinticil feature of the wIioýý Ihive the beitard.most complete list of iilir8ery quart soýoý,,t inilk in a, double boiter, Paient lealIier -inust iiever beýziie, -T[le wasp's For asthma, bronchitis sore throat, coughs and colds, it'h "3tl(Lillcall.,datoday. oui-htoekiagiiai-aiit-,add a thick silice of oiiion, a piece arly I'rij)ýe Vi Tý-ir ;,ji-jcked or Pol:shed WiLli ng 1 -t prompt and pleasant cure, while for. be delivered in grrîýof culery. thi "'fjýC -whoopiii--cotigh it is a a, lump of butter, dasli oil. d- hi A I;ttbý ýinCde jiliCe Oi loepp:ý1ý lo oqIveclt el) r is Perfect specific. Yotir doctor lcnows, ask him ý, Ive criinibs, and 1.1- t is 1, un ýn, 0 cle, lfroii, all dirt wib il 'A et jOrc applvipg the Oij alici apffle day Loru -tiappý r-,,ýýng. ]il il. A, GENTS WANTED.-Eithef on full celery, and at once witn croit- It naty illeno lie rubbed drv with a .EX: or part Erne. Are yoci satisfied with tous. A delicious soup. I tlieie, are atout, cou t ribu- J'arniel, aridif a, high (le- polisli ig your Lcoime? Is yolir iline fully occupled If rintwriteus. Ive cala give you employncelit 'Favorite Beait Disli. Into a i i red, , use Li chamois r old kid HO- io the ('i ýs lly Llw mouth on go-ci terins. or contract ta pày frv- ounce butter, ;ind giove to bring out the lustre. 1,1ýo auth(o ýý ïý,eliided in i for such bilisittegil, as yen seeute for when bot 'dwir try Lu., ai olid titres; sprinkle over it icalf toit- arr Arr ITei 2 Ive einploy both. niais and S The iiextthreernortits Poon iiiinced cition.' Brown sliglit- LIQT,'Ii) Blossoin ir.. Ililler, Caro- is file vtiry best iiine tosellourgoudj. Nol ]y, being careful net to burn, and lino L)-uer, Eti-el Milinford, --eliwai-,,, at l iiitni,- 1)ýit Ils requtred; outfit ils absolutel To brighteii sil, 1 il y free. add one cup beef gravy or rich -soup 1 ILady VioliI CURES WHILE YOU SLEEP hx-,ý,,e the largeýt nurseries lu Cu nada, over inuiri expeliditure of tinie and labor, îýo'0 iokifeà, a large range of valuable iLlew Spec stock, sait and pepper to taste. Now l'îxcul-ý 'N iný,,I C, 0., lalties. iold ait cair stock h, giiaratiteed -sa rei,- add cite quart cold boiled provide yourseif with, a bottle of ul- iýor1,;. 16f; ýCohol, a bottle of ainrnoiliu, a d ýý1 Tha appirntus is simple, inexpersive, and 1 belleve. unelqualled in the treatment of whoopinz-roi4h. sirrniior Iong enougli to bout theni 1 inost pop ar and lie ý Coli 'S Worth eacli of whitin ni ul si kita-,iýti nursery, wilite us at once. il Pli] Î Tho vaýrir is no& injurtous to heaithy 1 persans. It lias a beneficial effect in allaying the Irritation ani the destril thoroughly, add a littlu loulou. juice, a bcoiichîtis. 1 ear estly recommend it." It will bc ivorih your while. STi)1ýE & Wl,ýýLlý vet-i7,ccl borax. Add two tabi'spoon, The, CIiristiiýs ni Li, )i Scrib-, ta cOug- il .11 = .Canada'sGreatest Nurseiies, forconto, and serve -ij i d5-alu 1 clacli of tlicsc ingredients to two rer s liylagaziiie has beei! z i i z ý ý ý rnade Il -, joi-IN! MERRITT, M.D., of Brooklyn, in the N. Y. Medical Record. Toinato Jelly Salad. - To balf quarts water. Mix in a dislipart and notahlc by the iii LI Lleauty eau toniatoes , add a bay leaf, foui, sýCt 011 tte stove. IVW FOR SALE -Onýe of the begt Put in as inany of io., picLýures, ard ýýi quality FA blade of inace, balf l'ea-1, aDd most desirable farins in,'Durhain c'oves, 'L forks and spoons as the jiqtiid will of i1iý- senCiiiiei-it and work- ecýirty, belvz the South hall of lot IL), éýn- 2. spoon salt and quarter te-aspoon pap- I cover, and Ict thein boil u me- Illa i, ip Vapo-Creýoene 13 sold by druggist. e-,,eryýhere. The Vaporiibýr and Lamp, which should lasi a life-time, r1ington, known as Orchard Dale, on;whieh rika, and liait teaspooii Iiiieïy j tuents. and a boule of Cresoiene crmplete, .5o; extra supplies of Vapo-Cresoienc -25 cents and 5o cents. Illustrated -e a v Buperior and commoidious brick If polislied frequentl ilici eighc short stories, ol t,-Clli il- St., New York, ry littl booklet c Dritaiiiiiii; PioYsir-ia-s'testimcniais free upon request. VA110-CRESOLENF CO., i8o Fulton îlowill w1th all inoderii cünveni,,ijc(ý3 bielculiiig onioli. Sininier Cent minutes flien 1 wili require vie boilin,.,,. Re- lustrated, kii.,d spccial riticles and U. S; A. liard and soft water ; ail titiller farin rub through a sieve. Add o;le-thirll niove froin liquidcand rub till poeins, ainong thein a ii2autifuiý un- th'at are jiecessarv with ablindanice Of box gelatine soaked in cold water, dry with a piece of soft Cotton flail- by Iollert Louis water. Osie of b -st oricharas in couitty. ' publ;shçýçl Poe!" »CIL S first elasa Partit bas iiever been renteil. half cupful broken výýi,ýliiut roloats, f, nel. Pieces that arc badly discolor- Stevenson, wril,,L(,ii, in I1,ý7_1 when ho Terrils wili boutade to sait purchaser. and two tablespoons tarragon vine-lVil wi;l req-ilire longer )i - r b( iling. All was a youiig niait. cove- by Williams haq deeided tu retire front farmitig lie gar. Pou" iiito weCted iiiolds (when the silver ir, dailv use in a faniily Of 1,'rz-in'iç V. Dit _Mond jý il 901d and offers the farta at a re-asonable rate, and coil 1 _ , _'E Mayweed, Canada, Thistle, Conartion SUBMARINE TE: Very easy teinis of payaient, a small amolint well iiiixell, and the gelatirie thor- E-ve persons uni«y bc cleanccl weekly colors, ,, chariairig, bk-ight dCý Hi ÎD Plantain, Lady's Thurnb, Pigýveed, !WD rc-quired d ci w n. -ýppIy to, W. Il. I oughly dissolveil), and put in a cold in less Chan, half an hour, ai-ici as th- VALU s, Qwiier en prendses, or to Box 134,1 place to set. Serve On'tendor let- jsiýý,n tyPicul Of theý1u-,1i-Iýlý, Black Medick, 1-ý,ý,igweoi, Charlock or 200,000 Mlies oi El 44-tf I lii-iixtLire nniy bc used several tinie,5,!Tlàe rnost d(,Iicïlto 1,;,, Wild Mustard and Ferennial Séw der the Oc Lace leaves, and garilisli with a ,-ill bc found less expersive -Chan j rinting yet att---ýi11,;,ýý1 by this AND ITS RELATION TO AGRI- ;stle P Th.i . The subniarine tel wilole walnut ilicats. the 'averag'e silver polisil Iý"cP the is foulid iii l W, istra- CULTURAL PIIOGRESS. The trade il, red clov-rý and alsike world number 1,75( Hickory _Nut Cake. - Rub lialf cup Closely Covered in a glass tions by J,,,il Wiic()- which is, uiidoubtedly, the inost fruitful gateý-1ength is nearIý butter to Li. crcani with two caps fruit jar. We would net reconirriend of Doniiiiion Seed Laboratory In es-i the disse tell v ý medium for ulinatiOll Of their total eost white coffe su g tir. A(Id the beýit(,ýitiiis for X -C idi.,dý Tt S pes" Bad -.ýjojller1s Days.- A y- simple t ations reveal M-Là, 1 weed pests. The steadily increasing £55,000,000, and 1 lvhités of three eggs. 13cat tilclqjlý)le Chat the -,tiui-fi(ýniÉt rniglit affect f color is State of Affairs. docittand for these seeds for both the messages alinually 1 yolks a littie alid achl thcln ý11so. 1ý' and stiýildl:- schellion tu the color. -io-;ý-n iï, jý, ard "Christ- the export trade bas en- thein is more tuait 6 CALIir-Oiq'I'N'IA> POHNITS S t ir in 1 ý clips sifted. flour, li,'ýij1g s 1 The testiDg of seed for Puirity and hoine - and thoroughly. NOW add one Cup lillas at cli 'eli, Spitancier'r, L110 artist's vitality by s6entific niethods s couraged - thëir production on farrils Adding to the sub BLEMISIIES cet rnilk and lu' cups more flour. oovn accotint of bow (ficer wasýbeeii an iniportant factor in the ý'ilt are land telegraph sys Ilouüd Trip Tourist lickets good for s - Wash th(, face in very sal", sweet' prodliced by a 1011EJY P'l,,ýi1sh artist' ricultural progress, of lýOfiL WITIT WEEDS. 1 hey ý1re connected, 1 13", J ninutes and Chéri at fèr toit ci add iiine mont hs on sale toi ail the popi-ilar .1-1ilk ev ery iliglit, and let it dry il, a Little Dutch iiýig- Richard t,ý%-o teaspoons baking powder. Mix; 1 Switzerhind and other Eiirop ail l expoi annually large quali- of tel(-graph lines o wiLliout wipi-ýg. A trixtui for titics of Alsike and R 1 Ci il macle of e (_ , over o 1,180,000 ntiles, the -Winte j1esorts ne Californii? . it liglitly witli tbe batter and add ; 1 Harding ])avis descril-'l '.P'-OPO,'ý "'!counti-iei. Laboratory itethods i en e sniall inilk and one j thi, cj)i-oýinltion bull-fsceti testing were devised by I)r. European countries, wbere a thor-isin,-Ie wires, or coi cule CLIP chopPed hickory làut or but- ' preat Spaiiish i , ne, cup seeded '.epspoon sait applied to the, raost 11-1ý'ight-1--ýýobbe, of Tharandt., Cet-' gil systein of sced control lias,000 miles, and the t tcl. nicat, a , ci C) ted and where only the inessa ges aiinually 10 bstiriate bIcmis1-wýs, of the skino wili ast 9(n-ýye.Lrs ago, since which ti-,,ý sýced_ beeri establisI 1 ctisins. Bcotli iltils îllid rýiisýiis ý Few riovels of Lhiiý Pl, 1 Fast trains equipped with ode rilliroust be dredged with fleur. Nuts Clire it a1niost lihe magie. This 1 d titan -Lci -tabljýýh- ý best re-clenned stocks can find a abolit 400,000,000, l , ertition are tuerie love testing stations have 1 , - il nu-Ly bc used witliolit raisilis. Mix rerru-dy i,,;-pi-e.-cribed by one of the l-Oý)po, - ;--tri( cd in ricarly ail European cotint 1 'J'ho sercenings froin Chose more Chant 1,000,000 wide vestibii!o coaches Ca fe Par'or, l Il nid liake in a loaf or two dpe-p 11111t fanions skiii authorities in Eiig- ý--'ttje kn0Výn personally as ifs author and the United States. Can! -Cod týýeeé1s are inuch in de-! lit the short half c we ci j 'bining and Pullman cars.ý 1 land. aiýd it is said Chat the use of ada bus inipoi i ayers. t B'. 1). Blackniore. Tho jCtoýirs which ilow one modern sced Iicboratoryýlni1itd on oui- honte rnarkets and -rï,',practieibility of Sinothered l'isli. - As fliiii as flic,, ý1 uilk and' sait is hall the secret o retailed by local dealers. graphy waq dernons, Prompt connection with al! IVestern J c's il the Magazine is privileg,,,l to pub-:eluipped with the itecessury apPar-ý -Lu l the Eng ish woi ai sinooth, bc il 1. 1 -1 ýt - ýiiý(Ii[iore toliLtus for tertilig the purity and vi- There are few agriculttiral merci -ýtric wires have inva Lines. ican be shaved, clit front the end o a ; iish, writien by Mr. ourod of pork, tçý,o sIiceqý SID,ýý,ly tifLi', skin. il y 1 oulig Aiiiericicn lo'd. l'el' Cal a talicy of seeds. tile articles, the real value of whieh ýl except the Facii'ic. s l ne llowIS so difilicult to judge fi 'collai -oin appear- of wires have: been, HIALIII GIVING 'f»ry, thon split, cleanse tinci 1--ly in the 't, showing The fact thilt, Gern alay alo St. 'Catharines, Preston, Ont, and the gravy a good-sized fresli fish, of the, lVlien laying Oileloth if a liglit coat Pe lions ance as grass clover and other sinall 1 Atlý-tlitie, of whicli. il Iiiiiii incite interested ici his beautifulinziinûa-ins 39 seed control stii Che LISI, j of varnisli is givpr-- to its surface and i is 1) igh ly &Le ds ý conipetition is said to bc now successfully ope, CO k's fLtvorite variéty. Chan in literýttill'O. shows -Chat seed testing world renowned Mt Clemons MiC., are 0 garderi and farni place a large Iiiiilp of butter, half- Cach year renewed, the bright colors tion United States and ,' ed, and Purrish, who stands lit the valued as a iiieans of safe-guarding the life of tralle but fair coliipeti situated direetlv on lino of the Grand lpoLind is the rule, althorigh less wil, ý,J the oi1cloth will be retair hers sPar, CI lePicu, iiiterests of agriculture iii Chat in the secd trade is Possible ýonlv three',oti 01-Y Iload of Illin -1 ilitistrato short - distance betw( truilk. inakc, il, very satisfactors cover ý i't vill also greal ly aid in its pr,,,e,- iwhen the seed is, sold accorcling to , Lion in color, furnislites a striking fi'oiiti-,-'Cotintry. The resulLs of tiý-%e work Descriptive Booklets, Ticke, tigfit and set the dish in a I)esert,;" that bas already been dcnCý 'iii the fiNed stanclards of quality Or 1-ili- i ica and the Afrîci-- kettle of hojing water, or lise LI ett Sniith, 'Doiiiinic Seed 1 at, - revical a der . definite guarantee based lipon é l'opean Coast lines. information for a.-ents. double boiler'. 11,ec-p the second vos- culilous 01.1) vr-_ý-SSEýr'. a story by ArChur C0ssýý _-abor, )rý, Y, -le Indian Ocean iilles c Vý,bOse ,rlur(Ilýoise Cup" inacle hiin great iieed for active work in ý seed a standard illetholl of ailaIýsis. TI ",oeil trade in Canada lias 1-.,een paSs- East with 17,1trope iý Il. Il. J uny, C. P. & T. A other tc-ting as well es persistont efforts sel I)oilirg 40 ininui es. The ýýCcrct Field, of the British 'tri]ly, notable alilüý!g fiction writerS. ,W. Wooi), Depot Ticket Agent lf L re ti anleng solne Old short icre :-F. jj0pkiiiýoii to protect Ciiiiýtdiïin yaraiers and ing front the hands of roliable seed the Rcd Sea, the 1ýJc If c ons arc Closely, the ir5tuusýritits a, drawirg of a inan of Sinith' , h,ýýi.- lz turc bouses iiito the lialicis of in corapetont 'western Coast of E ------ i ý 1s taJleý -cOinpart-'fiýülds front the ii-,-iy eýl'iIs Chat, disli is gratifyilig to fisil e-picures. whicli was built in 1600 for the ruent inoiýr-C.olognf-ý to ý connecteil with the qQed 1raýrîe. and irresponsible, local (leaJers whose ý great Transatlantic ýi1Oops wa"ey V'l-itlh the itjipnese Uovernrncut. Tîýý> vessel' j nüreiy dif-ýiteiraue1111 is cross' _; the atiius;,ig incidontsý Farly in the spi-ilig of thu 'ili illain, business is (il ý,o ICI rý,vv ioj,ý preferred by sortie cooks. ý111LLs of illiniense size, -'i ý- Covered C'. Il. Chîrk. B.S.A., v is :1 J,ýrent ch-itrictLi'. fur too'iii its entire length before pilttirlg in the f;sli with Prof. 1ýýjhi n's nuilly jobbors, ditMoling in the .,,c,,,Iiiiiiiieroiis cable filles rý LI J oc . ts Of ilion and copr, ir aud by W, L. JLicobs,. i,' - lod -le result is Chat coin-! Along the easterri lis Prov ed with two rudaurs. Fur- by i md who is iiý)w in of business and CI price-, ýý,atde, lines looli £roi Pluil, Puddirg. 'nie the ili which Z_ 1 Gliy Vietinore C'tri-Yi, i_,àý -Pjp-ý Seed Lïbor-,ttç)r-,. ý,d t,-,ýPL3tiLiOr, lias becit te, ,_ i 1ý(-ýý Poil jj-jcýst fariners, and island to island e-% 4n', r , ci sugar, one pOund 1 t1w drawirlg wi-es v, pi)ed. says t1lat fa- ý inake, ait inv 1 estigation cu 1 1,, Loridi- 1 1 Unfortunictely po,- with illustri - atiolis d ni :k Choi suet, one pourod siolied rais ý,Y the -ade in -it contailied a- vo-,ry lions ar Lire no-)t: sages overland fro 13 J P_ ti- 1 tions of Ihe Li il, 11, c U 2ý lits, cii-, poujid dr'ed currants, lilotIs 1,tujiýLji artist Tito. A beau 1 - la'clqtia'iilted vvith tite lilipurilies tbat'ropc, via the Ilussii plit-zltus, which was set in niotioii by LS fuliv pathetic st0iryý -The l'isihop's (,BASS AND CLOVER SEEL tel, poi ild dricd cilron, one pounil two (ïozeii men, equipped with iron with ille assistance- of Agriculttirai eornmordy occii r in grass and elovcr lines, and forwardiii The trost surcessful farmers ;n caliaLla CIO il 1., 0 il le tablesplocon ll,;_ýed sil,'ce S i s sýecds, und when i-naking ilieir pur-'Pa", Chillu, Australi Carý;. The vessel reýqeMbIcd a tur-l n, Associations,. Institute workers and read ÏAR.NIFIZ'S ADVOCATE: ibev -L and half wineglass br iýIi lit. i Lires by Florence IVY'--il, eir ivork, thev art tipon i t-ý andn . A Ci d tic in shape and was ariried with ton 1 "v crew inan el, ve chases arc content to screw clown the StraiLs Settlelllej 1-licient 1% ilk to niix it ci large Cannon. llie is vei-,vill'lie Io_,,ý story of are its'grýatest adiiiirci-,. :k su, 1 1 t blCk. As and Une Philippinc Cu'ite stify. P ou lie price and triist to Ils editors and ccritributors rorc, s, 1 -ive, a stiong Cloth, weli flouued, 1 entitled "The Cliston, Of the CàP- litindred one-half ild sanipics 01 ver lorg ii S there is a deluand for Cliciap exact, and experts say thère is no, Io others The -it leave plerity of roolli doubt -as to its authenticity. ný_ hy 1,r. Ileury- C. jýoV,7land, '1ýiinotliy, Alsikc, and Red ( seed, il worthless, low grade arti ý s calinot liv 1 and ili tying lui Lit was offered Le bv Io-!, cle 0ystel: -th pictures by 1-1 enry ý lItitt. A sced Un foi- sal cal dpalerq were procui d foi- Clio livill bc, ofýcre(l;, Lind unill (,;jjjLojilýLl Séiuý,> -tory of love a colltgc,:sfttleiiieiit, ing water and let it boil ilille hours f 1 ýOw 1 jý 1 i sait enoug 't (0 sNv'll' Pu(' it irlto beil-1 have Cercle CO k, LLY 11- sec h. They laboralorv. Iýith each sanirile arricers feat to brag of. Mhicli will, we arc aure, he iui ample froin- 0 to 1,237,690; Al-iiiiýýilýjoi-alli). 0 jid ilo ref] These cigars arc now vh coi ADDRESS: guarantee of the truih of every repre. A French physLý1ar sike froui 90 to 180,450; and -C-'ed sýld' in Anierica, and Rus- Oice to SO sensatio Nature, never intended tlii-;. A Nvo- ZÎ c, UU î 1 man should bc able to trzý irp tel-1 that-«ot only is yawiïj,,;,, Clover frora'O to 45,505. '11tc, ilp-ýsj:i> and are, it aPPlý,Prs, rnýich liked LOIý'InoýA, oilý"Ï"li ïrîles and enjoy evýi-) oi it. but it shouldbe numbrr d, in î !,%i sniokers, while they ar&, recorn resortu! o proxiiiiï,,i or a JS, VIEW little woluail t'O Ater ,d by physicians. Tjie, cigars ally in case of sore throal. pound of Ti1ýiýýthý 1 7,k two mile Ch, t Clover1l'Ilýlili coniplet(,1ý kiiid l-ry agree- 1 You 1 learn to TL;ýt !let--"Why, ýif:,ed in -,Il y the taste of Uiie can onel s ti( ýWt. \011 Imocked lfý'in lowi. UýI! 111o jit detc-et ýi 1 g di lîeren ce stand, - sajIl "011?', ýAeorgeý, (hippiiv i,, th,ýf;I fIiý,î cigars i ail 1i!ýf, ýt lIIýss,-i1s) - \ o, fýIi S, týti1ý 11 1ý1e p1ý(t 1 i- said I uil sli' Co.j Lte. i ). no t ýýîf- 111, of gralIii 0,ion i1ýýI1 'V% 1,uý ove,, to ul, "Il h ont. Illi') Ltll. ýýc11JCo il1Led 1 (u1l,ý T)tý hi1:ý.- Do, C'l', se r]Ltýý, r,,jq,ýL- t1ýe ýo

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