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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1902, p. 8

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im-- a very fe days fte cure is complete. dery was eadly bereaft by the death of ' heqping - otigh, crI, 1,%bas 415U lving at Charles Oou'ter'efor momae or ~ ~ "4o~ e1.a afr193 Eeyeetr ntu oin You can,'t say the same of arny other bis wîfe -on Nov. 2ist She was groatly trayees aseggtihs E'da pî-ls' e- eotte ygrétiu As eur 'sedta for ubI90Fvis exect in o tth soobC I r C r thytic, yEia;va, na-9 enagea las* aeidîy50ucpntsbusiie v hrsaec . 4t to v heshoeï1 tretinnt, Forastmacatrrh uuproyed until she suddenly took a faint w inter c oughs, n 'it ling roots fer,îteesdoek, viien ha letlise o. tl da&s,.Edeau,«te Yes" foïljthe liquor act Voting ilf- s Il',g spell from whicb she neusrrecovereti. rd 0ard graap upon the hantile vhieh vas re,,oiving Qitk paei hsmn f eolbos i i --II anti coti1t's euiygoot.d. i1 Thé felueraI was largely attendeti on viI ncbrsidS, nd ois b.a been b.ite paof Sn bsemHait sch oobeen u se ' ' uAid b>' druggitr every-w arap. undav te Hagi pipn cemetery The Iho0 e8u, rtpid lb admi'ck thlat e ýsedo osHala a.bc lso whicb sbouid iaeu alife evdfiiythv I te 0e.,m IL A ecn' ou aap )tonteue s ta trIî?rhm «itêt rcae oierteescomplei of el*LU ison'piyecen'±~ted aily rh r vr smab teSsi5V49, r reut«f patoïn Ildr it!gten i,(ba s' r'bntfr. aedsperd " ," ecîrad ocae.cmmnty. .,.-Service wilibc-heit inP.ii.-1m8e LIlIý etoc- unav evening prpatohîwâdi a, it. m SA qIe~cin s*t?.3r nt i."t.of' the Z&a tÀa..boni, inOOd iIleç's Conpouud Iront Pilla did ltý. A ST' O RM WIL IA F ET IiR~SALBâ. BL&OKBTOUSL HAYI>ON. eWILLIATHE MASON Co.I The Salem Public Schoconetwl r .A ihisiiIiitWl aln Visitors; Dr. Howard Rundie, Burks be given on the evrening of Friday De c. uf ind Falls, and Mr. N. C. Rundie, Hampton, i2hTh Clarke Union Orchestra wil thm udy..M.Sowo be present an sit lomscladwus ettléd the other eveniog, the latter be- Rundie was in Toronto last week... Mr. lierr tletfrm omanville and ing champion. le. c1i and Mrs. R. Moore, Zion, B WVIN IL other places. Doors open at 7.3o. Ad- John did neot ,isit the other Prlehi on spent Sundav here, Miss Grace Trewin, B WVA V L mission 15c. 49 2w. Bunday. Bowmanville, guest at Mr. Jno Slemon's; __________Mr. agll eent nndy e Jantytle, Mr. George Cowling and Miss Lily Grah - Mr.Maillepnt unaynt antvile 1amn home over Sunday; Mr. Fred Hudson ENNSHLLN.Mr. and Mre. AllUn spent Sunday with who has been in Manitoba for some years - ~Mu. G. Marlow. is home on a visit. an etn il. r a.Sano sHAM101ON. Powley's Liq-,uif ied Ozone rcvrn rmhs eetiles. Mr A. Steward, of Port Perry. spent BrighMisKtRos eebradM.J îiosMrWJoeM.Hls disease of the kidneys is one of thae most fatal McDonald, Oadmus, were recenit gnests Mr. and Mrs. T. Wood returned home en Hoidge, Box Grove, at Mr. M. B. Cry. We are BellingD .S~s sicknesses there is. It practicaliy enth decay of these at Mr. John Hockin's ... . Monday was Saturday. after a pleasant vuit with friends derman's: Mrs. Rose and child, and Mis freely botlh men's adbys e impertent organs. The evidence i5 fotund by tests of the slaughter day for most of the village in th@i. weat, Ludiow, Alliston, Miss Oliver, Green-ha twedheavin blekadGe urine. Thle presence of albumen is detected, and in the i.t sne. . .. Choice Selected Raisins, Finest Mise B. Mlime, organlilt in the preorbyter- bank, at Mrs. G. Oliver's .. .. Mr. John tedhayB of kidney called Cleaned Currants, best Eiaglish Peels inOncwapeetdwt us fBrunt is seriously ili, his recovery being Fiz n le hvos loa staes hepreenc inut oels catsIS and Essences for Christmas cooking ar dutu.. Mrs. M. Cryderman's wood lareehoi Bck D .Sit o o noted. When the disease becomes very deeply seated, the The Peopýle's, Store ... . Mr. Jno, Camn- oybyhembe oteohchl.s sale was a splendid success. . .. Butter. recoc fD water, instead of being passed off is retained in the systemn and bell, Enfed visited at Mrs Geo. Mi1- Thuisdây evenlng. inaking commenced at the factciry Mon- in ail sizes. e% the sufferer becoines tremendously ýbloat@d. Powley's Iiqui- son's .. . .Ameri@an Oit has advanced but 6>4flda mornng .... The balance of the seas- inI eordurory friec n wes fidOoehas made somie remarkable cures of Bright's dis- we are still seiling our high grade "Peu- SA' 010.o aeo cheese was shîp)ped to Mon- 75eu Noiet'ae0 r.W.Feceo noline" at old prices, W. M. Wotten at HWSOo. treal Saturday. Prices for the season esoftekidneys.NoietecsofM.W FthrO The People's Store ...Mrs John Mal. - have ruled high. FRCAS EmdlOnt.. It' simrinarkable. -- 7. ory received a severe shaking up frra a The following ia the report for No- -0 fat nWmBa èeinaasernhoe....e ~ obfl. r .Jns .BWeavete hv et iefaad ol e.o.NI.unda een i terdhome.... veTmber. Sr, 5-Gertie Moses, Jean e For about two yQars I haie been runnlng down In en'ai 9 . .Pae asirn ian Bgar; the best Gns u limbs wore trrlbly sforenNovemhen: No.for mmarksorposniblcerSr.e2nd- ase' as fordpeMarycGai bhar now but ar gttig yos ilte. foialym oto odm@f hrch V cia 60. riVRu. LuPcyr Galb rithe ia l Alun Rube t urewn e red eîvd. mre. Pol h ael 80; Jr. I -Mabel C x 606, tadlolPard2bo-terAldns@.ecygMtnnin.dRecoveoand upemCase st ck mnrTootta sa they sa 1 wt f.tSnowden 5311,hd eutiaSnowden 522 better. AvalueArtiurtShere.Sr.e4have 50,, M3rtleMblir.noodn417; Sr.ame ovFranteTnewenmeFlandce Tnewi, A.taaskEeitzonereaA hesterfiCdasthe bes uleteetc. aotidouerei ars;20 BraggL. A org e lar, IneBrtaggr, cavaas stre a-Sprngf!dd. bai ndttake Totalecnnudseereoref fmarks mp4o0; KRhean TJef-.. Jr 3- lDEy Gal >erment. Ethehavems-w; SruIl-ToaleFromtheaCoriar, renaon Ont. tock taehtimefnram oan tihtheroherscpurtogeter. Se us beore yo timakoes fPrepartiqiedon e. va1uableIfeteteaiAtlliaatAoma 475 Anthu Chanehave2 Fran t1aand- n Ilamilton 7avMerle Power -h; r. il__nfor Novembeneblatteon pahoo01wonp Raport ofreet, Treton, isuoleethat ha im inc e bi nghe re d 5Lfy oo,1fee! gtrty fopar hrt on y lt lear alh Ma frNobeew r. t. of -m r oiabl e ttoda e r4-M acksonG aule a rea dal f tlk mog L DIE ' F R am w i9. y r f g bckai foralh. OztIVi C clasJe 70.ry , Haael Pow oer r d aEdith e l loa M ionrue lgt r I. Nhone wo re acuie n t led i h e on. Ozon e tMri. Yougris now in hon seant aAresail nhereelyland weyhave finesst ckeof cap iu ozne ai t s ofly f iltyc.a$ a a il Drop uglst aves. Snowden: 3 ; Jr. Pt. l-Ge66 Gay a a-orgei, ee Mnig.P:ý Sheenn orn Cha i nwedo n 3,Perl SRu ndi, 5use22 MrbeBoagTea rut coe iht e r an d Huiep Canosefr You4r at ibery te ubith ths, fo thebeueit ofothes suýerin fren kIney Sirli Snodon 52, Mldre CosheuttoPar a-Vchiliw whicherertppearedboterovlaffeclt powly'sMqnfiedOzoe sreigthes te kdney, ceam roller mber fyMBrTA 50;Hari~oldL rrTaK, ntrs.cetefe h out___ _ laehrpurenonsFlrand sAlun, nshullnagli hatnsh could scaoc ytmoee thewerdvi37,ur cusomenswdonelet earl as w1have n dovbt that mrne o Total___ lieCo niuS.m-ho Jcko, ieofoac ecmasrdskdse te45t0;e il b Rheay u o mretbeoe rns tractsof thekidney6. Theoxygen in Poley's Iqui- ery 33, Ethe Adams- ;rSeyII-TtaltFrm theeourier Trentn, ldlesthontohehrte flutteredll toeoviolenutlyoethet inalze tùiï prepaationso vaiable.If thre isthe lest ols 476,ArthuJr.are-pr42mFran forNomn Pe, bu2 onhicool ears 8 hadeyto hotTronsneisene up t day clne ftee is a van1he.nigt.yTheachili whichiwere peA largeîwhte blHamettoond3borderlsze e Powefor-2;2J r. II- Mabel'E DIRE Sr. Pt.TTIN mCRE msudlattle TS.nimmleJaPron a p arentrte intal anso theES FR Urn hc ll iV iUa l tIf.tI1Ozoineyequl, ert& Qiunytroube, b eacrnlaind affeced . lrewieBakt 08 &0 nts'ue6x4 v Ozn ei efrHmlPwr dýBn, P ar Mel-pre-WigotJr. Pr o w rtretmt ek n ueiratcefr$.0 .ko hs io r xr au S Feads$ forO n eCen.aieal DaeseandKiinetCm He- beliosh ould renov n er bt nver y.A~ire s36 inchfe and 2 inhae ida e ck fsupei~qaiya by odd's FlonIencrg eTnmandroutdon lth e ranqithe cou forbe.odpcs 5an6cpeyd ai nt Bar. nihed Brs ld De uoag wn Bag.ThrSLl e do tors taied. thre eir s but e efo $.0o 2.0 loBaG utes, GuarauaTornto sandeCcnao ts, KeepB ,ie Kires;PJs. LodS Cw ooiweuin~ aBrt 1- ibbeener&gg no proseand tl hh aetoet i et .enwftl io~e i. esnbegos .t hor~es in perfecr wnditioystMakn. oer liwWilliembe,,cEddieoroladiesBeanardhsodtrontheytcouldoffer was "Woii danine th C oro , Po rnafr e e on . r ,Drouot, k eRed n oy we ae aIl grosvng lde pouc oeuebu MoilriliHelert Plotx ofT roulsANdOK d ieoresom r oslc al Food We also eepher oForencey Se uiRîdofthe Al.Arthur______Brag___ g ivha e h obut wth no b oe ets .B eh v nod t nainlSok~ aDOB u. o.3 Seil).- Oil. r. -LtaJckob erac ehth oa h sn daeredtebinlns itawniol n f aktbeoeX I telis a storyoof hertcureeofoaicofplicatio I Wom Iowdrs, t almets ai~lg fom dsea~d i M. J P.Migl lan letaeek re-de erho. hro fugtth o lntsom Dr euWghvs uteFan oWii.seoln Pî n Pui, nd peruadedILVAUEI BAKES JUta 0o1dbecnsdee wndr tenrmteve pm Partb 2 e th3eaoldadyte egin steiruse lu ane î outr Fod u i smiarreors er nt omngêsdiat fr heConteniCnnilfo 103Tcure of a few wieh ee à clrgouield ho ne. ode iie G80f 'ýeI trn(tcn l o il y, ufprom n,'nïu ifeetpat fth ontv4 nt ,la gsne riy undet o t and un- utlthathehorigna hlpcausahofatinelrv ht ljkt 08 80.-A ohr 0 U11111Iams ai. HwvR, h cub)fa QJohneyHue afloerhie naine.toue, ctnaviedcontienng teued WO D RU I~tIIhIl Ifl~n s S-irleatd ha itwiî rov îteeSr.gbe Pîanv nomteiosi fe r . Part liexrca-anti o, athe sîtern foreme d ue ior a ti~le or$35' e Ïnwt'a Plinor e ei NIFER- orPe-C n. ý est ises'stoany is se Coi-2authenti- . Wgh, à" iht bonolon a fiendtue heant wi hatheTXS orcrn, iilIUlI lShr.hoaesftnn Po iny tdcart he atown, hip. Hënonthlveshe cswd eliing t bat d fecîerd jjflj36 iJIIJad72Iceswde Qr up A meetinge tofgahe oI. andScas. eteChate no berpbose ne; the chilIs MO loner aI.nlbileJIgo( WIfia itmtesvrl inyo!Ole viii b. he l l h e rQi nHadl aiot ho; e st och is nstorel teepsaeno al sokdwihs J. e n efeeiiggdiirn.bothanws i Cmlitnnfen t odtin own I mAimoes, asmbe Menof e te ene n De 4h hnnh . itles you teng thared aie gincesar deod us beielsae o ev m owesie o iof hent ils.u IMseBo hs atesnwilpeie. t oen ier up la nbte ha slts i-txs:cls M Fis O ufe No v. B 0acka c i d e n o n S ih r, w o dteiaafor- RON ape anm e od. t is neor du er ih a h H a e C r ,,ain anAiM reu P tm I tO k tn tebek ielgsnefw ek o is cae bs exiteeuh c m etàn , f el , M n a , D c tomPwero il net9 igd~ in rdnela. d id r..P. Mi e t e la lneo bek srapidlue iter e ot t oer wobse nn DreTesaD-PponzdEuio ney tht ioud h cosidrevwoder optfor. pesibt i eo e eallm' invesilaled,can euch Agent B F o, anfuilif. "1 haeporntsre oe nt C now 11 eddfr teuai' e theorono9fothoacyts r&âinteabove. cIn the Cd Li~ Ou w Illa iffrneypilsrgo o i .i.Alitsae te atsuwest ilousofwharwwekiiing shouibcpromp.Hmtn ody e.S gh mi arlse wl ofth th e my ativedti Wgmealyunei3no'Ia ou- obitat the ils e ho the bescue Latnndh apti I mstdaily own wk I athatet e eaneHlonfndy Dc ONtDeEie fee hepbi e aot Dellg ol otites tr ss elatedd's ,llequ e ted ygv bmatil Aldugsssu B w a vle v r At-srnteWu gmn tatdtti t ave poevetr esuseti. ,bî leC in omi ati aoGn th e c ive i ail oîafter . ubo, n six boxesfor Wheher h Jap Wst AiSh-pnon h wnd ie et h igtoe r so ta hesecal t he iiasMeicine Chat', Brfectle, OESFO .yT>4 .m Notor g tinomtincan appî tm, m, A mD.etng , ooothe 0 Eare shaer ent 3 50,by wnioetih ie ct te thlone r heSoe ic 0 e ot BO M NV L E, D C. 3 10 6u'le wl rah or etiaio ha ays i i smito ive thidey fG"em ebl i h i eH l ont.tTwo pen'cetlieri ho ade'ltan ail3 for $1.D y buiekX-an cteifnormalt eutakditioiln, ainormaion hhyaestr.the toameb, oncluelatcesîeoonyFrer- _________ Grandmaladies" Fast time , anti uUp"te .db arsonDcderthenrethe B. Wh. iithe CURTCE.unpid tbae tonDc 4 f~ pca urne i NBTO VLL dte-euimt ba eo te imo!Dod' Kdny us ur al ideyotetey, a t rmomahde4re eaWarnt wlbeisuei orahtae Th gldn etingotM. ntlaneateetti Cmpnyfr em tr e wsHyoung agu MtrBo To. a>dtsain npad hushesaeon ece8, eu. v~ i3btis this onîpav fersome irno ast, nd CaplaLis. T.ey mae tii eltif001 hih as acorcllgly dne. Mss Winie AoardMapleeros-, SAnEL POLARD, Oui SeciaiEm'taies:t &lveser lalloeà%,two igblyrespct- asitantithe hntisme Eeetnc Lilit-Mr' . onch vas dovn to thie wr-aspreentueto Miss ra Tul.the e ~y 2 9 vrul n hunaim 1to ueeak h irte leinea bbc 'eeknî te Mnn Sosehan cotdck nt bcdoetorn CfedMnd olctr, vestibul e di____bt__________m________oraintco__cvei mehidy i heedto o tedouienhoha 50 pere , ue da ,bottie.onlz d celebratetI Mondav eyenig, Nov, 24th, Cars, ant theom.dem witie ______________________________ prsetwee .lr os nt wodagi-tA n aet rainsmakve . Ihae tnp teebxe ndDw rte T- N - .[. .P a v elcaed anbo uter REoWN D ER AL SPR GS ters, îvith thear familles, ail presnoroasnroute; Nonth Bay, MentreaioBfithec, ames in oedeî cures4asFlOr mprino fuli biast Mn. ImmDe' frion atineidnis ! he owshp ewYokDeret e Cicgeeu e .n~ Vnandm elmtatin ilaLois ery, Ncl ocey I eWO bTLa n. heS- filslias a s,beenkvry s u ce subjh itni S.Ctaies WelI" t t ns t e0000ont ati peasue e D$1 me-seare;,SrIdd-ailes Mosork Isrnau, antoftho patrons eapressngreat sav'sfac- St Cathanines, Ont, anti the pineraitDRUGSTeREd Do!' ClKoidubnof&dlCUi)- hîgLl soney ilae o o I .M I itrse ate r'retyatho - . . re aSlPooingsusy prop.- Spins t reston e ast cig8t ancesy antiarela ivescwmero aise presentsantioCaleeCar service bas abernaedAil tiuggMorlsoyt V ordentNormat ~iiKnaladPrWoR.M.atitan iENcary Pu TRnan ELeepK' eyPle s thend-etreda fic ell ile ii5, bouremt ajem ht sepi, o hawa san. H obha adi- heaiu. Te teMr Jan HeBathaom- ss 1-sh Mrs.~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ta Hawl wr uagdlhaavasbtee I aeepinsRsr Wren, MautiBle, don Pc e injuMaser MsSaah Me Tuf, s eodsnc etive aiat 4000 b bxlstis boeasnfomdto r xeln nihtr ingan he oaxestat atStakWle, atins Feder, ati il n -or .& av e esnRssie Pearc e, etT e , geare iithttepier. undens rtan dirA eciitetesthne etess bPngstute0edipcer whee he s~n te reaerpat f roWAets r I by addrWesn,JoDt, Grifu;ormPtilorneTrhl; Jrm. I Severalediucieeso attendeti thecrptbooiesfoldesan .Ti informa- BOMr'Gip PowDEnsCur. .So101 by thM.uwhel rOke, Olivetinaout,1er W rBrn w alate , ati3he n nte.J.Wdprchttwcailpo-Aeorbadesng.D.Mo- Torutl n ofra f3ou Ve he a ic e iformaint e V ie. Maoy T ruli.eumiy lasi vee a t ted e isrc abniga ar Ge..tenon pplcant in tocGadl on a Stott & Jury ~fruggisTs.- I-Faste Osorne, Anta Pkete, Gussî Inevessefrandps, eth ihto hibtnsnon t nze una.aiDitstritseergent , Toronto iJ1jflTRe ___________dae" quiMot.baseeIthe -ir ke, owena OKai JrPi-B re il ilW.!teThe ia seggeiW xpe ooRti oe. borealustavon et e eifor ail taxe Steijpu frsoetme ad opaGrin, AgsTruli, e en Trli je est l aî tgin aolteine one~e, Act o Thurtoay.DeAR31, TN. wt ot Mn.gldn W. gofMr ndM.r, ealaun, ehiBaCompany aor eenneN.tL.eIYoung ag, teac her ihew crse jsosn, wich h puspseW m - _____________________________' SAMUELUOlCGYLAi0i uppinid e st r alil Depto ly r espnec- pMi,ssana eth e has efturne gt -M.W B.Suhw o tntis aren fMissEf*Trit.. yon, o. 5 1ù2 ., lo. u S e i E ed ien 0ofr t Fos px-a.t3e is uely e a rgCarvs.t wîthriouaend inorto l frth ~daeonirla umeon te acidMssntezteepencrSwln te Taono Capnodebridprincpalcduestoere inlues Nteucoac e enain, Bomn-i , 2 .. C ssdesmden i eesHtibuon s ootu eday ve a i a teit. N . Y., aMondanyreattivesl speut a few aysywi h âd e - o viittifneti i Bwn-rip e Msss are fmuce&..hees3ng o! th 5* fa R va heltithefnend~voWNeD IEvigorVnu.atlednbysoroswoo amton, Columbeas, 0,hoswa, wereyoacheinnifred Rog er a HilMatiReotrNvmer pegS.i SSpecer w.l DakeberC.u-Ppartve the oronatondSericter- pri entenig r. Aille s es a membeug.rairn souch atinsPe a- y G n iber were L il er krenwnebu nd g ston n r uto .W RAL frIea- WsmnseQbeSn uut9f s )7 wth h«r tmilei ai odspre reomeNoth ayinotreshet was, akiprosenfulteas, M. wîth M an; famrsadreieiattth onsi endeYorhelDeric to heicato Toeomas ofn laPcklLi ery h itri S.CtarnsW i"a tniet ~~~~ ~ asr DTpety frithelacs PeeCOtce;Alir, Newonville viekma , e eupeNE itWATE fie p r st se. ai. Msa h,31Ifee n ervsu s sr et Clrke.A numer o üld cquant. ejoymnt ad pl nd te patons xpres grètLinesfSundayathSrneoOntanti teC.iErawhene ances anderelatnves t«rhtelso araso!ttaed eaketearpservicudbasabee. J.dGaI-d tyat osborne, t.,iatates:-"dMy, Norman tions...liMs.beenSa frittsfus werker.-. Sprirgs at Preston are fast wmingbt ENF1ELD. sseTruil cae e an P Wiel o it theity. é1'5use sawat'lîdeagdryaietlt. H nyMau ias butlitan adti cota-ssedb villeva thindalt and PortAllenLeekantMcme awndfrinatinsialsoI cruarryi Pullmanati bs boue... Mis.Wnî.BniHten i veh Die laloel ee DagdiVirm asibtea ilr. Nich oi ntMsserWat- e. , ea rik A aGrdn's cell est H r~y pr e on bsdepntuoforn vaou s t1r,00ttacha ovnîzzlne asn e s i.. areMe.ellnt ifan fonhenX 4 e var Iot , in o hehmetada Sakvle, atso , msa.rea , ad aJo info De's r .io lvessmian, otie a e, rha Tf l .ie erik o eonl lwthelDpomiion Bar. n d-e cti adi..A v y curd t n co Mn a mu ccsýel in's hootheywiiie- ocetCotalo John1Nidery,-t- For -t,-atMn. L id- bl - yuP+T '- - r" - 11ta.Jai tWiTg orvihciyl at nD.e'no avaymcairFoTT I. sd tuswuer. M-Fe.yuI ni~

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