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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1902, p. 6

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al.woman. lTei' qulck ear cugthe 4 e crunching ofthtîe snow under his r h eaxy toottail, and shte turned te- xwards hlm, lier hand pressELd te bier It looks aS lin1n tif1n oif A [eueiul F lasteniag tov'xards lier, lie took back is the V 19 i. ~ er lanlis ste ong arans. 1-er sight- center (À,! Th ngbrfeigs, bbl Ier ar VaýS h s teiigý*c~ ~ ebel( nlt -iGtb lov- e for ec stiarte01-1 iftor aa uto.Xia ld suiesuensi haleuegi.~ toîi tise old. swee't Islu%__ ~~e nu i ~~~~~cd uip te hlm ad ci lslips.î:ut tecnero ei eo hx g he discordaint hooterl h u "Vy ei oems"h si, e teniii ht h yb-lgs lry gine-ouse t theSbaleank Mna il art trenubia'. Jids't thik thy biltsie sto-- Snpistiktiigt prcaiel thatthe day's sblift , slad w aast noPPul-d?"lt t isflcern lgt over, and, as tue cage bearing is "Ahalcd, Anawas atenud for 'ce , d.Tur' estucui!h in Anitte___t on fcs living freight rolled fate sight fî'ouu silourmre "Fa ,vther went eut the bao f a giéint i l e ' ndlt ie rib yug acs _ the iaky obscurity, the bodyguard oft11n11sour agohe a talliia usurder. Aa starvinig.' Ail strongt is malle Now luuslsed to quiet there, '~ Arom food, and foodecanaces, Consus ar stood tattention. i ear 'u aytbo"'d "l'e 'ceo iust f. ' * " brouod etl care.ç[Az ile eLIV Pi1i ýgtefaeb tscowi-,one more chaice, 'ai' if'pe refùised beconverted iute trength TAabrushed tay tiseof trcs. ~eeaIPeaaîneA IN T R ing triersha4gntere, ad atbey'd kuit e 'oce like tPe dog tha' when il is peufeetly digested tundttras tsleLithS0tdsfIBW 0f0 - BerSgaue~ chorus of imprecaton aetnpfda atassluilated. Wbien te It undttiraso ivr Mus BarSinaur o aios en u foi masstonuachisjediseaeed, tiec nutri- 'l ieooid îman's thin, gu ar thean n byaxie h exedus of She cluug te hini pussionately, lier tne odj etadpy-lt aesee r'igaunlir, the biacklegs. utter'snce cboked 'ith sebs. ficlneaku,ý) i est aeibowe. Am ae se eid rewng tal.r It was ChristmaEvo ad te Tha' 'xiii gi'e lu, Jeui, for My iDr. Peaixes olden Medîcai Promose DhistiowCfair. sflow \vas faluuag. site? In the village anixieus-faced wo ie "Ceaie, mv i ass. tha'rt skeered," -cvr ue iessti A weuld-'xori fuce and 'xearv e Wrapeendavoi teeuite th igestion iandunutritieu. ItBeat pudMrhi nr4ua. iug et their iuugry clsdroln, and,01 .IserfuAreknty makes filou treîîg and meus- enahits aspect cheei'y, i Tory msU ~4 asceeyat the tbougbt Qft tbi, tbo stub- wiiu'tr iy îtyti.sw'li uler, by eniabliiig the perfect htowudfisore.0'KAlOIC -ssrx born toilers clerïcbed tîseir gaarled An tout 'cm just now Aa'm a--gomiietinndasiuhte FOý U ni, e blandls la impotenut fuiy anni talked of teoftnnitraJtr epte the fodeaten. Ilo thouglut et nil bis treasurc- muirnieusî wibuts ae tbirg srpiîare. Be a sensible 1mSSI lus store et boarded peif;o,1P2 her h lro n de lsri Caie case et dyýspepsie," But it hadlgiven pleasuro, ju"wmS 'Ç'- TT~~RLOJiEL te theur escort. Christmnas or lem ail tan i P r i3 PauwrteRAv., Secrou, con- Net edon te hiissoît. 0 VR FO T~PO IVR lue 'cr lln e is itîli.for expectel. But tisa' nusat Le a-' iû."Iirid aunîbe r A no Sisaiebank man, save eue, ladgela. Tby a tiser usaylitp 'xliih trmeisuilol ocbcTe iets ol-o' ir I V~ OR ~TPAIOR dre te ignore the tint ef the Unionî. sW'~çu. wsnfro-ustcud Ient cip lu crinson dlaie,D0T .~ ~ FOR ~ALLOW ~ Jean Baîby lsadfought eut iîLe île dis(,ugegedhluiseut geitiy frouitnter ,M ofOfoso otlis s'e-oieiagte'tr G~xsrm~ta~Mauff~ lsd aiedte ee henecssty o 's . A eust goo, sule ussrm% slee p uer wrk.A 1, iend _______11;1____1_____ s l d Ie iou-i, 1c --niav IA efetlm dyfrCosi Me. L. P'ITI f is tcuelmts sduta-al riglst. Sousîuuu tii clse"--MoiaiAdSsr TCbau teFlu-stLEi'saEl T4e onn Ii ]c iusi' adb- tanaot- upprdvru SftTtaioc aia leotir aStulSntreo bis grimy faceans nuoveut 'xtlu a teacuu9 G E NŽTASL, SD S Hîorptyîg pllnu it owl ie ad î ie su otIerasuy sdllgol.Adrs i ipe-ciiid ýlsb-at .' îWY E . lie-a ape p uon-lz ohi;ei HOM the batikItoIthe oidw-c7fi1d li"itfîooys udîy." lie El iocar e0lîtutu putur AI'Ii' -.i l y tagvu L iiPI, 'l'lhtGu les1,oDr.uset k uoV.îu dPiercec 'uall ts cl i glunu'sîîs KLNou)e ui t'air vieIo hl isi-lr-hu i Ioausat'lie o.e(st ou bur luel i ir ssion's ik- Agl- haoe 'y ughrlut A. . cL UGILIgu-ulte ]lsA ltiid oet Iîig sisaou s- iuig 5n t o su d o ts-uîched ise ut o eisleaislusuai tu iv u iug' uuenus ac £eîitreleto adCesea'ce.OSeo ir lula Aoe leuu 'ci"bei uss WI A crg-yuîduxaîsa uuterd sagocsd o'xrd tie illge i'ulue Buck i ie-, o~iauIi ar tsetloo is ace Ualsusa d c rlu e"d mucurdstilies fSasltfrtiseisoiue ewAasu Tront pututaIe se doorwayn. _'Ob_ bul hUsi . Me te eieiuu bue, udlce ;ee, ai.uîugi-os i î,egta dca As heetlrostopei tiîedoitI 'Tn tod eutlus e steet? ir BOigf(U!IEt IOUý jjNG. lpei8. "Pc'iLuiow a luat n tliusk ie l ie risn Coi cds au rv red anud lstnbed d ,-l tk lu Ieîxesia spr Ao tth ieespigi L tic To piè, l Ata~t, Ieeleul a vni tecari'y luv n e t L u i lmwi',Ii te imistcr lieset cu- on ' Le te th f -et s si lo ltr-ditered AT giusl tis yui lib'sini A olo tr reLdI!;apa-lsisi, cîîr tiy udgte Ameusl, ik n it biv,ý,Dagn beurfsc"sin utistners eod;in 'ruO tuun5aia te9 î.tu Ngi cLîss anefotî' st'Cidg in chÉ. -eLeho' ees'Itlî V a sltee(Ihnlu-i Lalngetc, ar n ai antise i suill ba uds eis ar A.E oL U H I-Z icleo i l rnhe -i dr ulvt Lilutrippiug, pOo-,,.,, th is iîerxviiu taricet cuer iy "ietoi L S l, ee 17 niin. au, A dn c Yo's a- drstý asg.Te siads girlb uus f tli, u ituforuel,,aad us dem md striugspen tiaide teiolho od. clcssels'îL Osîiiai ie mse- eu etilintorn diu ir. She "SecieAduan, ho erkged oi; ceoiaiaobe ae. 1lr ntsdnie rs oobin e a'ayuu ig isil An"~' ebo ho lyms!Ts idîadgnacceet t nu, BOEE T 'SOAN LabeS.le luu , ipro ati sineu es , ,Lo-pc ,scr acd i d h g on Ile ta- s rdu A lly a itok t Po ei'oor-1 Anst chaue in s te efrsail- ouhusi asda uav iIlllgrp e luIs. d their eaxIs nd AVlO ed <,nid Nui, Chad inelied Accountant.l FIEIN FOSN &BLOCK, bs hoîde. eu ecgizi ie --Iauuee aslursul, !-ho sturoad is r e.-,!hft-itre I ion, Q. Ce le,jll bLAIn oatet s aggressei- as tat unthbsen -.A eb.,ci is-g îu tretlevnb lec e,'idy 1'thenthte ylelifer BsuShillingpl .W WSERETCare n2utubaedlle ouyte tailbd 7les I a'etse'adu, scsi?"h au- si o s e iiy les' ftha is' iseos. j -1 lsacc esulce[idiosingte tido.Caree cotnaortaheChree ccutnso iauced.con Y ne - ,"tilir," lu Th aed,istord - girl 1 e Iicl usitnc etsiietilu as i ewrpiug t tf c eaasi ecesaeakold-db h 'io a'sLeredfaeirs cs u;- s lo'lt cao Es utallie ii. Builtor. Th trnsheel te d înans hait-, ' r s"' selfau' uesvliLe deg tiua incs Wuti s e n b1sr ercei ces'vte r'l ot leuît ',y awatii' a ' A'bxsuî iassc s ýA T E - -LiuiunItnseurit tb'1,ru t , ,T 1E anssiCo sîd lut e t".nîd L'siughc eeebilistsos-Mal fe.lcu sAiss efteu fi,ç,asutIg avy" tidnsma ntra aytiu. iViefo ro aalgeinl eie W iii bc at Black-tock o n the first Mondla v of ecoh nonth. at <1rone 2n i rbo]ula ail da, anid at 1 Newcastie ist Wednesday from '2 p nm. (iru'îCE-Tceinperanco St.,. Bowi-an- 1 ille,rear oet Higg-inbotham's drug ,,store.j 0. IIARNDEN, L.D.S. Craduiateocf Ile o iosaiColege of Dental Surgeeiîs,'Ontario. Cl F(E-ppciteT Biiiiam's office. Y 1 lA LIZ ED Al R. Alays Up-t-dat This is .iy motte :-Eaoa scar as the new improveînonts are, placed on, tihe market, 1i ýiwiiî s make it a speciai ý point te spzre ce o ë,pOnse ln equipping1 iwshop witb the beë gods gaind appli- gsuces. givi iig mv patrons oppottunîities uobtainable Outside of largo mIanufac vuriei A suppiv cf higli grade sua- ttries aiwas kept in stock Brazinn' , naîneling, Grindifig and Generalj iionsr orkç. Tiré vulcanizin- a sPecialty-. Your estceedolpatronage tespcctfully solicited. WM. FISHLEIGH, ILLIl. Market tSquare. WE WANT MEN EVERY WEEK DAY. 1000 M17': \VASrEate bIave thâir weasure for Faîl and Winter Suits te bo macle rp iii very latest st Iol and ffii e uaraxiteed. We niake moen'sand i oss Fuits equai te ally and pricos lower that boanv. Ilrinz us .iour w1sklIjclotàîes Io be pres cd andi made like a new Fuit. We kep saninpies of coth-prices righit Ji .1 Yrm tlefasitionahietailor-, iiearly opposite gTXîLS3MAN ýOffice, Bow ir.iuxa ills Sisueeess «ubl y usd non thly by over ut' drnggÏit u esk~Ctten Reet C.m patind. Taks neot er as al i iture, ,p!llsard imitations are dangerous. Ple o ,$ e box,, No. 2, Il degrees stog r D er'ox. Is . 1. or 2» mailed on receipt of pricesaud twe -ceaI iotamps Tho CeeU Coinpanýy Windsor, Cal. gZ7Nos. Ilaud 2 soid ana recounmenlýdby ail resposlbisLruginsCanada, bl'e, ddigii'tî. t' Lord .tzlrry, tIsa' istria ths-a-- Wstceulisue do? 'i hey ssouhd sund acress tise table their isauds mctý ou nie, ode lad. An tell 'ce yo'nre hobc -stiug ulsuoui lisrotrurîs. The lun agi-ils that hetokeued pence.- ws-deg. This very uiglit An'an a- plctuice ef that neectiîug, bocrihlyLouid'uui Tii- tBits. geits' to tiue naister te t-y an' put s ivid. flahies i tto bier ninsi, aud suel this usiserable busiuness rigbt. Thiuk sîsi eiseriinori-utal ici-rer. iý___ ye, lads, te uao'rer's Chuistmas- a Suddeuuiy a-.lhcasi(aSeul iuspi'atiouu' POPULAR LIMHIOR ROUTE, djay whlîeus ye siheuld brîry ail bitter' soizedliler antid ic inusles ceases lusauoncessnî sa geeedbyabuuue'ly. Sprtagiug to erei eC, aiej T1he Pictureoque Lohih Vallev Reute Ili anourcemnt asgretedbystueciinsu-t as the usay oet salvatieus le thse )nlv dîbîie raek line betwe a tuuris onilirrst. Persenai subfer- xx s rec aled ite lier. Sivtciig, a1uueee rde rBtaeadPia iusg, tise privations of thiselu in, ansiud i cold, s-ho stuîebiod np the deipisia AuitenÏatie Eý,otrio Bioo.z thue eggiisg-ois of theo sald agitators stuirs. 'Ced L.e]P Inue tu-i e iscaxel" Sîgeal Sstem, andi stouc ballast, Lad rcîdcdtsslsaal tcasepa i insuricg' speesi, safetv anditi cofrt son. IAn iuîîuu Iter suuc stolo 'xithont, Choice or 1-ur fattExpreýsstraitîs daily. Adans Staiuîton uî iîcud and sileaccd truiusu-ocuuscii'jto itue seuublarc f alise Lebhigh NValliii leconnection witlî the clauior. "B3eti'k se, Jen," h.e i'ousihcellier, uand sloricl thaiu i ie Grand Truuuk Systemr foi-ms the cried, earnesely. 'An tell 'ce W"nuothse sisaîloîs- lîtil 1 ,lius 1us-d loftitise best and qaickest routc frens al te tue plnped xi'. Tf tisa' peî-- ilg euis e.îatsinplsst exYr n sists lu tIsat, as truucas tisa' 'VilldgeSl elr e isea ri-i- ut aussL- iaei intsertic'Nets r, ane I tîscer tiun'sigus thv eusii ecatîs saî- gullted a îssstlshuaI uxouid bPiig Lér - ustrated Beolziets tutîti a!) franiî murt. otut Nsîc i p tu) t1ýise aciis- iu suiicb aabout Ibis the oeniîrpdirectroute, ce11 en Jeu guuly isuîage hussel adshe kiew 'xl'e, anst rotanî. 'lie simd5 IGrand "riin;kT:cket Ag,,ent or eddresîa jitlu a 10eLÏet sufferiisg isnusep,- es disi ust d"iuy lier, foi- te -ler it Robt. S. Lewis Canadian l'ausonzer, le muttercd: "Ced torgi'c 'ce u..suas awuys siglt. ansi aleug tis Agent 33 Yenge st.,'Ironte Ont 46-il usates ..-. An, cenra'," patî shsi'Lai ofet Ics xndurec ialis Like a pack et caveaiuug 'xoi5v e lelversu L'a tise daysl 5d bee.uu ibeylisosu el about Minsu, suheu sud- iel' AN15 -fop tr' îL-TH'. leuly tise gaies usere'opeued 'xi1de l'i'estiy suie ceaclîcci the u'ead andi ,sad, nas tises-tnmusu-de te lsacry thse stoio siieutlv towa'uds tihe village. Protesso ehI.liuianu, cet Wurzbuu-g, blackleg's, lie strede, quickiy clownustise Suelo suad guise scacce alîundced G-reuanv, bas fiisiuedçt bis exauminua- waliite toudway tox arda the village, yards, ,uouxcs- r,sle she stoypped l ils- couîceruiug- the lsealtbissess, or Tuciug oif t ifle'aacuo'x, black:înt ltxt.A utile fartseu oun Lidis-:suhalttulurss, et fos-dsiuffs cauuied inl cal-ailuhe rauuped nloîsg the tous- rsesi I rauciu of tecua sas spis tinl. lits eeasuuiisetiolu luste'd two paib. ýs heo uouded tise boneusi n ed liianu olel bridge, It uaslure loi-rs and is tise îu exhautstiv-e otlstr bridge camne inîo slow, and lus thise u cu ero usssa:Ltuc-g tiscir vicdihus. us tc nudertakeri. I1o suid te 1-oir is shadou Le dlscotued tse figure et Tus'. fdlinel expert iiu yet,ad ces-resupondeut :-"Xegetubies, useats, - - fi1i hu uise mu is-g carytuue eIor ansi coitait isds etflfruitit may be -quiick cart-tI i-eil h the dciin, nsu lstinu urilhuutthe loasi d- stiuliig the eacust ofiiet hle-st. Fer trimsent te tise hcaltls ofuthCe con- rais o usiutes-s stestueul thec iscuseivable, sein-or. If pee! le eatirug carîued uînitil tl-e iic uutLiiig (idicci ai'. ani-i goocis ai-e poisoruesi, the posis are te O s las ils'as ilcrce - a sileusce ushiclis aiase, naci'tLetins. Athîe uns bec lea at le' gthbybptise plod, 1inise i slieuud Le proilibited bpit'a le almosi es'cry case ,vlserewoman pied ef icutsteps t-si'up the uoad- te rau xge alîes 1u ifs-uits con- aSfiera from ijus pecniarly feminine the 'xay. u aîîisg any degree ot se)uruessý. Vineý- c-ause la ho ha teend in a weakened anti l'or- cm Priet i last t-1 si aitosigrorwletn exýhaueti condition oethîe sysiern. The l -e uis iosirýg i hs gar,,, u-ssiîe anti cuitsed &l lii ïors'es are dolie and utthe bluodti m strode toîsacds Cthe L-sg.The useus aui sgîhc ustiîg sii audvatery. If imeducunes havo taile otitajlîcacilber appcontlhiisg iAuepreisucosi hoO sL u usisgusprealne cure. itile ?'cause the ug Iccafuncnt for Cse uushs. Slisobegaisto xs'listue s-s- uscd." has baeseSL. 'tise îtaire ut uts eIei ih cae.ul, tise ___ Mca. Heury Clark, Port 11ope, Ont, btter to deceise ieu i +7RîI1NIL"S tates,:-" 1 bave riard loren boxes of Dr. As sise sleucîsesipaLst ti.&e' spra.ug1 SjKRITO Cbasa's !Nerve 1Food foc nerveunees aund upen luer froan belitussi. Tises-e ,' s ai. STATESM s mýNtoendusl e0,13(u'u) lO a complelely mun dewsysaptetu, anti rau dulCsus as the deadly senonSTATErSMAN., Gilbe sud i1rna iî i85 leariily recommendsiti as a wonderfruly sti-uck lier isensi,'ubu a3TATESlfAN alssi uiWookî. 'hti 1h90 effective trehtment. Betore uslng this ý;m1 ýqd 2K mussrussxr, sue sit-ppesi to the groansi. STATFS)ItAN as Fml iuad 2O rEmedy 1I .d been le rcry pour bcahla fer 1SAEMN I-dj_,1îe*!' some menthes. I seerruesite bave ne il orn fcre h woSAEMNadÏ_-f1ý- (ý0't20 - e -gy er autlsiltonfcl ed-ALncl--rssiese -men -cagge (1 b er -Laody -toî theipuuso v LTÎIA îs amr d'et assoIt orisatmeas eliearcely drag parapet auss, gathiscnug it rip, fliuuu iarsu atttlurii 2(W rnst-uofab the bo ndculse. as ureaheliec oser jute tise black svter. Then, 5rATaesitAs'sui Niu 1reWîtîsoss 1 75 iritable ansi nerrons, coul t ne îep iseir dastau'dly simd acconiffiiu hedISTATESSIMAX andiMsozri2 w-ii, and'felt discourageti about My tise' toeoawuy downiitise rond(.- ' STATI.IANaii usloT L ýlîc-a,1 7.5 hell. Dr. Chasese Nerre Foodi has j ,eîut Barby, reCur iusgboime, iseard; STATS.SMAN aussi Western Ads-e1ýîtiserl 75 talien away these symptems anti giren tise suien sushushuaussitise surciITT"tN nIlroe'sGzte25 back my useai healh ansd rigor, cons. scausspec, and, fea-rhusg uuisciief was-cT'ssadLde'toîJuel l quentiy 1 endorse ih fuly." utetut,u-1udtestars-dmthe bridge. lis SrATiuSMan sd broute vW1rd S O0 foo kcksi t b hbeu trgs,Ç, aud Bax lohi . 4 7.7, 50 rent a box, ai ahI dalers,or Edîsan- f a guans Sisoethuusgwiur ,, 11A cESssý I.u -'Fciel'erouteDat1, Star2 s so3n, Bates & Ce.,Toron.y'a eses.,anistisug h STATrSuAN' and E'e.hg lbe l5 Aissi uxcptinluschildisis sluusibet, Upon tise susoss-sulite lied: Aaseîug tise old hsome nunaîber, Deposesi -mother icasi. Tises'.viuter sinys senesi ligiser- Alile the eilidrea faresi, Their picaunres aiturere bcigbtor, Becaxîse tbey bas iDleen shsaresi. Tîse cisiln-ns sseet ansilourvlY, Tise els i usunsaisi, and susilesi. "TL, uttle one is lîelY, To. us a rue Clusist-elilî." Aisinover tuonu ilsai dxelig, Thse strauge chils w ont agaits, 'Till tendser Luiss ux-ro sweliug, la Apuil's suis andisinl. TMien, paler thaîs the ii1, That luooîus it Fasier-tide, PReposed Cisc tuail toi-istsiliy; Thebytsaisi tishebhlisi Iasidiesi. Whleus Fastetbouls s-coie cuiussuug, Ho lfetC them ixxtls tIhe day; Ilis foetsteps, upwartýd cliusbiug, Te J esut fu eu he uo s-y. Tlsey seîqd fsossssonie cîsi-velusse Forioîs a tlusty sîseif, Iu lnngttage sus-oct atns soleussî, "'Tas doue te Crist's ouxu sesof." Tise olsimau's uead bisecd iuxly, Tlhmcingl tears he sii, -tnd sniied, "'The ittlmie eue uss beiî' Tte îoad fuoîuutisai samne siolume, Fs-uoittf ise ceans suept sheif, 'T'e uusssage setanisoiemus, Briuut t îu, ot of liiself. Ile ihonglut of du elliusgs iuusely lcre Iusrngry ,cîildec h;I Buti heau'îltheoC'irist's usords onhy, Ansi tisougîstU-ousu onausii moor-'xny Tbe ols inuia's sai'ydeucnuy, WZins aixsap-s 1ttt ajul'. Ansi neveu- r055 tIsai. beauway A hggar w'eust uuiSo Tbey caisse froi Cesslasndss soor-'xny, Auns founsi both fod aned rosi. Brut '.sleiiagniani tI ute-tido Tise gi-cat legs blaze aussi tare, Thbe olsi man hp lis licesitle, Surt fehiy in ii ~chaitr. Tise bI chffii stsuss ups,7 rel lcapiag, ýras'sgu'u u-foeeyissu', f c1s-t3-o cquieit 1u1ue. e ioiucey of 1the elepnant, -h Awbile lie sat repoÀuýîg, accor ding to the Latin, you have an Then spoke dgard silimupediment iii your speech?"- Ilis dim,,eyes sare'r1s-,low s0?" isked the elephant, a5 "'Let in tlie sîeetCist-.cild!" lie deftly înasbed a fly with bis rilbt ear. The cule-logs blaze up brighitl-, ] "n Latin imipedinieuta imeans bag- LoW droops the silvery beod; gage, andi you have a trunk- Unclasp the thia bauds lightly- "I wish-" bogan the elephant, as The oiluman's soîî1 bas iled. lie reachcd Nwith doterlinination for a -U.P. A. FUEINUY. convenieat sapllug. But the noonke(y Bowianville, Onut, was already la the top of a hg troc. A LDYATTHEPLW. Proud Papa (Playfully) -'hs A LDYATTUEPLW. littie boy are you?" Little Johnniy Atta receut plowlng match lu W11ilt- (seriouosiy> - "l'an our littlie boy, sbire miuglcd excitemneut and amiuse- but 1ilbas beea 'xc sbod." ment xveie aroused by the uuiexpected appearaure in the fild of a youug AlIMOR FOR E.LECTRICIANS. lady, witb plow Ind Perses, wbo ex- The novel invenýitïon of Prof, Arte- pressed bier iuteution of competiuiglain meff gives seýcurity to norkors in the match. Wben lier t'me caýme SbI î1 aboratories usiuig bigb-tensiou elo,-. weiit quietly~ to worli, couliuiug lber tric currents. It is a safety dress etý attention strictiy to the business l ino u 1sl-ovnxieguç band au wih scb ecelentresi eigbing 3.3 pou'nQs, and conipletelà', that at the eud of, the match it was ýeuclosiug the wcarer, inrlu'ding fouud that tue girl. rempelitor bad'haads. feet and boad. Thbe eeolirig o utdistancec al ber rix ais, liaviag surface is se great ibat a powerf ci not ouly doue ithe best wor,bt currcnt passedl for severai seconds haxlug liîïislied fourtea mirtesfroni neue aud te the otber wîthout abeali or auy of the other conlpeti- perreptibie lu uting. Clad ili this tors.are the iluventor received dis- cha-rges troin curreuts ef 75,000 te Miss Lulu Davise ofe Chicago, 150,000 volts, aud lbuudled live bouglit a plot of lied twelve :peurs wires jt pleusure, al without &.Dy ago la Plninfield, Colo., for S100. An sensation ef electrie sbock. lPor Bhîllcta &A NtIlevo-ue l)ISrdero, surît 2,5 Wind aftd Pain ietneStem-,uýclih c'r-mdct. tiidaioaî,;, PetULtuueand- SwolilngeLu m ns, Diîauneee.uidDu ýiu o,5'-ldChS flitss'bd-Ssp- Flghtuh Oena,-ndl Ner'u-mnitrIblu;g lngaticu. &c. Th Ffraî' ~ ~ 1k;Jý* 1.2ewfl~-s RIe e Twe fnens . T!us -his l n Iel ýSUfou-rer las ariesthy lt'tdte try cule oxlieus PUIS . t ile. cdthey w-lIt bcaacwlde tu be Il WORTH A GCIiNE A BO." A2EEHAMIS PIlL, talreat s .uretd wl qt&ickiy msters e a e cm plote «het. Tt-,y pu-ouptiy umveyosrci>o-,A or lrelrth ttcCsteu o E.'i-g îehusa tam2e Tas adra " "t' Inttld h1sna eaI lsa et~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t soitas ese b iairaata e 1ts arosanua3, ttd eta

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