)W; i Examime Our Holiday uispiay. 11 Different to any other. We have secured a very fine line of Xrnas Goods. Beautif ni * Russia and Morocco Leather Toilet Cases. SJewel Cases, Shaving Cases, Glove and Hand- Skerchief Cases, Manic-ure Sets, etc., Loonen 's O Celebrated Hair Brushe-s in ebony and other Swoods, a special Une of Lbony Military Brushes. OExquisite lune of Perf urnes in eut glass bot tics, Sput up expressly for the holiday trade. Je J.Higginbotliaff & 8011 SBowmanville. New. Don' t think our Vapo - Cresolene is something new, for it isn't. For more than twenty years il: bas1 been extensively used for ail forms'of bronchial and throat trouble. M rs., Ballington Booth said of it, years ago, that "No family where there are, youxsg child- ren should be without Vapo-Creso- lene." You breathe-in the vapor, it goes ail though the bronchial tubes, sootbing, healing, curing. It's pleasant, safe, econoDmical. is Vapo-Cresolene ie sold by druggists everywhere. The Veaporizer and Lamp, wich slould last a lfe- drme, and a bottle of Cresolmie cotuplete, $i.5o; extra supplies of Cresojleee 25 cen-ts and 50 cents. 1 ltistraeed bookket containiýg physicians' testi- rao iiai freý upon réquest. VAPO-CRESOLENE CO.,1 ,o Eulhoa St., Nee Yod U.S.A. 8OWMANVILLE, DEC. 17, 1901 MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS. County Council nominations take place in West Durham on Monday next, Dec. 22, from i to 2 p. m. in town hall, Bow- manvilie, and town hall, Orono. Mr. Thomas Smale is Nominating Officer in No. 5 (Bowmanville) and Mr. Jno. Davey in NO. 4, (Orono). The elections take placeat the same time and places as the regular municipal clections on Monday Jan 5,190o3, from 9a. m. to 5p. m. Township nominations wjll be held in town halls on Monday Dec. 29 froni 12 noon to i p. va. Polling on Monday, Jan. 5, igoS, ftom 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Town nominations take place on Mon- day Dec 29.* For Mayor from lo to il ai m. and councillors from 12 to i p. m. at towrs hall. Tb- ASONc'O A Christmas Tree entertainment wîil be given at Providence on Tuesday even- ing Dec. 23rd. A program consisting of Recitations, Dialogues, Drills, etc , will be given by the children. The Allin Bros. Quartette will be in at tendance also the Newcastle Quartette and other out- side talent. Door.s open at 7.8o. Admission î5c. The closing exercises of Mount Cars. well scbool on Friday afternoon, De- cemnber 19th at 3 o'clock, pro.-ram by pupil,5, collection for Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, Every one welcome. ...Visitors-Mr. Ezra Miller, Snow- flake, Man , at Mr. R. P. Bichard's; Mr. McDonald and bride, Goodwood, at Mr. W. Whittleton's, Cloverdale; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Courtice, at Mr. P. Kerslake's, Hamnpton; Miss Ethel Gay and Miss Vi- ola Rundle with relatives in Toronto... Rey. J. J. Rae, Oshawa, will address Ebenezer League this Weduesdav ove- ning. Al welcome .... Persons requir- ing a cutter, robe, or set of harnes,cal on W. R. Courtice, the "Farmer's Friend." OAPTWRIGHT. Mr'. S. Jeffery is rfi.arranging the rear part of bis bouse. Hle bas tomn down the old stable and is building a new wood-shed and stable, to open into frein the back door of the kitchen.... The following changes are taking place in out' township sebools for next 3 ear. Mr. J. J. MeDonald of No. 5 takes charge o 'No. 1, wbileoMr. Earchman the pre6ent teacher in No. 1,. returns to sebool. Mss Robinson takes charge of No. 6. Miss Hlooey of Devitt-'s goes to E--ypt, Miss Britton of Egypt takes Dei'itt's. Mr. MeMahon of No. 5 bas beeu re-engaged. jle is doing good solid work ini No. 5. Miss Morrish,who bas taught the primary department of Blacketock scbool, goes to the True Blue Orphan's Home in Pictons SHOF EARLY AND HAVE YOUR NAME ON PARCEL8 IF- YOU LEAVE THEMO rresents for Al Customers on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Xmas. e. 0-ffl- - - . . . 1 .Ms racle