~1 OH, MY H EA HOWI IT ACHESI NMTLVOUS ~IBLIOVS SICK 1--EZUDICAL BEA D A CHZES. IHeadacho h neot of lt-elf a disease, but la gnaly causcd bysome dîorder if the stom- ,qAd.h iver or bowe]s. %haleayou caauho ued yen must remove B.irldock Eloùod Bitters gi mdoîILfor you. Tt rngulates the stomacb, iver ami bowels, puriIesý the blood andi toces up the -uhole SyM- toi to fulhuath an~d vigier. The[- Grinldinilg 1Effots of Difu epreciationi A despatch fîrom Chilcago says: f I1V. Frank Le W itt Talmiage ea- ed fre'(m the folloxing text: pro- verts xx, 14, "lIt is naxiglt, it is naught, saitîs thebuyer, but wliîen hie is gene lus way then>he boast- e th." r hoielyanud s-eatclyrowi vhen nqirvil eis afa(Id of losiog ils pitohexiiorhadranul ner~ aitfuIytiîan i L te bead ef tue fuîmcoîoînen iiihlmfor ney Do you soe that J - rxisulem gentie- thicg h.-e di(iwll mac wending his way nyl and out Now, such a course ais that is net ainong the crowded bootbs and honest or juct. T'Pl 3iblo distinct- stores? Do you sec him stop and ly says that every laboreýr is worthy preterd te ho examiniag some article of bis bîre. If a m:ac is paid wht as though be were nîaking up bis ie ought te ho paid for doingls mmnd whether or cot te buy? HIe il, work, thero is ne need to fear ta la trutb, stepping te hoar a con- ho xvil'net do as good work wi?]h a versation which is takin.g place be- few words of comniýncatien as with twcen an old ITebrew merchant and the depressýing f ot of unjust and a younig mari wbe bas just arrixed, systeinutic epecaton 1tell you perhaps fromn the f ar east, with cam- candidiy3 and earnestly that chronie els laden with a large assortmeat of inuIt fminig has the saine efiect ia expensive shawis. " l,"sa, s' the a fuut îorv or a store as tbe coid, veni mc tc the, cldnercant. uiark, drizzlinz- ua-vs cf ?xcvember Chbristian on Sunday,. If awma is flot a Christian iiih Ilacg with her groceîymi,ýiaa ndhecer her baker and servatirl o her shopping oxpediil ins, shPfis e a Christian whea she geste huc A falschoedl is js sbgadbn' I U wh En itl te ilcurh.lt ss heiousan ffnseas hs ha li Tu DNNEit 11',Il. toid un-1: tia'l 3 el oîthe a, iiftd iand hie th apotiei'eer E er goo ht sek> î e taes Aîsdwe exxspecýg epie' axn irtbl e vt if yu xant o cnsecate y m 1 rt'ars o o itany o~ nso ceudo Salaie eadý m' rame's ag1. ndwhn kptstlessiy cdean xili Whe smaoe asà nerg ;Wite- loek bottrcc thaln -more expeesivo fildwhthr crtinma xaS ancstbtaefot well cared for. Chritia or e, he geatevanel-liti net cnsidered xecessaiy nom, lut ~ ~ ý; a1wrd "ie a tell for ex ei-ytbîng , (n the-table te be of I1oe ie xihh.. Se God tlec same patternanad>ciesiga. Pretty Wili noer oclre e re bis cliii- pieces of china and giassware may (ionunssweteeielike John bc purcbascd frein tiînc'to timie aâd Weslythtdnin emiýodIy arî i i iehop the appeai ance Df the Tuucsay nd Wcdcsda andThurs- table xx'nderfuliy, and the %mount day alnd Frdayan< Saurday jq they cost %would scarceuy bc ,aissedl. wei astheSudavwe vii ty ,,te A silenre eioth saxos the linen cloth do al]ille oo il)en t as mnaî,y arid deadens the re und of the dishles. peoplu jas xçe can as long os xve o orthrethicknesses of ail olt - Il %viit.p.Illank f. xvi qnqwé ,r .(. n r ni ri i n flovril is invaluable in the kîtclien as by its aid ricli nourishing soups and tasty gravies can be prepared .-nj a few moments. It also adds flavor and strength to stews, liashes, ragouts and every other dish for which it isE m- ployed. Nocok who aims at clinr- a ry Succes Ses , a t a sminall1 cos t and at a short not1iCe, can do withott IL1