Biir»t Wood This is coming into great favor in New York and other large citie8, ~We are showing some very pleaming effects in Hat B3rushes, Hair limushes, Clothes Brushes and handsomely decorated sases. We import this Ulne and can save you money on any of them. FOI11 & JURY. 5 candl1Oc" Odds. and Ends1-, We have a big line of Ther- mometers, Vases, Pin Trays, Paper Kni ves, Pen Knives, Nail Polishers, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. B.9 7MANVI-13STATIIN Mai.. 2:2&.M. Exprego.ý...Sa FIru......10 25 If1Local ...... 760 ' irxd ........ 3 56 P-D.1 Pusaenger- i142 P. M, Local.... 658 p.m. 1 Mixed. .7388 'Express2...Il 25 p.m. Express does not ile west Moaday moratng. *Suays Dight on Y. S1TQTT & JuRYv. Town Agents BOWMYANVILLE, DEC. 24, 1902. Miss Carnie Cherryv, Toronto, is visit - lng her im-thr. Opening for a smart- boy to -fear n printing at titis office. Miss Addie MceSorIpy, Toronto, is horne for Xrnas holidays. Old- fashioned Buils-Eyes lot! per lb Wednesday only at Tod's. -Miss Olive Stevens, Peterboro, is visiting Miss Inez Mason. This is positivelv the hest local paper in the county- subscribe for it. Pinter wanted at STATESMAN office. Try a cup of Hot Vigoral at Tod'e. It is deltions. Resud ,Canadiar, Fleur ini apan" on au iustif pag Mise Iia-titi Ct.rown ...ig bg h uncle Mn. 'fhos, Basset., Miler's Gnip Powders Cure. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists New lite fora quarter. Miller's Com.] pound Iron Pilîs. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. M A. James is Governmnent issuer of Marriage Licenses for Durham Countv. Mir. Wm. Willardi, Port Perry, broke bis lett leg whule haudling apple bar- rels in the cellan. The ver y latest in Wedding station- ery and Weddiag cake boxes at TIrE STATESMÂN offiOe. býarge assotment of China Cups and Saucens suitable for presents at Young & Co's China Hall. Mr. Edgar Trick, son ot Mn. Richard Trick, has been engazed as teacher of Unionville PiiblieSehool. 1C.ug5R, is, 1<l oatieBe, ad otierc&%a~ ailments are q.uickly relieved-by VaDo-Creso- lene tablets.ten cents ver box. A11druggists. People corne many miles to get their furs repaired by M. ýMayer because ho,, Try a Hot Soda at To-ds. Hot Beef Tea and Chocolate at Tod's, Oyibters in RBulb or ' ,t!ht e at w<? E 1 ry rua-s hlate-made 1Mapîe crea.n and Peanut Crisp. Cawker & Tait sell the best Barrel Churn in the market. Dr Gannet M. Trewin, Collingwood. is home for the holidays, Always a fine liue of confectionery te be lkad at the GRAND CENTRAL. Leave youn order ïon Poultry for your Xmas Dinner. Cawker & Tait. Hlocke'y boots tan or black-G,et theni at the Parlor Shoe Store, BowmnanvilIe. A full and comnplote stock of Toys, Dois, Picture Book at GRAND CENT- RAL. A fuliline of Ganoag Bros.'cele3brated G. B.Chocolates for the Christmos' trade at Tod's. For the newest, best and cheapest neady to wear clothing cali at Couch, Johuston & Crydermain's. See the Emnulsion of Cod Liver Oul thatis on sale at McD)ermid's Drug.1 Store for 35c per bottle. Couch. Johaiston & Crnderman are showing.a b3autiful selectlion et goods imo aBulis-Eyes 10c per Ilbol l'or the t Wa it' g MlachiDe go te Cawk8 &xi~t s For the finest stock et. aulîes .fuings i'ud dresa goods of ail kinds. cail at Coucit, Johuston & Cryderman's. Your attention is called to the advt. on anethen page of Mr. W. IH. Williams who is offering bis' fine farm for sale. Farmers attention l it will be to your advantage to bning your poultry to us and get the big price, Cawker & Tait. Our Xmas goods are arriving. It1 will pay you te see our splendid uew stock before you buy. McDermaid's Dnug Store. The best barbers in Ontario use Coke's Auticeptic Shaving Foam, that why Pethick, the Barber uses it. No rubbing or scrubbiug the face necessany when hi isused. An immense assontment of leather Zoods as follows - Punses, Pocket Books,' Chatelaines, Wrist Bags, Card j Cases , Cigan Cases, Walleis and Letter Cases at GRAND CENTRAL. Just arrived at Young & Co's China Hall, Bowmaniville, a lune of China suit- able for Christmas presents. We mon- tion amonZ others a lino of Bread and _ 1902i 4 At titis season hueepr are in se&rch of the best Fruits. We wish to aïnounce týo thý popl of West Durham that our 4 Xmas Fr Ii t'; ave been cýiv- . fllv~te and bo)(ught fer spot cash, 4 thus enabling u'; to seil!atwpfcestitdefv compietition.. That w 4 are leaders in icnc Groý- s a fete act' lert, are ai few of the mniny zrond !things we kinidly ask yiou t t aspect before purchasing:- RAISINS -Cn'neseur Clusters, Loose Mtuscatelles, l3lack , Baskets, London Layers, Choice8 Seeded Raisins, NTT andl ' CANDI ES-Ch ocola tes, Royal Mixed, Corragona, Almonds Wa-- L.Uts, Brazil Nuts. Filberts, Shelled A lmonls, S11elledý Walnuts. SORANGES-Florida, Navets, Valeicias, Malaga Grapes, etc. 1Eh1fina îParlori in ttis department we have a grand display of very useful articles. Don't fail to visit it, the prices will tempt you. Thank. Sing you for your liberal patronage ex-tended to us in the past,. we