\2 wth a h-sty, "1tlu, dnrei-,and, .~ ellw cti-e doctou razn baýbycar- *. ageaud al loto iheret n-- fi-i ntuia -'eint i fi! om 'tsaeis ' coîrial, s hs imocould carry hm i-be lu-i-le e cciatpicg ber:ftoi' ~6ff-wrte to self fif1I were not the cus.Surely 1 had ne right to blighit your lufeas weIl as mine. IIow I got out of the room wîthout disturbing you 1 do not know, but you -dud fot miove, and I went on and on te where 1 kioew I sboulid find soeth ;ing that, weubd de th opi orkfr mc.wý Lih uy biand rI"tsed te en(qv)r1ub Il enrefor Fail >anti Winter suiteILe e aeup l vvlatest\ fle anýd fin gura"tcesAyr mnae ein'bauj bIcs toiutseul toian ndaprîes ewrta W' ea lpe s uf ccbpro riglit Jeni .ALNte asîeîahle tailor, (ieriÉoposite S -TESANoffice, Bew- mamtile. 45-tf WL r11 (id 110 uc, d itly -j I u -f <ce 1 y c w le lU dtIUU i t, n l .tiij 'tu t l iii, n -oUn i ome Sh stu m ueu "te st i. t t U bci' '.in ., i- î,ý,,, > .'ytreî'ul rînicu I fM n ,<ur ýo, ewn Lobi cafled f t iial uwOre i oth ne ianud babe are a trWe too tee , per haps, gudiug i-ho carrijge where soi ihoLO hp u ei"eiring nat, , 1-' 'i , ,h te lt tthe si r y o > Go'itipure and 00>i Wt bc hosiuuieandiI t lie frrxghiug, ceiiig bab:, '1 iiuofeealth 9- rî' v 04and teioxcinm-zxt-n innocent. Vivps'Mdoattail oen whmen e-O 51110often te uigi-t, as bis cyeca peeie buit bis oiVii pr(tiy littI(-11Pblr, îiig ic suppeeýicr urse ifo r eî' h t foursiP -is o o x-rhoad ; taCe iiinthlmboiug tî'ndrus the Wife, thel bapicsi- 'enun in al flic Iav"u-td looks (I in-ISe prceedipng.[ur xet miw h mfi l, swtbof g"i-Iradiant ii tic uailcinla ei' h b_- taiversp, in fhI5 posusss ,ýr 0f th&,Eir i n-'fCintedoctor', o> t-Cl sh x llow iltha[ n tis 1'-, tird p t>,eOitairs ;ior. chair opposit e. first-beî-îî, their sîishne, th ic xi was,. Lalk d inwcrih ut i-ho state ijet Os Dfie t'c il pases' i-le I11 Even ii htfur îiSt c f j-Imoit Dfit arling, for ise tliov hutd loyal- cf a t- imed lin he î,uacy cf his rai y don ; crq'eîon antieon stilJ ii.îrth, whilut i ,l thruc uuust s>t !y n:,iid lier ni ceuite rn ouati on of on oMm, ie.ynw d hiniaif l'y won-i- 1iYend oua <'miOtd ;fo-r baht"s aE%, mtnet ubut Whalt iN1 the brav e bcioiue eft erlieicil hok deriiug wiy îin>r tihe sein Davfd's noir aet0doaeejlPc-of ai-h"ixbeau'the ltliin fio f tPuat c-ber C ilr 1stîn lore. 'mue t ou l te -xhave ot na inotion footife, Fs'yotîof:iZ, ,or liea-tlie Boy- th u ohotcent> fiil iicb i- hIlugb, hew I ou startled '0sii"u nhi>e'5 wd .Sm els'there lin. Sd inox rent msof one lu pur- sr eed Aeut pomfulctly-thilt XVIII cplinity of tiici. - tee nionsas a-t -d cr sy, a fi-' reo <li't \iftly qii-t resting place for i-leu'beloved Sgi N c ils ohof lit'suxoto biheur"t juteo i -c ii sdhs ti'ihrusting readl. vt fihebti-igui-, iithat ly fack cf, a s]' der hlat', -cf;,lttcntng -steel ho- Inlaeecorthe mîlstie&spopda 4t Sitîcon-U 'ý,v eu{d hfs pet projeci- etricaulu tlictt-:, iiu of Uth ocun, ed pcrtiens cf i-bot nnîcb ee Sestal.ýislh;g etter horniesfor these!enittig a ci- - -m" xoEent a lonîg crcwded fits' a rýow- cf colnforiahî lj-I -tem-upateii tuà'e tcrt of i-be s>udde-rdhg uoau, felixîcribs'a fali, I -'uft di;<-ilug Itosci liavec repérer! I -des;'- -gra t i,-y. T1hebrji'ht spot; cf hiti1cndl iheuuto rilurs1tohe ri-i-, cuei 'îîts xxerc dirt Pox'd~ my ov -) te di ',ý : Ui n!,y xi. t rnecju tt n uw xias te x iic n 1' lnitiiran des sec.' wb n at and qtualoî'r r, j ed supriIc., Ou a erciptieinebu! CO n w'er cret-w cai is da t is xhu, i-he delig't uand -ah& fhie hSsent si-c rowe- s te lasp htr eite aolittlc rrneiu"dfî'oî the othor arc PC sitveyisijurions, because typC - ai-Stn r h-n 1w buspatiejnt, -ndi io -1irfjîî' M d 1bp, isthelb p whii-o1buildings, siliin socible pronexiit up the perntcf tne sd.D "sba eagratofol t hébis w n tileGtrxarcttfrb omneve %,igje ariying csihfi s tands an uipretmcnus chaqpel, Oirit-uxeat i.-a fod f .r the s i ,h ta îini',- cect' *s-o>ly bs're'1,sudthroJbicureIOitlier failuer fn ih" is'up tUicsiairsWIb a sock cfbcariug i-be jicciiptioin %i cite n eli arc every sîn disssom ni Lg lun.hrrcil~, aest c ivrse ol."rc al iso. bkin suîo olh, seýf, rd cear. ti a~ xc0ch-uigih ieeltfr.Aue-asdy almn xhs Dr. baesuomnfor, besialks bMA Mihfiige iitl c Oii- erbd frAtI oiîucîaucxg i-hobcspeak rpro-tA edîaîe in ' the Moa pucrEî kiebeanMmur hîin-ut! M ntmi-o S 1iii mlui c e'ytm-s tS oc u. r le ico-îe u cilha'cv cx wndn ieioSaog t éble itcan L e wina&score cf diffeatc'ltife m lion e tht-m xa, h;Yn< i aropu, o 'tib-t Ui î i' 1, e. î:ays. If absoictls' cnroMi e-CCmcm! ms-i thalt' î orhdi -i-"u, ý - hla "V-lo à--cil cf-"t cto i-il rbenrrn ad the itchiug ta whjch wonen 1proi il1 c p fi-, tme- i- sune Ctiiuuo înuih.-rîe ta Wbeu the feot are sebasand r hs t i -hohohoue notpas oîd 'tr'--î o._An iii _1p]om e"- dth-i A e walking aau -plicaticeof Mr.Cluaxe; ct1ot mî-' bi i-loW d-ugli -ceu-'s tfret e iîsbnd1 te I eîîd FoiwMdnYiMUiSta1-Do hveS70Uea Qiotu-nt takes ocnthosiaîngad ihrsinsfin ;"I i ,1y fhiouîlx, y allays the lulsriam ioo i a sarprusly BtM A ti-iofCiuD aMPOS, ni r y -h mil hW i-, Bi-id? iTherehahL short tUme. Theui for bt'ros, ceid , y,,1nmi , iut', n' e "'t5ib r eui2lasIdn soebu àces? Youi car c Ckv e andi cery ert cf chafingirritation or c i hi exhc'iin in:i-m r1-le? o eclorcs:-,--coen. Oh l~ éruption of the cdDr. CuuS Oiut 1 u î ,- Ldhmiax Lc'1I aehi urf' u. -7reeuya~îg ha n - -f ce f eLudiSperSabIe ho n-ccr"st lui lit, il'inaî- bliein Hm g 9 yun en f on- t' ito p-i id etunof 01 bCi i- t'oo i eoi r 5.admt eii Ln ' -aYnf iutiola-indiOit ý1 YIo-c o! "! niultar stucci-, gu'ospuog firuiily hi-' xc lut nd, o" h tîlti icg alefi- f0 bis os 'uular aî-ire, the i cuituibl c fuîimy i xx-hcuuu i-bei-c ,yoce miscrabbo cron- îles cix c' i-bciu' cîîe'-u;pctl ceuiditions, me oth"u i-lino oiir owuu Croco nu-iiuîg. 11cr pareuits i-rosi lier 'cii-h ni anywîieu'c and i-heugh i-c iiiom 'c Is ters' dear, i-e hlm sîxo us uuixei-hbcg mo 'e swet, îiuc~'e pre- 001,, a coud h s p>,nabf e, hri-woeuî oui-vif auîd lus hcbcx cd. Souu~e day e uuli kuxow i-lie stors' ou lier clîylîoed. Scuuxo dis' sIlo wlll un- ~msi-oîîd WiiV ' Iteii' Unie Bava." us te rai-le lui utu iceke ai- aiud Les'ond lu' SO iiii-t»ii-ly at i-tuiit5, aiid wlxy m 1,0 ofien booms luha 1-opeot te oiaehl uîxcenscieusiy auxd mc', ei'ouuhly, A. titi-le cliii d shah leuud i-luemn." 77