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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1902, p. 8

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1 4Î &v oï~a We haie made extensive pieparations for îq holiday seliing witha large assortmaent of ar- 4ï tistic and in a large measure exclsive goods. 4î For gentleman or lady you will flLï-d somethiing 4ý from our stock that wvill answer your desires. Ï Prayer and Hymn Books, Poets, Albums, 4 Presentation Books, Toy Books, Fancy Picture Frames in Brass a-bd Wood, Toilet Cases, Man- icure Sets, Smoker Sets, Shaving Sets, Fine SStationery in box ,s,Xmas Cards and Calendars, Framed Picitures, Fancy Baskets and many 4î other useful and, pretty things. "Sie E xamlme uur Holidayuisplay. a Different to any other. We have secured a very fine line. of Xmas Goods. Beautif ail SRussia and Morocco Leather Toilet Cases.~ SJewel Cases, Shaving Cases, Glove and lland- Skerchief Cases, Manicure Sets, etc., Loonen s *Ceiebrated Hair l3rushe's in ebony and -other Swoods, a special lino of Ebony Military Brushes. *Exquisite line of Perfumes in eut glass botties, Sput up expressly for the holiday trade. ~ J. Hîgginboth am &Sn S Bowmanvile lu&lut lu Wl -,U U W .W , .551.-w - ,ib .511.- em p5Ak . V, ehriM -% ý A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ta al. ... Misses Lilie and Lizzie Penfouad, Ebenezor, spent Sun- day with friends. -... Mr. 0. L. Gamble, is holidas ing near Georgetown. . .Miss E. M. Werry, Deaconess Training Hlome, Toroato, is home for Christmas ...Ilad trie effects af the Referendum vote anvthinag ta do with the number of persans found in the ditch Sunday morn- ing? .. ..An interesting abject ]essan service was coldlictad by pLev. J. S MeMullea, Sunday 10 a. m., for the chidren. Subject-'"Tlhe Liglit of tho World.",.. .. ev. J. G. Brown is visit- iag lis parents, at Lakefield .. . .At tle close af the sehoal Friday aiternoon Miss A. Coakwell, jur. teacher, who by lier quiet unobtrusive maDner has wvon the respect of ner schlars and a large numoer oa finonds bore was presoatud with a Lady's companian, accompanied by an excellent address. Master Mer- vyn Morris read the addreýss, while lit- tic Miss Gurtie Henry made the presea. tation. Mliss Caakwell will attend Nor- mal seloal, Ottawa, wbere she i fol- lowed by the gaod wishes af all. Short congratuiatory speeches were made by Mr. A. W'. Annis and Mn. S. J. H3nry, trustees, an the satisfactary work dane by Miss Coakwell during tle ilince years in Tyrane Public School. TO CURE A CULD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablais. Al druggits refund thse money if it aill e t cure. E. W. Grove'e siguatureis on eacli box, 2Mc. Mn. W. W.Noble,. Whitevale, form- Throat. Gargles can't go back far enough; sprays don't reach deep enough ; but the -tir you breathe touches cvery part. Then why flot put sonie healing medîcine in the air and let them go along together ? That is what Vapo-Creso- lene is for. It puts the healiag medi- cie righit on the places that most need it. You now see why it so quickly cures sore throat, b r o n - chitis, hoarseness, wlioopiig.-cough nd asthina. 20 Vapo-Cresolene is soid by dnsggists everywhere. The Vaporizer and Lamp, whjoh should last a life- timo, and a bottle of Cresolene complete, $i.5o; extra supplies of Cresolene 25 cents and 50 cents. I ilu'trated bookiet containing physicians' testi- In ias free upon request. VAPO-CREsoL"z ECcu r rulon St. New York, U.S.A. BOWMANVILLE. DEC. 24, 1901 C.ARTWRIGHT QOUNOIL TowN HALL., Oortwrlght, Dec. 15, '02, Statutory meeting hield on above date. Members ail pregint, Rfflve A. Taylor presidtng. Minutes of laet meet- ing rend ead confirmed. A commuinication was recelved fromn the Cor-koration of the Townnlkp of Menvera ra work donc on Manvers bonadary. Reckived a~nd fyled. Samuel Eqareon, regardirl Taxes for 1902 and olaiming that saealid been pald. The Clark wag lnEitructed to wri te the Clark of the Counatea Court- cil for limformiation regarding this mat- ter,. Ordere were graated on the Treaserer ais f ollowa: for S. S. No. 4, $3£0.89; S. S. No. 1, $300.38; No. 5, $34672; No. 6, $29)6,09; No. 7, $325-74; No. 8, $287 SC,: No. 9, 8249.11; D. Englisih for revieing Roil, attending Council, etc, $4. 40; Jas. IByero, repairinc, cul- vert on ro->d d ivision No. 8, 50c; E. Fitz, repaire on baundary, $2.00; W. C. Thompotu wok on Con. 8, $2.95; G. Marlowe, wvork on road on Con. 7, $1,00; B. Wocd, timber and repaire ta two culverte o_ oma 5, $21.50. John MoLsnghiln, Treas.,, discounts etc., $120. On motion Council adjourneî. 0Ohildrn Ory for DARLINGTON. GoROI)AŽH, ER-TRULL. On Wednesdayi afternoon Dec. I7th, a prtt wedding waî clebrated at "The Grne," Darlington, the beautiful resi- dence of Mr. and âirs. Casey Truil when their eldest daughter 'Miss Winnifred A, one of the most popular young ladies of this section, was united in marriage with Mr. j Almon Gordanier, Morven, Ont. The ceremony wb,,ich took plaoe 'neath a festooning arch of green foliage, entwin- cd with chrysanthemums, was performed by Rev. J seph Ward, B. A , Courtice. Miss Sybil Truil, sister of the bride, played Lohengrin's Wedding Match The bride was given away by her father. She is a grand,-daughter of the late Capt. Truli, Bowmanville, and also of Dr. Grange, Chattanooga, Tenu, , formerly of Napanee. Miss Addie S. Gordanier, sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaid. The groom was assisted by Mfr. Fred. Trul, brother of Ihe bride. The groor's gif t ta the bride was a beautiful silver tea set and a gold bracelet to the brides maid. The bride received a num ber of valuable and handsome presents testify- ing to the higli esteem in which she is held After the ceremnony a wedding breakfast was served alter which the TUE MASON Co. THE LATI KRS FALLIEP. PALLI-la Cartwright -1 )t 18, con. 6-on Tuesday, Dec, 18, 1902, Eleanor ?allis, relcet of the late James Pallte, agad 97 yearl and 8 moathn. Deceasad wan barn la thse year 1804', was a native ai Belturbit, Ireland, and came with ber parent@ and other memberg of the family in 1820, and settLed. in Canada in thse townehip of 0ava, aad saventy>five yeare ego wae married tu James Faflio. In 18W6 bbsy moved ta the township of Cartwright, where tliey raiBed a eomrewliet nismerone family of sous and daughters-eight sons and two dangliters all of wliom aave thea eldeet son survive lier, Mrs, Pallie wan a Mother in lerael in the best acceptation o thet terro. Site was amiable, gentie and exemplary, eêteemed aad respected by ai1 acquaiated with lier, neareet neiglibors beet acqtiainted with lier. esteemed lier mont. She was a loviag and devoteil wife, an off ec- tionate mother. Site was quiet and retiring in inanner and a -lue-long and consistent niember of the Methodieit Churcli. Mer ili- ness wan af short duration, onîy a few daye, and -notwitliatanding lier extrense age, sline retaiaed ail lier faculties ta the last. Duriag the enramer monthe she delîglited Io fSal and frequnatly would be found et the pond engaged in fishiag, and oaly as few weeks previons ta lier dernise she repaired tu the barn and iilked a nuraber of cows, and did it la a manner that would have doune credit ta an expert. Seven sons and two dauglitere survive lier, vlz:-Mrs. Wm. Arnold, Toron.- ta ; John James Fallis, Cryet al, North Delrdta ; Rolit. Fallis, C&dmne ; Richmond Prince Alberit, Ont. ; Wm. :F'iMliîta. Nla. ; Mrê. Rolit Mahood, Fordwicli, Ont,; George Pallis, (honeted) Cartwright David Fallis, Cartwright. ChIldren Ory foy- CASTOR I& ChiUrer cry Tor SALEM The Entertainnient lield in Salem iSchool on Friday evening Dec. 12th was a decided The rooni was prettily draped with hout- ing in tihe patriotic colore, and witli Sage, which presented a pleasing appearance. The duttes of cliairman were very aitly pari ormed by Mr. A. McFeeter8. The pa t BOWMANVILLE. A eorryChistiaRsand A, We a1so wish to remind everybody that we will give ou.- usual after Xmas. reductions' on -ail kînds of Winter That the chances are ail in favor of aJ ecided ad-jvan ce in prices. No person acq'uainted with. the Markets bu', wil corroborate this fact; labor, is higher, materials are higher, Unions are increasion. One thing sure, we l10w get a mucli higher class of workmanship, fit and styles are al- most perfect. :FT-IS 0-F .AT.DL EEZISTDS Ladies Coats, Blankets, Tiedowns, Bieavy Dress MUa- teniais, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, etc., ail at reduced prices that should clear them out quickly. This is the profitable tiîne to buy. Don't miss the chances. B3OOTS Al'qD SI-0(DS Some great oargaiins in this iDept. FeIt Boots,' FeIt Slippers, Rubbers vnd Sox, in fact ail heavy goods reduced, includig Rugs, Robes and ilorse Blankets. Heavy Underwear, Mits and Gloves, Fur Caps and .7h, -m- -lm -m- 1

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