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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1902, p. 7

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Si- _______________ T s NIAL-àAd'T e -.R Save Vour Iiealth- Sweeten 7VouDr Prolng our Li fe By eatln tht-oroughly cooked, malted and toasted wFI-olre wiheat flaks W-,heat cointins ail the elements necefssary te sustain life ariii eonzd h o over as ýthe chef food for mankixnd -theProvrbssay TheStaff of Life." A dligltf4 ti nte hrqkfst.Se t'e itf, trarm mitfc or cream. llOR8E8FRON 4THE WEST BRITISH- COLUMNBIA RECENTLY SENT A. SHIPIIENT. Several Important Peint;s toEBe Consiered'y the Western, Oreediers. ties e 1otaiesoine ii or ten c 1year)S aýgo ,cau1sed a is e in ies and the requ1 irernents cf the a runy iii Se)uth -Africa increascd thc(de-1 Y-and(. Genen ai businesspisert bas ledtoail active enquiry foir driv ers andi farm herses in thecen tîrv, and for ail kinds of harneà,ssi horses, heavy drnyghts, exrs herses, heavy draughts,exrs cities. The lumlber buEjineýs 'being eceptiohally brisk, a large number of heàvy herses ýare required in the nunneéreus legging camps. ,Ile1avy dra~ughts are easily w or th $400 a tearn theso rnust be frein 1,500) Its Uip, arnd are wnnted as hay s os sible. Express hersesargeray used single, rnut be activead able1 te tret wiih a gend le)ad. They sheuld -veigh fremn 1.,00 te 1,500 ItJs., and worth,1 about «" 150. Ordin- ary ,,treeters' fer &dcliry waggens, hac-ks, etc., -1!v ary i ze, style, acion egtadage. Drivers, araeherses and saddle herses selilrglacedntety, action and nianners, and will ruer from $125 te $200. Wl1IIAT TI-ILVW ,E;T CA; SUPPLV. tions cý f the Žtrhvs ertre t lie as been a;11d xviii ho next spr ;kng aged dîan or 1herses, mnediumn and hea, for farna w"rJ and raiiw-ay cen-structien, a1ise driv- ers for liverx nien anýrd fariners. Thereý lias aise boeii a geod trade la l- dian penies, used fer, herding, di iv- ing or fer clildren te ride te seliool. 0f ail the varieus classes, the W est,-iz :the western portion 0of the Territori'es anrd the interior of 11Britishi Coinmbia-can supply coia- paratively few over the 1,000 peund lieuit, t7he lew her-ses ever thati xeight being rot mucli more tlîan1 xiii suppiy local dernands. Bt0 horses abouit thiat weight tliret are'ý large nunil)ers of useful. hardy herses with excellent borie, which at present prices it will pay te ship, but theý Se Says Mrs. josie Irwin, of 325 So. College St, Nash-viile, Tena., of Lyd;éia E, ikla Vegetable mpud Never ila the history e f i,, ie han the demanti for enc particunlar rernedy fer fumale. disewses equalei tlntt- tainced hv Lydia E ika' turig th liftimeof tLi wencrfu haci iiic dradfrif been seJ greaf aus if.islte-da"y. Frein the Aintete Uj<ýic ]cific. anI ingt l 1ani breadtlî of thlis grecat continlent Cerne ýthle glZd ti(lings of weman'a- su-fferingsý relieveti by it, anti thouisaAts upon th',ousantis of letters are peuriag liuifrorn grateful seoren snying thain if viii anti posi- tively tees cure the c worst formas of. feomais complainte. Mi-. Pinkham 1Învite,-qal wo- men ivlio arc ptizzled about 1 alss., for adviCe. Sueli corre- spondence is seen by women on7iy. a"d ne charge in mae nundre and ii.qi,,A PERONALTITBIS. tir ugsrîfe rfefpunirnga bgI nanetmut ot be overtione a oa eaaf 1u" 5ng t tivic ai- PERSISTL TT-BTS. theungntl ar ofpunhin a ag,ý,a-k-t- nu--t-mal as tire bord is iinproved,, un or- and speads an bouc or-tseo at ibis acny tme. dem bo aveici teeiolent crosses. The :Proainent .Actors on tire Boards 'h-alfiry exorcise exery morîning. Sire To Ontario anti Manitoba n large reals sinould ir eaeneti anti led the a£ Life's Theatre. sai s 'bag-punchic.g' as a menas of nuaiber et Western poîries of a very hi-sf winter, as tîris sel l iprove TheAusria Fipenn i kuxtete acislîieg adipose tissue is ftic inest ioor class have beeni shippoti. Thee their size ant isel nunke tiieni qîieter TheAutr-ninpro isknwn ethiîrg iii tirhe i. siitfs have injureti tiereîeputa- anti casier feiraudle. ,Iftselalso be a man efthtir sinnplesf tastes, anti Tinere is neofirher rierson lu' Ecg- tien ot Western hon-ses, anti have ledi: pay te halfer break firem flic irst yetIs uidte perti 250000a yarland seho, holds sucir an interesting tire 'itrio main aparticular f0osinter. 01n tire palace 'tabils. 'Tie dnily est olice a u 1ev a Snlir believe thnt tirne is nefhicg bettÎer In short, taking into censiter,tior ot frnisiîng ireinperial' fable lis Brooke. M.A., xicnî et Penîibury, le la thie West , tinatire untarîea ble peetpiehremiigsol freni5200te $20 ; elîlenStteKnt sio trliils t hoeoesitre- bronche stock, andti attirepresent justfiy fi dpiî tbsns -diinner, nith froi liity t rtoýmiei spoiî>sibît V ofe dipiaïi i0thei,.tiirnehoiresel cet biti ou atlîything the as.Codophersesfseulnes guests, costs fro-n-i te00fo,0 local lire 'brigade. The brvigade, coi.- briaedod, beyond wshafire coînsitions a sell in preference ,te pr oco, nt SirWilanHrcutisvr-y ists o; tr'n ii. Iflsuîe hebîanbeenuse lie fhinks Iis puri- goi ns ot uandlemret gratcaelapnpring lins spees dnt col efthtIu ans cuiciisho.chseis belnduif rî l nr ise, pntclyoîytedteec 011 Sonle occasiens ire w rites theI"ni nhen IL nusu felundeti seins' itfi touleflnr local stock. Grtct n 1e e 1cete ttiesIe oluf frein b in-tthctene eveîevyhresaememr dfiuo 0f W.h-"Ille 'u en, undtfume age, - nsked 'tîne ( .Vhrsicai-'n hoedifcul o te1S N ottea cornamls large parts ofet tirans chiet offIcer. hIdm.'1,roke dr i-ilîs brak tîan heavy irorse,-s and LieSokCmi iie tereîr.îeia cani - t'fat his brigade at regulai lîrtervals, art tire branti is seldom_ con- iasôir ii ei g s o l e s sl r pl ol o e n g îlu fley a c aae rt;i -u t b eo d y o f i e at. A t s pcîrf u s e n o îrg în , t e h o., c a lle ti flic footsteps of mnaln a gi-ont ora- i eacfice ant i a tires ire secai a fmie-! a bleuni',h. If Is a iattor .of for. - lnnseunifor. isurprise te a Western rn'tnte hear if E DE ADCA1IBOU. Tiesortest speecli ever deliveed Queein Alexandra is saiito te ho s commnented iprîinas a blemisir anti a by he ingsen li 183,pnsioeately fend et dlocks that 1 m rik of sicketieess, ant iIf the East- lUiexplained Anfipafliy of tLie Lat- P1rilece of W aies, lie vîsitet Ply- iras seme 300oofe threnn-snall larg, oeni man xolt consideîr ton a me- fer for the Former. anouir Ire orpratin pesefetiicy, andî plai-at Sandingrain. et tirat a iorse rancir coulti not Tire disappearance o! caribou -bC "Weil, my inan," saisi tire xsitinrg Cîrie'sly enougin, Inese have aln'nis ho do(t)nducted wxitiiont bnnndîng, ire fore tire invading hem4ls et mcd or physidiaîî ef a Publiii iiîfinmnry te a Loe.n kept ialhaitnî heur tast', îrigir look iîron if sitir less dis- ignatsr soaofheuzlg ptt"i]-Z"1pretyho eu citsmna ruirte Rngtnol tr cZomtxrl rgrdtnh-tin s facts et natural history, The- ced iii,,- "Puty s oerr,- xvrs teire UsuIpeosedto, ube handed coxvn froni durarîceatbotIe esrnese eeaecolittreie ftecî- rtply. "Tiraf's iglit. ean oie h hser>oprederae e al youz o h cr- lik tie pace" iIa-eed Yanti 1thre tannons EarI of Leicester.T'elic s eqînl ltirte Eastern, anti once hou, yet if ils heyonti disputte tint, do, socoîer'ieu si te thretman. îp Ibrokn Ir seu >eeven selere fine latter eifin langest. moil ml ai ir a. Tr re' osc-Idtot be nt Buckingh-am Pniý,uc, AS GENTLE AS ANýY, cumnbers tiiey sill rpidly disappear ny sen ti ng seong ii týins estair- tr nube- e costr hj"iirnît, anît tirt is i oaîy a te imér o ccý hetbing n ioreccnt shipanient et Western before tire ndvance of the, former. îniiîrmae tils xîunlfod en. lanrrow" cot sideinirly 01er 300, wnile 1Mari- hores e oronto, people came tf0 Years ago, caribou aboutiet in "O.~o'ogettiiîg your appetite, 1 tirouitInlieuose i belleveti te lonitý h stables anti pokedthtie herses tire weods of nortirera Maine ant inl "re yen,?" sai thtIe tioctor. "-'ion 1aCollectionî of soutie 400. nilfll uîrellas, etc., anti seule net t-le Province et Queece. Thenflic l'Il eider an e-g te o entu e Trn r c-y fs epe iî citiicising tierenasonafie'ness ot suci r gacetul littlo reti deer, driven-nortir you" "Arair, dec ent rejoieed notld litiO any erîjoyînert l euni-anin, iefactrtomîains tint flic anti sest hy fie solves, gî-atually tiepatient, "n oulti yen be 0 in g ti rouglirtIn, streets cf Lonîdon herses feek tire tretcanent seth spneat into tlie home of tire caribou, astetlifla e h saîne U nre' O t ling alitai-y og, yet Madame eqiîntiiînitx' > ndit itin a senson eor fwo fie ýlat- as to tellp tire antheaila i If?" 1i lOjsa lins adraitteti that sa ir,-d- Thne quesfioîî of selether or net fhe ter linO become ns scarce in tirboi l an atdi es s lich xxrs net reuid, aîrd irxs connienaile plensure frenl herses shouiti ire brokeni brings u aij mone as the net deer prvoul ad fie 1Prince, iii reply, .saiti "Gntls- nîîing tirebýgîntire streetoetLondion nînber of peints., laMantoa0ndb e mca 1 îllnit yoî vny uti fo nlieiu tire rîtaneo.sîiiene ,presetmts tire tîino Tn itoî-ies soino pople' are sus- 1On fIne otineî hand thie, nl oa derfully euîhfinl yssznînt tires y cont ontiorur evaia.0seefri. aîi orilo s irysi-felsl nose aý,ý nd caribou arepIlntiul ace edatlii-i"sue ýsays, "'if ii lint îd Osnpen' n es elsIlnncn bfe qal an erilthe îtttasea I eu Ielp if I ath my csn l, oîîgi tueseot)y ailli 5ilphiic ien ei m ort- e ciiton. If t1ý irantid roeu(irtm ctdenat iret aticolt els boit. î.eiafg ire r oIr lkn f1ît~Frnoe ie tutinlrennnçs nove- re-ti ae ts a igh. Iilepghliy Sic sloopCa f'1 secso1r ruii iiin t ihii xzb"atirc t-cao t ireý ceCaî bou ine ,heurs, or înoîe if 1iiîeed it. 1ti ii l iliOt ir lgfr iiîcOtiyae i otucîiiî, sinirg as-goiyn Ilfissuppe e, fl ,-i igil ial imsada Ia - ('oi .streption Cure" last car as tinis miay ersily amena a dilterence tteiîhescl ie nuarborofslvs cnt iglniy aurî lies eday I - b -~ '~~"~ l ItIrenaîge tf tred etOer-is prebably kce îîy i s fet b îlt iaiagn s se nnîuclî nipriiiated, bas, îi'ke of $-0 ler irtats. Iliii mimg - teragofi tîrciii tincO. 'int f's nil.-'- a Jr oue-ro101liet lîlui 01airrbumîcli of morses il, is necessary, nOiu thie seuttanti nsi, anti maide Iis xvaiii tirhe rîl 'irom oIenter to eleop cowîni erpenses andi te sitcirinins have been seen anti killoti Mn. ,John Bures telle. geetistory erY sinîî begiiiniîrgs. Ife Ciligt pîîeveet los etfconiiitn. te prtitnparts of fIne ceurntr-y hmnti tif Que- about oetf l us its aiti aeneilieasadcn-lii ieabertceinakfastnncl a iere tliey iati îot boom seen cenfiy te a Lonîdon Ceunty Couneil nieilîlles,9 fiîonypnîil roi efnie îîy eae boro for mone firnr a'generatioii. lrîmatie asyluin. Ile xvas takia a perd. W'hr la oxetie iirads of 1 tireir irastuns', as every extra day Tîedaînet otîeî oit iunters are short dut accoss t'ire kitchecn gardeon-te iniafor an1-sO tflic 'qucst vas ineamîs î-oss et meay. almeatly toreteiliag lIme Olsappearance ote ieraîlsay station, xhee a decli!ietI lienver, lue sens presen d Tr cceminirdafioî or, the C.P.IR. jcounte ribouer fhrefni at optre patient n orkjig- tient' st'tdcly xith rra. scttif tinefirýini, n-lin'lirad is ilut'e tocgeet, tire coînditioîn e of rnr,'leotî r tpeon ficcg uîr lus lret.ds i n stoeishint. b eab a db-Wsirîîîtiratnrieone han 1sonne etfflicyards nlotrg tire ve-11aîndat "il, I îîevený,' 'ire seiti, 'ard Yen, lic ciiabhe t t innie t nytiriîge l of aianitnbsrvc .eî re Thene is a tlieorY'tint tflilnsinct f00 file vtry lait prion I ever ex- nU e I' n nTt -a s rikzn ir oetlgr tas f alay airenbo thelî teirou tntdan la pected tesec inliere "-iis gr.ea aility thit 'tiire e- tck ~ransin asI eo .timCai-id in ffnrfseiggorirsh If is ratbenrurarkable tbut liivrenvtdetrisnraeroiy ueat tireicen du tno terepursuit et tire sety1,0fproie I t e ho 0nc f et li mcaie are nItOed wnil, anrd quickly als a latter- by -,volves, and thiet if is tire b aro et of tire lio nne etf faÏ ig irtIey - . - i r o is I rt r . o ir ul . T ea t o i i s " v- flias ltre stflirsemn lne.Lno la aelTrgCyma.nîntnrmitisehie rrouenoft tiese pots seincir latis Irass h-cmbee a lorg mc ertueFî-csfruad iflay aisI astitis alseys slreimî adisposition te lissist thoria tto sake ay torritev t soit of a clergymaîn. The frst baron- le-Pairîctsocin attenînarnis te stt-t a tire iestock nîoîî in t'xemy way, anti seiicir fi em mte knos thnat tinein et (created in 1798) nas a parsonj busirnîs, on lus elle accoueit. sriîalble provisi(on ;ilne doubt be' lstseunegiesa-fleg fo andl set nsuaceced by tire son of a-5- -iîd 'îeitl ianîietis ns refrc'c.bos refloig o dlental inotier. TIne third broenet l CALIFORNIA OREGON EXCURSIONS. hcof rdehicîe ay sireuld 1I was whle he ourh wa j b( :ýovi inot (f te ladi, ,Tirne are met wanting ratreful oh- for sixty-tn' e yers recton tif Pncs- u'erv n ethe veri-' The Cuicage opoins.Liireem t tvcty dollars er tniuotgolos ttr ton Cal os. T'Icprrse nt barenief h Unieîî Pacifie antid l-etenLn e inli is tee unci ite chaýrge for iflVinginiai t on, at Irepp, ac, t'ic sonr t0, c rg'iaa anti tiere ms îIfroih first diitS Pullnan anti 1h11,at licnsqenetc ago ffIenntn'non ficatinc Lotîdîrners :ar-e Ilatrglnîng oven a California antid rgeiTlrea thrul ee- -cri e xcttittr fenficcrpnyat ir1onr stecy i niridli 1Lorit1oets is a trannsdarivt. Tiie p th e efameus I radil rne ilcoîîîî ît e rsgrifl rvL Tr uoli cun.trîl igime. Iftco"oenis Lapro- go Th'Vet airrcs rnSeS i a io înecsîgone ani is cii- uirient man ofetgreat însielpro- 'îîtd eclnin rm ao teSailn por-tions nie, on beiîigiîfrduedFratucîsen, Les .Angercýs, Prrtiaut antigeiqulî.Fcr ii nao ir ie o le Lord iiofieît, shadecdiis eyes in ier llnti Ceas in theIsvin' i a oulti-be' funrny aftornîp f o sirnul l'i- li'cajî,. ~ - lloek fra- etr r- fu'iiyn tiFian-.L fa a -itabit'oxhorfethoî ses. tas seell, as ASE?1S O ERE con a f ti, ea lFanI, n befa ut îe"-morar'îbl od af dilcuîyinseing ieimlipe- ltice ot routes. 1inesî mrenerv. lMaprs bc u f1 oePrble hf i£hndif the teltcl- aet turmarîîpi.f-e".tire Easten idenier wl otihe -I irear thnt George is te beoanar- "Ai od lootdeligirteti. Ilnaes quoteil. Ades B enet, BI"kKING ANI) mcd nexf seeek te ýýtîraf hck-y AIr, Lord Ilobentsgirl lire ecame cagaget to a fic s hlai e frcluentiylenrd otf ou, but 1eiî'î Agent, '2 East Kn Sthoot,j antilire xi! infmthfe profitable man ie" atCuao VO ! -nîn en 'u eor" Tolo b Oit. 46%-2me. leets tfon- fie best et these liorses, - huh 'q v-, i ) hs vii,îli, tirsedship clnîly repiird ------sid looull nkni iecities trui ta -son ftns "Ati mie reînctliaii sthieMNELesl'tcnnîrramy sumner eogements,"-, but d I ia mo.ireity e v'i e- - 110i-ci aoketthi,,nsIatd0f tire 01,1 Couîîl)ýfry sait Caseo. buI an,!cr, fPt Pdyucr bkalo-eThins nul bave te the i acher ij fore." ie - -îsnsetniir ie.e upîiiî Geor-ge tioughît v,srsvery aiiltelan îui lg Bielcunuiiarylnn?"011îact t om ehalo an t't! ouf fiiliaf ai acieta loeon',yi rosUn astit?"nii ielti ire teogroxva efe nt on? fi îek ' drst ven rti et Wcl yusc, aco tr ben- levin ca~ llirse. ie rft Jck'Itisgttu sier hv gloxes, maihf tree,. er onl Ca cdlîes tnretgi siop eiirose mai beecs aie tre afet, ie.,tir Cltiesan setl trne ryig t berôs i'ei- A a eîpiorn'- sretee t ilin t pii$2."an ii bir, isfaît ie ,500 lnenney.o"brr TECITY1 MNî YII'Va i e niS rîc 1tuwteteri absib, 1e bgig rwrycniin Tue loedd catiea1141tire sv, stores lest JUowcrs; in Sti tj abSùrbs i nrusisweak cs acab.etc., sei The lno ft shep, ire lcntng "lent Par exoHInco. Seoeeti mi1 T - cIves anàd shotes andlO ng Yneeipyotigciienaecn kie.been estabtished. This ihoutideovnco jý,yoi The Cotswold pigs xvcre fine anti fat, a iltteuryna oWiem. The Pcrki liens Weru ainnplyEahTreYuC i gret;Or each lime YOU Write Ih receives n--yvper I ais iikd th Clyestilo cses, esta lished In tDetroit, aed the cuires ce Fer ine sere enceslotune plaet e asthe f orcnuisispecialii tof theý For tey, ere enchs, lt < ,1 Write for blnk r blnls 1for hberun >,treapac state tlnsc lo ane xi 0KIiEE. Tie big bull Cochin shotes , ero ÊDR î. G L R ,28' plurap, The shortrorn lnogs seere harO te heat, eerhm Sen er son. Indicate thre ameul t of s eed The Jersey chickeis- were a trent.anid fertilizer t, uue o ai f ý~Crop. To nid eue in tId, ho sFirould Tino Soutrdexce sews were eut of jrond at latthree gueti agridutu1rnil siglî,'paeriis, ofeeting ng tir notc xten- The Norman reosters teok tie iolcstfnrcgpcicd A j cake; sinter spent le this xvay is far mere Vhe àlaitese shotes seore Up te snilfl, profitable te enesteli ant tire comînu- Tie rnlînc calvos xvere not n njity than se nauch time spent et the lae.corrînor greccry diiscusring hox thre 3Tho eue pig-s seere right inli, Tjhe eia--Cin xea aclECONýOMY 0-l' 'TEErSILO. i'ho Prcher-on steerswxv orote thýe The silo is eceneanica L becaulse it front, cuabliu t s e fTine n-treprotinof The yadeto ulîs, eyte)oý ir tIrefet ic crncrep). Vihen e nlose bell.threcoin te ripea1,iin cu, if, husk it, and briaifLit ire 1(ýbain, ienti cut rir' ami s set-re ail]seibe or shred i,,t r ài large seaste ln But I arn serry as dan hoe feeding because, the cews reject 50 ITint -l fle people et the show intîci et it. lai thre silo se utilize Could net dispiay a pedigree. the eirtiro ýstn-lk and at'its best. There is 70 per cent. of tire value of Il saw vsemie blooedt onest, of course, ithe coin stali, Lelos tire Car. Most But raany icongrol in tife lot, efthstî urns te woody liber sebea if AndOtafie s xhy tnie Maltese sirotes rlpers, anti is so barri an<l coarse Turueti up their coses, likc ns net. itie ces s sel net eat it. Puftiag it in the silo mnakes n succulent feed WlNTEI{ ON TEIE FAILM. lf il, sentes Mr. Ed. Van Aistyne. 110wsîould thre farmer spenti his1 We new baiýve coses descended frein tinie during thre sinter, hs au im- cons wlch t[rGlp)edtiieir calves lin por tarît qustion. Farin live stock the spring, wlîen îirey had succulent shoulti have iris first attention. Soe feeti on, which, te rear tlim. ie te itfitat ail aninînîs go inite sein- xxant theli f0 gi've mllk 12 unontirs 1- er quarfers in gooti llesh and lienî ycar, net flîrce ninîthis as *A poor anti unircaitly ;animalu is uîn- -eu nature previded gi-Con grass, profitable. Stables shoxild hc seîl and te securo the hest resuits se [prep-areti as to ventilation. lhave mnust provide succuleînt leeti. I bave etheni searm. Tfhe fime spent ln pro- raiseti lots of reets for coses, but v i-ding gooti, sarin quarters will bie hae,e given thoniu rp in preftrence te more tIran balance inlutire amount efthtie silo. feoti saved. Have an abundance of Tire silo is ecenonnical becauge se good, dlean feeti. Better sel seune Idan hantile tire cern crop in if clienp- stock anti sitîter seeli the romain- o r than we eau in ny eflior say. eder, tran, te stunt alI. Have regu- I Wnen I huilt my frrst silo 1 dug a ýqýlar lîours to feeti aind kuose the 1 pit near tre mbar 5 leef deep, 13 seaunts ot each nimelt, anti suîîply feet lonig, und 6ý turf wide. Set themn. Aes e tarmners must have eight posts and boarded it up. h - nneaey te mietlidyepess ns his, lI put aine lad fetcern. Iu Feh- - is a goot Urinie te market surp,,)lus rujary I openi iis andi substifuteti 0fanredcs eofn a dayý for a fecd of cern The it-erji;ity !,hf t irrin isflithefox tiresaine frid sehicir wsenscare- farme-r's bankiling stock frein niicir fuly curi- întd hoe must realize iris'prolif. Thne irgh- Plj' IN TE BARN. er abýoie par -he dan keecp if ftne larg- At ti encd, et five Onys, with 22 er selîllbe the gain per cent. Ia or- coses, T sens gettirg fsewo pounis- der te inc.rQase this stock ie xmust mnor i-e butter per day. The înexf adO ferzi*lify- lu"insonne teri. Tire yeur 1 ("ut 16 roses cern, slrecked, circapesf 'anti hesf, in mny opinion, the"', irusked tire dorn, put if lantire is stable manurs. This cau ho made crib andtihie stalkslan thre haro. I profitable selater work seien tennis also dut 16 rows cern aîîd rau if lare net se busy. Storiy ay ys andti irough -the silo, cars andi ail. 1 rthe long seinter evenicgs give ample toucdti tt1 coulti haindie it iauch tue f0 note succe'sses 'anti failures cheaper ln tire silo tiran by the olti 1made in thre past. Froi thèese ex- seey. 1 have taken tron Uhe silo periences se sioulti make betler as nîuch corn ns sens equal te txve tplans for tire future. A good plan pounds anialiper dlay and substîfutei t fo imap off tire tari on a pioce etoue foi- tire ofici, sit if there wsen rpaper. Besigînate tire crops gnoseing aiiy di Ilerence if wsen favor of tire antdtiro se teo le greea la tire comlcg Ceri'ln fie silo. This, saves af ________________________________ lest oîie-fif tirtire grain selich if seul cost ln toîl te grnitl. Tire fariner seno lins well-enred, cern silnge caclOt f tted te att cern J ineal te if. Aftirhe model dairy at Buffalo lnst yenr tire iercismreii seen eut cern' eut oethtireaîtion hocause- firey foîn t iey could niake milk dlîcapen seitirout if. Puttiag cern ithe silo wviicir seul yielt 7 0 te 80 Saitpor isa fmou ol- hshelýs per acre is a wnste, for Uneý stmpio llat lpinty 01f1much t4 , 1 cn (ýs ns pork, was the Iadvie Wothe 1î], I jpîant tire satine a sisal, but consum'pive 50 and' 100 nn ikoftr ietcrtroe bnicig irentle te t 'Lie cnib te feed te Sait , kork iSgoo)d if a "ma.,îipi sor -heSs. _Anjoireor wnis-toi pl'er ire cern a littie tiier.bu can stomnach it. The idea yet tblî enougli so tint ail car seili behind it is 'that fat is the'big.onci tkbtntgue0 food the consumptive needs tnost. Scott's Emusio- is the mod- ern method of feeding fat to-! the consumptive. Por'kistof00 rough for sensitive stomachs.1 Scott's Emuision is the most ý refined of fats, especialv!l prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way, which is often the only way,- is haif the batti.e, but Scott's Em-uision does more:( thian that. Therc iss -orn e - thling about the combination of cod liveî- ou anidhypophos- Phitesý in Scott's Emruision ,that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special f action onl the diseased lungs. A sauxple ivili be sent free upon request.ç nm3esure tinat this plate ie lelerof a label i5 euthe ofppre evsry botie ci - -Tnronto, Onitarie. 5('C' anti $î1;ail dugas 'ne P -ea Ia Cnr-t -Ci positive ree SLt ýh n:ii , e li' flm u 7r~cll ~irIîresolculiuien stos pin 1tebtegroins, .enr P roPer F!utrilin itlzsthe parltsaldre irle lail roatalo ro)ubleS il t teat r that m realment ill CUre YOU, you van VN CURED vinecd hiba a therough and complete cure SasV i that, 1 have contidence in my Latest MeC rod I this, pioposition. Il maltes ne differenceeWhO r. KlateponTetin eo es 1d pen !Novier nllew thvendus by te oxgtmbox cerne eiitpty.NSULNeTOerFuse. Gra! o th erpeult s strng siý m2elg t for on1'ýe or iiepir eyer C. allew nî h ie xcetat niglit.ndlens large iý (ea ugh e fly verrootiig i hourds heout rm os, CQm- bread rostsiud er an tpen bc-d D et nfe ,civhr tse bedesor the po;uits.' ossc1r(,jss yorsni wit lotsorfiptience, fe' this s ve1 Tom - "kr. Jhn ae]l(], j-U six' alters; ut le nt 2let anIyJ ct thein gt oarried." Pick ng "iioia"[ie osn't want tobrak thoSset." oc' Do EinED ENDitS ad1ressed tor underfspigeiedesd Tende Vr Simd Rivr. Sof, l- ho reeeVe t Rivgers;i t ILc ia vnlet cf tal Dit l -h u e 1 "P rna, ]le c, Engî wne l cobrcC drto ieBidnTc i Wcorsg o C a ,1wa.tû1 'e aTethers ill e t e' coIL dereti lets, m in onhargeerm n eri ii,ni signeTwitl i~ n aptond cIle e nacstred lais Works, fertwlve udrt olas e 001 mpss acwempaey ecmsitender. Thehou ili hon feferacdi su)ibe artdlio te coînrt oS atal eigmpatesI o of eAre otrat fr a Aeu depe leiu iiacatrd>-1 r e tDepartîetde fot bii iterif t cee r-ztheloeut et any ehteder, Teeeu ,' >-,funeté i te aBy odern heonrat will bereturnd in cae ar o Departreent of Pqublie or OtaaDec. Oth, 0. lesesa,po!rs nsertifrilgbsadet.We ho Itait fer ;,h. 512w X V ANTED -A rrustwvorthv 4entle- y nan or lady je eaeh eooni te manp, I>ijnsife5 lr an oid esai-.ished i bose of Qi licenciai standing. A sîraiýglt, voila ft 'weekiycshairye 180 altiby 4h CLecis acS 'lae. nLadvaneeti I Of oemned .anagerI. e C xen BdgO age. I :ii -4 w 'A kF!ýýWAN;TED-T Ji8 wo'l & Si f te cf LoonEeg.,aulji1 aïn1urg"9G Mrîany. eaint Ceeîg1, t f aadai pie.ilh estL Brîo'L' h dbi nst. laos$a-ae, r, Ilacledi'rao.rymar,, 'oola~le psey y1:e te ahii» o b tIno ic.1nÀn  Dl/iw ~ oo'u hoPho!* ' SoDaxirectnnxnentiej r druglstr, In Cana-da. 0Only reà ablo nioicciio afis-oceel. B forma oSexua &es3, nail etetof ýbve orecsMentalW9rxesiose'T. baceco, Opium or Stimulants, Yfalni r lQj, f rnuepackage-'Y], sir, $S. Ot eiI hyv J 1 .i11neta'l' S"1n, Stoi't &Xjury Qua W i eniqDugss t-j IN HATIVESTE G BtIIU W UUU~ tino ceun Iarvester saxos mucin entr. _______________ Oîne maa in tir fieldtin le lning anti one on tire wagon inn uinloadting dan reTihe motAMRSA CTute bc tispens-et i nti if the cen-n is dut t hink about their storiç, thc(y self upon ;us_ 1 nn beun inlabundlcs. Thie bloseers neachings, ani tieyareits groatest a,nirer oui sonne ef tire cuttens are n success, The r (n u r cseiait but nequrntfrein on-tirrt teoee- rait monr'e poseer te mua hem . ,V tir F A 16 lîrci cutter anti 40 feet f cnt- FA R M EL R, rien a four-morse oilgino n ill gvo posei- enougir te hantile if ns basf as thre tea ns ill dcaw Cie corn. if A Bv0(tAT you ut n crn athr geenandandi HOME MAGAZINEm use a blîrc, cnt if ratIner lonrg,10for Ithebloer low it Utoplees. cousis rs eïrcnsof aFrienl n alii.ou, anie iloîven bieies ift'Iieteo iledes 1 pi-efer tefMI theo silo slesely anti cause it pa hsli-n Id tecause îgvs sest seoilrît atieî take fwo seeoks la fi- tire best. VVc ssný t thousan ,saetoneil'sein-'E of dormi s tinat selîchr will mataure in u etga. tirle sect(-ien wsere ,yeîîlive. XVe lougint te put in tseice as mnci îee-i c o i - n i n c gl o i i i g t e t p lacc c ,li e y .-A B I nigîf l flingtire silo tIre cer-n aursjh(eenydistnibuteti anti pack- P K1 V L i do e el ruitieoufside. TU 17 RIAISINC o l-leaitiry, vlgouous bnecers, pro- fernbiy the liens fseo te six years of age, tihefoin a large henetd yearling. Geoti motieriy ciickca liens te use for- ircubatons anti breedens. Goti, Nvoatthen-pnoof ceops. Pens of, foot- For.$,-o we xiisntnwesubr seitie peultny ueftiîng or foof-ivide ever i'thFRE'AVCT boards. Pîcnty of dean senter iu frem nlowttili stho cndti e , inliuding tIre Gond, seirele- beaufitut Christnmas Nem.borrrbtSïes dlean drnaking vessnis. lod hoe ime is, mency,. hiad1 ilints! set! 'Sent sorne feeti of soaketi wie_ýf breati ard fo tnfeeîmpie c0py if Y" o vute'c c u n -ts f r - I b ntir e f ns t f e s e s e e k . A U r c t l, u - o 'd t a S ri e r a p p c t w_ 11 tire cicîppet green orren tops I _______________________ seul ent. Their peni) hut o ar'"nraO D ES fseiýe a ose f criwsaoeisiil hiac peper ati harpsant. Kep ~LONDON.OTR. lice ot' yusin1g goo inec 1)-

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