1 ECJ - ---osite T , Bingham,'- office. - 'hohrwaiu odufscey mself, n fat is theegood fi sacri- l VÏJ"'-POitAIeD Î)gAir Sofic. e_ vïras oiebond fsoe îî&c. ficing for ottier people ? They nev- VI________________ mShly for atlime acIl u s lelre."er approciate it. Miy doctrine is to mVeil y brofther, nd u hlr notbelook aifter inumber one and let num- Wei, m brthr, f yii intbý,rber two look aiter hiinseli. rrhe asa honîebcdy and lived mo.-tlyý for lier children, do you îlot sot' f.hat world wvill always ride a willing Iway Up to~ a a if300rofiod u c~on, rfus,! orose to denth. Thon the only obse- IConserrate vour life ta the cross,, r,_ qoies that xilling horse will 'ever ucsodt o ,o man.dlv el i acavenger's cart for 1n pare flic, that your uitîil ;art-s woul'd bearse nnd a gloe factory for a This is ,dy imotta :-Eacti 1ear ashb daonuning -,be.ck a groat oar fn eematory. No, n, nu. The beau- hew c mpî'oîements are placed on her praycns end the good results of ties of soir sacrificing do net appeal the market, 1 aIwasýs make it a specil her lUe? V o your mcouheýr died, to me. The miore 1 have the miore point ta spare n expenise in equippiii-, yo gathered up allihe UnJl yn people respect mne. The less 1 have ,u ho ih lc otgnd ada pa~ ethetjcic ltrs whiirîwere wjînthe les-9 they respectne. The more ,Se , guig v patrons opportimities wlig tOsre teste unobtainable autaide af large manuftac ta 3'ou about her past kinduesses. 1 uni' iln usre ohr h lurie,ï A sIIpply aohgf rae Vou alEso had the' otii'tiing nister more my motives Nvili bc înisîudiged, dries alwavs kept in stock. rzu write dewn bis futi' eral eddress. and 1I will ho misrepresented. ' Hnameing, Gridn n Gnr lTii n yen had fluose Iett,'rs and f ia ottog Imdetat duetion Repair wark. Tire vucanîzinx a n drss ail pi inted and bcuiid t- Manly ears ago 1 have nnw entirely specalt. Yur steecd atcîîac ____ ______chiflge- my mieJ. The willing men rAgnoetalIvno the churches are WM. FISHLEIGH, Bo IV I IUa. A Die Square WE WANT MENI EVERY WEEK DAY. i100MKIsWÀNTHI) ta leeave tiÏcr inauefor Foali and W inter Suits te bereu1p lu ver-y latest si, î le and fin g;uarnuteed. IWe inake man's and boes~ îuits eýqual to any and prices lower thai mav.Bing iu i ur winkled clothes to hc,, ,resýýed Piai n cd tie a new suit, W e keeýp smlserlobpie igbt PON . AU, u nsiaaheilar, Mn. VicIer -"Phdyou ever spe how ail ~~~~the nc'sro o 1ehi Z!ave'tal on p." W1l hoù ieto hv O eto n ~hin' tat hse.t goe U." Cer- taini. liy saary. l tt positinplaean.lo no'tice: Tnsak" MIr. John H-arvey',Mar cf Arnpior, Ont.,.miltes: "O0ný-l pensons ;Who bave ,-ýciincesdthe *îrt're itchîiig piles eusu orsany idea iwhîI u fd roni Say thaýt it baLcphti UOrdm. ridvery uînysocaledce;sfor pi, and eutrC ui a.) thatitholàreis u remey o thefac cf he ath liRe Pr. Chses lometfor tisIvrpse1 moue, amd eaCali' yrcc'medLta Tii earaare svcrzlimiato f Dr. ChssOintnment, but !-o fa-r it is flic only peaainetafshc sa fpomýiVe audcean cure for pie.1 evr om oiniy a mse cftim-e sud mon)ey 0 n subtiote. e ent abo, laldaes ALWAYS TIE I-IAI'FY SEN.' Tihe self sacrif:cing nien are alirsys the rich mne spirihually. They are ont the ielfish lmen. They arenotn thoe o hmu xiii grab and keep al f bat they can. The DeadO Ses is bitter aud nenld esimd saline snd ce- puhsise nîeîeiy hcause itlibas 1no outlet and uoniy Ielhiie the waters oftHie muuai rook haugh, cnt nggie sud sing meeiLecausei il lots ail ifs wtesrue.l omvardsi tue sea. ho do you thik ms hp- pier. tI~o,.bloudy ilen:,o, bPath- mue la P) iiind cad-spii oFul, whO la lgieu p bis irbole lufe 10 Jr sus ? ho, uith joi-ii n. is mit bi budsgrasy mih ope-j nîakig ? Wo do ynu thiniý. to-day lu hapc-,fic rem.an who ih nuly iigfo'socia>l couiquest or the Sal- vnhinii Aiîîy irloing mith a lbai oi bren laon" audand aBiblein the the bautlucarry thegope ni Jouis hrist loo ime on mil 0s1yrpntn redteou uap oar 5 1 ho hapy yar oc ynuî Ilh f hoa yar ica yàu For Ove-r Slxty Yrears Ars. Winsowsý Soothlng ý13yntp has1 been uscd b% ill Hions o n mu-'s leri their children ibl teetiug. If dis- turbed aI uig,,ht ad roe fnyouî' rest by a sick chik( i suftriuýg -aid ci-y-î ilig mlili pain n i Cuîîhig èTeetiu send aI onuce 'n gela bottie ni "Mrs. llmslow,'s -Snothing Syrup" for Clii1-1 drten Teething. It mli rolieve the puon littie siencer lmmiiediateiy. De-1 pend uporsif, muthers, there is nu nuiishake abouýt il. Il cures Piarr-J iocat, negulate(,s tue Shomnaclu and1 Bowels, cures iidColic, soitens the! (us, mcduceý,J i'-niainatii, anul gises ton" and energy te, the whole sy item. . W inslow's Suothirug- Syrup" for children heething h plea- saunt, InIhe tlaite anîd ihthe pre- seniption nifue i the oldest and boit female physicinv and4 flursinl the Unîitedh States. Frire 25 cents a bottie. SolO by al Oruggists tliroughotît thie %irld. De sure and aiRç for Mci. ïWinsiow's Soot'hing "Now, Frcddie, go and lîs yuur! little swothearî cîî ad make it u, uSaid V, reýddie' s mother,"N I won't." "GCo sud leli hec bnw mîîcb yuu louve r honad1w .50.-y yuu aney No' I on'.Pa says ho got juta abieahonipromnise coco by lellin' a girl Ihat, and lied 1 marniytheue lOd thi ng. -I won't roc ayrisku, I 1won't." Mc.Peachibiow 'Vase -- "Flo long bus ynun bill bcen rulii g,, Tradesm-an - "Tiro nouts, ma'eam, and I hope -- Mns. Feachblow Vaie - "Only lin monthsl? Tahe if asvaà. I1erë l1 )ok- at anytbinig th alis vil 01,. I cm a Collecter of autiques. v-ll,1 !nî1 I\vas that ih. h înileddumpt'his-tub niofeef' le hicniagerhei couintry this sonson fit Ior sood. Ion, It was applieýd tliroughouýt ihei The cow is obliged tu ent cenýsider- This is ounacouint of mueR con- wiîiter and cenrily spring.Wehe able of the grain bofore many 0te tinued rainy weather we had. I got the boit resuits froiîî Apriltea- turnips are taken mb the io nch l my wheat in the barn in fine ment, su bore thie fuhll proporýons,ý and the theony h that the plingelif chape before the rniiy wNeathor coni- ivere tised wifbout sait. This s principle h absorbed hy the grain 10meredT'he rqulity is f)Ine. I thUe.k ihhighîly spokPiof oi l .insu y c¶n sucb an oxtent that nu hariul oo,r lil will do for ee woawtlon s !being efci n e.d(estroyii:g the or tastc h uipnrted to tho mi--.. ionigbut 1.l pn fer Lt en it ho- ;San,.1Jose salbof thoeeh sgeneral Occasionally the tastcofn a persone. fore soc ýding, as 1 i ai more týhaîî par- conîpiaint of the dilPiculty of pro- hs so acute and delicato tihat the teua about sioed (ni'uny kiind. pifgi.~eneuiiigodnr odor or h1aver of the most coîîîmon _ aigi. eaeuiiigodnr and harines feeds arc detectad ilu ebig ongines in cooking it, and the mil. 'Tosiih, heodo of -ýIXTTPIý AIR COS ind thoy will fris th(e finished nia- the~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ îîikiosc h dr n'~[TR O )lfYCW. terial ns fait as m îie and threi turnipi would he detected nt once, lateh epriena station Is re- lis nu danger ;.i) burniî.g. This ws but tiiese extreme cases arc rare. ceiviug mn inquirici relative hothe is cheaper than iîuy oti'er rmd Cnnsiderng the coît nf productionunnîmot econoni*le grain mixtures ior' andI is more ef1,ýc1 iyo in dsryn tiiere i n more profitabloe rop miik p-oductiou. Alil kinds ni grain the scale. Neithl r ,tîces cor ciropi grnwn thain turnips if sme of thhoîî are relatively higii at preseîît. Tek- are affected îiijtlrinisly al1d withà can, be turned into moiey and the iug feeding cilc.ct and cost lîmin con-! steara eooking i is more e'uiiy pro-. rest utilized as feod. sidoration, thie following mixtures s'id O Use. clivy other. It h clîeap, are suggested: (1), 100 poundi effective, safe and easy to nppiy.- GOOD CHIOP OF WIIEAT. bran, 100 poundi 'flour ifiddlings, G eoryge E;. Fisher. My yield of wheat the paît season 10-0 poondi cottonseed or gluten' wus 990 bushels, machine mensure, inccl ;nus xand feed seven to eight 4- writes Mr. lrenry Flater. 'This over- quarts daily; (2), 100 poundi bran, CRSFRMN LS rue.* in w.'igbt fouir pounds, per 150 pounds cure. and cob niesi, 100 CRSFUMN LS bushel, making 1056 bushels by poundi cottonîced or gluiten meal ; lInNew Englind cobwueb pîu1 1s are weigbt, or 42-1u- ei er arenix and feed seveîî ho élglit quarts suppused to cuire thn ague, and In frein 25 acres. I have ns fine a set daily (> 100 pounds cure. and the south a ceýrtain kauckle oueini of cloyen andiin.otby on. sancielein euh îîeal, 125 poonds gluiten f"eO ; e.pig's font is au sie cuîieinrh- as I ever saw grw.l addition, î Ix ud feireh siqatsutîm ftb niiliihep- hu--ava mcotfsae istraw. diy rfrbl ic ih coru ket onrw arn i s-,îefrun.ti halli fIbis smegroond producedsiaearodteec. aigfie'îei lait ,'soui 762-3 bushl as per Vn nifcoyadonoi e e ii t oiiut' i lls acre, wbichoernii egl ilt utJr îin banda ti bn i seisn neceh.lcr poiunds pcr bsoor 1 bl ies")ttinwi()n flown 20tin oiivîrieaie thle iond or ndcb ie1nix and ito ,G ni abouit 9 ohespnAcre ygetv'orhr crpos o wrgh. s ne s IlcinIs s fied five -t'3 six qars aily ;cî1so0 spiders to a pztiîrt 1ii0 co e hauWd off tlîe 1e, hlarrowcd iL with 100 poundi diillonHes' dried lieland the peasnbcswalow 'n'ah wit spingtooh îarrw, oîknggrains, 100 ponds ffinu middlings ; ispiders al-et t1 c crstiî the shaî,tered nets in the groun as aend fecd six 1te cighî quarts 1these the cob,,ou p jili )ïi tueNoi muh u osbe hycrnd updaily. Poning these im1es ofi lîighiFniglanil native fa : 1 sy. - e11, ný- mlih is osibl. heycaneIp dens t ho live sîlîl i S fC n liec very tick. A few dayî before -seed- feed riec iti is important lu, study; ing lu suheat, I cross,-ba.-rruwed the the su1bieet ni economie feedino-. the enîpty !- li 0u a w 1 taîi Iid ag ain with spriiog-toutli. I thone ond thethe lk ný i Ui aii crrsitd the last hrrwngîitlîthe NWWASII FOR SCALE. rAsetho retlre n e iifr drill destnyiugail 11e nes. Th iii'o andsoîphr teatîuient for cessotli s~n nieu I usd 1 buheh god, jlen scd he ~stuctoiî ni teSan Juso, lon. Lad suiu Ui 1atrliantnI 'ie1f) ukd Ve so i sihtYug buc, e7 Vte." " to lih loile.' Ibis eCin ni ïpotlînd suluhu h Lhe iimluenil l- dr1nks1hie mUr." -%vard, nlar ýrward, march !