1903e We ýTender Our iThanks. To those who gave their support to our store during the past year. The very liberal'patronage, we consider is an endorsement of our business iinterrity, andan ac-, ceptance of the facet that the high class of goo-4s Which we show is flot excelled by any. We shaili endeavoi to maintain this enviable position and-the entry of the New Year will find us better stocked and better equipped, th an ever to cater to the requirments of our'patrons. Phone 66, We extend to ail a Happy INew Year. Rice & C,0 .One Door West of Post Office, I t I The can adian Stitemin BOWMANYILLE. JAN.' iL, 1903- Complaint being once made that preachers did not preacis with adequate expression, a gond brother retorted tisat "lfor adequacy of expression tle duck's waterproof back is not comparable with tke sermon-proof heads of some folks in thse pewVs" Dr. Vrooman, M ayor elec, Napalseê, was 'Higli School' trustee at time of election and is therefore disqualifled and any officiai acts wlicli lie may perform wil1 heillegal. Wfliatever excuse may be offered for ignorance of law, none can be offered for continuance to act illegally with full knowledge of the tact, says an exchange. These ion g w inter eveniings- give abundance of time for reading. Tise inside pages of this paper cor.tain a suitable variety to gratify every taste.. We want every member of tlie liuseholci interested in THiE STATEsMAN People are showing their appreciation by-sub- scribing for it- We are receiving very many new subscribers. M e have no agents. "The years of thyl life shaîl be in- creased" iE. the text of Res'. Frank DeW itt Talmage's sermon for New Year. Every young man and young wnman should read it,, Mothers and fatisers, get your son or daugliter to read this grand sermon aloud in your liome. It may inspire a new and lioly purpose and make the ir clieek s fiusli and eyes flash with a cousecrated 'enthusiasm in the better ife, and make this the'best year of thpi,- tife na n ors â1SOItr. 1ea Mayor Burden informa us, as we go to press. that ie lias flot disclaimed the office of Mayor, neither wili he do so until he has assurance that lèie 'fot leg- ally qualifled. Farmers wiIl find special initerest ln peru9al-of the article "Lessons from tise F*ir" tui this issue. This refers to the Winter Fair at Guelph lk contains mucis food for serinus thought. Under beading1 On the Farin" are al80 sever- al thniely articles welI worth reading. The Christian Guardian appeared last week in new form, having leen changed' to the popular magazine style containing Sz pages, witli wide colutix for the editorials and contributed articles If we ýudge ariglit thse new editor-Rev. G J ond, B A ,-has the correct idlea, for lci nsists on pointed,, brief articles anid wants the news boiled down. He says rightly tou 1'we cannet get too mucli of it"ý--church news. We are, glad to see this announicement for for many, years The Guardian lias been wretchedly weak in the departmnent of church news. The two departments mest popular with the- masses are the personal column and thse churcli news, bjut thse editors have stubbornly ignored this fact aitho' it lias been brought to their attention more than once. Its readers will soon grow to appreciate the change and if the sentiments of thse editor as expressed in thse closing sentence of lis announcement is re-echoed by the great army of ministers, the resuit will be to add mucli to the interest of the ioo,ooo, readers. He says "We want to lielp every pastor and we want evcry pastor to help us". The Editor 's 25tli anniversary, jubile wiil bc cellebrated on August islnxt These 25 yars of strenuous editoril life have made a marked change in our appearance. Wlien, we ýcame to Bow- January- Clearing, Clothing, Sale at McMurtry's. Beat Thing About Buying 'at this Oloth- h ing- Sale Is the- Fact u I You Ca1't 'Buy PooM H Goods, at Any- Price. We make 1nostatements wecannot-back up, Oiffer no0 values we Cali- not show, quote no prices we, are unable to make gooci. We don't throwU 3oui ont our cuil Suits, but you can take your pick of our stock at this Ç learing Sale at prices advertisecl. 0m M nsSitse M ~ $3.50-Kind Reduced to$10.90, January Sale Saving $2.6 1