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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1903, p. 1

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t ~te~m ~n. TE~MS :-41.5 PER ANNUM.OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY YIRST; TEE WORLI> AUTERWÂERDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr Niw SERaiEs. OWMANVILLEC, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JAINIARY 21, 1903 VOLUMEXI N.4 *Coudh, Joliýfisol& Cryderifail Have sold out every one of their Ladies and Children's Uloth Coats;Out Sthey stili have a number of Whïch they are selling off at 'an under cost price - Fur Ruiffs, Muifs, Caps Sand Gauntiets at greatly reduced prices., MEN'S OVERCOI\ýTS. BRIGHT BOY WANTED. Printing now offers te boys far great- er 'indbcements than i;4 generaily known. We are led ta make this re- mark because we have been adverti- sing for three mon th,; for a -bright boy te learn prititing i lU Ta STATICSMAN office, and Up ta this 1writing have nlot had a cail from a boy lu response ta the notice. Why ia this? Are briglit boys scarce, or do thev not, want ta learn printing? During nearly 25 years as publisher o! thia paper, we have had no difficultv lit engai ng boys ta becomne apprentices. Ided pplications were se numerous that it be a aatter a! choice with us, which - take,and sanie- times bava have wait&,,d montha ta se cure the position. We may eail attentio'1n ta the succèss, of the boys who have graduated from TraE STATESMAN o1ffice tat show what ln- ducement printing offrs One la fore- man in a large printing,, house in leve, land. Ohio; another ýis foreman of ai puhlishlng bouse in Grand Rapids, Mich , where very fine q5rinting- is doue; a third is foremnan a! a bý extensive print ing establishment in Dtroit, two others are warking in new-paper offices lu New York (itv, and o7ie la working in Denver, Col. W'e underîstaudl that none of these graduates of o,ýurs are receiving less than 83 a day. and saini of them W. D. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. THE LATE MRS. FANSON. THE PUBLIC, ATTENTION!1 The West Durhnnm Agriculturai Oradrctzn iirmrbrM.T vPTOSADCrzN EE. Soc ety's annual meeting i8 to-day-andur . ler tFnsaw ha forxnmerly T ALLYAR,; N IIESGfE rWednesday-in Council Coamber, 130w, lvin arAlerton and Ba 'wo anvile O enedy a. 4h1nypaeo manville, at 2,30 P-.nm; Quei.tions of va nd mo igo ndToronvi Fornbusines a, orthe.irstthmen my o vital moment to the future progres3 Of admre recently i Frno o uiesws o h is ii nm the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~on soitfiib icusdadtesm eu or twelve years they have business experience, entered by the pro new oft cers ani directors will be elected. rided ini Danville, Illinois. On Dec per authorities and under a by Iaw o fthe rEver mmeradbuies a 27th Mrs. Fanson passed peacefullv tawn, what bread 1 had on hand weighed y away after a lingering ilness ot over The ,rdinary bread was of proper weight should attend. two vears tram disease of the kidiieys. -2 ]bs. But three Creani Loaves of lu a letter ta friends here about her Saturday's baking, aithough weighing TYRONE. death ber daughter writes. "Oh, how i3/zibs were confiscated and a camplaint patient she was througb it ail, ever try. laid for selling bread underweight, with Ilecnt isiors Mis May Hope irg for aur sakes ta bear with the the resuit that a decisian was made by acn M is MaggieMises, Tarant a r depressing weakness that a t times the Police %Magistrate, acting an the lit- andMis MagieMcFetes, oroto nearlv overcame ber, but happy in the eral interpretation of an unjust and obsel- with friends; Mr. Thos, McLaughlin, thought of being able to help us by lier ite yLw which states that noa baves A. L.e Woadley gueof her ainatcer, Mrs. presence. We took hier driving *ever5 of any other size than 2 Ibs or 4 ibs may GA . WMcly ughno >fbssaa..teth fine day and it heloed hier, indeed, was be made or offered for sa!e, although the eda au 20 nwOshwambersAthave h-e part of the treatment ber doctor pre- Ontario Statutes of i901 give bakers lib- esdaabot 2onewmembrs ave eenscribed. She did not suifer severe pain erty ta make a i,% lb loaf or any other a dded ta the- church through revival ser- but it was that sinking weakness that .size if it is labelled with a weight not ex- vices. .. Friends of Mrs.Jas. Hawkey finaîly taok ber'from us. On Friday ceeding wvhat it actualiy weighs. 1 have are . pesedt nwo e mrv 26th inst., shé rallied after beinz very made the Creamn Loaf or (Vienrna ral l heait.. League RalIy report heid aver. iaw and putting lier arma around' each another shiape) for the past r4 years and, _________of us and pressing a farewel kt s on have sold it an, the understanding that it Our lips she sank quietly ta sieep" weighed 1,1'2" bs and have had no comi- PRESENTATION. This la the first death in the faMily-a plaints as ta the weight, custoniers sorrowîng husbtud. three daugbters knawing that they were buying a finer Trhe annual meeting of St. Paul's con-ý and one son maurn the boss of a devoted loaf than the ardinary bread, which with gregatiaon, was heid> Thur5day evening wile and- mother. The writer visited the addition (,f sugar. and shartening, and irk edby several interesting feat the Fanson. home ln Toronto several made a more expensive loaf. It was uires. Conspicuous amang these was a times and it %vas a moal home, eo proven before the Court that I had in nOý presentatian ta Mrs H. W. Jewell, farn cheerful abd- inviting a n d guests way attempted ta dlefraud, the public, eriy Miss Winnie Fieidfing For muiny alwa ' s enjo.yed a chat with the pretty nevertheless the Police Niagistrate faund. years she has serv ed the church faith- hostess, for she was one of the prettiest that 1T dben ýçiilv ,f ell u fial. - E

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